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1 files changed, 53 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rel/config.exs b/rel/config.exs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34e9d2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rel/config.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# Import all plugins from `rel/plugins`
+# They can then be used by adding `plugin MyPlugin` to
+# either an environment, or release definition, where
+# `MyPlugin` is the name of the plugin module.
+Path.join(["rel", "plugins", "*.exs"])
+|> Path.wildcard()
+|> Enum.map(&Code.eval_file(&1))
+use Mix.Releases.Config,
+ # This sets the default release built by `mix release`
+ default_release: :default,
+ # This sets the default environment used by `mix release`
+ default_environment: Mix.env()
+# For a full list of config options for both releases
+# and environments, visit https://hexdocs.pm/distillery/configuration.html
+# You may define one or more environments in this file,
+# an environment's settings will override those of a release
+# when building in that environment, this combination of release
+# and environment configuration is called a profile
+environment :dev do
+ # If you are running Phoenix, you should make sure that
+ # server: true is set and the code reloader is disabled,
+ # even in dev mode.
+ # It is recommended that you build with MIX_ENV=prod and pass
+ # the --env flag to Distillery explicitly if you want to use
+ # dev mode.
+ set dev_mode: true
+ set include_erts: false
+ set cookie: :":pnn&XWk|)cEy0wVxZf2w.$br1bfr}R$0|OR^~e3G^*RLx6Y_S.1$TOcn=1t<6,b"
+environment :prod do
+ set include_erts: true
+ set include_src: false
+ set cookie: :")WZtddAP:QV&.u/_3),jOpl$EGYf)_c_z9XIZ:?{KPz1c;Fdr[e.5aBI<sepT.L!"
+# You may define one or more releases in this file.
+# If you have not set a default release, or selected one
+# when running `mix release`, the first release in the file
+# will be used by default
+release :octonetcat do
+ set version: current_version(:octonetcat)
+ set applications: [
+ :runtime_tools
+ ]