defmodule Mailchimp.Config do use GenServer defstruct api_key: nil, api_version: "3.0" require Logger # Public API def start_link(%__MODULE__{}=config) do Agent.start_link(fn -> config end, name: __MODULE__) end def start_link do config = %__MODULE__{ api_key: get_api_key_from_config, api_version: get_api_version_from_config } Agent.start_link(fn -> config end, name: __MODULE__) end def root_endpoint do Agent.get(__MODULE__, fn %{api_key: api_key, api_version: api_version} -> {:ok, shard} = get_shard(api_key) "https://#{shard}{api_version}/" end) end def api_key do Agent.get(__MODULE__, fn %{api_key: api_key} -> api_key end) end def api_version do Agent.get(__MODULE__, fn %{api_version: api_version} -> api_version end) end def update(config) when is_list(config) do Agent.update(__MODULE__, fn current_config -> Enum.reduce(config, current_config, fn({k,v}, acc) -> Map.put(acc, k, v) end) end) end # Private methods defp sanitize_api_key({:system, env_var}) do sanitize_api_key System.get_env(env_var) end defp sanitize_api_key(api_key) do api_key end defp get_api_key_from_config do sanitize_api_key(Application.get_env(:mailchimp, :apikey)) || sanitize_api_key(Application.get_env(:mailchimp, :api_key)) end defp get_api_version_from_config do Application.get_env(:mailchimp, :api_version) || "3.0" end defp get_shard(api_key) do shard = api_key |> String.split(~r{-}) |> List.last case shard do nil -> Logger.error "[mailchimp] This doesn't look like an API Key: #{api_key}" Logger.error "[mailchimp] The API Key should have both a key and a server name, separated by a dash, like this: abcdefg8abcdefg6abcdefg4-us1" :error _ -> {:ok, shard} end end end