defmodule Mailchimp do use Application use GenServer require Logger @apikey Application.get_env :mailchimp, :apikey ### Public API def start_link do shard = get_shard apiroot = "https://#{shard}" config = %{apiroot: apiroot, apikey: @apikey} GenServer.start_link(Mailchimp, config, name: :mailchimp) end def get_account_details do, :account_details) end def get_all_lists do, :all_lists) end def get_list_members(list_id) do, {:list_members, list_id}) end def add_member(list_id, email) do, {:add_member, list_id, email}) end def add_pending_member(list_id, email) do, {:add_pending_member, list_id, email}) end ### Server API def handle_call(:account_details, _from, config) do details = Mailchimp.Account.get_details(config) {:reply, details, config} end def handle_call(:all_lists, _from, config) do lists = Mailchimp.List.all(config) {:reply, lists, config} end def handle_call({:list_members, list_id}, _from, config) do members = Mailchimp.List.members(config, list_id) {:reply, members, config} end def handle_call({:add_member, list_id, email}, _from, config) do member = Mailchimp.List.add_member(config, %{"list_id" => list_id, "email" => email}) {:reply, member, config} end def get_shard do parts = @apikey |> String.split(~r{-}) case length(parts) do 2 -> List.last parts _ -> Logger.error "This doesn't look like an API Key: #{@apikey}" "The API Key should have both a key and a server name, separated by a dash, like this: abcdefg8abcdefg6abcdefg4-us1" {:error} end end end