path: root/casa/search/Search.H
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Diffstat (limited to 'casa/search/Search.H')
1 files changed, 460 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/casa/search/Search.H b/casa/search/Search.H
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0524ea5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/casa/search/Search.H
@@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
+// Copyright 2008, 2009 Brady J. Garvin
+// This file is part of Covering Arrays by Simulated Annealing (CASA).
+// CASA is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// CASA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with CASA. If not, see <>.
+#ifndef SEARCH_H
+#define SEARCH_H
+#include <cassert>
+#include <vector>
+#include <set>
+#include "utility/pless.H"
+#include "utility/relation.H"
+#include "events/EventSource.H"
+#include "search/SearchConfiguration.H"
+#include "search/Node.H"
+#include "search/StateSpace.H"
+#include "search/Heuristic.H"
+#include "search/Guide.H"
+#include "search/Goal.H"
+#include "search/Filter.H"
+#include "search/SearchIteration.H"
+#include "search/SearchFinish.H"
+// A highly parameterized searching object.
+// Clients of this code mostly need to understand the objects passed at
+// construction time and, if pathfinding, fulfill the assumption that shortening
+// a path prefix will shorten an entire path. The complexity here is merely for
+// careful bookkeeping and memory management.
+// The general calling pattern is:
+// <constructor>
+// foreach search {
+// addStartState(...);
+// // Possibly more calls to addStartState(...)
+// search(...);
+// ... = getBest() // If we care about the best results
+// // Possibly more calls to search(...) if the search is restartable
+// clear();
+// }
+// <destructor>
+template<class STATE, class COST>class Search :
+ public EventSource<SearchIteration>,
+ public EventSource<SearchFinish<STATE, COST> > {
+ typedef Node<STATE, COST> NodeT;
+ typedef relation<NodeT*, COST, true, false, pless<NodeT> >
+ VisitSetT;
+ typedef StateSpace<STATE, COST>
+ StateSpaceT;
+ typedef Heuristic<STATE, COST>
+ HeuristicT;
+ typedef Guide<STATE, COST>
+ GuideT;
+ typedef Goal<STATE> GoalT;
+ typedef Filter<STATE,COST> FilterT;
+ typedef SearchFinish<STATE, COST>
+ SearchFinishT;
+ SearchConfiguration configuration;
+ StateSpaceT* space;
+ HeuristicT* heuristic;
+ GuideT* guide;
+ GoalT* goal;
+ FilterT* filter;
+ bool oneBest;
+ VisitSetT open;
+ VisitSetT closed;
+ std::set<const NodeT*> best;
+ COST bestRank;
+ // See the classes SearchConfiguration, StateSpace, Heuristic, Guide, Goal,
+ // and Filter for documentation on their role in search. The parameter
+ // oneBest does not affect the method of search, but merely how many solutions
+ // are remembered in the case of a tie in the guide's ranking.
+ Search
+ (SearchConfiguration configuration,
+ StateSpaceT*space,
+ HeuristicT*heuristic,
+ GuideT*guide,
+ GoalT*goal,
+ FilterT*filter,
+ bool oneBest) :
+ configuration(configuration),
+ space(space),
+ heuristic(heuristic),
+ guide(guide),
+ goal(goal),
+ filter(filter),
+ oneBest(oneBest) {
+ assert(space);
+ assert(heuristic);
+ assert(guide);
+ assert(goal);
+ assert(filter);
+ }
+ virtual ~Search() {
+ clear();
+ }
+ // A leak-free way to clear the set of best nodes.
+ void clearBest() {
+ if (!configuration.useClosed) {
+ for (typename std::set<const NodeT*>::const_iterator
+ iterator = best.begin(),
+ end = best.end();
+ iterator != end;
+ ++iterator) {
+ NodeT*node = const_cast<NodeT*>(*iterator);
+ if (open.key_find(node) == open.key_end()) {
+ delete node;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ best.clear();
+ }
+ // See if the given node with the given guide ranking should be entered into
+ // the set of best nodes.
+ void updateBest(const NodeT&node, COST rank) {
+ if (rank < bestRank) {
+ clearBest();
+ }
+ if (best.empty()) {
+ best.insert(&node);
+ bestRank = rank;
+ } else if (rank == bestRank) {
+ if (oneBest) clearBest();
+ best.insert(&node);
+ }
+ }
+ // Pop the best ranked node from the set of nodes that have been seen but not
+ // explored.
+ NodeT&popBestOpen() {
+ assert(!open.empty());
+ typename VisitSetT::data_iterator pop = open.data_begin();
+ assert(pop->second);
+ if (configuration.useClosed) {
+ closed.key_insert(pop->second, pop->first);
+ }
+ NodeT&result = *(pop->second);
+ open.data_erase(pop);
+ return result;
+ }
+ // Get the children (immediately reachable neighbors) according to the
+ // SearchConfiguration.
+ std::set<STATE>getChildren(const NodeT&parent) {
+ if (configuration.proportionChildren) {
+ return space->getChildren
+ (parent.getState(), configuration.childrenAsk.proportion);
+ }
+ return space->getChildren
+ (parent.getState(), configuration.childrenAsk.count);
+ }
+ // Return true if a node should be discarded because we have seen a better one
+ // representing the same state, but not explored it yet. Also, forget about
+ // any nodes that we have seen but not explored if they represent the same
+ // state but are worse.
+ bool replaceInOpen(NodeT&parent, NodeT&node, COST traveled) {
+ typename VisitSetT::key_iterator similar = open.key_find(&node);
+ if (similar == open.key_end()) {
+ // The node does not have an already seen state.
+ return false;
+ }
+ NodeT*visited = similar->first;
+ assert(visited);
+ if (visited->getTraveled() <= traveled) {
+ // The node has an already seen state and cannot improve a path; discard
+ // it.
+ return true;
+ }
+ // The node has an already seen state, but may improve some paths; use it
+ // instead.
+ if (configuration.useClosed) {
+ parent.addChild(visited);
+ }
+ visited->setTraveled(traveled);
+ open.key_erase(similar);
+ COST rank = guide->rank(*visited);
+ open.key_insert(visited, rank);
+ updateBest(*visited, rank);
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Correct any out-of-date distance calculations when we change a path prefix.
+ // The arguments are the newly connected parent and child nodes.
+ void updateTraveled(NodeT&parent, NodeT&visited) {
+ // Setup to DFS from the visited node.
+ std::set<NodeT*>parentSet;
+ std::set<NodeT*>visitedSet;
+ parentSet.insert(&parent);
+ visitedSet.insert(&visited);
+ std::vector<const std::set<NodeT*>*>extrusion;
+ std::vector<typename std::set<NodeT*>::const_iterator>path;
+ extrusion.push_back(&parentSet);
+ path.push_back(extrusion.back()->begin());
+ extrusion.push_back(&visitedSet);
+ path.push_back(extrusion.back()->begin());
+ // Run the DFS, updating traveled distances and resorting.
+ for (;;) {
+ if (path.back() == extrusion.back()->end()) {
+ path.pop_back();
+ extrusion.pop_back();
+ if (path.empty()) {
+ break;
+ }
+ ++path.back();
+ } else {
+ typename
+ std::vector<typename std::set<NodeT*>::const_iterator>::
+ const_reverse_iterator back = path.rbegin();
+ NodeT&update = ***back;
+ assert(&update);
+ ++back;
+ NodeT&source = ***back;
+ assert(&source);
+ update.setTraveled(space->getTraveled(source, update.getState()));
+ COST rank = guide->rank(update);
+ typename VisitSetT::key_iterator moribund = open.key_find(&update);
+ if (moribund != open.key_end()) {
+ open.key_erase(moribund);
+ open.key_insert(&update, rank);
+ updateBest(update, rank);
+ ++path.back();
+ } else {
+ moribund = closed.key_find(&update);
+ assert(moribund != closed.key_end());
+ closed.key_erase(moribund);
+ closed.key_insert(&update, rank);
+ updateBest(update, rank);
+ // Push children.
+ extrusion.push_back(&update.getChildren());
+ path.push_back(extrusion.back()->begin());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Return true if a node should be discarded because we have explored a better
+ // node representing the same state. Also, forget about any nodes that we
+ // have explored if they represent the same state but are worse.
+ bool replaceInClosed(NodeT&parent, NodeT&node, COST traveled) {
+ typename VisitSetT::key_iterator similar = closed.key_find(&node);
+ if (similar == closed.key_end()) {
+ // The node does not have an already explored state.
+ return false;
+ }
+ NodeT*visited = similar->first;
+ assert(visited);
+ if (visited->getTraveled() <= traveled) {
+ // The node has an already explored state and cannot improve a path;
+ // discard it.
+ return true;
+ }
+ // The node has an already explored state, but will improve some paths; use
+ // it instead.
+ parent.addChild(visited);
+ updateTraveled(parent, *visited);
+ return true;
+ }
+ //Add a newly seen node to the set of seen but not yet explored nodes.
+ void addNew(NodeT*node) {
+ COST rank = guide->rank(*node);
+ open.key_insert(node,rank);
+ updateBest(*node,rank);
+ }
+ // Add a start state before searching.
+ void addStartState(const STATE&start) {
+ NodeT*node =
+ new NodeT
+ (NULL,
+ start,
+ space->getTraveled(start),
+ heuristic->estimate(start, *goal));
+ addNew(node);
+ }
+ // Try to find a goal in the given budget. If restartable is true the search
+ // can be resumed by a later call to this method.
+ std::set<NodeT*>search(unsigned iterations, bool restartable) {
+ std::set<NodeT*>result;
+ if (open.empty()) {
+ return result;
+ }
+ for (unsigned i = iterations, j = configuration.prunePeriod;
+ i-- && result.empty();) {
+ if (!(i & 0x3FF)) {
+ std::cout << i << " iterations left after this one" << std::endl;
+ }
+ NodeT&parent = popBestOpen();
+ // If it is time to prune exploration to the most promising frontier:
+ if (!--j) {
+ j = configuration.prunePeriod;
+ std::set<const NodeT*>lineage;
+ typename std::set<const NodeT*>::const_iterator
+ lineageEnd = lineage.end();
+ for (const NodeT*k = &parent; k; k = k->getParent()) {
+ lineage.insert(k);
+ }
+ for (typename VisitSetT::key_iterator
+ k = closed.key_begin(),
+ kend = closed.key_end();
+ k != kend;) {
+ if (lineage.find(k->first) == lineageEnd) {
+ delete k->first;
+ closed.key_erase(k++);
+ } else {
+ ++k;
+ }
+ }
+ for (typename VisitSetT::key_iterator
+ k = open.key_begin(),
+ kend = open.key_end();
+ k != kend;++k) {
+ delete k->first;
+ }
+ open.clear();
+ }
+ // Explore.
+ std::set<STATE>children = getChildren(parent);
+ if (configuration.retryChildren) {
+ (*filter)(children, parent.getState(), *heuristic, *goal);
+ } else {
+ (*filter)(children, *heuristic, *goal);
+ }
+ // The flag to decide if the parent information can be deleted. It is
+ // true when we aren't looking for paths and the parent isn't part of the
+ // best set.
+ bool parentMoribund = false;
+ if (!configuration.useClosed) {
+ typename std::set<const NodeT*>::const_iterator
+ asBest = best.find(&parent),
+ bestEnd = best.end();
+ if (asBest == bestEnd) {
+ parentMoribund = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // See children.
+ for (typename std::set<STATE>::const_iterator
+ iterator = children.begin(),
+ end = children.end();
+ iterator != end;
+ ++iterator) {
+ COST traveled = space->getTraveled(parent, *iterator);
+ NodeT*node =
+ new NodeT
+ (configuration.useClosed ? &parent : NULL,
+ *iterator,
+ traveled,
+ heuristic->estimate(*iterator, *goal));
+ if (replaceInOpen(parent, *node, traveled)) {
+ // The new node was beaten by something in the open set.
+ delete node;
+ } else if (configuration.useClosed &&
+ replaceInClosed(parent, *node, traveled)) {
+ // The new node was beaten by something in the closed set.
+ delete node;
+ } else {
+ // The new node is worth exploring.
+ addNew(node);
+ // Track goals.
+ if (goal->isGoal(*iterator)) {
+ result.insert(node);
+ // If we are just interested in finding a goal, we can return now.
+ if (!restartable) {
+ if (parentMoribund) {
+ delete &parent;
+ }
+ // Complete the search.
+ SearchFinishT finish(*this, result, iterations - i, iterations);
+ EventSource<SearchFinishT>::dispatch(finish);
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (parentMoribund) {
+ delete &parent;
+ }
+ // Complete the iteration.
+ SearchIteration iteration;
+ EventSource<SearchIteration>::dispatch(iteration);
+ }
+ // Complete the search.
+ SearchFinishT finish(*this, result, iterations, iterations);
+ EventSource<SearchFinishT>::dispatch(finish);
+ return result;
+ }
+#define GET_SET(type, member, capMember) \
+ const type get ## capMember() const { \
+ return member; \
+ } \
+ void set ## capMember(const type&member) { \
+ this->member = member; \
+ }
+ GET_SET(SearchConfiguration, configuration, SearchConfiguration);
+ GET_SET(StateSpaceT*, space, Space);
+ GET_SET(HeuristicT*, heuristic, Heuristic);
+ GET_SET(GuideT*, guide, Guide);
+ GET_SET(GoalT*, goal, Goal);
+#undef GET_SET
+ const std::set<const NodeT*>getBest() const {
+ return best;
+ }
+ void clear() {
+ clearBest();
+ for (typename VisitSetT::key_iterator
+ k = open.key_begin(),
+ kend = open.key_end();
+ k != kend;
+ ++k) {
+ delete k->first;
+ }
+ open.clear();
+ for (typename VisitSetT::key_iterator
+ k = closed.key_begin(),
+ kend = closed.key_end();
+ k != kend;
+ ++k) {
+ delete k->first;
+ }
+ closed.clear();
+ }