Significant modifications to sources (shebangs, direct calls to python)
to ensure python2 is used instead of python3.
Livestatus is no longer built and installed, now net-analyzer/mk-livestatus
is expected to be used instead.
net-analyzer/check_mk_agent (new package soon to be committed) is
hard-blocked; stripping the agent out of this package seems not
appropriate as the bundled copies should still exist anyways.
Nagios4 use-flag added to enforce synchronization of nagios-core dep with
the mk-livestatus dependency. Note: not sure if nagios/icigna
dependencies are needed when not building livestatus anymore; check_mk by
default expects a full nagios/icigna/nagvis/pnp4nagios deployment (for
multisite at least) but whether the package should enforce this via
dependencies is uncertain.
Package-Manager: portage-2.3.0