<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "http://www.gentoo.org/dtd/metadata.dtd"> <pkgmetadata> <maintainer type="project"> <email>java@gentoo.org</email> <name>Java</name> </maintainer> <upstream> <remote-id type="github">jhy/jsoup</remote-id> </upstream> <longdescription> jsoup is a Java library for working with real-world HTML. It provides a very convenient API for extracting and manipulating data, using the best of DOM, CSS, and jquery-like methods. It implements the WHATWG HTML5 specification (http://whatwg.org/html), and parses HTML to the same DOM as modern browsers do. It's designed to deal with all varieties of HTML found in the wild; from pristine and validating, to invalid tag-soup; jsoup will create a sensible parse tree. </longdescription> </pkgmetadata>