# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI="5" JAVA_PKG_IUSE="doc source" JAVA_ANT_DISABLE_ANT_CORE_DEP="yes" EANT_TEST_TARGET="test.suite" inherit eutils check-reqs java-pkg-2 java-ant-2 versionator MY_P="${PN}-sources-${PV}" SV="$(get_version_component_range 1-2)" # creating the binary: # JAVA_PKG_FORCE_VM="$available-1.7" USE="doc source" ebuild scala-*.ebuild compile # cd $WORDKIR # tar -cjf scala-2.11.2-gentoo-binary.tar.bz2 scala-2.11.2/build/pack/bin \ # scala-2.11.2/build/pack/lib/ scala-2.11.2/build/pack/man \ # scala-2.11.2/src/actors/ scala-2.11.2/src/forkjoin/ \ # scala-2.11.2/src/library scala-2.11.2/src/library-aux/ \ # scala-2.11.2/src/reflect/ scala-2.11.2/docs/TODO \ # scala-2.11.2/doc/README scala-2.11.2/build/scaladoc/compiler # In the pullJarFiles function in tools/binary-repo-lib.sh it executes find commands # to search for .desired.sha1 files, which contain sha1 hashes that are appended # to ${BURI} along with the subdirectory and filename to form the list of jar files # listed in SRC_URI. The output of this find command can be hacked into the desired format: # find . -name \*.desired.sha1 -exec sed -e 's@\([0-9a-f]*\).*@\1@' {} \; -print # After editing it into the desired format: sort -t / -k 3 file BURI="http://repo.typesafe.com/typesafe/scala-sha-bootstrap/org/scala-lang/bootstrap" declare -a JURI=( \ "${BURI}/943cd5c8802b2a3a64a010efb86ec19bac142e40/lib/ant/ant-contrib.jar -> ${P}-ant-contrib.jar" \ "${BURI}/3fc1e35ca8c991fc3488548f7a276bd9053c179d/lib/ant/ant-dotnet-1.0.jar -> ${P}-ant-dotnet-1.0.jar" \ "${BURI}/7b456ca6b93900f96e58cc8371f03d90a9c1c8d1/lib/ant/ant.jar -> ${P}-ant.jar" \ "${BURI}/7e50e3e227d834695f1e0bf018a7326e06ee4c86/lib/ant/maven-ant-tasks-2.1.1.jar -> ${P}-maven-ant-tasks-2.1.1.jar" \ "${BURI}/2c61d6e9a912b3253194d5d6d3e1db7e2545ac4b/lib/ant/vizant.jar -> ${P}-vizant.jar" \ "${BURI}/ddd7d5398733c4fbbb8355c049e258d47af636cf/lib/forkjoin.jar -> ${P}-forkjoin.jar" \ "${BURI}/0392ecdeb306263c471ce51fa368223388b82b61/test/benchmarks/lib/jsr166_and_extra.jar -> ${P}-jsr166_and_extra.jar" \ "${BURI}/e737b123d31eede5594ceda07caafed1673ec472/test/files/codelib/code.jar -> ${P}-code.jar" \ "${BURI}/02fe2ed93766323a13f22c7a7e2ecdcd84259b6c/test/files/lib/annotations.jar -> ${P}-annotations.jar" \ "${BURI}/981392dbd1f727b152cd1c908c5fce60ad9d07f7/test/files/lib/enums.jar -> ${P}-enums.jar" \ "${BURI}/b1ec8a095cec4902b3609d74d274c04365c59c04/test/files/lib/genericNest.jar -> ${P}-genericNest.jar" \ "${BURI}/346d3dff4088839d6b4d163efa2892124039d216/test/files/lib/jsoup-1.3.1.jar -> ${P}-jsoup-1.3.1.jar" \ "${BURI}/3794ec22d9b27f2b179bd34e9b46db771b934ec3/test/files/lib/macro210.jar -> ${P}-macro210.jar" \ "${BURI}/be8454d5e7751b063ade201c225dcedefd252775/test/files/lib/methvsfield.jar -> ${P}-methvsfield.jar" \ "${BURI}/cd33e0a0ea249eb42363a2f8ba531186345ff68c/test/files/lib/nest.jar -> ${P}-nest.jar" \ "${BURI}/1b11ac773055c1e942c6b5eb4aabdf02292a7194/test/files/speclib/instrumented.jar -> ${P}-instrumented.jar" \ "${BURI}/a1883f4304d5aa65e1f6ee6aad5900c62dd81079/tools/push.jar -> ${P}-push.jar" \ ) DESCRIPTION="The Scala Programming Language" HOMEPAGE="http://www.scala-lang.org/" SRC_URI="!binary? ( https://github.com/scala/scala/archive/v${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz ${JURI[@]} https://dev.gentoo.org/~gienah/snapshots/${P}-maven-deps.tar.gz ) binary? ( https://dev.gentoo.org/~gienah/files/dist/${P}-gentoo-binary.tar.bz2 )" LICENSE="BSD" SLOT="${SV}/${PV}" KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~x86-macos" IUSE="binary emacs" COMMON_DEP="dev-java/ant-core:0 dev-java/hawtjni-runtime:0" DEPEND="${COMMON_DEP} !binary? ( || ( =virtual/jdk-1.7* =virtual/jdk-1.8* ) dev-java/ant-core:0 dev-java/ant-contrib:0 dev-java/ant-nodeps:0 media-gfx/graphviz ) binary? ( || ( =virtual/jdk-1.7* =virtual/jdk-1.8* ) ) app-arch/xz-utils:0" RDEPEND="${COMMON_DEP} >=virtual/jre-1.7 app-eselect/eselect-scala !dev-lang/scala-bin:0" PDEPEND="emacs? ( app-emacs/scala-mode:0 )" S="${WORKDIR}/${P}" CHECKREQS_MEMORY="1532M" pkg_setup() { java-pkg-2_pkg_setup if ! use binary; then debug-print "Checking for sufficient physical RAM" ewarn "This package can fail to build with memory allocation errors in some cases." ewarn "If you are unable to build from sources, please try USE=binary" ewarn "for this package. See bug #181390 for more information." check-reqs_pkg_setup fi } src_unpack() { # Unpack tar files only. for f in ${A} ; do [[ ${f} == *".tar."* ]] && unpack ${f} done } java_prepare() { java-pkg_getjars ant-core,hawtjni-runtime if ! use binary; then local a for a in "${JURI[@]}" do echo "${a}" local g="${a/* -> /}" echo "${g}" local j="${a/ -> */}" echo "${j}" cp -p "${DISTDIR}/${g}" "${S}/${j#${BURI}/*/}" || die done # gentoo patch (by gienah) to stop it calling git log in the build epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-no-git.patch" # Note: to bump scala, some things to try are: # 1. update all the sha1s in JURI # 2. remove the https://dev.gentoo.org/~gienah/snapshots/${P}-maven-deps.tar.gz from SRC_URI # 3. try emerge scala. Check if it downloads more stuff in src_compile to ${WORKDIR}/.m2 # or /var/tmp/portage/.m2 or /root/.m2 # 4. tar up all the .m2 junk into ${P}-maven-deps.tar.gz and add it to SRC_URI. sed -e "s@\(<mkdir dir=\"\)\${user.home}\(/.m2/repository\"/>\)@\1${WORKDIR}\2\n <artifact:localRepository id=\"localrepo\" path=\"${WORKDIR}/.m2/repository\" />@" \ -e "s@\${user.home}/.m2@${WORKDIR}/.m2@g" \ -e 's@\(<artifact:dependencies .*>\)@\1\n <localRepository refid="localrepo" />@g' \ -i "${S}/build.xml" \ || die "Could not change location of .m2 maven download directory in ${S}/build.xml" fi } src_compile() { if ! use binary; then #unset ANT_OPTS as this is set in the build.xml #sets -X type variables which might come back to bite me unset ANT_OPTS # reported in bugzilla that multiple launches use less resources # https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=282023 eant all.clean eant -Djavac.args="-encoding UTF-8" -Duser.home="${WORKDIR}" \ fastdist-opt if use doc; then # The separate build for doc is to workaround this problem that occurs # with one "fastdist docscomp" build (still fails with MaxPermSize=384M) # java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space eant -Djavac.args="-encoding UTF-8" -Duser.home="${WORKDIR}" \ docscomp eant -Djavac.args="-encoding UTF-8" -Duser.home="${WORKDIR}" \ docs fi else einfo "Skipping compilation, USE=binary is set." fi } src_test() { java-pkg-2_src_test } src_install() { pushd build/pack || die local SCALADIR="/usr/share/${PN}-${SV}" exeinto "${SCALADIR}/bin" doexe $(find bin/ -type f ! -iname '*.bat') dodir "${SCALADIR}/lib" insinto "${SCALADIR}/lib" pushd lib || die for j in *.jar; do local i="$(echo "${j}" | sed -e "s@[_-][0-9.-]*\.jar@.jar@")" newins "${j}" "${i}" java-pkg_regjar "${ED}${SCALADIR}/lib/${i}" done popd dodir /usr/bin for b in $(find bin/ -type f ! -iname '*.bat'); do local _name=$(basename "${b}") dosym "${SCALADIR}/bin/${_name}" "/usr/bin/${_name}-${SV}" done pushd man/man1 || die for i in *.1; do newman "${i}" "${i/./-${SV}.}" done popd popd #sources are .scala so no use for java-pkg_dosrc pushd src || die if use source; then dodir "${SCALADIR}/src" insinto "${SCALADIR}/src" doins -r actors forkjoin library library-aux reflect fi popd local docdir="build/scaladoc" dodoc docs/TODO doc/README if use doc; then dohtml -r "${docdir}"/{compiler,library} fi }