# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Id$ EAPI=5 inherit autotools bash-completion-r1 eutils flag-o-matic gnome2-utils linux-info systemd user versionator udev multilib-minimal DESCRIPTION="A networked sound server with an advanced plugin system" HOMEPAGE="http://www.pulseaudio.org/" SRC_URI="http://freedesktop.org/software/pulseaudio/releases/${P}.tar.xz" # libpulse-simple and libpulse link to libpulse-core; this is daemon's # library and can link to gdbm and other GPL-only libraries. In this # cases, we have a fully GPL-2 package. Leaving the rest of the # GPL-forcing USE flags for those who use them. LICENSE="!gdbm? ( LGPL-2.1 ) gdbm? ( GPL-2 )" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sh ~sparc x86 ~amd64-fbsd ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux" # +alsa-plugin as discussed in bug #519530 IUSE="+alsa +alsa-plugin +asyncns bluetooth +caps dbus doc equalizer +gdbm +glib gnome gtk ipv6 jack libsamplerate libressl lirc native-headset neon ofono-headset +orc oss qt4 realtime selinux sox ssl systemd system-wide tcpd test +udev +webrtc-aec +X xen zeroconf" # See "*** BLUEZ support not found (requires D-Bus)" in configure.ac REQUIRED_USE=" bluetooth? ( dbus ) ofono-headset? ( bluetooth ) native-headset? ( bluetooth ) udev? ( || ( alsa oss ) ) " # libpcre needed in some cases, bug #472228 RDEPEND=" || ( elibc_glibc? ( virtual/libc ) elibc_uclibc? ( virtual/libc ) dev-libs/libpcre ) >=media-libs/libsndfile-1.0.20[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] X? ( >=x11-libs/libX11-1.4.0[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] >=x11-libs/libxcb-1.6[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] x11-libs/libSM[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] x11-libs/libICE[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] x11-libs/libXtst[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] ) caps? ( >=sys-libs/libcap-2.22-r2[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] ) libsamplerate? ( >=media-libs/libsamplerate-0.1.1-r1 ) alsa? ( >=media-libs/alsa-lib-1.0.19 ) glib? ( >=dev-libs/glib-2.4.0:2[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] ) zeroconf? ( >=net-dns/avahi-0.6.12[dbus] ) jack? ( virtual/jack ) tcpd? ( sys-apps/tcp-wrappers[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] ) lirc? ( app-misc/lirc ) dbus? ( >=sys-apps/dbus-1.0.0[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] ) gtk? ( x11-libs/gtk+:3 ) gnome? ( >=gnome-base/gconf-2.4.0 ) bluetooth? ( net-wireless/bluez:= >=sys-apps/dbus-1.0.0 media-libs/sbc ) asyncns? ( net-libs/libasyncns[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] ) udev? ( >=virtual/udev-143[hwdb(+)] ) realtime? ( sys-auth/rtkit ) equalizer? ( sci-libs/fftw:3.0 ) ofono-headset? ( >=net-misc/ofono-1.13 ) orc? ( >=dev-lang/orc-0.4.15 ) sox? ( >=media-libs/soxr-0.1.1 ) ssl? ( !libressl? ( dev-libs/openssl:0 ) libressl? ( dev-libs/libressl ) ) >=media-libs/speex-1.2_rc1 gdbm? ( sys-libs/gdbm ) webrtc-aec? ( media-libs/webrtc-audio-processing ) xen? ( app-emulation/xen-tools ) systemd? ( sys-apps/systemd:0=[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] ) >=dev-libs/json-c-0.11[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] abi_x86_32? ( !<=app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-soundlibs-20131008-r1 !app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-soundlibs[-abi_x86_32(-)] ) dev-libs/libltdl:0 selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-pulseaudio ) " # it's a valid RDEPEND, libltdl.so is used for native abi DEPEND="${RDEPEND} sys-devel/m4 doc? ( app-doc/doxygen ) test? ( dev-libs/check ) X? ( x11-proto/xproto[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] >=x11-libs/libXtst-[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] ) dev-libs/libatomic_ops virtual/pkgconfig system-wide? ( || ( dev-util/unifdef sys-freebsd/freebsd-ubin ) ) dev-util/intltool >=sys-devel/gettext-0.18.1 " # This is a PDEPEND to avoid a circular dep PDEPEND=" alsa? ( alsa-plugin? ( >=media-plugins/alsa-plugins-1.0.27-r1[pulseaudio,${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] ) ) " # alsa-utils dep is for the alsasound init.d script (see bug #155707) # bluez dep is for the bluetooth init.d script # PyQt4 dep is for the qpaeq script RDEPEND="${RDEPEND} equalizer? ( qt4? ( dev-python/PyQt4[dbus] ) ) system-wide? ( alsa? ( media-sound/alsa-utils ) bluetooth? ( net-wireless/bluez:= ) ) " pkg_pretend() { CONFIG_CHECK="~HIGH_RES_TIMERS" WARNING_HIGH_RES_TIMERS="CONFIG_HIGH_RES_TIMERS:\tis not set (required for enabling timer-based scheduling in pulseaudio)\n" check_extra_config if linux_config_exists; then local snd_hda_prealloc_size=$(linux_chkconfig_string SND_HDA_PREALLOC_SIZE) if [ -n "${snd_hda_prealloc_size}" ] && [ "${snd_hda_prealloc_size}" -lt 2048 ]; then ewarn "A preallocated buffer-size of 2048 (kB) or higher is recommended for the HD-audio driver!" ewarn "CONFIG_SND_HDA_PREALLOC_SIZE=${snd_hda_prealloc_size}" fi fi } pkg_setup() { linux-info_pkg_setup gnome2_environment_reset #543364 enewgroup audio 18 # Just make sure it exists if use system-wide; then enewgroup pulse-access enewgroup pulse enewuser pulse -1 -1 /var/run/pulse pulse,audio fi } src_prepare() { # Skip test that cannot work with sandbox, bug #501846 sed -i -e '/lock-autospawn-test/d' src/Makefile.am || die epatch_user eautoreconf } multilib_src_configure() { local myconf=() if use gdbm; then myconf+=( --with-database=gdbm ) else myconf+=( --with-database=simple ) fi if use bluetooth; then if multilib_is_native_abi; then if has_version '<net-wireless/bluez-5'; then myconf+=( --disable-bluez5 --enable-bluez4 ) else myconf+=( --enable-bluez5 --disable-bluez4 $(use_enable native-headset bluez5-native-headset) $(use_enable ofono-headset bluez5-ofono-headset) ) fi fi else myconf+=( --disable-bluez5 --disable-bluez4 ) fi myconf+=( --enable-largefile $(use_enable glib glib2) --disable-solaris $(use_enable asyncns) $(use_enable oss oss-output) $(use_enable alsa) $(use_enable lirc) $(use_enable neon neon-opt) $(use_enable tcpd tcpwrap) $(use_enable jack) $(use_enable zeroconf avahi) $(use_enable dbus) $(use_enable gnome gconf) $(use_enable gtk gtk3) $(use_enable libsamplerate samplerate) $(use_enable orc) $(use_enable X x11) $(use_enable test default-build-tests) $(use_enable udev) $(use_with sox soxr) $(use_enable systemd systemd-daemon) $(use_enable systemd systemd-login) $(use_enable systemd systemd-journal) $(use_enable ipv6) $(use_enable ssl openssl) $(use_enable webrtc-aec) $(use_enable xen) $(use_with caps) $(use_with equalizer fftw) --disable-adrian-aec --disable-esound --localstatedir="${EPREFIX}"/var --with-udev-rules-dir="${EPREFIX}/$(get_udevdir)"/rules.d --with-systemduserunitdir=$(systemd_get_userunitdir) ) if ! multilib_is_native_abi; then # disable all the modules and stuff myconf+=( --disable-oss-output --disable-alsa --disable-lirc --disable-jack --disable-avahi --disable-gconf --disable-gtk3 --disable-samplerate --disable-bluez4 --disable-bluez5 --disable-udev --disable-openssl --disable-orc --disable-webrtc-aec --disable-xen --without-fftw --without-soxr # tests involve random modules, so just do them for the native --disable-default-build-tests # hack around unnecessary checks # (results don't matter, we're not building anything using it) ac_cv_lib_ltdl_lt_dladvise_init=yes --with-database=simple LIBSPEEX_CFLAGS=' ' LIBSPEEX_LIBS=' ' ) fi ECONF_SOURCE=${S} \ econf "${myconf[@]}" } multilib_src_compile() { if multilib_is_native_abi; then emake use doc && emake doxygen else local targets=( libpulse.la libpulse-simple.la ) use glib && targets+=( libpulse-mainloop-glib.la ) emake -C src libpulse{,dsp,-simple,-mainloop-glib}.la fi } multilib_src_test() { # We avoid running the toplevel check target because that will run # po/'s tests too, and they are broken. Officially, it should work # with intltool 0.41, but that doesn't look like a stable release. if multilib_is_native_abi; then emake -C src check fi } multilib_src_install() { if multilib_is_native_abi; then emake -j1 DESTDIR="${D}" bashcompletiondir="$(get_bashcompdir)" install use doc && dohtml -r doxygen/html/ else local targets=( libpulse.la libpulse-simple.la ) use glib && targets+=( libpulse-mainloop-glib.la ) emake DESTDIR="${D}" install-pkgconfigDATA emake DESTDIR="${D}" -C src \ install-libLTLIBRARIES \ install-padsplibLTLIBRARIES \ lib_LTLIBRARIES="${targets[*]}" \ install-pulseincludeHEADERS fi } multilib_src_install_all() { # Drop the script entirely if X is disabled use X || rm "${ED}"/usr/bin/start-pulseaudio-x11 if use system-wide; then newconfd "${FILESDIR}/pulseaudio.conf.d" pulseaudio use_define() { local define=${2:-$(echo $1 | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')} use "$1" && echo "-D$define" || echo "-U$define" } unifdef $(use_define zeroconf AVAHI) \ $(use_define alsa) \ $(use_define bluetooth) \ $(use_define udev) \ "${FILESDIR}/pulseaudio.init.d-5" \ > "${T}/pulseaudio" doinitd "${T}/pulseaudio" systemd_dounit "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.service" fi use zeroconf && sed -i -e '/module-zeroconf-publish/s:^#::' "${ED}/etc/pulse/default.pa" dodoc NEWS README todo # Create the state directory use prefix || diropts -o pulse -g pulse -m0755 # We need /var/run/pulse, bug #442852 use system-wide && systemd_newtmpfilesd "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.tmpfiles" "${PN}.conf" # Prevent warnings when system-wide is not used, bug #447694 use system-wide || rm "${ED}"/etc/dbus-1/system.d/pulseaudio-system.conf prune_libtool_files --all } pkg_postinst() { if use system-wide; then elog "You have enabled the 'system-wide' USE flag for pulseaudio." elog "This mode should only be used on headless servers, embedded systems," elog "or thin clients. It will usually require manual configuration, and is" elog "incompatible with many expected pulseaudio features." elog "On normal desktop systems, system-wide mode is STRONGLY DISCOURAGED." elog "For more information, see" elog " http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/PulseAudio/Documentation/User/WhatIsWrongWithSystemWide/" elog " http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/PulseAudio/Documentation/User/SystemWide/" elog " https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/PulseAudio#Headless_server" if use gnome ; then elog elog "By enabling gnome USE flag, you enabled gconf support. Please note" elog "that you might need to remove the gnome USE flag or disable the" elog "gconf module on /etc/pulse/system.pa to be able to use PulseAudio" elog "with a system-wide instance." fi fi if use equalizer && ! use qt4; then elog "You've enabled the 'equalizer' USE-flag but not the 'qt4' USE-flag." elog "This will build the equalizer module, but the 'qpaeq' tool" elog "which is required to set equalizer levels will not work." fi if use native-headset && use ofono-headset; then elog "You have enabled both native and ofono headset profiles. The runtime decision" elog "which to use is done via the 'headset' argument of module-bluetooth-discover." fi if use libsamplerate; then elog "The libsamplerate based resamplers are now deprecated, because they offer no" elog "particular advantage over speex. Upstream suggests disabling them." fi # Needed for pulseaudio-6.0 update from older versions if use udev; then if ! version_is_at_least 6.0 ${REPLACING_VERSIONS}; then udevadm control --reload && udevadm trigger fi fi }