* Do not inject -g
* Do not make a profiled build

--- a/src/Makefile.am
+++ b/src/Makefile.am
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 lib_LTLIBRARIES         = libiperf.la                                   # Build and install an iperf library
 bin_PROGRAMS            = iperf3                                        # Build and install an iperf binary
-noinst_PROGRAMS         = t_timer t_units t_uuid iperf3_profile         # Build, but don't install the test programs and a profiled version of iperf3
+noinst_PROGRAMS         = t_timer t_units t_uuid         # Build, but don't install the test programs and a profiled version of iperf3
 include_HEADERS         = iperf_api.h # Defines the headers that get installed with the program
@@ -37,14 +37,13 @@
 # Specify the sources and various flags for the iperf binary
 iperf3_SOURCES          = main.c
-iperf3_CFLAGS           = -g
+iperf3_CFLAGS           =
 iperf3_LDADD            = libiperf.la
-iperf3_LDFLAGS          = -g
+iperf3_LDFLAGS          =
 # Specify the sources and various flags for the profiled iperf binary. This
 # binary recompiles all the source files to make sure they are all profiled.
-iperf3_profile_SOURCES  = main.c \
-						  $(libiperf_la_SOURCES)
+iperf3_profile_SOURCES  = main.c
 iperf3_profile_CFLAGS   = -pg -g
 iperf3_profile_LDADD    = libiperf.la