# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Id$ EAPI="4" inherit autotools eutils toolchain-funcs flag-o-matic user systemd MY_P=${P/_p/p} DESCRIPTION="Network Time Protocol suite/programs" HOMEPAGE="http://www.ntp.org/" SRC_URI="http://www.eecis.udel.edu/~ntp/ntp_spool/ntp4/ntp-${PV:0:3}/${MY_P}.tar.gz mirror://gentoo/${MY_P}-manpages.tar.bz2" LICENSE="HPND BSD ISC" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~x86 ~amd64-fbsd ~sparc-fbsd ~x86-fbsd ~x86-freebsd ~amd64-linux ~ia64-linux ~x86-linux ~m68k-mint" IUSE="caps debug ipv6 openntpd parse-clocks samba selinux snmp ssl +threads vim-syntax zeroconf" CDEPEND=">=sys-libs/ncurses-5.2 >=sys-libs/readline-4.1 >=dev-libs/libevent-2.0.9[threads?] kernel_linux? ( caps? ( sys-libs/libcap ) ) zeroconf? ( net-dns/avahi[mdnsresponder-compat] ) !openntpd? ( !net-misc/openntpd ) snmp? ( net-analyzer/net-snmp ) ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl ) parse-clocks? ( net-misc/pps-tools )" DEPEND="${CDEPEND} virtual/pkgconfig" RDEPEND="${CDEPEND} selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-ntp ) vim-syntax? ( app-vim/ntp-syntax )" PDEPEND="openntpd? ( net-misc/openntpd )" S=${WORKDIR}/${MY_P} pkg_setup() { enewgroup ntp 123 enewuser ntp 123 -1 /dev/null ntp } src_prepare() { epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-4.2.4_p7-nano.patch #270483 epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-ntp-keygen-no-openssl.patch #533238 append-cppflags -D_GNU_SOURCE #264109 # Make sure every build uses the same install layout. #539092 find sntp/loc/ -type f '!' -name legacy -delete || die # Disable pointless checks. touch .checkChangeLog .gcc-warning FRC.html html/.datecheck eautoreconf # The autoreconf call above recursively ran in all subdirs, and then # ran in the top level. But the libtool call there updated files in # the subdir which broke timestamps causing autotools to re-run. #538270 find -type f -exec touch -r . {} + } src_configure() { # avoid libmd5/libelf export ac_cv_search_MD5Init=no ac_cv_header_md5_h=no export ac_cv_lib_elf_nlist=no # blah, no real configure options #176333 export ac_cv_header_dns_sd_h=$(usex zeroconf) export ac_cv_lib_dns_sd_DNSServiceRegister=${ac_cv_header_dns_sd_h} econf \ --with-lineeditlibs=readline,edit,editline \ --with-yielding-select \ --disable-local-libevent \ --docdir="${EPREFIX}/usr/share/doc/${PF}" \ --htmldir="${EPREFIX}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/html" \ $(use_enable caps linuxcaps) \ $(use_enable parse-clocks) \ $(use_enable ipv6) \ $(use_enable debug debugging) \ $(use_enable samba ntp-signd) \ $(use_with snmp ntpsnmpd) \ $(use_with ssl crypto) \ $(use_enable threads thread-support) } src_install() { default # move ntpd/ntpdate to sbin #66671 dodir /usr/sbin mv "${ED}"/usr/bin/{ntpd,ntpdate} "${ED}"/usr/sbin/ || die "move to sbin" dodoc INSTALL WHERE-TO-START doman "${WORKDIR}"/man/*.[58] insinto /etc doins "${FILESDIR}"/ntp.conf newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/ntpd.rc-r1 ntpd newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/ntpd.confd ntpd newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/ntp-client.rc ntp-client newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/ntp-client.confd ntp-client newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/sntp.rc sntp newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/sntp.confd sntp if ! use caps ; then sed -i "s|-u ntp:ntp||" "${ED}"/etc/conf.d/ntpd || die fi sed -i "s:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:" "${ED}"/etc/init.d/ntpd || die keepdir /var/lib/ntp use prefix || fowners ntp:ntp /var/lib/ntp if use openntpd ; then cd "${ED}" rm usr/sbin/ntpd || die rm -r var/lib rm etc/{conf,init}.d/ntpd rm usr/share/man/*/ntpd.8 || die else systemd_newunit "${FILESDIR}"/ntpd.service-r2 ntpd.service use caps && sed -i '/ExecStart/ s|$| -u ntp:ntp|' "${ED}"/usr/lib/systemd/system/ntpd.service systemd_enable_ntpunit 60-ntpd ntpd.service fi systemd_newunit "${FILESDIR}"/ntpdate.service-r1 ntpdate.service systemd_install_serviced "${FILESDIR}"/ntpdate.service.conf systemd_newunit "${FILESDIR}"/sntp.service-r2 sntp.service systemd_install_serviced "${FILESDIR}"/sntp.service.conf } pkg_postinst() { ewarn "Review /etc/ntp.conf to setup server info." ewarn "Review /etc/conf.d/ntpd to setup init.d info." echo elog "The way ntp sets and maintains your system time has changed." elog "Now you can use /etc/init.d/ntp-client to set your time at" elog "boot while you can use /etc/init.d/ntpd to maintain your time" elog "while your machine runs" if grep -qs '^[^#].*notrust' "${EROOT}"/etc/ntp.conf ; then echo eerror "The notrust option was found in your /etc/ntp.conf!" ewarn "If your ntpd starts sending out weird responses," ewarn "then make sure you have keys properly setup and see" ewarn "http://bugs.gentoo.org/41827" fi }