diff --git a/tests/gdk.scm b/tests/gdk.scm
index 6e08f9f..6b01e83 100644
--- a/tests/gdk.scm
+++ b/tests/gdk.scm
@@ -1102,28 +1102,6 @@
 	  (got  (exact-positive-integer? (gdk-screen-height-mm))))
      (test "gdk-screen-height-mm" #f want got))))
-;; gdk-selection-property-get
-(malloced-steady  ;; with nothing ever requested
- (lambda ()
-   (let* ((win    sample-win)
-	  (want   '(#f NONE 0))
-	  (got    (gdk-selection-property-get win)))
-     (test "gdk-selection-property-get" sample-win want got))))
-(malloced-steady  ;; on a destroyed window
- (lambda ()
-   (let* ((win    (gdk-window-new #f 100 100 '() 'input-output 'toplevel))
-	  (want   '(#f NONE 0))
-	  (got    (begin
-		    (gdk-window-destroy win)
-		    (gdk-selection-property-get win))))
-     ;; final free()s only take place under the main loop, so need this to
-     ;; satisfy `malloced-steady
-     (gtk-main-iteration-do #f)
-     (test "gdk-selection-property-get" (list "destroyed win" win) want got))))
 ;; gdk-text-extents