/* * ConstructorDeclaration.java 1.0 * * * Jun 20, 1997 by mich * Sep 29, 1997 by bv * Oct 10, 1997 by mich * * @see io.devnulllabs.openjava.ptree.ParseTree * @version 1.0 last updated: Oct 10, 1997 * @author Michiaki Tatsubori */ package io.devnulllabs.openjava.ptree; import java.util.Hashtable; import io.devnulllabs.openjava.ptree.util.ParseTreeVisitor; /** * The ConstructorDeclaration class represents * constructor declaration node of the parse tree. * * @see io.devnulllabs.openjava.ptree.NonLeaf * @see io.devnulllabs.openjava.ptree.MemberDeclaration * @see io.devnulllabs.openjava.ptree.ModifierList * @see io.devnulllabs.openjava.ptree.ParameterList * @see io.devnulllabs.openjava.ptree.TypeName * @see io.devnulllabs.openjava.ptree.ConstructorInvocation * @see io.devnulllabs.openjava.ptree.StatementList */ public class ConstructorDeclaration extends NonLeaf implements MemberDeclaration { private Hashtable suffixes = null; /** * Constructs new ConstructorDeclaration from its elements. * * @param modiflist modifier list, if it has no modifier list * then thes arg is set empty list. * @param name name of this constructor. * @param params parameter list * @param throwlist throw type list, if there is no throws * then this arg is set empty list * @param scstmt statement which calls another constructor * if this is null, it means no another constructor * call exists. * @param stmtlist statement list of this constructor body. * if this is null, it means method body is with * only semi colon. */ public ConstructorDeclaration( ModifierList modiflist, String name, ParameterList params, TypeName[] throwlist, ConstructorInvocation scstmt, StatementList stmtlist) { super(); if (modiflist == null) modiflist = new ModifierList(); if (params == null) params = new ParameterList(); if (throwlist == null) throwlist = new TypeName[0]; set(modiflist, name, params, throwlist, scstmt, stmtlist); } /** * Constructs new ConstructorDeclaration from its elements. * * @param modiflist modifier list, if it has no modifier list * then thes arg is set empty list. * @param name name of this constructor. * @param params parameter list * @param throwlist throw type list, if there is no throws * then this arg is set empty list * @param stmtlist statement list of this constructor body. * if this is null, it means method body is with * only semi colon. */ public ConstructorDeclaration( ModifierList modiflist, String name, ParameterList params, TypeName[] throwlist, StatementList stmtlist) { this(modiflist, name, params, throwlist, null, stmtlist); } /** for recursive copy */ ConstructorDeclaration() { super(); } /** * Gets modifier list. * * @return modifier list. */ public ModifierList getModifiers() { return (ModifierList) elementAt(0); } /** * Sets modifier list. * * @param modifs modifier list. */ public void setModifiers(ModifierList modifs) { if (modifs == null) { modifs = new ModifierList(); } setElementAt(modifs, 0); } /** * Gets the name of this constructor node. * * @return constructor declarator node. */ public String getName() { return (String) elementAt(1); } /** * Sets the name of this constructor node. * * @param name the name to be set. */ public void setName(String name) { setElementAt(name, 1); } /** * Gets the parameter list. * * @return parameter list for constructor. */ public ParameterList getParameters() { return (ParameterList) elementAt(2); } /** * Sets the parameter list. * * @param params parameterlist for constructor declarator node. */ public void setParameters(ParameterList params) { if (params == null) { params = new ParameterList(); } setElementAt(params, 2); } /** * Gets the class type list thrown by this constructor. * * @return class type list thrown by this constructor. */ public TypeName[] getThrows() { return (TypeName[]) elementAt(3); } /** * Sets the class type list thrown by this constructor. * * @param ctlist class type list thrown by this constructor. */ public void setThrows(TypeName[] ctlist) { if (ctlist == null) { ctlist = new TypeName[0]; } setElementAt(ctlist, 3); } /** * Gets the special call statement. * Special call statement is like: *
     *     super();

* * @return special call statement */ public ConstructorInvocation getConstructorInvocation() { return (ConstructorInvocation) elementAt(4); } /** * Sets the special call statement. * * @param scstmt the special call statement to set * @see io.devnulllabs.openjava.ptree.ConstructorDeclaration#getConstructorInvocation() */ public void setConstructorInvocation(ConstructorInvocation scstmt) { setElementAt(scstmt, 4); } /** * Gets the statement list of this constructor body. * * @return the statement list of this constructor body. */ public StatementList getBody() { return (StatementList) elementAt(5); } /** * Sets the statement list of this constructor body. * * @return the statement list of this constructor body. */ public void setBody(StatementList stmts) { setElementAt(stmts, 5); } public void setSuffixes(Hashtable suffixes) { this.suffixes = suffixes; } public Hashtable getSuffixes() { return this.suffixes; } public void accept(ParseTreeVisitor v) throws ParseTreeException { v.visit(this); } }