OpenJava Tutorial

4. Custom Modifiers

OpenJava allows meta-programmer to extend the syntax of language in limited way. The easiest part of the syntax extension is adding new modifiers for class declaration or member declarations.

In this section, suppose an example of syntax extension for method declarations which explicitly describes the modified method should override the methed in superclasses. With this extension, base-level programmers can detect errors at compile-time. Otherwise, the regular Java compiler doesn't complain about it because it's proper method declaration defining a new method in the class.

2.1. What the base-level program should look like

In defining a new class which must override some methods in superclasses, programmers would add the modifier overriding to each method overriding the corresponding method in superclasses. Here, we define a new class MyObject which surely overrides the method toString() in the superclass java.lang.Object:

public class MyObject instantiates OverrideCheckerClass {
    public overriding String toString() {
        return "MyString";

OpenJava compiler doesn't show any error message for this source code as it overrides the supermethod properly. But the system should show some error messages if the source code is as follows:

public class MyObjectWithError instantiates OverrideCheckerClass {
    public overriding String toStrung() {
        return "MyString";
because there is no toStrung() method in the superclasses of the class MyObjectWithError.

2.2. What the base-level program should be translated

In this example, only the error checking is performed thus no translation of source code are performed by the metaclass. Thus the system should produce the source code in the regular Java like following for the class MyObject:

public class MyObject {
    public String toString() {
        return "MyString";

Only the difference from the original is the absense of the extended modifier overriding.

2.3. Write a meta-level program

Extended modifiers are automatically removed by the system in generating source code. Thus we do not have to care about it here. We should define such a metaclass OverrideCheckerClass to override two methods. The first method:

public static boolean isRegisteredModifier(String)
is for the purpose of allowing the custom modifier overriding.

And the second method is:

public void translateDefinition()
Though there are no translation, we must show alert in case of missing overriding.

The source code following is a such implementation.

import openjava.mop.*;
import openjava.ptree.*;
public class OverrideCheckerClass instantiates Metaclass extends OJClass
    private static final String OVERRIDING = "overriding";

    public static boolean isRegisteredModifier( String keyword ) {
        if (keyword.equals( OVERRIDING ))  return true;
        return OJClass.isRegisteredModifier( keyword );

    public void translateDefinition() throws MOPException {
        OJMethod[] methods = getDeclaredMethods();
        for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; ++i) {
            if (! methods[i].getModifiers().has( OVERRIDING ))  continue;
            String name = methods[i].getName();
            OJClass[] ptypes = methods[i].getParameterTypes();
            try {
                getSuperclass().getMethod( name, ptypes, this );
            } catch (NoSuchMemberException e) {
                System.err.println( "warning:  " + methods[i] + " doesn't " +
                                    "override any method in the superclasses." );


In order to add a new modifier, we override the method isRegisteredModifier() and make it return true for the String object "overriding".

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