* TODO Daily Review SCHEDULED: %T :PROPERTIES: :header-args:elisp: :results none :Effort: 0h 30min :END: ** Get Clear [0/2] :PROPERTIES: :END: - [-] Get "IN" to Zero - [ ] Text Messages - [X] Voice Mail - [ ] Email Inboxes #+begin_src elisp (mu4e) #+end_src - [ ] Google Keep Inbox #+begin_src elisp (browse-url "https://keep.google.com/u/0/?") #+end_src - [ ] Browser Tabs - [ ] [[file:~/.org/refile.org][Refile]] ** Get Current [0/4] :PROPERTIES: :END: - [ ] Review upcoming calendar entries - [ ] Add entries for upcoming meetings - [ ] Review Weekly Notes #+begin_src elisp (kb/org-weekly-notes) #+end_src - [ ] Review Yesterdays's Daily Notes #+begin_src elisp (org-roam-dailies-goto-yesterday 1) #+end_src - [ ] Schedule Tasks - [ ] Review Any Relevant Checklists ** Get Creative [0/3] :PROPERTIES: :END: - [ ] Browse Random Org Node #+begin_src elisp (org-roam-node-random) #+end_src - [ ] Be creative and courageous: Are there any new wonderful, harebrained, creative, thought-provoking, risk-taking ideas you can capture and add into your system or "external brain"? - [ ] Clock out.