{ pkgs, ... }: with pkgs; [ (pass.withExtensions (ext: with ext; [ pass-otp pass-genphrase ])) ag alacritty apg aria2 ario aspell aspellDicts.en aspellDicts.en-computers aspellDicts.en-science backup-sh bash-completion bashInteractive breezy cacert catdocx chromium coq ddcutil diffstat diffutils direnv ditaa dnsutils docbook5 dos2unix dot2tex duplicity duplicity-backup-sh eclipses.eclipse-java element-desktop enchant entr exiv2 fd ffmpeg file findutils firefox fontconfig fonts-overlay fzf gawk gen-sshconfig-sh getmail gimp git-tools global gnugrep gnupg gnuplot gnused gnutar gnutls graphviz-nox groff guile guile-lint hammer highlight htmlTidy htop httperf imagemagick imgcat inkscape.out install-git-hooks-sh iotop isync jetbrains.idea-community jitsi-meet-electron jmeter john jq kitty klavaro kopia ledger less libreoffice librsvg mc mercurial mitmproxy mkpasswd mpc_cli mpd mpdris2 msmtp mtr multimarkdown mu mutt ncmpcpp niv nix-tools nix-search-emacs-packages-sh nmap notmuch nox obs-studio octaveFull openjdk11 openssh openssl openvpn p7zip pandoc paperkey parallel patch patchutils pdfpc pdftk pidgin-with-plugins plantuml playerctl poppler_utils postman pv pwgen python-environment qrencode (rWrapper.override{ packages = with rPackages; [ ggplot2 dplyr xts ]; }) racket ranger renameutils ripgrep rsync rtags screen shadir-sh shellcheck shreddir-sh signal-desktop silver-searcher slack socat sourceHighlight stow subversion svg2tikz tcpdump time tmux tokei tree units unzip urlwatch vale vim #visualvm w3m watch watchman wavemon wget whois wireshark-qt wkhtmltopdf wordnet xbindkeys xorg.xev xorriso xournal xsensors xsv xz youtube-dl yubikey-personalization z3 zeal zip zoom-us zotero zsh zsh-syntax-highlighting ]