path: root/lib/exdatadog.ex
diff options
authorkballou <kballou@devnulllabs.io>2016-12-27 10:02:42 -0700
committerkballou <kballou@devnulllabs.io>2016-12-27 10:40:28 -0700
commit6e36a9c3fb482cc993a3fa6511c51cc19b59d5a2 (patch)
tree2b70dbdb2ca4ff29927b61a2c0b845945de3b848 /lib/exdatadog.ex
parentb79f51aac09b6a612725e1fae5af283c4025aa34 (diff)
Add base datadog client
This adds a base HTTPoison Datadog Client library.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/exdatadog.ex')
1 files changed, 123 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/exdatadog.ex b/lib/exdatadog.ex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb1c559
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/exdatadog.ex
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+defmodule Exdatadog do
+ @moduledoc """
+ HTTPoison Client for exdatadog
+ """
+ use HTTPoison.Base
+ alias Exdatadog.Client
+ alias HTTPoison.Response
+ @user_agent [{"user-agent", "exdatadog"}]
+ @type response :: {integer, any} | map
+ @spec process_response_body(binary) :: map
+ def process_response_body(""), do: nil
+ def process_response_body(body), do: Poison.decode!(body)
+ @spec process_response(HTTPoison.Response.t) :: response
+ def process_response(%Response{status_code: status_code, body: body}) do
+ {status_code, body}
+ end
+ def post(path, client, body) do
+ _request(:post, url(client, path), client.auth, body)
+ end
+ def get(path, client, params \\ [], _ \\ []) do
+ url =
+ client
+ |> url(path)
+ |> add_params_to_url(params)
+ _request(:get, url, client.auth)
+ end
+ def _request(method, url, auth, body \\ "") do
+ json_request(method,
+ add_params_to_url(url, auth_params(auth)),
+ body,
+ @user_agent)
+ end
+ def json_request(method, url, body \\ "", headers \\ [], options \\ []) do
+ raw_request(method, url, Poison.encode!(body), headers, options)
+ end
+ def raw_request(method, url, body \\ "", headers \\ [], options \\ []) do
+ method
+ |> request!(url, body, headers, options)
+ |> process_response
+ end
+ @spec url(Exdatadog.Client.t, binary) :: binary
+ defp url(_client = %Client{endpoint: endpoint}, path) do
+ endpoint <> path
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Take an existing URI and add addition parameters, merging as necessary
+ ## Examples
+ iex> add_params_to_url("http://example.com/wat", [])
+ "http://example.com/wat"
+ iex> add_params_to_url("http://example.com/wat", [q: 1])
+ "http://example.com/wat?q=1"
+ iex> add_params_to_url("http://example.com/wat", [q: 1, t: 2])
+ "http://example.com/wat?q=1&t=2"
+ iex> add_params_to_url("http://example.com/wat", %{q: 1, t: 2})
+ "http://example.com/wat?q=1&t=2"
+ iex> add_params_to_url("http://example.com/wat?q=1&t=2", [])
+ "http://example.com/wat?q=1&t=2"
+ iex> add_params_to_url("http://example.com/wat?q=1", [t: 2])
+ "http://example.com/wat?q=1&t=2"
+ iex> add_params_to_url("http://example.com/wat?q=1", [q: 3, t: 2])
+ "http://example.com/wat?q=3&t=2"
+ iex> add_params_to_url("http://example.com/wat?q=1&s=4", [q: 3, t: 2])
+ "http://example.com/wat?q=3&s=4&t=2"
+ iex> add_params_to_url("http://example.com/wat?q=1&s=4", %{q: 3, t: 2})
+ "http://example.com/wat?q=3&s=4&t=2"
+ """
+ @spec add_params_to_url(binary, list) :: binary
+ def add_params_to_url(url, params) do
+ url
+ |> URI.parse
+ |> merge_uri_params(params)
+ |> to_string
+ end
+ defp merge_uri_params(uri, []), do: uri
+ defp merge_uri_params(%URI{query: nil} = uri, params)
+ when is_list(params) or is_map(params) do
+ uri
+ |> Map.put(:query, URI.encode_query(params))
+ end
+ defp merge_uri_params(%URI{} = uri, params)
+ when is_list(params) or is_map(params) do
+ uri
+ |> Map.update!(:query, fn q ->
+ q
+ |> URI.decode_query
+ |> Map.merge(param_list_to_map_with_string_keys(params))
+ |> URI.encode_query
+ end)
+ end
+ defp param_list_to_map_with_string_keys(list)
+ when is_list(list) or is_map(list) do
+ for {key, value} <- list, into: Map.new do
+ {"#{key}", value}
+ end
+ end
+ def auth_params(%{api_key: api_key, app_key: app_key}) do
+ [application_key: app_key, api_key: api_key]
+ end
+ def auth_params(%{api_key: api_key}) do
+ [api_key: api_key]
+ end
+ def auth_params(_), do: []