Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* uri-rewrite: add fonts to whitelistHEADmasterKenny Ballou2020-02-12
* blog: add alias record for IPv6Kenny Ballou2020-02-09
* blog: update TLS protocol versionKenny Ballou2020-02-09
* blog: create uri rewrite log group explicitlyKenny Ballou2020-02-05
* code-{build,commit} auto build and deploy blogKenny Ballou2020-02-05
* uri-rewrite: rewrite function in pythonKenny Ballou2020-01-14
* tools: disable execution tracingKenny Ballou2019-10-10
* tools: :rose: fix linting errorsKenny Ballou2019-10-10
* tools: add catch all case to print usageKenny Ballou2019-10-10
* blog: use the ARN for lambda function versionKenny Ballou2019-06-12
* blog: update lambda runtimeKenny Ballou2019-06-12
* set default cache TTL to 1 hourKenny Ballou2018-10-19
* Update and reformat whitelistKenny Ballou2018-08-20
* Add cloudformation templates and toolingKenny Ballou2018-08-19
* Remove old configuration and setupKenny Ballou2018-08-19
* Update ssl ciphers and add dhparamskballou2017-02-10
* Update nginx config and sites directorykballou2017-02-10
* Migrate blog content to new repositorykballou2017-02-10
* Fix minor spelling errorkballou2017-02-06
* Coreboot x230 Postkballou2017-01-31
* Update copyright year => 2017kballou2017-01-30
* Add serve targetkballou2017-01-30
* Refactor phony targetskballou2017-01-30
* Add elixir/erlang hot swapping postkballou2016-12-13
* Display all posts, remove limitkballou2016-11-11
* Add RSS link/square to headerkballou2016-11-11
* Remove LinkedIn header link/squarekballou2016-11-11
* Update Licensingkballou2016-11-11
* Update previous post linkkballou2016-11-10
* Add cgit header linkkballou2016-09-14
* Add git resurrecting history postkballou2016-09-14
* Fix minor grammar issueskballou2016-09-07
* Update paths of SSL certificate and keykballou2016-08-02
* Add all targets to phonykballou2016-05-27
* Add phony target listkballou2016-05-27
* Add build to deploy dependencykballou2016-05-27
* Add Elixir OTP Releases Postkballou2016-05-27
* Add `rel="noopener noreferrer"` to external linkskballou2016-05-05
* Add selection css stylingkballou2016-03-10
* Convert docker image to alpine linuxkballou2016-03-02
* Move certificate fileskballou2016-03-02
* Remove TLSv1 supportkballou2016-03-02
* Add alt text for all imageskballou2016-02-25
* Remove unnecessary sectionkballou2016-02-25
* Remove `nobr` tag from summarieskballou2016-02-25
* Fix stylesheet rel typekballou2016-02-25
* Fix missing closing body tagkballou2016-02-25
* Redesign ALL the Thingskballou2016-02-25
* Allow ddgkballou2016-01-20
* Update copyright yearkballou2016-01-20