defmodule Boltex.Bolt do alias Boltex.{Utils, PackStream} require Logger @recv_timeout 1_000 @max_chunk_size 65_535 @user_agent "Boltex/1.0" @hs_magic << 0x60, 0x60, 0xB0, 0x17 >> @hs_version << 1 :: 32, 0 :: 32, 0 :: 32, 0 :: 32 >> @zero_chunk << 0, 0 >> @sig_init 0x01 @sig_ack_failure 0x0E @sig_reset 0x0F @sig_run 0x10 @sig_discard_all 0x2F @sig_pull_all 0x3F @sig_success 0x70 @sig_record 0x71 @sig_ignored 0x7E @sig_failure 0x7F @summary ~w(success ignored failure)a @moduledoc """ The Boltex.Bolt module handles the Bolt protocol specific steps (i.e. handshake, init) as well as sending and receiving messages and wrapping them in chunks. It abstracts transportation, expecing the transport layer to define send/2 and recv/3 analogous to :gen_tcp. """ @doc "Does the handshake" def handshake(transport, port) do transport.send port, @hs_magic <> @hs_version case transport.recv(port, 4, @recv_timeout) do {:ok, << 1 :: 32 >>} -> :ok response -> Logger.error "Handshake failed. Received: #{Utils.hex_encode response})" {:error, :handshake_failed} end end @doc """ Initialises the connection. Expects a transport module (i.e. `gen_tcp`) and a `Port`. Accepts authorisation params in the form of {username, password}. ## Examples iex> Boltex.Bolt.init :gen_tcp, port :ok iex> Boltex.Bolt.init :gen_tcp, port, {"username", "password"} :ok """ def init(transport, port, auth \\ nil) do params = auth_params auth send_messages transport, port, [{[@user_agent, params], @sig_init}] case receive_data(transport, port) do {:success, %{}} -> :ok response -> Logger.error "Init failed. Received: #{Utils.hex_encode response})" {:error, :init_failed} end end defp auth_params(nil), do: %{} defp auth_params({username, password}) do %{ scheme: "basic", principal: username, credentials: password } end @doc """ Sends a list of messages using the Bolt protocol and PackStream encoding. Messages have to be in the form of {[messages], signature}. """ def send_messages(transport, port, messages) do messages |> |> generate_chunks |> Enum.each(&(transport.send(port, &1))) end defp generate_binary_message({messages, signature}) do messages = List.wrap messages struct_size = length messages << 0xB :: 4, struct_size :: 4, signature >> <> Utils.reduce_to_binary(messages, &PackStream.encode/1) end defp generate_chunks(messages, chunks \\ [], current_chunk \\ <<>>) defp generate_chunks([], chunks, current_chunk) do [current_chunk | chunks] |> Enum.reverse end defp generate_chunks([message | messages], chunks, current_chunk) when byte_size(current_chunk <> message) <= @max_chunk_size do message_size = byte_size message current_chunk = current_chunk <> << message_size :: 16 >> <> message <> @zero_chunk generate_chunks messages, chunks, current_chunk end defp generate_chunks([chunk | chunks], chunks, current_chunk) do oversized_chunk = current_chunk <> chunk {first, rest} = binary_part oversized_chunk, 0, @max_chunk_size first_size = byte_size first rest_size = byte_size rest current_chunk = current_chunk <> << first_size :: 16 >> <> first new_chunk = << rest_size :: 16 >> <> rest generate_chunks chunks, [current_chunk | chunks], new_chunk end @doc """ Runs a statement (most likely Cypher statement) and returns a list of the records and a summary. Records are represented using PackStream's record data type. Their Elixir representation is a Keyword with the indexse `:sig` and `:fields`. ## Examples iex> Boltex.Bolt.run_statement("MATCH (n) RETURN n") [ {:record, [sig: 1, fields: [1, "Exmaple", "Labels", %{"some_attribute" => "some_value"}]]}, {:success, %{"type" => "r"}} ] """ def run_statement(transport, port, statement, params \\ %{}) do send_messages transport, port, [ {[statement, params], @sig_run}, {[nil], @sig_pull_all} ] with {:success, %{}} = data <- receive_data(transport, port), do: [data | transport |> receive_data(port) |> List.wrap] end @doc """ Receives data. This function is supposed to be called after a request to the server has been made. It receives data chunks, mends them (if they were split between frames) and decodes them using PackStream. When just a single message is received (i.e. to acknowledge a command), this function returns a tuple with two items, the first being the signature and the second being the message(s) itself. If a list of messages is received it will return a list of the former. The same goes for the messages: If there was a single data point in a message said data point will be returned by itself. If there were multiple data points, the list will be returned. The signature is represented as one of the following: * `:success` * `:record` * `:ignored` * `:failure` """ def receive_data(transport, port, previous \\ []) do case transport |> do_receive_data(port) |> unpack do {:record, _} = data -> receive_data transport, port, [data | previous] {status, _} = data when status in @summary and previous == [] -> data {status, _} = data when status in @summary -> Enum.reverse [data | previous] end end defp do_receive_data(transport, port) do with {:ok, <>} <- transport.recv(port, 2, @recv_timeout), do: do_receive_data(transport, port, chunk_size) end defp do_receive_data(transport, port, chunk_size) do with {:ok, data} <- transport.recv(port, chunk_size, @recv_timeout) do case transport.recv(port, 2, @recv_timeout) do {:ok, @zero_chunk} -> data {:ok, <>} -> data <> do_receive_data(transport, port, chunk_size) end else {:error, :timeout} -> {:error, :no_more_data_received} other -> raise "receive failed" end end @doc """ Unpacks (or in other words parses) a message. """ def unpack(<< 0x0B :: 4, packages :: 4, status, message :: binary >>) do response = PackStream.decode(message) response = if packages == 1, do: List.first(response), else: response case status do @sig_success -> {:success, response} @sig_record -> {:record, response} @sig_ignored -> {:ignored, response} @sig_failure -> {:failure, response} other -> raise "Couldn't decode #{Utils.hex_encode << other >>}" end end end