diff options
authorShawn O. Pearce <spearce@spearce.org>2007-02-13 23:43:48 -0500
committerShawn O. Pearce <spearce@spearce.org>2007-02-13 23:43:48 -0500
commitcdf6e08880b4924fa717bd6ca700081f445c9065 (patch)
parent54acdd95b81d3675381a749e7cd7fc14956853c3 (diff)
git-gui: Permit merging tags into the current branch.
It was pointed out on the git mailing list by Martin Koegler that we did not show tags as possible things to merge into the current branch. They actually are, and core Git's Grand Unified Merge Driver will accept them just like any other commit. So our merge dialog now requests all refs/heads, refs/remotes and refs/tags named refs and attempts to match them against the commits not in HEAD. One complicating factor here is that we must use the %(*objectname) field when talking about an annotated tag, as they will not appear in the output of rev-list. Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <spearce@spearce.org>
1 files changed, 5 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/git-gui.sh b/git-gui.sh
index 444cc0afc..f8d4db21a 100755
--- a/git-gui.sh
+++ b/git-gui.sh
@@ -2916,14 +2916,16 @@ proc do_local_merge {} {
pack $w.source -fill both -expand 1 -pady 5 -padx 5
set cmd [list git for-each-ref]
- lappend cmd {--format=%(objectname) %(refname)}
+ lappend cmd {--format=%(objectname) %(*objectname) %(refname)}
lappend cmd refs/heads
lappend cmd refs/remotes
+ lappend cmd refs/tags
set fr_fd [open "| $cmd" r]
fconfigure $fr_fd -translation binary
while {[gets $fr_fd line] > 0} {
set line [split $line { }]
- set sha1([lindex $line 0]) [lindex $line 1]
+ set sha1([lindex $line 0]) [lindex $line 2]
+ set sha1([lindex $line 1]) [lindex $line 2]
close $fr_fd
@@ -2931,7 +2933,7 @@ proc do_local_merge {} {
set fr_fd [open "| git rev-list --all --not HEAD"]
while {[gets $fr_fd line] > 0} {
if {[catch {set ref $sha1($line)}]} continue
- regsub ^refs/(heads|remotes)/ $ref {} ref
+ regsub ^refs/(heads|remotes|tags)/ $ref {} ref
lappend to_show $ref
close $fr_fd