path: root/git-gui/lib/choose_repository.tcl
diff options
authorJunio C Hamano <gitster@pobox.com>2010-02-07 15:52:28 -0800
committerJunio C Hamano <gitster@pobox.com>2010-02-07 15:52:28 -0800
commit8051a030617cf7d083568cca223bdaa15052c33f (patch)
tree418b879c1248f01204092c74b116ff8b82146ccf /git-gui/lib/choose_repository.tcl
parente7ec9de67639d7c1715b450f54d297cc38e25867 (diff)
parent89d61592bddda4dfcb90314be9e06479f712bb7f (diff)
Merge git://repo.or.cz/git-guiv1.7.0-rc2
* git://repo.or.cz/git-gui: git-gui: update french translation git-gui: update Japanese translation git-gui: fix shortcut for menu "Commit/Revert Changes" git-gui: Quote git path when starting another gui in a submodule git-gui: update Italian translation git-gui: Update Swedish translation (520t0f0u) git-gui: use themed tk widgets with Tk 8.5 git-gui: Update German translation (12 new or changed strings). git-gui: Update translation template git-gui: Remove unused icon file_parttick git-gui: use different icon for new and modified files in the index git-gui: set GIT_DIR and GIT_WORK_TREE after setup git-gui: update shortcut tools to use _gitworktree git-gui: handle bare repos correctly git-gui: handle non-standard worktree locations git-gui: Support applying a range of changes at once git-gui: Add a special diff popup menu for submodules git-gui: Use git diff --submodule when available
Diffstat (limited to 'git-gui/lib/choose_repository.tcl')
1 files changed, 44 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/git-gui/lib/choose_repository.tcl b/git-gui/lib/choose_repository.tcl
index 3f8f3030f..64f06748b 100644
--- a/git-gui/lib/choose_repository.tcl
+++ b/git-gui/lib/choose_repository.tcl
@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ field readtree_err ; # Error output from read-tree (if any)
field sorted_recent ; # recent repositories (sorted)
constructor pick {} {
- global M1T M1B
+ global M1T M1B use_ttk NS
- make_toplevel top w
+ make_dialog top w
wm title $top [mc "Git Gui"]
if {$top eq {.}} {
@@ -71,11 +71,11 @@ constructor pick {} {
set w_body $w.body
set opts $w_body.options
- frame $w_body
+ ${NS}::frame $w_body
text $opts \
-cursor $::cursor_ptr \
-relief flat \
- -background [$w_body cget -background] \
+ -background [get_bg_color $w_body] \
-wrap none \
-spacing1 5 \
-width 50 \
@@ -132,15 +132,15 @@ constructor pick {} {
-label [mc "Recent Repositories"]
- label $w_body.space
- label $w_body.recentlabel \
+ ${NS}::label $w_body.space
+ ${NS}::label $w_body.recentlabel \
-anchor w \
-text [mc "Open Recent Repository:"]
set w_recentlist $w_body.recentlist
text $w_recentlist \
-cursor $::cursor_ptr \
-relief flat \
- -background [$w_body.recentlabel cget -background] \
+ -background [get_bg_color $w_body.recentlabel] \
-wrap none \
-width 50 \
-height 10
@@ -176,10 +176,10 @@ constructor pick {} {
pack $w_body -fill x -padx 10 -pady 10
- frame $w.buttons
+ ${NS}::frame $w.buttons
set w_next $w.buttons.next
set w_quit $w.buttons.quit
- button $w_quit \
+ ${NS}::button $w_quit \
-text [mc "Quit"] \
-command exit
pack $w_quit -side right -padx 5
@@ -203,6 +203,7 @@ constructor pick {} {
wm deiconify $top
tkwait variable @done
+ grab release $top
if {$top eq {.}} {
eval destroy [winfo children $top]
@@ -284,9 +285,10 @@ method _open_recent_path {p} {
method _next {action} {
+ global NS
destroy $w_body
if {![winfo exists $w_next]} {
- button $w_next -default active
+ ${NS}::button $w_next -default active
pack $w_next -side right -padx 5 -before $w_quit
_do_$action $this
@@ -375,26 +377,25 @@ proc _objdir {path} {
## Create New Repository
method _do_new {} {
+ global use_ttk NS
$w_next conf \
-state disabled \
-command [cb _do_new2] \
-text [mc "Create"]
- frame $w_body
- label $w_body.h \
- -font font_uibold \
+ ${NS}::frame $w_body
+ ${NS}::label $w_body.h \
+ -font font_uibold -anchor center \
-text [mc "Create New Repository"]
pack $w_body.h -side top -fill x -pady 10
pack $w_body -fill x -padx 10
- frame $w_body.where
- label $w_body.where.l -text [mc "Directory:"]
- entry $w_body.where.t \
+ ${NS}::frame $w_body.where
+ ${NS}::label $w_body.where.l -text [mc "Directory:"]
+ ${NS}::entry $w_body.where.t \
-textvariable @local_path \
- -borderwidth 1 \
- -relief sunken \
-width 50
- button $w_body.where.b \
+ ${NS}::button $w_body.where.b \
-text [mc "Browse"] \
-command [cb _new_local_path]
set w_localpath $w_body.where.t
@@ -460,63 +461,57 @@ proc _new_ok {p} {
## Clone Existing Repository
method _do_clone {} {
+ global use_ttk NS
$w_next conf \
-state disabled \
-command [cb _do_clone2] \
-text [mc "Clone"]
- frame $w_body
- label $w_body.h \
- -font font_uibold \
+ ${NS}::frame $w_body
+ ${NS}::label $w_body.h \
+ -font font_uibold -anchor center \
-text [mc "Clone Existing Repository"]
pack $w_body.h -side top -fill x -pady 10
pack $w_body -fill x -padx 10
set args $w_body.args
- frame $w_body.args
+ ${NS}::frame $w_body.args
pack $args -fill both
- label $args.origin_l -text [mc "Source Location:"]
- entry $args.origin_t \
+ ${NS}::label $args.origin_l -text [mc "Source Location:"]
+ ${NS}::entry $args.origin_t \
-textvariable @origin_url \
- -borderwidth 1 \
- -relief sunken \
-width 50
- button $args.origin_b \
+ ${NS}::button $args.origin_b \
-text [mc "Browse"] \
-command [cb _open_origin]
grid $args.origin_l $args.origin_t $args.origin_b -sticky ew
- label $args.where_l -text [mc "Target Directory:"]
- entry $args.where_t \
+ ${NS}::label $args.where_l -text [mc "Target Directory:"]
+ ${NS}::entry $args.where_t \
-textvariable @local_path \
- -borderwidth 1 \
- -relief sunken \
-width 50
- button $args.where_b \
+ ${NS}::button $args.where_b \
-text [mc "Browse"] \
-command [cb _new_local_path]
grid $args.where_l $args.where_t $args.where_b -sticky ew
set w_localpath $args.where_t
- label $args.type_l -text [mc "Clone Type:"]
- frame $args.type_f
+ ${NS}::label $args.type_l -text [mc "Clone Type:"]
+ ${NS}::frame $args.type_f
set w_types [list]
- lappend w_types [radiobutton $args.type_f.hardlink \
+ lappend w_types [${NS}::radiobutton $args.type_f.hardlink \
-state disabled \
- -anchor w \
-text [mc "Standard (Fast, Semi-Redundant, Hardlinks)"] \
-variable @clone_type \
-value hardlink]
- lappend w_types [radiobutton $args.type_f.full \
+ lappend w_types [${NS}::radiobutton $args.type_f.full \
-state disabled \
- -anchor w \
-text [mc "Full Copy (Slower, Redundant Backup)"] \
-variable @clone_type \
-value full]
- lappend w_types [radiobutton $args.type_f.shared \
+ lappend w_types [${NS}::radiobutton $args.type_f.shared \
-state disabled \
- -anchor w \
-text [mc "Shared (Fastest, Not Recommended, No Backup)"] \
-variable @clone_type \
-value shared]
@@ -1005,26 +1000,25 @@ method _postcheckout_wait {fd_ph} {
## Open Existing Repository
method _do_open {} {
+ global NS
$w_next conf \
-state disabled \
-command [cb _do_open2] \
-text [mc "Open"]
- frame $w_body
- label $w_body.h \
- -font font_uibold \
+ ${NS}::frame $w_body
+ ${NS}::label $w_body.h \
+ -font font_uibold -anchor center \
-text [mc "Open Existing Repository"]
pack $w_body.h -side top -fill x -pady 10
pack $w_body -fill x -padx 10
- frame $w_body.where
- label $w_body.where.l -text [mc "Repository:"]
- entry $w_body.where.t \
+ ${NS}::frame $w_body.where
+ ${NS}::label $w_body.where.l -text [mc "Repository:"]
+ ${NS}::entry $w_body.where.t \
-textvariable @local_path \
- -borderwidth 1 \
- -relief sunken \
-width 50
- button $w_body.where.b \
+ ${NS}::button $w_body.where.b \
-text [mc "Browse"] \
-command [cb _open_local_path]