path: root/git-relink-script
diff options
authorJunio C Hamano <junkio@cox.net>2005-09-07 17:26:23 -0700
committerJunio C Hamano <junkio@cox.net>2005-09-07 17:45:20 -0700
commit215a7ad1ef790467a4cd3f0dcffbd6e5f04c38f7 (patch)
tree6bc7aa4f652d0ef49108d9e30a7ea7fbf8e44639 /git-relink-script
parent99977bd5fdeabbd0608a70e9411c243007ec4ea2 (diff)
Big tool rename.
As promised, this is the "big tool rename" patch. The primary differences since 0.99.6 are: (1) git-*-script are no more. The commands installed do not have any such suffix so users do not have to remember if something is implemented as a shell script or not. (2) Many command names with 'cache' in them are renamed with 'index' if that is what they mean. There are backward compatibility symblic links so that you and Porcelains can keep using the old names, but the backward compatibility support is expected to be removed in the near future. Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <junkio@cox.net>
Diffstat (limited to 'git-relink-script')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 173 deletions
diff --git a/git-relink-script b/git-relink-script
deleted file mode 100755
index f6b4f6a2f..000000000
--- a/git-relink-script
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env perl
-# Copyright 2005, Ryan Anderson <ryan@michonline.com>
-# Distribution permitted under the GPL v2, as distributed
-# by the Free Software Foundation.
-# Later versions of the GPL at the discretion of Linus Torvalds
-# Scan two git object-trees, and hardlink any common objects between them.
-use 5.006;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Getopt::Long;
-sub get_canonical_form($);
-sub do_scan_directory($$$);
-sub compare_two_files($$);
-sub usage();
-sub link_two_files($$);
-# stats
-my $total_linked = 0;
-my $total_already = 0;
-my ($linked,$already);
-my $fail_on_different_sizes = 0;
-my $help = 0;
-GetOptions("safe" => \$fail_on_different_sizes,
- "help" => \$help);
-usage() if $help;
-my (@dirs) = @ARGV;
-usage() if (!defined $dirs[0] || !defined $dirs[1]);
-$_ = get_canonical_form($_) foreach (@dirs);
-my $master_dir = pop @dirs;
-opendir(D,$master_dir . "objects/")
- or die "Failed to open $master_dir/objects/ : $!";
-my @hashdirs = grep !/^\.{1,2}$/, readdir(D);
-foreach my $repo (@dirs) {
- $linked = 0;
- $already = 0;
- printf("Searching '%s' and '%s' for common objects and hardlinking them...\n",
- $master_dir,$repo);
- foreach my $hashdir (@hashdirs) {
- do_scan_directory($master_dir, $hashdir, $repo);
- }
- printf("Linked %d files, %d were already linked.\n",$linked, $already);
- $total_linked += $linked;
- $total_already += $already;
-printf("Totals: Linked %d files, %d were already linked.\n",
- $total_linked, $total_already);
-sub do_scan_directory($$$) {
- my ($srcdir, $subdir, $dstdir) = @_;
- my $sfulldir = sprintf("%sobjects/%s/",$srcdir,$subdir);
- my $dfulldir = sprintf("%sobjects/%s/",$dstdir,$subdir);
- opendir(S,$sfulldir)
- or die "Failed to opendir $sfulldir: $!";
- foreach my $file (grep(!/\.{1,2}$/, readdir(S))) {
- my $sfilename = $sfulldir . $file;
- my $dfilename = $dfulldir . $file;
- compare_two_files($sfilename,$dfilename);
- }
- closedir(S);
-sub compare_two_files($$) {
- my ($sfilename, $dfilename) = @_;
- # Perl's stat returns relevant information as follows:
- # 0 = dev number
- # 1 = inode number
- # 7 = size
- my @sstatinfo = stat($sfilename);
- my @dstatinfo = stat($dfilename);
- if (@sstatinfo == 0 && @dstatinfo == 0) {
- die sprintf("Stat of both %s and %s failed: %s\n",$sfilename, $dfilename, $!);
- } elsif (@dstatinfo == 0) {
- return;
- }
- if ( ($sstatinfo[0] == $dstatinfo[0]) &&
- ($sstatinfo[1] != $dstatinfo[1])) {
- if ($sstatinfo[7] == $dstatinfo[7]) {
- link_two_files($sfilename, $dfilename);
- } else {
- my $err = sprintf("ERROR: File sizes are not the same, cannot relink %s to %s.\n",
- $sfilename, $dfilename);
- if ($fail_on_different_sizes) {
- die $err;
- } else {
- warn $err;
- }
- }
- } elsif ( ($sstatinfo[0] == $dstatinfo[0]) &&
- ($sstatinfo[1] == $dstatinfo[1])) {
- $already++;
- }
-sub get_canonical_form($) {
- my $dir = shift;
- my $original = $dir;
- die "$dir is not a directory." unless -d $dir;
- $dir .= "/" unless $dir =~ m#/$#;
- $dir .= ".git/" unless $dir =~ m#\.git/$#;
- die "$original does not have a .git/ subdirectory.\n" unless -d $dir;
- return $dir;
-sub link_two_files($$) {
- my ($sfilename, $dfilename) = @_;
- my $tmpdname = sprintf("%s.old",$dfilename);
- rename($dfilename,$tmpdname)
- or die sprintf("Failure renaming %s to %s: %s",
- $dfilename, $tmpdname, $!);
- if (! link($sfilename,$dfilename)) {
- my $failtxt = "";
- unless (rename($tmpdname,$dfilename)) {
- $failtxt = sprintf(
- "Git Repository containing %s is probably corrupted, " .
- "please copy '%s' to '%s' to fix.\n",
- $tmpdname, $dfilename);
- }
- die sprintf("Failed to link %s to %s: %s\n%s" .
- $sfilename, $dfilename,
- $!, $dfilename, $failtxt);
- }
- unlink($tmpdname)
- or die sprintf("Unlink of %s failed: %s\n",
- $dfilename, $!);
- $linked++;
-sub usage() {
- print("Usage: $0 [--safe] <dir> [<dir> ...] <master_dir> \n");
- print("All directories should contain a .git/objects/ subdirectory.\n");
- print("Options\n");
- print("\t--safe\t" .
- "Stops if two objects with the same hash exist but " .
- "have different sizes. Default is to warn and continue.\n");
- exit(1);