path: root/git-gui
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'git-gui')
25 files changed, 4184 insertions, 691 deletions
diff --git a/git-gui/.gitattributes b/git-gui/.gitattributes
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f96112d47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/git-gui/.gitattributes
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+* encoding=US-ASCII
+git-gui.sh encoding=UTF-8
+/po/*.po encoding=UTF-8
diff --git a/git-gui/Makefile b/git-gui/Makefile
index 55765c8a3..3ad8a21b3 100644
--- a/git-gui/Makefile
+++ b/git-gui/Makefile
@@ -285,6 +285,7 @@ all:: $(GITGUI_MAIN) lib/tclIndex $(ALL_MSGFILES)
install: all
$(QUIET)$(INSTALL_D0)'$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(gitexecdir_SQ)' $(INSTALL_D1)
$(QUIET)$(INSTALL_X0)git-gui $(INSTALL_X1) '$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(gitexecdir_SQ)'
+ $(QUIET)$(INSTALL_X0)git-gui--askpass $(INSTALL_X1) '$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(gitexecdir_SQ)'
$(QUIET)$(foreach p,$(GITGUI_BUILT_INS), $(INSTALL_L0)'$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(gitexecdir_SQ)/$p' $(INSTALL_L1)'$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(gitexecdir_SQ)/git-gui' $(INSTALL_L2)'$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(gitexecdir_SQ)/$p' $(INSTALL_L3) &&) true
$(QUIET)$(INSTALL_R0)git-gui.tcl $(INSTALL_R1) '$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(gitexecdir_SQ)'
@@ -302,6 +303,7 @@ endif
$(QUIET)$(CLEAN_DST) '$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(gitexecdir_SQ)'
$(QUIET)$(REMOVE_F0)'$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(gitexecdir_SQ)'/git-gui $(REMOVE_F1)
+ $(QUIET)$(REMOVE_F0)'$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(gitexecdir_SQ)'/git-gui--askpass $(REMOVE_F1)
$(QUIET)$(foreach p,$(GITGUI_BUILT_INS), $(REMOVE_F0)'$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(gitexecdir_SQ)'/$p $(REMOVE_F1) &&) true
$(QUIET)$(REMOVE_F0)'$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(gitexecdir_SQ)'/git-gui.tcl $(REMOVE_F1)
diff --git a/git-gui/git-gui--askpass b/git-gui/git-gui--askpass
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..12e117ecb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/git-gui/git-gui--askpass
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# Tcl ignores the next line -*- tcl -*- \
+exec wish "$0" -- "$@"
+# This is a trivial implementation of an SSH_ASKPASS handler.
+# Git-gui uses this script if none are already configured.
+set answer {}
+set yesno 0
+set rc 255
+if {$argc < 1} {
+ set prompt "Enter your OpenSSH passphrase:"
+} else {
+ set prompt [join $argv " "]
+ if {[regexp -nocase {\(yes\/no\)\?\s*$} $prompt]} {
+ set yesno 1
+ }
+message .m -text $prompt -justify center -aspect 4000
+pack .m -side top -fill x -padx 20 -pady 20 -expand 1
+entry .e -textvariable answer -width 50
+pack .e -side top -fill x -padx 10 -pady 10
+if {!$yesno} {
+ .e configure -show "*"
+frame .b
+button .b.ok -text OK -command finish
+button .b.cancel -text Cancel -command {destroy .}
+pack .b.ok -side left -expand 1
+pack .b.cancel -side right -expand 1
+pack .b -side bottom -fill x -padx 10 -pady 10
+bind . <Visibility> {focus -force .e}
+bind . <Key-Return> finish
+bind . <Key-Escape> {destroy .}
+bind . <Destroy> {exit $rc}
+proc finish {} {
+ if {$::yesno} {
+ if {$::answer ne "yes" && $::answer ne "no"} {
+ tk_messageBox -icon error -title "Error" -type ok \
+ -message "Only 'yes' or 'no' input allowed."
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ set ::rc 0
+ puts $::answer
+ destroy .
+wm title . "OpenSSH"
+tk::PlaceWindow .
diff --git a/git-gui/git-gui.sh b/git-gui/git-gui.sh
index 86402d49f..8a4b42dbd 100755
--- a/git-gui/git-gui.sh
+++ b/git-gui/git-gui.sh
@@ -521,6 +521,19 @@ proc kill_file_process {fd} {
+proc gitattr {path attr default} {
+ if {[catch {set r [git check-attr $attr -- $path]}]} {
+ set r unspecified
+ } else {
+ set r [join [lrange [split $r :] 2 end] :]
+ regsub {^ } $r {} r
+ }
+ if {$r eq {unspecified}} {
+ return $default
+ }
+ return $r
proc sq {value} {
regsub -all ' $value "'\\''" value
return "'$value'"
@@ -578,6 +591,34 @@ bind . <Visibility> {
if {[is_Windows]} {
wm iconbitmap . -default $oguilib/git-gui.ico
+ set ::tk::AlwaysShowSelection 1
+ # Spoof an X11 display for SSH
+ if {![info exists env(DISPLAY)]} {
+ set env(DISPLAY) :9999
+ }
+} else {
+ catch {
+ image create photo gitlogo -width 16 -height 16
+ gitlogo put #33CC33 -to 7 0 9 2
+ gitlogo put #33CC33 -to 4 2 12 4
+ gitlogo put #33CC33 -to 7 4 9 6
+ gitlogo put #CC3333 -to 4 6 12 8
+ gitlogo put gray26 -to 4 9 6 10
+ gitlogo put gray26 -to 3 10 6 12
+ gitlogo put gray26 -to 8 9 13 11
+ gitlogo put gray26 -to 8 11 10 12
+ gitlogo put gray26 -to 11 11 13 14
+ gitlogo put gray26 -to 3 12 5 14
+ gitlogo put gray26 -to 5 13
+ gitlogo put gray26 -to 10 13
+ gitlogo put gray26 -to 4 14 12 15
+ gitlogo put gray26 -to 5 15 11 16
+ gitlogo redither
+ wm iconphoto . -default gitlogo
+ }
@@ -657,17 +698,21 @@ proc apply_config {} {
set default_config(branch.autosetupmerge) true
+set default_config(merge.tool) {}
+set default_config(merge.keepbackup) true
set default_config(merge.diffstat) true
set default_config(merge.summary) false
set default_config(merge.verbosity) 2
set default_config(user.name) {}
set default_config(user.email) {}
+set default_config(gui.encoding) [encoding system]
set default_config(gui.matchtrackingbranch) false
set default_config(gui.pruneduringfetch) false
set default_config(gui.trustmtime) false
set default_config(gui.fastcopyblame) false
set default_config(gui.copyblamethreshold) 40
+set default_config(gui.blamehistoryctx) 7
set default_config(gui.diffcontext) 5
set default_config(gui.commitmsgwidth) 75
set default_config(gui.newbranchtemplate) {}
@@ -895,19 +940,25 @@ git-version proc _parse_config {arr_name args} {
proc load_config {include_global} {
- global repo_config global_config default_config
+ global repo_config global_config system_config default_config
if {$include_global} {
+ _parse_config system_config --system
_parse_config global_config --global
_parse_config repo_config
foreach name [array names default_config] {
+ if {[catch {set v $system_config($name)}]} {
+ set system_config($name) $default_config($name)
+ }
+ }
+ foreach name [array names system_config] {
if {[catch {set v $global_config($name)}]} {
- set global_config($name) $default_config($name)
+ set global_config($name) $system_config($name)
if {[catch {set v $repo_config($name)}]} {
- set repo_config($name) $default_config($name)
+ set repo_config($name) $system_config($name)
@@ -945,17 +996,51 @@ blame {
citool {
enable_option singlecommit
+ enable_option retcode
disable_option multicommit
disable_option branch
disable_option transport
+ while {[llength $argv] > 0} {
+ set a [lindex $argv 0]
+ switch -- $a {
+ --amend {
+ enable_option initialamend
+ }
+ --nocommit {
+ enable_option nocommit
+ enable_option nocommitmsg
+ }
+ --commitmsg {
+ disable_option nocommitmsg
+ }
+ default {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ set argv [lrange $argv 1 end]
+ }
+## execution environment
+set have_tk85 [expr {[package vcompare $tk_version "8.5"] >= 0}]
+# Suggest our implementation of askpass, if none is set
+if {![info exists env(SSH_ASKPASS)]} {
+ set env(SSH_ASKPASS) [gitexec git-gui--askpass]
## repository setup
+set picked 0
if {[catch {
set _gitdir $env(GIT_DIR)
set _prefix {}
@@ -967,6 +1052,7 @@ if {[catch {
load_config 1
+ set picked 1
if {![file isdirectory $_gitdir] && [is_Cygwin]} {
catch {set _gitdir [exec cygpath --windows $_gitdir]}
@@ -1020,8 +1106,12 @@ set current_branch {}
set is_detached 0
set current_diff_path {}
set is_3way_diff 0
+set is_conflict_diff 0
set selected_commit_type new
+set nullid "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
+set nullid2 "0000000000000000000000000000000000000001"
## task management
@@ -1102,6 +1192,20 @@ proc PARENT {} {
return $empty_tree
+proc force_amend {} {
+ global selected_commit_type
+ global HEAD PARENT MERGE_HEAD commit_type
+ repository_state newType newHEAD newMERGE_HEAD
+ set HEAD $newHEAD
+ set PARENT $newHEAD
+ set commit_type $newType
+ set selected_commit_type amend
+ do_select_commit_type
proc rescan {after {honor_trustmtime 1}} {
global HEAD PARENT MERGE_HEAD commit_type
global ui_index ui_workdir ui_comm
@@ -1128,6 +1232,7 @@ proc rescan {after {honor_trustmtime 1}} {
|| [string trim [$ui_comm get 0.0 end]] eq {})} {
if {[string match amend* $commit_type]} {
} elseif {[load_message GITGUI_MSG]} {
+ } elseif {[run_prepare_commit_msg_hook]} {
} elseif {[load_message MERGE_MSG]} {
} elseif {[load_message SQUASH_MSG]} {
@@ -1227,6 +1332,70 @@ proc load_message {file} {
return 0
+proc run_prepare_commit_msg_hook {} {
+ global pch_error
+ # prepare-commit-msg requires PREPARE_COMMIT_MSG exist. From git-gui
+ # it will be .git/MERGE_MSG (merge), .git/SQUASH_MSG (squash), or an
+ # empty file but existant file.
+ set fd_pcm [open [gitdir PREPARE_COMMIT_MSG] a]
+ if {[file isfile [gitdir MERGE_MSG]]} {
+ set pcm_source "merge"
+ set fd_mm [open [gitdir MERGE_MSG] r]
+ puts -nonewline $fd_pcm [read $fd_mm]
+ close $fd_mm
+ } elseif {[file isfile [gitdir SQUASH_MSG]]} {
+ set pcm_source "squash"
+ set fd_sm [open [gitdir SQUASH_MSG] r]
+ puts -nonewline $fd_pcm [read $fd_sm]
+ close $fd_sm
+ } else {
+ set pcm_source ""
+ }
+ close $fd_pcm
+ set fd_ph [githook_read prepare-commit-msg \
+ [gitdir PREPARE_COMMIT_MSG] $pcm_source]
+ if {$fd_ph eq {}} {
+ catch {file delete [gitdir PREPARE_COMMIT_MSG]}
+ return 0;
+ }
+ ui_status [mc "Calling prepare-commit-msg hook..."]
+ set pch_error {}
+ fconfigure $fd_ph -blocking 0 -translation binary -eofchar {}
+ fileevent $fd_ph readable \
+ [list prepare_commit_msg_hook_wait $fd_ph]
+ return 1;
+proc prepare_commit_msg_hook_wait {fd_ph} {
+ global pch_error
+ append pch_error [read $fd_ph]
+ fconfigure $fd_ph -blocking 1
+ if {[eof $fd_ph]} {
+ if {[catch {close $fd_ph}]} {
+ ui_status [mc "Commit declined by prepare-commit-msg hook."]
+ hook_failed_popup prepare-commit-msg $pch_error
+ catch {file delete [gitdir PREPARE_COMMIT_MSG]}
+ exit 1
+ } else {
+ load_message PREPARE_COMMIT_MSG
+ }
+ set pch_error {}
+ catch {file delete [gitdir PREPARE_COMMIT_MSG]}
+ return
+ }
+ fconfigure $fd_ph -blocking 0
+ catch {file delete [gitdir PREPARE_COMMIT_MSG]}
proc read_diff_index {fd after} {
global buf_rdi
@@ -1322,8 +1491,8 @@ proc rescan_done {fd buf after} {
- if {$current_diff_path ne {}} reshow_diff
- uplevel #0 $after
+ if {$current_diff_path ne {}} { reshow_diff $after }
+ if {$current_diff_path eq {}} { select_first_diff $after }
proc prune_selection {} {
@@ -1619,6 +1788,15 @@ static unsigned char file_merge_bits[] = {
0xfa, 0x17, 0x02, 0x10, 0xfe, 0x1f};
} -maskdata $filemask
+image create bitmap file_statechange -background white -foreground green -data {
+#define file_merge_width 14
+#define file_merge_height 15
+static unsigned char file_statechange_bits[] = {
+ 0xfe, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x02, 0x05, 0x02, 0x09, 0x02, 0x1f, 0x62, 0x10,
+ 0x62, 0x10, 0xba, 0x11, 0xba, 0x11, 0x62, 0x10, 0x62, 0x10, 0x02, 0x10,
+ 0x02, 0x10, 0x02, 0x10, 0xfe, 0x1f};
+} -maskdata $filemask
set ui_index .vpane.files.index.list
set ui_workdir .vpane.files.workdir.list
@@ -1627,12 +1805,14 @@ set all_icons(A$ui_index) file_fulltick
set all_icons(M$ui_index) file_fulltick
set all_icons(D$ui_index) file_removed
set all_icons(U$ui_index) file_merge
+set all_icons(T$ui_index) file_statechange
set all_icons(_$ui_workdir) file_plain
set all_icons(M$ui_workdir) file_mod
set all_icons(D$ui_workdir) file_question
set all_icons(U$ui_workdir) file_merge
set all_icons(O$ui_workdir) file_plain
+set all_icons(T$ui_workdir) file_statechange
set max_status_desc 0
foreach i {
@@ -1643,6 +1823,9 @@ foreach i {
{MM {mc "Portions staged for commit"}}
{MD {mc "Staged for commit, missing"}}
+ {_T {mc "File type changed, not staged"}}
+ {T_ {mc "File type changed, staged"}}
{_O {mc "Untracked, not staged"}}
{A_ {mc "Staged for commit"}}
{AM {mc "Portions staged for commit"}}
@@ -1652,10 +1835,12 @@ foreach i {
{D_ {mc "Staged for removal"}}
{DO {mc "Staged for removal, still present"}}
+ {_U {mc "Requires merge resolution"}}
{U_ {mc "Requires merge resolution"}}
{UU {mc "Requires merge resolution"}}
{UM {mc "Requires merge resolution"}}
{UD {mc "Requires merge resolution"}}
+ {UT {mc "Requires merge resolution"}}
} {
set text [eval [lindex $i 1]]
if {$max_status_desc < [string length $text]} {
@@ -1729,12 +1914,33 @@ proc do_gitk {revs} {
+proc do_explore {} {
+ set explorer {}
+ if {[is_Cygwin] || [is_Windows]} {
+ set explorer "explorer.exe"
+ } elseif {[is_MacOSX]} {
+ set explorer "open"
+ } else {
+ # freedesktop.org-conforming system is our best shot
+ set explorer "xdg-open"
+ }
+ eval exec $explorer [file dirname [gitdir]] &
set is_quitting 0
+set ret_code 1
+proc terminate_me {win} {
+ global ret_code
+ if {$win ne {.}} return
+ exit $ret_code
-proc do_quit {} {
+proc do_quit {{rc {1}}} {
global ui_comm is_quitting repo_config commit_type
global GITGUI_BCK_exists GITGUI_BCK_i
global ui_comm_spell
+ global ret_code
if {$is_quitting} return
set is_quitting 1
@@ -1789,6 +1995,7 @@ proc do_quit {} {
+ set ret_code $rc
destroy .
@@ -1796,13 +2003,137 @@ proc do_rescan {} {
rescan ui_ready
+proc ui_do_rescan {} {
+ rescan {force_first_diff ui_ready}
proc do_commit {} {
-proc next_diff {} {
+proc next_diff {{after {}}} {
global next_diff_p next_diff_w next_diff_i
- show_diff $next_diff_p $next_diff_w $next_diff_i
+ show_diff $next_diff_p $next_diff_w {} {} $after
+proc find_anchor_pos {lst name} {
+ set lid [lsearch -sorted -exact $lst $name]
+ if {$lid == -1} {
+ set lid 0
+ foreach lname $lst {
+ if {$lname >= $name} break
+ incr lid
+ }
+ }
+ return $lid
+proc find_file_from {flist idx delta path mmask} {
+ global file_states
+ set len [llength $flist]
+ while {$idx >= 0 && $idx < $len} {
+ set name [lindex $flist $idx]
+ if {$name ne $path && [info exists file_states($name)]} {
+ set state [lindex $file_states($name) 0]
+ if {$mmask eq {} || [regexp $mmask $state]} {
+ return $idx
+ }
+ }
+ incr idx $delta
+ }
+ return {}
+proc find_next_diff {w path {lno {}} {mmask {}}} {
+ global next_diff_p next_diff_w next_diff_i
+ global file_lists ui_index ui_workdir
+ set flist $file_lists($w)
+ if {$lno eq {}} {
+ set lno [find_anchor_pos $flist $path]
+ } else {
+ incr lno -1
+ }
+ if {$mmask ne {} && ![regexp {(^\^)|(\$$)} $mmask]} {
+ if {$w eq $ui_index} {
+ set mmask "^$mmask"
+ } else {
+ set mmask "$mmask\$"
+ }
+ }
+ set idx [find_file_from $flist $lno 1 $path $mmask]
+ if {$idx eq {}} {
+ incr lno -1
+ set idx [find_file_from $flist $lno -1 $path $mmask]
+ }
+ if {$idx ne {}} {
+ set next_diff_w $w
+ set next_diff_p [lindex $flist $idx]
+ set next_diff_i [expr {$idx+1}]
+ return 1
+ } else {
+ return 0
+ }
+proc next_diff_after_action {w path {lno {}} {mmask {}}} {
+ global current_diff_path
+ if {$path ne $current_diff_path} {
+ return {}
+ } elseif {[find_next_diff $w $path $lno $mmask]} {
+ return {next_diff;}
+ } else {
+ return {reshow_diff;}
+ }
+proc select_first_diff {after} {
+ global ui_workdir
+ if {[find_next_diff $ui_workdir {} 1 {^_?U}] ||
+ [find_next_diff $ui_workdir {} 1 {[^O]$}]} {
+ next_diff $after
+ } else {
+ uplevel #0 $after
+ }
+proc force_first_diff {after} {
+ global ui_workdir current_diff_path file_states
+ if {[info exists file_states($current_diff_path)]} {
+ set state [lindex $file_states($current_diff_path) 0]
+ } else {
+ set state {OO}
+ }
+ set reselect 0
+ if {[string first {U} $state] >= 0} {
+ # Already a conflict, do nothing
+ } elseif {[find_next_diff $ui_workdir $current_diff_path {} {^_?U}]} {
+ set reselect 1
+ } elseif {[string index $state 1] ne {O}} {
+ # Already a diff & no conflicts, do nothing
+ } elseif {[find_next_diff $ui_workdir $current_diff_path {} {[^O]$}]} {
+ set reselect 1
+ }
+ if {$reselect} {
+ next_diff $after
+ } else {
+ uplevel #0 $after
+ }
proc toggle_or_diff {w x y} {
@@ -1823,34 +2154,31 @@ proc toggle_or_diff {w x y} {
$ui_index tag remove in_sel 0.0 end
$ui_workdir tag remove in_sel 0.0 end
+ # Determine the state of the file
+ if {[info exists file_states($path)]} {
+ set state [lindex $file_states($path) 0]
+ } else {
+ set state {__}
+ }
+ # Restage the file, or simply show the diff
if {$col == 0 && $y > 1} {
- set i [expr {$lno-1}]
- set ll [expr {[llength $file_lists($w)]-1}]
+ # Conflicts need special handling
+ if {[string first {U} $state] >= 0} {
+ # $w must always be $ui_workdir, but...
+ if {$w ne $ui_workdir} { set lno {} }
+ merge_stage_workdir $path $lno
+ return
+ }
- if {$i == $ll && $i == 0} {
- set after {reshow_diff;}
+ if {[string index $state 1] eq {O}} {
+ set mmask {}
} else {
- global next_diff_p next_diff_w next_diff_i
- set next_diff_w $w
- if {$i < $ll} {
- set i [expr {$i + 1}]
- set next_diff_i $i
- } else {
- set next_diff_i $i
- set i [expr {$i - 1}]
- }
- set next_diff_p [lindex $file_lists($w) $i]
- if {$next_diff_p ne {} && $current_diff_path ne {}} {
- set after {next_diff;}
- } else {
- set after {}
- }
+ set mmask {[^O]}
+ set after [next_diff_after_action $w $path $lno $mmask]
if {$w eq $ui_index} {
update_indexinfo \
"Unstaging [short_path $path] from commit" \
@@ -1961,6 +2289,9 @@ if {[is_enabled transport]} {
.mbar add cascade -label [mc Merge] -menu .mbar.merge
.mbar add cascade -label [mc Remote] -menu .mbar.remote
+if {[is_enabled multicommit] || [is_enabled singlecommit]} {
+ .mbar add cascade -label [mc Tools] -menu .mbar.tools
. configure -menu .mbar
# -- Repository Menu
@@ -1968,6 +2299,11 @@ if {[is_enabled transport]} {
menu .mbar.repository
.mbar.repository add command \
+ -label [mc "Explore Working Copy"] \
+ -command {do_explore}
+.mbar.repository add separator
+.mbar.repository add command \
-label [mc "Browse Current Branch's Files"] \
-command {browser::new $current_branch}
set ui_browse_current [.mbar.repository index last]
@@ -2091,29 +2427,39 @@ if {[is_enabled branch]} {
# -- Commit Menu
+proc commit_btn_caption {} {
+ if {[is_enabled nocommit]} {
+ return [mc "Done"]
+ } else {
+ return [mc Commit@@verb]
+ }
if {[is_enabled multicommit] || [is_enabled singlecommit]} {
menu .mbar.commit
- .mbar.commit add radiobutton \
- -label [mc "New Commit"] \
- -command do_select_commit_type \
- -variable selected_commit_type \
- -value new
- lappend disable_on_lock \
- [list .mbar.commit entryconf [.mbar.commit index last] -state]
+ if {![is_enabled nocommit]} {
+ .mbar.commit add radiobutton \
+ -label [mc "New Commit"] \
+ -command do_select_commit_type \
+ -variable selected_commit_type \
+ -value new
+ lappend disable_on_lock \
+ [list .mbar.commit entryconf [.mbar.commit index last] -state]
- .mbar.commit add radiobutton \
- -label [mc "Amend Last Commit"] \
- -command do_select_commit_type \
- -variable selected_commit_type \
- -value amend
- lappend disable_on_lock \
- [list .mbar.commit entryconf [.mbar.commit index last] -state]
+ .mbar.commit add radiobutton \
+ -label [mc "Amend Last Commit"] \
+ -command do_select_commit_type \
+ -variable selected_commit_type \
+ -value amend
+ lappend disable_on_lock \
+ [list .mbar.commit entryconf [.mbar.commit index last] -state]
- .mbar.commit add separator
+ .mbar.commit add separator
+ }
.mbar.commit add command -label [mc Rescan] \
- -command do_rescan \
+ -command ui_do_rescan \
-accelerator F5
lappend disable_on_lock \
[list .mbar.commit entryconf [.mbar.commit index last] -state]
@@ -2152,11 +2498,13 @@ if {[is_enabled multicommit] || [is_enabled singlecommit]} {
.mbar.commit add separator
- .mbar.commit add command -label [mc "Sign Off"] \
- -command do_signoff \
- -accelerator $M1T-S
+ if {![is_enabled nocommitmsg]} {
+ .mbar.commit add command -label [mc "Sign Off"] \
+ -command do_signoff \
+ -accelerator $M1T-S
+ }
- .mbar.commit add command -label [mc Commit@@verb] \
+ .mbar.commit add command -label [commit_btn_caption] \
-command do_commit \
-accelerator $M1T-Return
lappend disable_on_lock \
@@ -2184,11 +2532,15 @@ if {[is_enabled transport]} {
menu .mbar.remote
.mbar.remote add command \
+ -label [mc "Add..."] \
+ -command remote_add::dialog \
+ -accelerator $M1T-A
+ .mbar.remote add command \
-label [mc "Push..."] \
-command do_push_anywhere \
-accelerator $M1T-P
.mbar.remote add command \
- -label [mc "Delete..."] \
+ -label [mc "Delete Branch..."] \
-command remote_branch_delete::dialog
@@ -2214,6 +2566,20 @@ if {[is_MacOSX]} {
-command do_options
+# -- Tools Menu
+if {[is_enabled multicommit] || [is_enabled singlecommit]} {
+ set tools_menubar .mbar.tools
+ menu $tools_menubar
+ $tools_menubar add separator
+ $tools_menubar add command -label [mc "Add..."] -command tools_add::dialog
+ $tools_menubar add command -label [mc "Remove..."] -command tools_remove::dialog
+ set tools_tailcnt 3
+ if {[array names repo_config guitool.*.cmd] ne {}} {
+ tools_populate_all
+ }
# -- Help Menu
.mbar add cascade -label [mc Help] -menu .mbar.help
@@ -2224,8 +2590,7 @@ if {![is_MacOSX]} {
-command do_about
-set browser {}
-catch {set browser $repo_config(instaweb.browser)}
set doc_path [file dirname [gitexec]]
set doc_path [file join $doc_path Documentation index.html]
@@ -2233,34 +2598,23 @@ if {[is_Cygwin]} {
set doc_path [exec cygpath --mixed $doc_path]
-if {$browser eq {}} {
- if {[is_MacOSX]} {
- set browser open
- } elseif {[is_Cygwin]} {
- set program_files [file dirname [exec cygpath --windir]]
- set program_files [file join $program_files {Program Files}]
- set firefox [file join $program_files {Mozilla Firefox} firefox.exe]
- set ie [file join $program_files {Internet Explorer} IEXPLORE.EXE]
- if {[file exists $firefox]} {
- set browser $firefox
- } elseif {[file exists $ie]} {
- set browser $ie
- }
- unset program_files firefox ie
- }
if {[file isfile $doc_path]} {
set doc_url "file:$doc_path"
} else {
set doc_url {http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/}
-if {$browser ne {}} {
- .mbar.help add command -label [mc "Online Documentation"] \
- -command [list exec $browser $doc_url &]
+proc start_browser {url} {
+ git "web--browse" $url
-unset browser doc_path doc_url
+.mbar.help add command -label [mc "Online Documentation"] \
+ -command [list start_browser $doc_url]
+.mbar.help add command -label [mc "Show SSH Key"] \
+ -command do_ssh_key
+unset doc_path doc_url
# -- Standard bindings
@@ -2281,10 +2635,15 @@ proc usage {} {
switch -- $subcommand {
browser -
blame {
- set subcommand_args {rev? path}
+ if {$subcommand eq "blame"} {
+ set subcommand_args {[--line=<num>] rev? path}
+ } else {
+ set subcommand_args {rev? path}
+ }
if {$argv eq {}} usage
set head {}
set path {}
+ set jump_spec {}
set is_path 0
foreach a $argv {
if {$is_path || [file exists $_prefix$a]} {
@@ -2298,6 +2657,9 @@ blame {
set path {}
set is_path 1
+ } elseif {[regexp {^--line=(\d+)$} $a a lnum]} {
+ if {$jump_spec ne {} || $head ne {}} usage
+ set jump_spec [list $lnum]
} elseif {$head eq {}} {
if {$head ne {}} usage
set head $a
@@ -2329,6 +2691,7 @@ blame {
switch -- $subcommand {
browser {
+ if {$jump_spec ne {}} usage
if {$head eq {}} {
if {$path ne {} && [file isdirectory $path]} {
set head $current_branch
@@ -2344,7 +2707,7 @@ blame {
puts stderr [mc "fatal: cannot stat path %s: No such file or directory" $path]
exit 1
- blame::new $head $path
+ blame::new $head $path $jump_spec
@@ -2460,7 +2823,7 @@ pack .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.l -side top -fill x
pack .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons -side left -fill y
button .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.rescan -text [mc Rescan] \
- -command do_rescan
+ -command ui_do_rescan
pack .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.rescan -side top -fill x
lappend disable_on_lock \
{.vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.rescan conf -state}
@@ -2471,19 +2834,23 @@ pack .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.incall -side top -fill x
lappend disable_on_lock \
{.vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.incall conf -state}
-button .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.signoff -text [mc "Sign Off"] \
- -command do_signoff
-pack .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.signoff -side top -fill x
+if {![is_enabled nocommitmsg]} {
+ button .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.signoff -text [mc "Sign Off"] \
+ -command do_signoff
+ pack .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.signoff -side top -fill x
-button .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.commit -text [mc Commit@@verb] \
+button .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.commit -text [commit_btn_caption] \
-command do_commit
pack .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.commit -side top -fill x
lappend disable_on_lock \
{.vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.commit conf -state}
-button .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.push -text [mc Push] \
- -command do_push_anywhere
-pack .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.push -side top -fill x
+if {![is_enabled nocommit]} {
+ button .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.push -text [mc Push] \
+ -command do_push_anywhere
+ pack .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.push -side top -fill x
# -- Commit Message Buffer
@@ -2491,20 +2858,24 @@ frame .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer
frame .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.header
set ui_comm .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.t
set ui_coml .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.header.l
-radiobutton .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.header.new \
- -text [mc "New Commit"] \
- -command do_select_commit_type \
- -variable selected_commit_type \
- -value new
-lappend disable_on_lock \
- [list .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.header.new conf -state]
-radiobutton .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.header.amend \
- -text [mc "Amend Last Commit"] \
- -command do_select_commit_type \
- -variable selected_commit_type \
- -value amend
-lappend disable_on_lock \
- [list .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.header.amend conf -state]
+if {![is_enabled nocommit]} {
+ radiobutton .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.header.new \
+ -text [mc "New Commit"] \
+ -command do_select_commit_type \
+ -variable selected_commit_type \
+ -value new
+ lappend disable_on_lock \
+ [list .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.header.new conf -state]
+ radiobutton .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.header.amend \
+ -text [mc "Amend Last Commit"] \
+ -command do_select_commit_type \
+ -variable selected_commit_type \
+ -value amend
+ lappend disable_on_lock \
+ [list .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.header.amend conf -state]
label $ui_coml \
-anchor w \
-justify left
@@ -2522,8 +2893,11 @@ proc trace_commit_type {varname args} {
trace add variable commit_type write trace_commit_type
pack $ui_coml -side left -fill x
-pack .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.header.amend -side right
-pack .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.header.new -side right
+if {![is_enabled nocommit]} {
+ pack .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.header.amend -side right
+ pack .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.header.new -side right
text $ui_comm -background white -foreground black \
-borderwidth 1 \
@@ -2689,6 +3063,59 @@ $ui_diff tag raise sel
# -- Diff Body Context Menu
+proc create_common_diff_popup {ctxm} {
+ $ctxm add command \
+ -label [mc "Show Less Context"] \
+ -command show_less_context
+ lappend diff_actions [list $ctxm entryconf [$ctxm index last] -state]
+ $ctxm add command \
+ -label [mc "Show More Context"] \
+ -command show_more_context
+ lappend diff_actions [list $ctxm entryconf [$ctxm index last] -state]
+ $ctxm add separator
+ $ctxm add command \
+ -label [mc Refresh] \
+ -command reshow_diff
+ lappend diff_actions [list $ctxm entryconf [$ctxm index last] -state]
+ $ctxm add command \
+ -label [mc Copy] \
+ -command {tk_textCopy $ui_diff}
+ lappend diff_actions [list $ctxm entryconf [$ctxm index last] -state]
+ $ctxm add command \
+ -label [mc "Select All"] \
+ -command {focus $ui_diff;$ui_diff tag add sel 0.0 end}
+ lappend diff_actions [list $ctxm entryconf [$ctxm index last] -state]
+ $ctxm add command \
+ -label [mc "Copy All"] \
+ -command {
+ $ui_diff tag add sel 0.0 end
+ tk_textCopy $ui_diff
+ $ui_diff tag remove sel 0.0 end
+ }
+ lappend diff_actions [list $ctxm entryconf [$ctxm index last] -state]
+ $ctxm add separator
+ $ctxm add command \
+ -label [mc "Decrease Font Size"] \
+ -command {incr_font_size font_diff -1}
+ lappend diff_actions [list $ctxm entryconf [$ctxm index last] -state]
+ $ctxm add command \
+ -label [mc "Increase Font Size"] \
+ -command {incr_font_size font_diff 1}
+ lappend diff_actions [list $ctxm entryconf [$ctxm index last] -state]
+ $ctxm add separator
+ set emenu $ctxm.enc
+ menu $emenu
+ build_encoding_menu $emenu [list force_diff_encoding]
+ $ctxm add cascade \
+ -label [mc "Encoding"] \
+ -menu $emenu
+ lappend diff_actions [list $ctxm entryconf [$ctxm index last] -state]
+ $ctxm add separator
+ $ctxm add command -label [mc "Options..."] \
+ -command do_options
set ctxm .vpane.lower.diff.body.ctxm
menu $ctxm -tearoff 0
$ctxm add command \
@@ -2702,71 +3129,65 @@ $ctxm add command \
set ui_diff_applyline [$ctxm index last]
lappend diff_actions [list $ctxm entryconf $ui_diff_applyline -state]
$ctxm add separator
-$ctxm add command \
- -label [mc "Show Less Context"] \
- -command show_less_context
-lappend diff_actions [list $ctxm entryconf [$ctxm index last] -state]
-$ctxm add command \
- -label [mc "Show More Context"] \
- -command show_more_context
-lappend diff_actions [list $ctxm entryconf [$ctxm index last] -state]
-$ctxm add separator
-$ctxm add command \
- -label [mc Refresh] \
- -command reshow_diff
-lappend diff_actions [list $ctxm entryconf [$ctxm index last] -state]
-$ctxm add command \
- -label [mc Copy] \
- -command {tk_textCopy $ui_diff}
-lappend diff_actions [list $ctxm entryconf [$ctxm index last] -state]
-$ctxm add command \
- -label [mc "Select All"] \
- -command {focus $ui_diff;$ui_diff tag add sel 0.0 end}
-lappend diff_actions [list $ctxm entryconf [$ctxm index last] -state]
-$ctxm add command \
- -label [mc "Copy All"] \
- -command {
- $ui_diff tag add sel 0.0 end
- tk_textCopy $ui_diff
- $ui_diff tag remove sel 0.0 end
- }
-lappend diff_actions [list $ctxm entryconf [$ctxm index last] -state]
-$ctxm add separator
-$ctxm add command \
- -label [mc "Decrease Font Size"] \
- -command {incr_font_size font_diff -1}
-lappend diff_actions [list $ctxm entryconf [$ctxm index last] -state]
-$ctxm add command \
- -label [mc "Increase Font Size"] \
- -command {incr_font_size font_diff 1}
-lappend diff_actions [list $ctxm entryconf [$ctxm index last] -state]
-$ctxm add separator
-$ctxm add command -label [mc "Options..."] \
- -command do_options
-proc popup_diff_menu {ctxm x y X Y} {
+create_common_diff_popup $ctxm
+set ctxmmg .vpane.lower.diff.body.ctxmmg
+menu $ctxmmg -tearoff 0
+$ctxmmg add command \
+ -label [mc "Run Merge Tool"] \
+ -command {merge_resolve_tool}
+lappend diff_actions [list $ctxmmg entryconf [$ctxmmg index last] -state]
+$ctxmmg add separator
+$ctxmmg add command \
+ -label [mc "Use Remote Version"] \
+ -command {merge_resolve_one 3}
+lappend diff_actions [list $ctxmmg entryconf [$ctxmmg index last] -state]
+$ctxmmg add command \
+ -label [mc "Use Local Version"] \
+ -command {merge_resolve_one 2}
+lappend diff_actions [list $ctxmmg entryconf [$ctxmmg index last] -state]
+$ctxmmg add command \
+ -label [mc "Revert To Base"] \
+ -command {merge_resolve_one 1}
+lappend diff_actions [list $ctxmmg entryconf [$ctxmmg index last] -state]
+$ctxmmg add separator
+create_common_diff_popup $ctxmmg
+proc popup_diff_menu {ctxm ctxmmg x y X Y} {
global current_diff_path file_states
set ::cursorX $x
set ::cursorY $y
- if {$::ui_index eq $::current_diff_side} {
- set l [mc "Unstage Hunk From Commit"]
- set t [mc "Unstage Line From Commit"]
+ if {[info exists file_states($current_diff_path)]} {
+ set state [lindex $file_states($current_diff_path) 0]
} else {
- set l [mc "Stage Hunk For Commit"]
- set t [mc "Stage Line For Commit"]
- }
- if {$::is_3way_diff
- || $current_diff_path eq {}
- || ![info exists file_states($current_diff_path)]
- || {_O} eq [lindex $file_states($current_diff_path) 0]} {
- set s disabled
+ set state {__}
+ }
+ if {[string first {U} $state] >= 0} {
+ tk_popup $ctxmmg $X $Y
} else {
- set s normal
+ if {$::ui_index eq $::current_diff_side} {
+ set l [mc "Unstage Hunk From Commit"]
+ set t [mc "Unstage Line From Commit"]
+ } else {
+ set l [mc "Stage Hunk For Commit"]
+ set t [mc "Stage Line For Commit"]
+ }
+ if {$::is_3way_diff
+ || $current_diff_path eq {}
+ || {__} eq $state
+ || {_O} eq $state
+ || {_T} eq $state
+ || {T_} eq $state} {
+ set s disabled
+ } else {
+ set s normal
+ }
+ $ctxm entryconf $::ui_diff_applyhunk -state $s -label $l
+ $ctxm entryconf $::ui_diff_applyline -state $s -label $t
+ tk_popup $ctxm $X $Y
- $ctxm entryconf $::ui_diff_applyhunk -state $s -label $l
- $ctxm entryconf $::ui_diff_applyline -state $s -label $t
- tk_popup $ctxm $X $Y
-bind_button3 $ui_diff [list popup_diff_menu $ctxm %x %y %X %Y]
+bind_button3 $ui_diff [list popup_diff_menu $ctxm $ctxmmg %x %y %X %Y]
# -- Status Bar
@@ -2842,9 +3263,9 @@ if {[is_enabled transport]} {
bind . <$M1B-Key-P> do_push_anywhere
-bind . <Key-F5> do_rescan
-bind . <$M1B-Key-r> do_rescan
-bind . <$M1B-Key-R> do_rescan
+bind . <Key-F5> ui_do_rescan
+bind . <$M1B-Key-r> ui_do_rescan
+bind . <$M1B-Key-R> ui_do_rescan
bind . <$M1B-Key-s> do_signoff
bind . <$M1B-Key-S> do_signoff
bind . <$M1B-Key-t> do_add_selection
@@ -2931,8 +3352,7 @@ if {[is_enabled transport]} {
set n [.mbar.remote index end]
- populate_push_menu
- populate_fetch_menu
+ populate_remotes_menu
set n [expr {[.mbar.remote index end] - $n}]
if {$n > 0} {
if {[.mbar.remote type 0] eq "tearoff"} { incr n }
@@ -3022,7 +3442,23 @@ lock_index begin-read
if {![winfo ismapped .]} {
wm deiconify .
-after 1 do_rescan
+after 1 {
+ if {[is_enabled initialamend]} {
+ force_amend
+ } else {
+ do_rescan
+ }
+ if {[is_enabled nocommitmsg]} {
+ $ui_comm configure -state disabled -background gray
+ }
if {[is_enabled multicommit]} {
after 1000 hint_gc
+if {[is_enabled retcode]} {
+ bind . <Destroy> {+terminate_me %W}
+if {$picked && [is_config_true gui.autoexplore]} {
+ do_explore
diff --git a/git-gui/lib/blame.tcl b/git-gui/lib/blame.tcl
index b6e42cbc8..c1cd7f3b9 100644
--- a/git-gui/lib/blame.tcl
+++ b/git-gui/lib/blame.tcl
@@ -21,9 +21,11 @@ field w_amov ; # text column: annotations + move tracking
field w_asim ; # text column: annotations (simple computation)
field w_file ; # text column: actual file data
field w_cviewer ; # pane showing commit message
+field finder ; # find mini-dialog frame
field status ; # status mega-widget instance
field old_height ; # last known height of $w.file_pane
# Tk UI colors
variable active_color #c0edc5
@@ -58,8 +60,8 @@ field tooltip_t {} ; # Text widget in $tooltip_wm
field tooltip_timer {} ; # Current timer event for our tooltip
field tooltip_commit {} ; # Commit(s) in tooltip
-constructor new {i_commit i_path} {
- global cursor_ptr
+constructor new {i_commit i_path i_jump} {
+ global cursor_ptr M1B M1T have_tk85
variable active_color
variable group_colors
@@ -69,6 +71,8 @@ constructor new {i_commit i_path} {
make_toplevel top w
wm title $top [append "[appname] ([reponame]): " [mc "File Viewer"]]
+ set font_w [font measure font_diff "0"]
frame $w.header -background gold
label $w.header.commit_l \
-text [mc "Commit:"] \
@@ -114,9 +118,9 @@ constructor new {i_commit i_path} {
pack $w_path -fill x -side right
pack $w.header.path_l -side right
- panedwindow $w.file_pane -orient vertical
- frame $w.file_pane.out
- frame $w.file_pane.cm
+ panedwindow $w.file_pane -orient vertical -borderwidth 0 -sashwidth 3
+ frame $w.file_pane.out -relief flat -borderwidth 1
+ frame $w.file_pane.cm -relief sunken -borderwidth 1
$w.file_pane add $w.file_pane.out \
-sticky nsew \
-minsize 100 \
@@ -197,6 +201,11 @@ constructor new {i_commit i_path} {
-width 80 \
-xscrollcommand [list $w.file_pane.out.sbx set] \
-font font_diff
+ if {$have_tk85} {
+ $w_file configure -inactiveselectbackground darkblue
+ }
+ $w_file tag conf found \
+ -background yellow
set w_columns [list $w_amov $w_asim $w_line $w_file]
@@ -217,6 +226,11 @@ constructor new {i_commit i_path} {
-weight 1
grid rowconfigure $w.file_pane.out 0 -weight 1
+ set finder [::searchbar::new \
+ $w.file_pane.out.ff $w_file \
+ -column [expr {[llength $w_columns] - 1}] \
+ ]
set w_cviewer $w.file_pane.cm.t
text $w_cviewer \
-background white \
@@ -256,18 +270,41 @@ constructor new {i_commit i_path} {
$w.ctxm add command \
-label [mc "Copy Commit"] \
-command [cb _copycommit]
+ $w.ctxm add separator
+ $w.ctxm add command \
+ -label [mc "Find Text..."] \
+ -accelerator F7 \
+ -command [list searchbar::show $finder]
+ menu $w.ctxm.enc
+ build_encoding_menu $w.ctxm.enc [cb _setencoding]
+ $w.ctxm add cascade \
+ -label [mc "Encoding"] \
+ -menu $w.ctxm.enc
$w.ctxm add command \
-label [mc "Do Full Copy Detection"] \
-command [cb _fullcopyblame]
+ $w.ctxm add separator
+ $w.ctxm add command \
+ -label [mc "Show History Context"] \
+ -command [cb _gitkcommit]
+ $w.ctxm add command \
+ -label [mc "Blame Parent Commit"] \
+ -command [cb _blameparent]
foreach i $w_columns {
for {set g 0} {$g < [llength $group_colors]} {incr g} {
$i tag conf color$g -background [lindex $group_colors $g]
+ if {$i eq $w_file} {
+ $w_file tag raise found
+ }
+ $i tag raise sel
$i conf -cursor $cursor_ptr
- $i conf -yscrollcommand [list many2scrollbar \
- $w_columns yview $w.file_pane.out.sby]
+ $i conf -yscrollcommand \
+ "[list ::searchbar::scrolled $finder]
+ [list many2scrollbar $w_columns yview $w.file_pane.out.sby]"
bind $i <Button-1> "
[cb _hide_tooltip]
[cb _click $i @%x,%y]
@@ -284,7 +321,7 @@ constructor new {i_commit i_path} {
tk_popup $w.ctxm %X %Y
bind $i <Shift-Tab> "[list focus $w_cviewer];break"
- bind $i <Tab> "[list focus $w_cviewer];break"
+ bind $i <Tab> "[cb _focus_search $w_cviewer];break"
foreach i [concat $w_columns $w_cviewer] {
@@ -300,10 +337,15 @@ constructor new {i_commit i_path} {
bind $i <Control-Key-f> {catch {%W yview scroll 1 pages};break}
- bind $w_cviewer <Shift-Tab> "[list focus $w_file];break"
+ bind $w_cviewer <Shift-Tab> "[cb _focus_search $w_file];break"
bind $w_cviewer <Tab> "[list focus $w_file];break"
- bind $w_cviewer <Button-1> [list focus $w_cviewer]
- bind $w_file <Visibility> [list focus $w_file]
+ bind $w_cviewer <Button-1> [list focus $w_cviewer]
+ bind $w_file <Visibility> [cb _focus_search $w_file]
+ bind $top <F7> [list searchbar::show $finder]
+ bind $top <Escape> [list searchbar::hide $finder]
+ bind $top <F3> [list searchbar::find_next $finder]
+ bind $top <Shift-F3> [list searchbar::find_prev $finder]
+ catch { bind $top <Shift-Key-XF86_Switch_VT_3> [list searchbar::find_prev $finder] }
grid configure $w.header -sticky ew
grid configure $w.file_pane -sticky nsew
@@ -315,9 +357,14 @@ constructor new {i_commit i_path} {
set req_w [winfo reqwidth $top]
set req_h [winfo reqheight $top]
- set scr_h [expr {[winfo screenheight $top] - 100}]
- if {$req_w < 600} {set req_w 600}
+ set scr_w [expr {[winfo screenwidth $top] - 40}]
+ set scr_h [expr {[winfo screenheight $top] - 120}]
+ set opt_w [expr {$font_w * (80 + 5*3 + 3)}]
+ if {$req_w < $opt_w} {set req_w $opt_w}
+ if {$req_w > $scr_w} {set req_w $scr_w}
+ set opt_h [expr {$req_w*4/3}]
if {$req_h < $scr_h} {set req_h $scr_h}
+ if {$req_h > $opt_h} {set req_h $opt_h}
set g "${req_w}x${req_h}"
wm geometry $top $g
@@ -325,14 +372,29 @@ constructor new {i_commit i_path} {
set old_height [winfo height $w.file_pane]
$w.file_pane sash place 0 \
[lindex [$w.file_pane sash coord 0] 0] \
- [expr {int($old_height * 0.70)}]
+ [expr {int($old_height * 0.80)}]
bind $w.file_pane <Configure> \
"if {{$w.file_pane} eq {%W}} {[cb _resize %h]}"
wm protocol $top WM_DELETE_WINDOW "destroy $top"
- bind $top <Destroy> [cb _kill]
+ bind $top <Destroy> [cb _handle_destroy %W]
- _load $this {}
+ _load $this $i_jump
+method _focus_search {win} {
+ if {[searchbar::visible $finder]} {
+ focus [searchbar::editor $finder]
+ } else {
+ focus $win
+ }
+method _handle_destroy {win} {
+ if {$win eq $w} {
+ _kill $this
+ delete_this
+ }
method _kill {} {
@@ -393,7 +455,10 @@ method _load {jump} {
} else {
set fd [git_read cat-file blob "$commit:$path"]
- fconfigure $fd -blocking 0 -translation lf -encoding binary
+ fconfigure $fd \
+ -blocking 0 \
+ -translation lf \
+ -encoding [get_path_encoding $path]
fileevent $fd readable [cb _read_file $fd $jump]
set current_fd $fd
@@ -494,7 +559,7 @@ method _read_file {fd jump} {
} ifdeleted { catch {close $fd} }
method _exec_blame {cur_w cur_d options cur_s} {
- lappend options --incremental
+ lappend options --incremental --encoding=utf-8
if {$commit eq {}} {
lappend options --contents $path
} else {
@@ -502,7 +567,7 @@ method _exec_blame {cur_w cur_d options cur_s} {
lappend options -- $path
set fd [eval git_read --nice blame $options]
- fconfigure $fd -blocking 0 -translation lf -encoding binary
+ fconfigure $fd -blocking 0 -translation lf -encoding utf-8
fileevent $fd readable [cb _read_blame $fd $cur_w $cur_d]
set current_fd $fd
set blame_lines 0
@@ -782,24 +847,42 @@ method _click {cur_w pos} {
_showcommit $this $cur_w $lno
+method _setencoding {enc} {
+ force_path_encoding $path $enc
+ _load $this [list \
+ $highlight_column \
+ $highlight_line \
+ [lindex [$w_file xview] 0] \
+ [lindex [$w_file yview] 0] \
+ ]
method _load_commit {cur_w cur_d pos} {
upvar #0 $cur_d line_data
set lno [lindex [split [$cur_w index $pos] .] 0]
set dat [lindex $line_data $lno]
if {$dat ne {}} {
- lappend history [list \
- $commit $path \
- $highlight_column \
- $highlight_line \
- [lindex [$w_file xview] 0] \
- [lindex [$w_file yview] 0] \
- ]
- set commit [lindex $dat 0]
- set path [lindex $dat 1]
- _load $this [list [lindex $dat 2]]
+ _load_new_commit $this \
+ [lindex $dat 0] \
+ [lindex $dat 1] \
+ [list [lindex $dat 2]]
+method _load_new_commit {new_commit new_path jump} {
+ lappend history [list \
+ $commit $path \
+ $highlight_column \
+ $highlight_line \
+ [lindex [$w_file xview] 0] \
+ [lindex [$w_file yview] 0] \
+ ]
+ set commit $new_commit
+ set path $new_path
+ _load $this $jump
method _showcommit {cur_w lno} {
global repo_config
variable active_color
@@ -832,6 +915,10 @@ method _showcommit {cur_w lno} {
foreach i $w_columns {
$i tag conf g$cmit -background $active_color
$i tag raise g$cmit
+ if {$i eq $w_file} {
+ $w_file tag raise found
+ }
+ $i tag raise sel
set author_name {}
@@ -867,12 +954,6 @@ method _showcommit {cur_w lno} {
set enc [tcl_encoding $enc]
if {$enc ne {}} {
set msg [encoding convertfrom $enc $msg]
- set author_name [encoding convertfrom $enc $author_name]
- set committer_name [encoding convertfrom $enc $committer_name]
- set header($cmit,author) $author_name
- set header($cmit,committer) $committer_name
- set header($cmit,summary) \
- [encoding convertfrom $enc $header($cmit,summary)]
set msg [string trim $msg]
@@ -905,10 +986,14 @@ method _showcommit {cur_w lno} {
-method _copycommit {} {
+method _get_click_amov_info {} {
set pos @$::cursorX,$::cursorY
set lno [lindex [split [$::cursorW index $pos] .] 0]
- set dat [lindex $amov_data $lno]
+ return [lindex $amov_data $lno]
+method _copycommit {} {
+ set dat [_get_click_amov_info $this]
if {$dat ne {}} {
clipboard clear
clipboard append \
@@ -918,6 +1003,147 @@ method _copycommit {} {
+method _format_offset_date {base offset} {
+ set exval [expr {$base + $offset*24*60*60}]
+ return [clock format $exval -format {%Y-%m-%d}]
+method _gitkcommit {} {
+ global nullid
+ set dat [_get_click_amov_info $this]
+ if {$dat ne {}} {
+ set cmit [lindex $dat 0]
+ # If the line belongs to the working copy, use HEAD instead
+ if {$cmit eq $nullid} {
+ if {[catch {set cmit [git rev-parse --verify HEAD]} err]} {
+ error_popup [strcat [mc "Cannot find HEAD commit:"] "\n\n$err"]
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ set radius [get_config gui.blamehistoryctx]
+ set cmdline [list --select-commit=$cmit]
+ if {$radius > 0} {
+ set author_time {}
+ set committer_time {}
+ catch {set author_time $header($cmit,author-time)}
+ catch {set committer_time $header($cmit,committer-time)}
+ if {$committer_time eq {}} {
+ set committer_time $author_time
+ }
+ set after_time [_format_offset_date $this $committer_time [expr {-$radius}]]
+ set before_time [_format_offset_date $this $committer_time $radius]
+ lappend cmdline --after=$after_time --before=$before_time
+ }
+ lappend cmdline $cmit
+ set base_rev "HEAD"
+ if {$commit ne {}} {
+ set base_rev $commit
+ }
+ if {$base_rev ne $cmit} {
+ lappend cmdline $base_rev
+ }
+ do_gitk $cmdline
+ }
+method _blameparent {} {
+ global nullid
+ set dat [_get_click_amov_info $this]
+ if {$dat ne {}} {
+ set cmit [lindex $dat 0]
+ set new_path [lindex $dat 1]
+ # Allow using Blame Parent on lines modified in the working copy
+ if {$cmit eq $nullid} {
+ set parent_ref "HEAD"
+ } else {
+ set parent_ref "$cmit^"
+ }
+ if {[catch {set cparent [git rev-parse --verify $parent_ref]} err]} {
+ error_popup [strcat [mc "Cannot find parent commit:"] "\n\n$err"]
+ return;
+ }
+ _kill $this
+ # Generate a diff between the commit and its parent,
+ # and use the hunks to update the line number.
+ # Request zero context to simplify calculations.
+ if {$cmit eq $nullid} {
+ set diffcmd [list diff-index --unified=0 $cparent -- $new_path]
+ } else {
+ set diffcmd [list diff-tree --unified=0 $cparent $cmit -- $new_path]
+ }
+ if {[catch {set fd [eval git_read $diffcmd]} err]} {
+ $status stop [mc "Unable to display parent"]
+ error_popup [strcat [mc "Error loading diff:"] "\n\n$err"]
+ return
+ }
+ set r_orig_line [lindex $dat 2]
+ fconfigure $fd \
+ -blocking 0 \
+ -encoding binary \
+ -translation binary
+ fileevent $fd readable [cb _read_diff_load_commit \
+ $fd $cparent $new_path $r_orig_line]
+ set current_fd $fd
+ }
+method _read_diff_load_commit {fd cparent new_path tline} {
+ if {$fd ne $current_fd} {
+ catch {close $fd}
+ return
+ }
+ while {[gets $fd line] >= 0} {
+ if {[regexp {^@@ -(\d+)(,(\d+))? \+(\d+)(,(\d+))? @@} $line line \
+ old_line osz old_size new_line nsz new_size]} {
+ if {$osz eq {}} { set old_size 1 }
+ if {$nsz eq {}} { set new_size 1 }
+ if {$new_line <= $tline} {
+ if {[expr {$new_line + $new_size}] > $tline} {
+ # Target line within the hunk
+ set line_shift [expr {
+ ($new_size-$old_size)*($tline-$new_line)/$new_size
+ }]
+ } else {
+ set line_shift [expr {$new_size-$old_size}]
+ }
+ set r_orig_line [expr {$r_orig_line - $line_shift}]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {[eof $fd]} {
+ close $fd;
+ set current_fd {}
+ _load_new_commit $this \
+ $cparent \
+ $new_path \
+ [list $r_orig_line]
+ }
+} ifdeleted { catch {close $fd} }
method _show_tooltip {cur_w pos} {
if {$tooltip_wm ne {}} {
_open_tooltip $this $cur_w
diff --git a/git-gui/lib/browser.tcl b/git-gui/lib/browser.tcl
index ab470d126..0410cc68d 100644
--- a/git-gui/lib/browser.tcl
+++ b/git-gui/lib/browser.tcl
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ method _enter {} {
append p [lindex $n 1]
append p $name
- blame::new $browser_commit $p
+ blame::new $browser_commit $p {}
diff --git a/git-gui/lib/choose_repository.tcl b/git-gui/lib/choose_repository.tcl
index 318078615..f9ff62a3b 100644
--- a/git-gui/lib/choose_repository.tcl
+++ b/git-gui/lib/choose_repository.tcl
@@ -43,12 +43,18 @@ constructor pick {} {
$w.mbar.apple add command \
-label [mc "About %s" [appname]] \
-command do_about
+ $w.mbar.apple add command \
+ -label [mc "Show SSH Key"] \
+ -command do_ssh_key
} else {
$w.mbar add cascade -label [mc Help] -menu $w.mbar.help
menu $w.mbar.help
$w.mbar.help add command \
-label [mc "About %s" [appname]] \
-command do_about
+ $w.mbar.help add command \
+ -label [mc "Show SSH Key"] \
+ -command do_ssh_key
wm protocol $top WM_DELETE_WINDOW exit
@@ -381,7 +387,8 @@ method _do_new {} {
label $w_body.where.l -text [mc "Directory:"]
entry $w_body.where.t \
-textvariable @local_path \
- -font font_diff \
+ -borderwidth 1 \
+ -relief sunken \
-width 50
button $w_body.where.b \
-text [mc "Browse"] \
@@ -463,20 +470,22 @@ method _do_clone {} {
frame $w_body.args
pack $args -fill both
- label $args.origin_l -text [mc "URL:"]
+ label $args.origin_l -text [mc "Source Location:"]
entry $args.origin_t \
-textvariable @origin_url \
- -font font_diff \
+ -borderwidth 1 \
+ -relief sunken \
-width 50
button $args.origin_b \
-text [mc "Browse"] \
-command [cb _open_origin]
grid $args.origin_l $args.origin_t $args.origin_b -sticky ew
- label $args.where_l -text [mc "Directory:"]
+ label $args.where_l -text [mc "Target Directory:"]
entry $args.where_t \
-textvariable @local_path \
- -font font_diff \
+ -borderwidth 1 \
+ -relief sunken \
-width 50
button $args.where_b \
-text [mc "Browse"] \
@@ -979,7 +988,8 @@ method _do_open {} {
label $w_body.where.l -text [mc "Repository:"]
entry $w_body.where.t \
-textvariable @local_path \
- -font font_diff \
+ -borderwidth 1 \
+ -relief sunken \
-width 50
button $w_body.where.b \
-text [mc "Browse"] \
diff --git a/git-gui/lib/commit.tcl b/git-gui/lib/commit.tcl
index 40a710355..334514996 100644
--- a/git-gui/lib/commit.tcl
+++ b/git-gui/lib/commit.tcl
@@ -149,7 +149,9 @@ The rescan will be automatically started now.
_? {continue}
A? -
D? -
+ T_ -
M? {set files_ready 1}
+ _U -
U? {
error_popup [mc "Unmerged files cannot be committed.
@@ -166,7 +168,7 @@ File %s cannot be committed by this program.
- if {!$files_ready && ![string match *merge $curType]} {
+ if {!$files_ready && ![string match *merge $curType] && ![is_enabled nocommit]} {
info_popup [mc "No changes to commit.
You must stage at least 1 file before you can commit.
@@ -175,6 +177,8 @@ You must stage at least 1 file before you can commit.
+ if {[is_enabled nocommitmsg]} { do_quit 0 }
# -- A message is required.
set msg [string trim [$ui_comm get 1.0 end]]
@@ -210,6 +214,8 @@ A good commit message has the following format:
puts $msg_wt $msg
close $msg_wt
+ if {[is_enabled nocommit]} { do_quit 0 }
# -- Run the pre-commit hook.
set fd_ph [githook_read pre-commit]
@@ -408,7 +414,7 @@ A rescan will be automatically started now.
set ::GITGUI_BCK_exists 0
- if {[is_enabled singlecommit]} do_quit
+ if {[is_enabled singlecommit]} { do_quit 0 }
# -- Update in memory status
@@ -428,6 +434,7 @@ A rescan will be automatically started now.
__ -
A_ -
M_ -
+ T_ -
D_ {
unset file_states($path)
catch {unset selected_paths($path)}
diff --git a/git-gui/lib/diff.tcl b/git-gui/lib/diff.tcl
index 1970b601e..bbbf15c87 100644
--- a/git-gui/lib/diff.tcl
+++ b/git-gui/lib/diff.tcl
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ proc clear_diff {} {
$ui_workdir tag remove in_diff 0.0 end
-proc reshow_diff {} {
+proc reshow_diff {{after {}}} {
global file_states file_lists
global current_diff_path current_diff_side
global ui_diff
@@ -24,13 +24,28 @@ proc reshow_diff {} {
set p $current_diff_path
if {$p eq {}} {
# No diff is being shown.
- } elseif {$current_diff_side eq {}
- || [catch {set s $file_states($p)}]
- || [lsearch -sorted -exact $file_lists($current_diff_side) $p] == -1} {
+ } elseif {$current_diff_side eq {}} {
+ } elseif {[catch {set s $file_states($p)}]
+ || [lsearch -sorted -exact $file_lists($current_diff_side) $p] == -1} {
+ if {[find_next_diff $current_diff_side $p {} {[^O]}]} {
+ next_diff $after
+ } else {
+ clear_diff
+ }
} else {
set save_pos [lindex [$ui_diff yview] 0]
- show_diff $p $current_diff_side {} $save_pos
+ show_diff $p $current_diff_side {} $save_pos $after
+ }
+proc force_diff_encoding {enc} {
+ global current_diff_path
+ if {$current_diff_path ne {}} {
+ force_path_encoding $current_diff_path $enc
+ reshow_diff
@@ -54,11 +69,12 @@ A rescan will be automatically started to find other files which may have the sa
rescan ui_ready 0
-proc show_diff {path w {lno {}} {scroll_pos {}}} {
+proc show_diff {path w {lno {}} {scroll_pos {}} {callback {}}} {
global file_states file_lists
- global is_3way_diff diff_active repo_config
+ global is_3way_diff is_conflict_diff diff_active repo_config
global ui_diff ui_index ui_workdir
global current_diff_path current_diff_side current_diff_header
+ global current_diff_queue
if {$diff_active || ![lock_index read]} return
@@ -71,21 +87,84 @@ proc show_diff {path w {lno {}} {scroll_pos {}}} {
if {$lno >= 1} {
$w tag add in_diff $lno.0 [expr {$lno + 1}].0
+ $w see $lno.0
set s $file_states($path)
set m [lindex $s 0]
- set is_3way_diff 0
- set diff_active 1
+ set is_conflict_diff 0
set current_diff_path $path
set current_diff_side $w
- set current_diff_header {}
+ set current_diff_queue {}
ui_status [mc "Loading diff of %s..." [escape_path $path]]
+ set cont_info [list $scroll_pos $callback]
+ if {[string first {U} $m] >= 0} {
+ merge_load_stages $path [list show_unmerged_diff $cont_info]
+ } elseif {$m eq {_O}} {
+ show_other_diff $path $w $m $cont_info
+ } else {
+ start_show_diff $cont_info
+ }
+proc show_unmerged_diff {cont_info} {
+ global current_diff_path current_diff_side
+ global merge_stages ui_diff is_conflict_diff
+ global current_diff_queue
+ if {$merge_stages(2) eq {}} {
+ set is_conflict_diff 1
+ lappend current_diff_queue \
+ [list [mc "LOCAL: deleted\nREMOTE:\n"] d======= \
+ [list ":1:$current_diff_path" ":3:$current_diff_path"]]
+ } elseif {$merge_stages(3) eq {}} {
+ set is_conflict_diff 1
+ lappend current_diff_queue \
+ [list [mc "REMOTE: deleted\nLOCAL:\n"] d======= \
+ [list ":1:$current_diff_path" ":2:$current_diff_path"]]
+ } elseif {[lindex $merge_stages(1) 0] eq {120000}
+ || [lindex $merge_stages(2) 0] eq {120000}
+ || [lindex $merge_stages(3) 0] eq {120000}} {
+ set is_conflict_diff 1
+ lappend current_diff_queue \
+ [list [mc "LOCAL:\n"] d======= \
+ [list ":1:$current_diff_path" ":2:$current_diff_path"]]
+ lappend current_diff_queue \
+ [list [mc "REMOTE:\n"] d======= \
+ [list ":1:$current_diff_path" ":3:$current_diff_path"]]
+ } else {
+ start_show_diff $cont_info
+ return
+ }
+ advance_diff_queue $cont_info
+proc advance_diff_queue {cont_info} {
+ global current_diff_queue ui_diff
+ set item [lindex $current_diff_queue 0]
+ set current_diff_queue [lrange $current_diff_queue 1 end]
+ $ui_diff conf -state normal
+ $ui_diff insert end [lindex $item 0] [lindex $item 1]
+ $ui_diff conf -state disabled
+ start_show_diff $cont_info [lindex $item 2]
+proc show_other_diff {path w m cont_info} {
+ global file_states file_lists
+ global is_3way_diff diff_active repo_config
+ global ui_diff ui_index ui_workdir
+ global current_diff_path current_diff_side current_diff_header
# - Git won't give us the diff, there's nothing to compare to!
if {$m eq {_O}} {
- set max_sz [expr {128 * 1024}]
+ set max_sz 100000
set type unknown
if {[catch {
set type [file type $path]
@@ -101,7 +180,9 @@ proc show_diff {path w {lno {}} {scroll_pos {}}} {
file {
set fd [open $path r]
- fconfigure $fd -eofchar {}
+ fconfigure $fd \
+ -eofchar {} \
+ -encoding [get_path_encoding $path]
set content [read $fd $max_sz]
close $fd
set sz [file size $path]
@@ -137,36 +218,57 @@ proc show_diff {path w {lno {}} {scroll_pos {}}} {
} else {
if {$sz > $max_sz} {
- $ui_diff insert end \
-"* Untracked file is $sz bytes.
-* Showing only first $max_sz bytes.
-" d_@
+ $ui_diff insert end [mc \
+"* Untracked file is %d bytes.
+* Showing only first %d bytes.
+" $sz $max_sz] d_@
$ui_diff insert end $content
if {$sz > $max_sz} {
- $ui_diff insert end "
-* Untracked file clipped here by [appname].
+ $ui_diff insert end [mc "
+* Untracked file clipped here by %s.
* To see the entire file, use an external editor.
-" d_@
+" [appname]] d_@
$ui_diff conf -state disabled
set diff_active 0
+ set scroll_pos [lindex $cont_info 0]
if {$scroll_pos ne {}} {
$ui_diff yview moveto $scroll_pos
+ set callback [lindex $cont_info 1]
+ if {$callback ne {}} {
+ eval $callback
+ }
+proc start_show_diff {cont_info {add_opts {}}} {
+ global file_states file_lists
+ global is_3way_diff diff_active repo_config
+ global ui_diff ui_index ui_workdir
+ global current_diff_path current_diff_side current_diff_header
+ set path $current_diff_path
+ set w $current_diff_side
+ set s $file_states($path)
+ set m [lindex $s 0]
+ set is_3way_diff 0
+ set diff_active 1
+ set current_diff_header {}
set cmd [list]
if {$w eq $ui_index} {
lappend cmd diff-index
lappend cmd --cached
} elseif {$w eq $ui_workdir} {
- if {[string index $m 0] eq {U}} {
+ if {[string first {U} $m] >= 0} {
lappend cmd diff
} else {
lappend cmd diff-files
@@ -181,8 +283,12 @@ proc show_diff {path w {lno {}} {scroll_pos {}}} {
if {$w eq $ui_index} {
lappend cmd [PARENT]
- lappend cmd --
- lappend cmd $path
+ if {$add_opts ne {}} {
+ eval lappend cmd $add_opts
+ } else {
+ lappend cmd --
+ lappend cmd $path
+ }
if {[catch {set fd [eval git_read --nice $cmd]} err]} {
set diff_active 0
@@ -195,14 +301,15 @@ proc show_diff {path w {lno {}} {scroll_pos {}}} {
set ::current_diff_inheader 1
fconfigure $fd \
-blocking 0 \
- -encoding binary \
- -translation binary
- fileevent $fd readable [list read_diff $fd $scroll_pos]
+ -encoding [get_path_encoding $path] \
+ -translation lf
+ fileevent $fd readable [list read_diff $fd $cont_info]
-proc read_diff {fd scroll_pos} {
+proc read_diff {fd cont_info} {
global ui_diff diff_active
- global is_3way_diff current_diff_header
+ global is_3way_diff is_conflict_diff current_diff_header
+ global current_diff_queue
$ui_diff conf -state normal
while {[gets $fd line] >= 0} {
@@ -249,6 +356,7 @@ proc read_diff {fd scroll_pos} {
{--} {set tags d_--}
{++} {
if {[regexp {^\+\+([<>]{7} |={7})} $line _g op]} {
+ set is_conflict_diff 1
set line [string replace $line 0 1 { }]
set tags d$op
} else {
@@ -268,7 +376,7 @@ proc read_diff {fd scroll_pos} {
{-} {set tags d_-}
{+} {
if {[regexp {^\+([<>]{7} |={7})} $line _g op]} {
- set line [string replace $line 0 0 { }]
+ set is_conflict_diff 1
set tags d$op
} else {
set tags d_+
@@ -290,8 +398,15 @@ proc read_diff {fd scroll_pos} {
if {[eof $fd]} {
close $fd
+ if {$current_diff_queue ne {}} {
+ advance_diff_queue $cont_info
+ return
+ }
set diff_active 0
+ set scroll_pos [lindex $cont_info 0]
if {$scroll_pos ne {}} {
$ui_diff yview moveto $scroll_pos
@@ -301,6 +416,10 @@ proc read_diff {fd scroll_pos} {
if {[$ui_diff index end] eq {2.0}} {
+ set callback [lindex $cont_info 1]
+ if {$callback ne {}} {
+ eval $callback
+ }
@@ -341,8 +460,9 @@ proc apply_hunk {x y} {
if {[catch {
+ set enc [get_path_encoding $current_diff_path]
set p [eval git_write $apply_cmd]
- fconfigure $p -translation binary -encoding binary
+ fconfigure $p -translation binary -encoding $enc
puts -nonewline $p $current_diff_header
puts -nonewline $p [$ui_diff get $s_lno $e_lno]
close $p} err]} {
@@ -370,10 +490,9 @@ proc apply_hunk {x y} {
display_file $current_diff_path $mi
+ # This should trigger shift to the next changed file
if {$o eq {_}} {
- clear_diff
- } else {
- set current_diff_path $current_diff_path
+ reshow_diff
@@ -511,8 +630,9 @@ proc apply_line {x y} {
set patch "@@ -$hln,$n +$hln,[eval expr $n $sign 1] @@\n$patch"
if {[catch {
+ set enc [get_path_encoding $current_diff_path]
set p [eval git_write $apply_cmd]
- fconfigure $p -translation binary -encoding binary
+ fconfigure $p -translation binary -encoding $enc
puts -nonewline $p $current_diff_header
puts -nonewline $p $patch
close $p} err]} {
diff --git a/git-gui/lib/encoding.tcl b/git-gui/lib/encoding.tcl
index 7f06b0d47..32668fc9c 100644
--- a/git-gui/lib/encoding.tcl
+++ b/git-gui/lib/encoding.tcl
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ set encoding_aliases {
{ ISO-8859-16 iso-ir-226 ISO_8859-16:2001 ISO_8859-16 latin10 l10 }
{ GBK CP936 MS936 windows-936 }
{ JIS_Encoding csJISEncoding }
- { Shift_JIS MS_Kanji csShiftJIS }
+ { Shift_JIS MS_Kanji csShiftJIS ShiftJIS Shift-JIS }
{ Extended_UNIX_Code_Packed_Format_for_Japanese csEUCPkdFmtJapanese
{ Extended_UNIX_Code_Fixed_Width_for_Japanese csEUCFixWidJapanese }
@@ -240,37 +240,227 @@ set encoding_aliases {
{ Big5 csBig5 }
+set encoding_groups {
+ {"" ""
+ {"Unicode" UTF-8}
+ {"Western" ISO-8859-1}}
+ {we "West European"
+ {"Western" ISO-8859-15 CP-437 CP-850 MacRoman CP-1252 Windows-1252}
+ {"Celtic" ISO-8859-14}
+ {"Greek" ISO-8859-14 ISO-8859-7 CP-737 CP-869 MacGreek CP-1253 Windows-1253}
+ {"Icelandic" MacIceland MacIcelandic CP-861}
+ {"Nordic" ISO-8859-10 CP-865}
+ {"Portuguese" CP-860}
+ {"South European" ISO-8859-3}}
+ {ee "East European"
+ {"Baltic" CP-775 ISO-8859-4 ISO-8859-13 CP-1257 Windows-1257}
+ {"Central European" CP-852 ISO-8859-2 MacCE CP-1250 Windows-1250}
+ {"Croatian" MacCroatian}
+ {"Cyrillic" CP-855 ISO-8859-5 ISO-IR-111 KOI8-R MacCyrillic CP-1251 Windows-1251}
+ {"Russian" CP-866}
+ {"Ukrainian" KOI8-U MacUkraine MacUkrainian}
+ {"Romanian" ISO-8859-16 MacRomania MacRomanian}}
+ {ea "East Asian"
+ {"Generic" ISO-2022}
+ {"Chinese Simplified" GB2312 GB1988 GB12345 GB2312-RAW GBK EUC-CN GB18030 HZ ISO-2022-CN}
+ {"Chinese Traditional" Big5 Big5-HKSCS EUC-TW CP-950}
+ {"Japanese" EUC-JP ISO-2022-JP Shift-JIS JIS-0212 JIS-0208 JIS-0201 CP-932 MacJapan}
+ {"Korean" EUC-KR UHC JOHAB ISO-2022-KR CP-949 KSC5601}}
+ {sa "SE & SW Asian"
+ {"Armenian" ARMSCII-8}
+ {"Georgian" GEOSTD8}
+ {"Thai" TIS-620 ISO-8859-11 CP-874 Windows-874 MacThai}
+ {"Turkish" CP-857 CP857 ISO-8859-9 MacTurkish CP-1254 Windows-1254}
+ {"Vietnamese" TCVN VISCII VPS CP-1258 Windows-1258}
+ {"Hindi" MacDevanagari}
+ {"Gujarati" MacGujarati}
+ {"Gurmukhi" MacGurmukhi}}
+ {me "Middle Eastern"
+ {"Arabic" ISO-8859-6 Windows-1256 CP-1256 CP-864 MacArabic}
+ {"Farsi" MacFarsi}
+ {"Hebrew" ISO-8859-8-I Windows-1255 CP-1255 ISO-8859-8 CP-862 MacHebrew}}
+ {mi "Misc"
+ {"7-bit" ASCII}
+ {"16-bit" Unicode}
+ {"Legacy" CP-863 EBCDIC}
+ {"Symbol" Symbol Dingbats MacDingbats MacCentEuro}}
+proc build_encoding_table {} {
+ global encoding_aliases encoding_lookup_table
+ # Prepare the lookup list; cannot use lsort -nocase because
+ # of compatibility issues with older Tcl (e.g. in msysgit)
+ set names [list]
+ foreach item [encoding names] {
+ lappend names [list [string tolower $item] $item]
+ }
+ set names [lsort -ascii -index 0 $names]
+ # neither can we use lsearch -index
+ set lnames [list]
+ foreach item $names {
+ lappend lnames [lindex $item 0]
+ }
+ foreach grp $encoding_aliases {
+ set target {}
+ foreach item $grp {
+ set i [lsearch -sorted -ascii $lnames \
+ [string tolower $item]]
+ if {$i >= 0} {
+ set target [lindex $names $i 1]
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if {$target eq {}} continue
+ foreach item $grp {
+ set encoding_lookup_table([string tolower $item]) $target
+ }
+ }
+ foreach item $names {
+ set encoding_lookup_table([lindex $item 0]) [lindex $item 1]
+ }
proc tcl_encoding {enc} {
- global encoding_aliases
- set names [encoding names]
- set lcnames [string tolower $names]
- set enc [string tolower $enc]
- set i [lsearch -exact $lcnames $enc]
- if {$i < 0} {
- # look for "isonnn" instead of "iso-nnn" or "iso_nnn"
- if {[regsub {^iso[-_]} $enc iso encx]} {
- set i [lsearch -exact $lcnames $encx]
+ global encoding_lookup_table
+ if {$enc eq {}} {
+ return {}
+ }
+ if {![info exists encoding_lookup_table]} {
+ build_encoding_table
+ }
+ set enc [string tolower $enc]
+ if {![info exists encoding_lookup_table($enc)]} {
+ # look for "isonnn" instead of "iso-nnn" or "iso_nnn"
+ if {[regsub {^(iso|cp|ibm|jis)[-_]} $enc {\1} encx]} {
+ set enc $encx
+ }
+ }
+ if {[info exists encoding_lookup_table($enc)]} {
+ return $encoding_lookup_table($enc)
+ } else {
+ return {}
+ }
+proc force_path_encoding {path enc} {
+ global path_encoding_overrides last_encoding_override
+ set enc [tcl_encoding $enc]
+ if {$enc eq {}} {
+ catch { unset last_encoding_override }
+ catch { unset path_encoding_overrides($path) }
+ } else {
+ set last_encoding_override $enc
+ if {$path ne {}} {
+ set path_encoding_overrides($path) $enc
+ }
+ }
+proc get_path_encoding {path} {
+ global path_encoding_overrides last_encoding_override
+ if {[info exists last_encoding_override]} {
+ set tcl_enc $last_encoding_override
+ } else {
+ set tcl_enc [tcl_encoding [get_config gui.encoding]]
- }
- if {$i < 0} {
- foreach l $encoding_aliases {
- set ll [string tolower $l]
- if {[lsearch -exact $ll $enc] < 0} continue
- # look through the aliases for one that tcl knows about
- foreach e $ll {
- set i [lsearch -exact $lcnames $e]
- if {$i < 0} {
- if {[regsub {^iso[-_]} $e iso ex]} {
- set i [lsearch -exact $lcnames $ex]
- }
+ if {$tcl_enc eq {}} {
+ set tcl_enc [encoding system]
+ }
+ if {$path ne {}} {
+ if {[info exists path_encoding_overrides($path)]} {
+ set enc2 $path_encoding_overrides($path)
+ } else {
+ set enc2 [tcl_encoding [gitattr $path encoding $tcl_enc]]
+ }
+ if {$enc2 ne {}} {
+ set tcl_enc $enc2
+ }
+ }
+ return $tcl_enc
+proc build_encoding_submenu {parent grp cmd} {
+ global used_encodings
+ set mid [lindex $grp 0]
+ set gname [mc [lindex $grp 1]]
+ set smenu {}
+ foreach subset [lrange $grp 2 end] {
+ set name [mc [lindex $subset 0]]
+ foreach enc [lrange $subset 1 end] {
+ set tcl_enc [tcl_encoding $enc]
+ if {$tcl_enc eq {}} continue
+ if {$smenu eq {}} {
+ if {$mid eq {}} {
+ set smenu $parent
+ } else {
+ set smenu "$parent.$mid"
+ menu $smenu
+ $parent add cascade \
+ -label $gname \
+ -menu $smenu
+ }
+ }
+ if {$name ne {}} {
+ set lbl "$name ($enc)"
+ } else {
+ set lbl $enc
+ }
+ $smenu add command \
+ -label $lbl \
+ -command [concat $cmd [list $tcl_enc]]
+ lappend used_encodings $tcl_enc
+ }
+ }
+proc popup_btn_menu {m b} {
+ tk_popup $m [winfo pointerx $b] [winfo pointery $b]
+proc build_encoding_menu {emenu cmd {nodef 0}} {
+ $emenu configure -postcommand \
+ [list do_build_encoding_menu $emenu $cmd $nodef]
+proc do_build_encoding_menu {emenu cmd {nodef 0}} {
+ global used_encodings encoding_groups
+ $emenu configure -postcommand {}
+ if {!$nodef} {
+ $emenu add command \
+ -label [mc "Default"] \
+ -command [concat $cmd [list {}]]
+ }
+ set sysenc [encoding system]
+ $emenu add command \
+ -label [mc "System (%s)" $sysenc] \
+ -command [concat $cmd [list $sysenc]]
+ # Main encoding tree
+ set used_encodings [list identity]
+ $emenu add separator
+ foreach grp $encoding_groups {
+ build_encoding_submenu $emenu $grp $cmd
+ }
+ # Add unclassified encodings
+ set unused_grp [list [mc Other]]
+ foreach enc [encoding names] {
+ if {[lsearch -exact $used_encodings $enc] < 0} {
+ lappend unused_grp $enc
- if {$i >= 0} break
- }
- break
- }
- if {$i >= 0} {
- return [lindex $names $i]
- }
- return {}
+ build_encoding_submenu $emenu [list other [mc Other] $unused_grp] $cmd
diff --git a/git-gui/lib/index.tcl b/git-gui/lib/index.tcl
index 3c1fce747..d33896a0c 100644
--- a/git-gui/lib/index.tcl
+++ b/git-gui/lib/index.tcl
@@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ proc write_update_indexinfo {fd pathList totalCnt batch after} {
switch -glob -- [lindex $s 0] {
A? {set new _O}
M? {set new _M}
+ T_ {set new _T}
D_ {set new _D}
D? {set new _?}
?? {continue}
@@ -162,6 +163,8 @@ proc write_update_index {fd pathList totalCnt batch after} {
?D {set new D_}
_O -
AM {set new A_}
+ _T {set new T_}
+ _U -
U? {
if {[file exists $path]} {
set new M_
@@ -231,6 +234,7 @@ proc write_checkout_index {fd pathList totalCnt batch after} {
switch -glob -- [lindex $file_states($path) 0] {
U? {continue}
?M -
+ ?T -
?D {
puts -nonewline $fd "[encoding convertto $path]\0"
display_file $path ?_
@@ -252,6 +256,7 @@ proc unstage_helper {txt paths} {
switch -glob -- [lindex $file_states($path) 0] {
A? -
M? -
+ T_ -
D? {
lappend pathList $path
if {$path eq $current_diff_path} {
@@ -293,10 +298,18 @@ proc add_helper {txt paths} {
set after {}
foreach path $paths {
switch -glob -- [lindex $file_states($path) 0] {
+ _U -
+ U? {
+ if {$path eq $current_diff_path} {
+ unlock_index
+ merge_stage_workdir $path
+ return
+ }
+ }
_O -
?M -
?D -
- U? {
+ ?T {
lappend pathList $path
if {$path eq $current_diff_path} {
set after {reshow_diff;}
@@ -336,6 +349,7 @@ proc do_add_all {} {
switch -glob -- [lindex $file_states($path) 0] {
U? {continue}
?M -
+ ?T -
?D {lappend paths $path}
@@ -353,6 +367,7 @@ proc revert_helper {txt paths} {
switch -glob -- [lindex $file_states($path) 0] {
U? {continue}
?M -
+ ?T -
?D {
lappend pathList $path
if {$path eq $current_diff_path} {
@@ -409,11 +424,11 @@ proc do_revert_selection {} {
if {[array size selected_paths] > 0} {
revert_helper \
- {Reverting selected files} \
+ [mc "Reverting selected files"] \
[array names selected_paths]
} elseif {$current_diff_path ne {}} {
revert_helper \
- "Reverting [short_path $current_diff_path]" \
+ [mc "Reverting %s" [short_path $current_diff_path]] \
[list $current_diff_path]
diff --git a/git-gui/lib/merge.tcl b/git-gui/lib/merge.tcl
index 5c01875b0..283e4915e 100644
--- a/git-gui/lib/merge.tcl
+++ b/git-gui/lib/merge.tcl
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ The rescan will be automatically started now.
_O {
continue; # and pray it works!
+ _U -
U? {
error_popup [mc "You are in the middle of a conflicted merge.
diff --git a/git-gui/lib/mergetool.tcl b/git-gui/lib/mergetool.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eb2b4b56a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/git-gui/lib/mergetool.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
+# git-gui merge conflict resolution
+# parts based on git-mergetool (c) 2006 Theodore Y. Ts'o
+proc merge_resolve_one {stage} {
+ global current_diff_path
+ switch -- $stage {
+ 1 { set targetquestion [mc "Force resolution to the base version?"] }
+ 2 { set targetquestion [mc "Force resolution to this branch?"] }
+ 3 { set targetquestion [mc "Force resolution to the other branch?"] }
+ }
+ set op_question [strcat $targetquestion "\n" \
+[mc "Note that the diff shows only conflicting changes.
+%s will be overwritten.
+This operation can be undone only by restarting the merge." \
+ [short_path $current_diff_path]]]
+ if {[ask_popup $op_question] eq {yes}} {
+ merge_load_stages $current_diff_path [list merge_force_stage $stage]
+ }
+proc merge_stage_workdir {path {lno {}}} {
+ global current_diff_path diff_active
+ global current_diff_side ui_workdir
+ if {$diff_active} return
+ if {$path ne $current_diff_path || $ui_workdir ne $current_diff_side} {
+ show_diff $path $ui_workdir $lno {} [list do_merge_stage_workdir $path]
+ } else {
+ do_merge_stage_workdir $path
+ }
+proc do_merge_stage_workdir {path} {
+ global current_diff_path is_conflict_diff
+ if {$path ne $current_diff_path} return;
+ if {$is_conflict_diff} {
+ if {[ask_popup [mc "File %s seems to have unresolved conflicts, still stage?" \
+ [short_path $path]]] ne {yes}} {
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ merge_add_resolution $path
+proc merge_add_resolution {path} {
+ global current_diff_path ui_workdir
+ set after [next_diff_after_action $ui_workdir $path {} {^_?U}]
+ update_index \
+ [mc "Adding resolution for %s" [short_path $path]] \
+ [list $path] \
+ [concat $after [list ui_ready]]
+proc merge_force_stage {stage} {
+ global current_diff_path merge_stages
+ if {$merge_stages($stage) ne {}} {
+ git checkout-index -f --stage=$stage -- $current_diff_path
+ } else {
+ file delete -- $current_diff_path
+ }
+ merge_add_resolution $current_diff_path
+proc merge_load_stages {path cont} {
+ global merge_stages_fd merge_stages merge_stages_buf
+ if {[info exists merge_stages_fd]} {
+ catch { kill_file_process $merge_stages_fd }
+ catch { close $merge_stages_fd }
+ }
+ set merge_stages(0) {}
+ set merge_stages(1) {}
+ set merge_stages(2) {}
+ set merge_stages(3) {}
+ set merge_stages_buf {}
+ set merge_stages_fd [eval git_read ls-files -u -z -- $path]
+ fconfigure $merge_stages_fd -blocking 0 -translation binary -encoding binary
+ fileevent $merge_stages_fd readable [list read_merge_stages $merge_stages_fd $cont]
+proc read_merge_stages {fd cont} {
+ global merge_stages_buf merge_stages_fd merge_stages
+ append merge_stages_buf [read $fd]
+ set pck [split $merge_stages_buf "\0"]
+ set merge_stages_buf [lindex $pck end]
+ if {[eof $fd] && $merge_stages_buf ne {}} {
+ lappend pck {}
+ set merge_stages_buf {}
+ }
+ foreach p [lrange $pck 0 end-1] {
+ set fcols [split $p "\t"]
+ set cols [split [lindex $fcols 0] " "]
+ set stage [lindex $cols 2]
+ set merge_stages($stage) [lrange $cols 0 1]
+ }
+ if {[eof $fd]} {
+ close $fd
+ unset merge_stages_fd
+ eval $cont
+ }
+proc merge_resolve_tool {} {
+ global current_diff_path
+ merge_load_stages $current_diff_path [list merge_resolve_tool2]
+proc merge_resolve_tool2 {} {
+ global current_diff_path merge_stages
+ # Validate the stages
+ if {$merge_stages(2) eq {} ||
+ [lindex $merge_stages(2) 0] eq {120000} ||
+ [lindex $merge_stages(2) 0] eq {160000} ||
+ $merge_stages(3) eq {} ||
+ [lindex $merge_stages(3) 0] eq {120000} ||
+ [lindex $merge_stages(3) 0] eq {160000}
+ } {
+ error_popup [mc "Cannot resolve deletion or link conflicts using a tool"]
+ return
+ }
+ if {![file exists $current_diff_path]} {
+ error_popup [mc "Conflict file does not exist"]
+ return
+ }
+ # Determine the tool to use
+ set tool [get_config merge.tool]
+ if {$tool eq {}} { set tool meld }
+ set merge_tool_path [get_config "mergetool.$tool.path"]
+ if {$merge_tool_path eq {}} {
+ switch -- $tool {
+ emerge { set merge_tool_path "emacs" }
+ araxis { set merge_tool_path "compare" }
+ default { set merge_tool_path $tool }
+ }
+ }
+ # Make file names
+ set filebase [file rootname $current_diff_path]
+ set fileext [file extension $current_diff_path]
+ set basename [lindex [file split $current_diff_path] end]
+ set MERGED $current_diff_path
+ set BASE "./$MERGED.BASE$fileext"
+ set LOCAL "./$MERGED.LOCAL$fileext"
+ set REMOTE "./$MERGED.REMOTE$fileext"
+ set BACKUP "./$MERGED.BACKUP$fileext"
+ set base_stage $merge_stages(1)
+ # Build the command line
+ switch -- $tool {
+ kdiff3 {
+ if {$base_stage ne {}} {
+ set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" --auto --L1 "$MERGED (Base)" \
+ --L2 "$MERGED (Local)" --L3 "$MERGED (Remote)" -o "$MERGED" "$BASE" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE"]
+ } else {
+ set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" --auto --L1 "$MERGED (Local)" \
+ --L2 "$MERGED (Remote)" -o "$MERGED" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE"]
+ }
+ }
+ tkdiff {
+ if {$base_stage ne {}} {
+ set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" -a "$BASE" -o "$MERGED" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE"]
+ } else {
+ set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" -o "$MERGED" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE"]
+ }
+ }
+ meld {
+ set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" "$LOCAL" "$MERGED" "$REMOTE"]
+ }
+ gvimdiff {
+ set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" -f "$LOCAL" "$MERGED" "$REMOTE"]
+ }
+ xxdiff {
+ if {$base_stage ne {}} {
+ set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" -X --show-merged-pane \
+ -R {Accel.SaveAsMerged: "Ctrl-S"} \
+ -R {Accel.Search: "Ctrl+F"} \
+ -R {Accel.SearchForward: "Ctrl-G"} \
+ --merged-file "$MERGED" "$LOCAL" "$BASE" "$REMOTE"]
+ } else {
+ set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" -X --show-merged-pane \
+ -R {Accel.SaveAsMerged: "Ctrl-S"} \
+ -R {Accel.Search: "Ctrl+F"} \
+ -R {Accel.SearchForward: "Ctrl-G"} \
+ --merged-file "$MERGED" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE"]
+ }
+ }
+ opendiff {
+ if {$base_stage ne {}} {
+ set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" -ancestor "$BASE" -merge "$MERGED"]
+ } else {
+ set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" -merge "$MERGED"]
+ }
+ }
+ ecmerge {
+ if {$base_stage ne {}} {
+ set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" "$BASE" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" --default --mode=merge3 --to="$MERGED"]
+ } else {
+ set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" --default --mode=merge2 --to="$MERGED"]
+ }
+ }
+ emerge {
+ if {$base_stage ne {}} {
+ set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" -f emerge-files-with-ancestor-command \
+ "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" "$BASE" "$basename"]
+ } else {
+ set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" -f emerge-files-command \
+ "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" "$basename"]
+ }
+ }
+ winmerge {
+ if {$base_stage ne {}} {
+ # This tool does not support 3-way merges.
+ # Use the 'conflict file' resolution feature instead.
+ set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" -e -ub "$MERGED"]
+ } else {
+ set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" -e -ub -wl \
+ -dl "Theirs File" -dr "Mine File" "$REMOTE" "$LOCAL" "$MERGED"]
+ }
+ }
+ araxis {
+ if {$base_stage ne {}} {
+ set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" -wait -merge -3 -a1 \
+ -title1:"'$MERGED (Base)'" -title2:"'$MERGED (Local)'" \
+ -title3:"'$MERGED (Remote)'" \
+ } else {
+ set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" -wait -2 \
+ -title1:"'$MERGED (Local)'" -title2:"'$MERGED (Remote)'" \
+ }
+ }
+ p4merge {
+ set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" "$BASE" "$REMOTE" "$LOCAL" "$MERGED"]
+ }
+ vimdiff {
+ error_popup [mc "Not a GUI merge tool: '%s'" $tool]
+ return
+ }
+ default {
+ error_popup [mc "Unsupported merge tool '%s'" $tool]
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ merge_tool_start $cmdline $MERGED $BACKUP [list $BASE $LOCAL $REMOTE]
+proc delete_temp_files {files} {
+ foreach fname $files {
+ file delete $fname
+ }
+proc merge_tool_get_stages {target stages} {
+ global merge_stages
+ set i 1
+ foreach fname $stages {
+ if {$merge_stages($i) eq {}} {
+ file delete $fname
+ catch { close [open $fname w] }
+ } else {
+ # A hack to support autocrlf properly
+ git checkout-index -f --stage=$i -- $target
+ file rename -force -- $target $fname
+ }
+ incr i
+ }
+proc merge_tool_start {cmdline target backup stages} {
+ global merge_stages mtool_target mtool_tmpfiles mtool_fd mtool_mtime
+ if {[info exists mtool_fd]} {
+ if {[ask_popup [mc "Merge tool is already running, terminate it?"]] eq {yes}} {
+ catch { kill_file_process $mtool_fd }
+ catch { close $mtool_fd }
+ unset mtool_fd
+ set old_backup [lindex $mtool_tmpfiles end]
+ file rename -force -- $old_backup $mtool_target
+ delete_temp_files $mtool_tmpfiles
+ } else {
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ # Save the original file
+ file rename -force -- $target $backup
+ # Get the blobs; it destroys $target
+ if {[catch {merge_tool_get_stages $target $stages} err]} {
+ file rename -force -- $backup $target
+ delete_temp_files $stages
+ error_popup [mc "Error retrieving versions:\n%s" $err]
+ return
+ }
+ # Restore the conflict file
+ file copy -force -- $backup $target
+ # Initialize global state
+ set mtool_target $target
+ set mtool_mtime [file mtime $target]
+ set mtool_tmpfiles $stages
+ lappend mtool_tmpfiles $backup
+ # Force redirection to avoid interpreting output on stderr
+ # as an error, and launch the tool
+ lappend cmdline {2>@1}
+ if {[catch { set mtool_fd [_open_stdout_stderr $cmdline] } err]} {
+ delete_temp_files $mtool_tmpfiles
+ error_popup [mc "Could not start the merge tool:\n\n%s" $err]
+ return
+ }
+ ui_status [mc "Running merge tool..."]
+ fconfigure $mtool_fd -blocking 0 -translation binary -encoding binary
+ fileevent $mtool_fd readable [list read_mtool_output $mtool_fd]
+proc read_mtool_output {fd} {
+ global mtool_fd mtool_tmpfiles
+ read $fd
+ if {[eof $fd]} {
+ unset mtool_fd
+ fconfigure $fd -blocking 1
+ merge_tool_finish $fd
+ }
+proc merge_tool_finish {fd} {
+ global mtool_tmpfiles mtool_target mtool_mtime
+ set backup [lindex $mtool_tmpfiles end]
+ set failed 0
+ # Check the return code
+ if {[catch {close $fd} err]} {
+ set failed 1
+ if {$err ne {child process exited abnormally}} {
+ error_popup [strcat [mc "Merge tool failed."] "\n\n$err"]
+ }
+ }
+ # Finish
+ if {$failed} {
+ file rename -force -- $backup $mtool_target
+ delete_temp_files $mtool_tmpfiles
+ ui_status [mc "Merge tool failed."]
+ } else {
+ if {[is_config_true merge.keepbackup]} {
+ file rename -force -- $backup "$mtool_target.orig"
+ }
+ delete_temp_files $mtool_tmpfiles
+ reshow_diff
+ }
diff --git a/git-gui/lib/option.tcl b/git-gui/lib/option.tcl
index 5e1346e60..1d55b49c9 100644
--- a/git-gui/lib/option.tcl
+++ b/git-gui/lib/option.tcl
@@ -1,9 +1,31 @@
# git-gui options editor
# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Shawn Pearce
+proc config_check_encodings {} {
+ global repo_config_new global_config_new
+ set enc $global_config_new(gui.encoding)
+ if {$enc eq {}} {
+ set global_config_new(gui.encoding) [encoding system]
+ } elseif {[tcl_encoding $enc] eq {}} {
+ error_popup [mc "Invalid global encoding '%s'" $enc]
+ return 0
+ }
+ set enc $repo_config_new(gui.encoding)
+ if {$enc eq {}} {
+ set repo_config_new(gui.encoding) [encoding system]
+ } elseif {[tcl_encoding $enc] eq {}} {
+ error_popup [mc "Invalid repo encoding '%s'" $enc]
+ return 0
+ }
+ return 1
proc save_config {} {
global default_config font_descs
- global repo_config global_config
+ global repo_config global_config system_config
global repo_config_new global_config_new
global ui_comm_spell
@@ -27,7 +49,7 @@ proc save_config {} {
foreach name [array names default_config] {
set value $global_config_new($name)
if {$value ne $global_config($name)} {
- if {$value eq $default_config($name)} {
+ if {$value eq $system_config($name)} {
catch {git config --global --unset $name}
} else {
regsub -all "\[{}\]" $value {"} value
@@ -119,15 +141,18 @@ proc do_options {} {
{b merge.summary {mc "Summarize Merge Commits"}}
{i-1..5 merge.verbosity {mc "Merge Verbosity"}}
{b merge.diffstat {mc "Show Diffstat After Merge"}}
+ {t merge.tool {mc "Use Merge Tool"}}
{b gui.trustmtime {mc "Trust File Modification Timestamps"}}
{b gui.pruneduringfetch {mc "Prune Tracking Branches During Fetch"}}
{b gui.matchtrackingbranch {mc "Match Tracking Branches"}}
{b gui.fastcopyblame {mc "Blame Copy Only On Changed Files"}}
{i-20..200 gui.copyblamethreshold {mc "Minimum Letters To Blame Copy On"}}
+ {i-0..300 gui.blamehistoryctx {mc "Blame History Context Radius (days)"}}
{i-1..99 gui.diffcontext {mc "Number of Diff Context Lines"}}
{i-0..99 gui.commitmsgwidth {mc "Commit Message Text Width"}}
{t gui.newbranchtemplate {mc "New Branch Name Template"}}
+ {c gui.encoding {mc "Default File Contents Encoding"}}
} {
set type [lindex $option 0]
set name [lindex $option 1]
@@ -157,6 +182,7 @@ proc do_options {} {
pack $w.$f.$optid.v -side right -anchor e -padx 5
pack $w.$f.$optid -side top -anchor w -fill x
+ c -
t {
frame $w.$f.$optid
label $w.$f.$optid.l -text "$text:"
@@ -169,6 +195,16 @@ proc do_options {} {
pack $w.$f.$optid.v -side left -anchor w \
-fill x -expand 1 \
-padx 5
+ if {$type eq {c}} {
+ menu $w.$f.$optid.m
+ build_encoding_menu $w.$f.$optid.m \
+ [list set ${f}_config_new($name)] 1
+ button $w.$f.$optid.b \
+ -text [mc "Change"] \
+ -command [list popup_btn_menu \
+ $w.$f.$optid.m $w.$f.$optid.b]
+ pack $w.$f.$optid.b -side left -anchor w
+ }
pack $w.$f.$optid -side top -anchor w -fill x
@@ -248,17 +284,17 @@ proc do_options {} {
proc do_restore_defaults {} {
- global font_descs default_config repo_config
+ global font_descs default_config repo_config system_config
global repo_config_new global_config_new
foreach name [array names default_config] {
- set repo_config_new($name) $default_config($name)
- set global_config_new($name) $default_config($name)
+ set repo_config_new($name) $system_config($name)
+ set global_config_new($name) $system_config($name)
foreach option $font_descs {
set name [lindex $option 0]
- set repo_config(gui.$name) $default_config(gui.$name)
+ set repo_config(gui.$name) $system_config(gui.$name)
@@ -273,6 +309,7 @@ proc do_restore_defaults {} {
proc do_save_config {w} {
+ if {![config_check_encodings]} return
if {[catch {save_config} err]} {
error_popup [strcat [mc "Failed to completely save options:"] "\n\n$err"]
diff --git a/git-gui/lib/remote.tcl b/git-gui/lib/remote.tcl
index 0e86ddac0..b92b429cf 100644
--- a/git-gui/lib/remote.tcl
+++ b/git-gui/lib/remote.tcl
@@ -132,91 +132,145 @@ proc load_all_remotes {} {
set all_remotes [lsort -unique $all_remotes]
-proc populate_fetch_menu {} {
- global all_remotes repo_config
+proc add_fetch_entry {r} {
+ global repo_config
set remote_m .mbar.remote
set fetch_m $remote_m.fetch
set prune_m $remote_m.prune
- foreach r $all_remotes {
- set enable 0
- if {![catch {set a $repo_config(remote.$r.url)}]} {
- if {![catch {set a $repo_config(remote.$r.fetch)}]} {
- set enable 1
- }
- } else {
- catch {
- set fd [open [gitdir remotes $r] r]
- while {[gets $fd n] >= 0} {
- if {[regexp {^Pull:[ \t]*([^:]+):} $n]} {
- set enable 1
- break
- }
+ set remove_m $remote_m.remove
+ set enable 0
+ if {![catch {set a $repo_config(remote.$r.url)}]} {
+ if {![catch {set a $repo_config(remote.$r.fetch)}]} {
+ set enable 1
+ }
+ } else {
+ catch {
+ set fd [open [gitdir remotes $r] r]
+ while {[gets $fd n] >= 0} {
+ if {[regexp {^Pull:[ \t]*([^:]+):} $n]} {
+ set enable 1
+ break
- close $fd
+ close $fd
+ }
- if {$enable} {
- if {![winfo exists $fetch_m]} {
- menu $prune_m
- $remote_m insert 0 cascade \
- -label [mc "Prune from"] \
- -menu $prune_m
- menu $fetch_m
- $remote_m insert 0 cascade \
- -label [mc "Fetch from"] \
- -menu $fetch_m
- }
+ if {$enable} {
+ if {![winfo exists $fetch_m]} {
+ menu $remove_m
+ $remote_m insert 0 cascade \
+ -label [mc "Remove Remote"] \
+ -menu $remove_m
+ menu $prune_m
+ $remote_m insert 0 cascade \
+ -label [mc "Prune from"] \
+ -menu $prune_m
- $fetch_m add command \
- -label $r \
- -command [list fetch_from $r]
- $prune_m add command \
- -label $r \
- -command [list prune_from $r]
+ menu $fetch_m
+ $remote_m insert 0 cascade \
+ -label [mc "Fetch from"] \
+ -menu $fetch_m
+ $fetch_m add command \
+ -label $r \
+ -command [list fetch_from $r]
+ $prune_m add command \
+ -label $r \
+ -command [list prune_from $r]
+ $remove_m add command \
+ -label $r \
+ -command [list remove_remote $r]
-proc populate_push_menu {} {
- global all_remotes repo_config
+proc add_push_entry {r} {
+ global repo_config
set remote_m .mbar.remote
set push_m $remote_m.push
- foreach r $all_remotes {
- set enable 0
- if {![catch {set a $repo_config(remote.$r.url)}]} {
- if {![catch {set a $repo_config(remote.$r.push)}]} {
- set enable 1
- }
- } else {
- catch {
- set fd [open [gitdir remotes $r] r]
- while {[gets $fd n] >= 0} {
- if {[regexp {^Push:[ \t]*([^:]+):} $n]} {
- set enable 1
- break
- }
+ set enable 0
+ if {![catch {set a $repo_config(remote.$r.url)}]} {
+ if {![catch {set a $repo_config(remote.$r.push)}]} {
+ set enable 1
+ }
+ } else {
+ catch {
+ set fd [open [gitdir remotes $r] r]
+ while {[gets $fd n] >= 0} {
+ if {[regexp {^Push:[ \t]*([^:]+):} $n]} {
+ set enable 1
+ break
- close $fd
+ close $fd
+ }
- if {$enable} {
- if {![winfo exists $push_m]} {
- menu $push_m
- $remote_m insert 0 cascade \
- -label [mc "Push to"] \
- -menu $push_m
- }
- $push_m add command \
- -label $r \
- -command [list push_to $r]
+ if {$enable} {
+ if {![winfo exists $push_m]} {
+ menu $push_m
+ $remote_m insert 0 cascade \
+ -label [mc "Push to"] \
+ -menu $push_m
+ $push_m add command \
+ -label $r \
+ -command [list push_to $r]
+ }
+proc populate_remotes_menu {} {
+ global all_remotes
+ foreach r $all_remotes {
+ add_fetch_entry $r
+ add_push_entry $r
+ }
+proc add_single_remote {name location} {
+ global all_remotes repo_config
+ lappend all_remotes $name
+ git remote add $name $location
+ # XXX: Better re-read the config so that we will never get out
+ # of sync with git remote implementation?
+ set repo_config(remote.$name.url) $location
+ set repo_config(remote.$name.fetch) "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/$name/*"
+ add_fetch_entry $name
+ add_push_entry $name
+proc delete_from_menu {menu name} {
+ if {[winfo exists $menu]} {
+ $menu delete $name
+proc remove_remote {name} {
+ global all_remotes repo_config
+ git remote rm $name
+ catch {
+ # Missing values are ok
+ unset repo_config(remote.$name.url)
+ unset repo_config(remote.$name.fetch)
+ unset repo_config(remote.$name.push)
+ }
+ set i [lsearch -exact all_remotes $name]
+ lreplace all_remotes $i $i
+ set remote_m .mbar.remote
+ delete_from_menu $remote_m.fetch $name
+ delete_from_menu $remote_m.prune $name
+ delete_from_menu $remote_m.remove $name
+ # Not all remotes are in the push menu
+ catch { delete_from_menu $remote_m.push $name }
diff --git a/git-gui/lib/remote_add.tcl b/git-gui/lib/remote_add.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fb29422aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/git-gui/lib/remote_add.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+# git-gui remote adding support
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Petr Baudis
+class remote_add {
+field w ; # widget path
+field w_name ; # new remote name widget
+field w_loc ; # new remote location widget
+field name {}; # name of the remote the user has chosen
+field location {}; # location of the remote the user has chosen
+field opt_action fetch; # action to do after registering the remote locally
+constructor dialog {} {
+ global repo_config
+ make_toplevel top w
+ wm title $top [append "[appname] ([reponame]): " [mc "Add Remote"]]
+ if {$top ne {.}} {
+ wm geometry $top "+[winfo rootx .]+[winfo rooty .]"
+ }
+ label $w.header -text [mc "Add New Remote"] -font font_uibold
+ pack $w.header -side top -fill x
+ frame $w.buttons
+ button $w.buttons.create -text [mc Add] \
+ -default active \
+ -command [cb _add]
+ pack $w.buttons.create -side right
+ button $w.buttons.cancel -text [mc Cancel] \
+ -command [list destroy $w]
+ pack $w.buttons.cancel -side right -padx 5
+ pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 10 -padx 10
+ labelframe $w.desc -text [mc "Remote Details"]
+ label $w.desc.name_l -text [mc "Name:"]
+ set w_name $w.desc.name_t
+ entry $w_name \
+ -borderwidth 1 \
+ -relief sunken \
+ -width 40 \
+ -textvariable @name \
+ -validate key \
+ -validatecommand [cb _validate_name %d %S]
+ grid $w.desc.name_l $w_name -sticky we -padx {0 5}
+ label $w.desc.loc_l -text [mc "Location:"]
+ set w_loc $w.desc.loc_t
+ entry $w_loc \
+ -borderwidth 1 \
+ -relief sunken \
+ -width 40 \
+ -textvariable @location
+ grid $w.desc.loc_l $w_loc -sticky we -padx {0 5}
+ grid columnconfigure $w.desc 1 -weight 1
+ pack $w.desc -anchor nw -fill x -pady 5 -padx 5
+ labelframe $w.action -text [mc "Further Action"]
+ radiobutton $w.action.fetch \
+ -text [mc "Fetch Immediately"] \
+ -value fetch \
+ -variable @opt_action
+ pack $w.action.fetch -anchor nw
+ radiobutton $w.action.push \
+ -text [mc "Initialize Remote Repository and Push"] \
+ -value push \
+ -variable @opt_action
+ pack $w.action.push -anchor nw
+ radiobutton $w.action.none \
+ -text [mc "Do Nothing Else Now"] \
+ -value none \
+ -variable @opt_action
+ pack $w.action.none -anchor nw
+ grid columnconfigure $w.action 1 -weight 1
+ pack $w.action -anchor nw -fill x -pady 5 -padx 5
+ bind $w <Visibility> [cb _visible]
+ bind $w <Key-Escape> [list destroy $w]
+ bind $w <Key-Return> [cb _add]\;break
+ tkwait window $w
+method _add {} {
+ global repo_config env
+ global M1B
+ if {$name eq {}} {
+ tk_messageBox \
+ -icon error \
+ -type ok \
+ -title [wm title $w] \
+ -parent $w \
+ -message [mc "Please supply a remote name."]
+ focus $w_name
+ return
+ }
+ # XXX: We abuse check-ref-format here, but
+ # that should be ok.
+ if {[catch {git check-ref-format "remotes/$name"}]} {
+ tk_messageBox \
+ -icon error \
+ -type ok \
+ -title [wm title $w] \
+ -parent $w \
+ -message [mc "'%s' is not an acceptable remote name." $name]
+ focus $w_name
+ return
+ }
+ if {[catch {add_single_remote $name $location}]} {
+ tk_messageBox \
+ -icon error \
+ -type ok \
+ -title [wm title $w] \
+ -parent $w \
+ -message [mc "Failed to add remote '%s' of location '%s'." $name $location]
+ focus $w_name
+ return
+ }
+ switch -- $opt_action {
+ fetch {
+ set c [console::new \
+ [mc "fetch %s" $name] \
+ [mc "Fetching the %s" $name]]
+ console::exec $c [list git fetch $name]
+ }
+ push {
+ set cmds [list]
+ # Parse the location
+ if { [regexp {(?:git\+)?ssh://([^/]+)(/.+)} $location xx host path]
+ || [regexp {([^:][^:]+):(.+)} $location xx host path]} {
+ set ssh ssh
+ if {[info exists env(GIT_SSH)]} {
+ set ssh $env(GIT_SSH)
+ }
+ lappend cmds [list exec $ssh $host mkdir -p $location && git --git-dir=$path init --bare]
+ } elseif { ! [regexp {://} $location xx] } {
+ lappend cmds [list exec mkdir -p $location]
+ lappend cmds [list exec git --git-dir=$location init --bare]
+ } else {
+ tk_messageBox \
+ -icon error \
+ -type ok \
+ -title [wm title $w] \
+ -parent $w \
+ -message [mc "Do not know how to initialize repository at location '%s'." $location]
+ destroy $w
+ return
+ }
+ set c [console::new \
+ [mc "push %s" $name] \
+ [mc "Setting up the %s (at %s)" $name $location]]
+ lappend cmds [list exec git push -v --all $name]
+ console::chain $c $cmds
+ }
+ none {
+ }
+ }
+ destroy $w
+method _validate_name {d S} {
+ if {$d == 1} {
+ if {[regexp {[~^:?*\[\0- ]} $S]} {
+ return 0
+ }
+ }
+ return 1
+method _visible {} {
+ grab $w
+ $w_name icursor end
+ focus $w_name
diff --git a/git-gui/lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl b/git-gui/lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl
index c7b814869..89eb0f70f 100644
--- a/git-gui/lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl
+++ b/git-gui/lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl
@@ -26,12 +26,12 @@ constructor dialog {} {
global all_remotes M1B
make_toplevel top w
- wm title $top [append "[appname] ([reponame]): " [mc "Delete Remote Branch"]]
+ wm title $top [append "[appname] ([reponame]): " [mc "Delete Branch Remotely"]]
if {$top ne {.}} {
wm geometry $top "+[winfo rootx .]+[winfo rooty .]"
- label $w.header -text [mc "Delete Remote Branch"] -font font_uibold
+ label $w.header -text [mc "Delete Branch Remotely"] -font font_uibold
pack $w.header -side top -fill x
frame $w.buttons
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ constructor dialog {} {
set urltype url
radiobutton $w.dest.url_r \
- -text [mc "Arbitrary URL:"] \
+ -text [mc "Arbitrary Location:"] \
-value url \
-variable @urltype
entry $w.dest.url_t \
diff --git a/git-gui/lib/search.tcl b/git-gui/lib/search.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b371e9a30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/git-gui/lib/search.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+# incremental search panel
+# based on code from gitk, Copyright (C) Paul Mackerras
+class searchbar {
+field w
+field ctext
+field searchstring {}
+field casesensitive 1
+field searchdirn -forwards
+field smarktop
+field smarkbot
+constructor new {i_w i_text args} {
+ set w $i_w
+ set ctext $i_text
+ frame $w
+ label $w.l -text [mc Find:]
+ entry $w.ent -textvariable ${__this}::searchstring -background lightgreen
+ button $w.bn -text [mc Next] -command [cb find_next]
+ button $w.bp -text [mc Prev] -command [cb find_prev]
+ checkbutton $w.cs -text [mc Case-Sensitive] \
+ -variable ${__this}::casesensitive -command [cb _incrsearch]
+ pack $w.l -side left
+ pack $w.cs -side right
+ pack $w.bp -side right
+ pack $w.bn -side right
+ pack $w.ent -side left -expand 1 -fill x
+ eval grid conf $w -sticky we $args
+ grid remove $w
+ trace add variable searchstring write [cb _incrsearch_cb]
+ bind $w <Destroy> [list delete_this $this]
+ return $this
+method show {} {
+ if {![visible $this]} {
+ grid $w
+ }
+ focus -force $w.ent
+method hide {} {
+ if {[visible $this]} {
+ focus $ctext
+ grid remove $w
+ }
+method visible {} {
+ return [winfo ismapped $w]
+method editor {} {
+ return $w.ent
+method _get_new_anchor {} {
+ # use start of selection if it is visible,
+ # or the bounds of the visible area
+ set top [$ctext index @0,0]
+ set bottom [$ctext index @0,[winfo height $ctext]]
+ set sel [$ctext tag ranges sel]
+ if {$sel ne {}} {
+ set spos [lindex $sel 0]
+ if {[lindex $spos 0] >= [lindex $top 0] &&
+ [lindex $spos 0] <= [lindex $bottom 0]} {
+ return $spos
+ }
+ }
+ if {$searchdirn eq "-forwards"} {
+ return $top
+ } else {
+ return $bottom
+ }
+method _get_wrap_anchor {dir} {
+ if {$dir eq "-forwards"} {
+ return 1.0
+ } else {
+ return end
+ }
+method _do_search {start {mlenvar {}} {dir {}} {endbound {}}} {
+ set cmd [list $ctext search]
+ if {$mlenvar ne {}} {
+ upvar $mlenvar mlen
+ lappend cmd -count mlen
+ }
+ if {!$casesensitive} {
+ lappend cmd -nocase
+ }
+ if {$dir eq {}} {
+ set dir $searchdirn
+ }
+ lappend cmd $dir -- $searchstring
+ if {$endbound ne {}} {
+ set here [eval $cmd [list $start] [list $endbound]]
+ } else {
+ set here [eval $cmd [list $start]]
+ if {$here eq {}} {
+ set here [eval $cmd [_get_wrap_anchor $this $dir]]
+ }
+ }
+ return $here
+method _incrsearch_cb {name ix op} {
+ after idle [cb _incrsearch]
+method _incrsearch {} {
+ $ctext tag remove found 1.0 end
+ if {[catch {$ctext index anchor}]} {
+ $ctext mark set anchor [_get_new_anchor $this]
+ }
+ if {$searchstring ne {}} {
+ set here [_do_search $this anchor mlen]
+ if {$here ne {}} {
+ $ctext see $here
+ $ctext tag remove sel 1.0 end
+ $ctext tag add sel $here "$here + $mlen c"
+ $w.ent configure -background lightgreen
+ _set_marks $this 1
+ } else {
+ $w.ent configure -background lightpink
+ }
+ }
+method find_prev {} {
+ find_next $this -backwards
+method find_next {{dir -forwards}} {
+ focus $w.ent
+ $w.ent icursor end
+ set searchdirn $dir
+ $ctext mark unset anchor
+ if {$searchstring ne {}} {
+ set start [_get_new_anchor $this]
+ if {$dir eq "-forwards"} {
+ set start "$start + 1c"
+ }
+ set match [_do_search $this $start mlen]
+ $ctext tag remove sel 1.0 end
+ if {$match ne {}} {
+ $ctext see $match
+ $ctext tag add sel $match "$match + $mlen c"
+ }
+ }
+method _mark_range {first last} {
+ set mend $first.0
+ while {1} {
+ set match [_do_search $this $mend mlen -forwards $last.end]
+ if {$match eq {}} break
+ set mend "$match + $mlen c"
+ $ctext tag add found $match $mend
+ }
+method _set_marks {doall} {
+ set topline [lindex [split [$ctext index @0,0] .] 0]
+ set botline [lindex [split [$ctext index @0,[winfo height $ctext]] .] 0]
+ if {$doall || $botline < $smarktop || $topline > $smarkbot} {
+ # no overlap with previous
+ _mark_range $this $topline $botline
+ set smarktop $topline
+ set smarkbot $botline
+ } else {
+ if {$topline < $smarktop} {
+ _mark_range $this $topline [expr {$smarktop-1}]
+ set smarktop $topline
+ }
+ if {$botline > $smarkbot} {
+ _mark_range $this [expr {$smarkbot+1}] $botline
+ set smarkbot $botline
+ }
+ }
+method scrolled {} {
+ if {$searchstring ne {}} {
+ after idle [cb _set_marks 0]
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/git-gui/lib/spellcheck.tcl b/git-gui/lib/spellcheck.tcl
index a479b2f28..e6120303e 100644
--- a/git-gui/lib/spellcheck.tcl
+++ b/git-gui/lib/spellcheck.tcl
@@ -314,6 +314,7 @@ method _run {} {
method _read {} {
while {[gets $s_fd line] >= 0} {
set lineno [lindex $s_pending 0 0]
+ set line [string trim $line]
if {$s_clear} {
$w_text tag remove misspelled "$lineno.0" "$lineno.end"
diff --git a/git-gui/lib/sshkey.tcl b/git-gui/lib/sshkey.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..82a1a80ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/git-gui/lib/sshkey.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+# git-gui about git-gui dialog
+# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Shawn Pearce
+proc find_ssh_key {} {
+ foreach name {~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ~/.ssh/identity.pub} {
+ if {[file exists $name]} {
+ set fh [open $name r]
+ set cont [read $fh]
+ close $fh
+ return [list $name $cont]
+ }
+ }
+ return {}
+proc do_ssh_key {} {
+ global sshkey_title have_tk85 sshkey_fd
+ set w .sshkey_dialog
+ if {[winfo exists $w]} {
+ raise $w
+ return
+ }
+ toplevel $w
+ wm transient $w .
+ set finfo [find_ssh_key]
+ if {$finfo eq {}} {
+ set sshkey_title [mc "No keys found."]
+ set gen_state normal
+ } else {
+ set sshkey_title [mc "Found a public key in: %s" [lindex $finfo 0]]
+ set gen_state disabled
+ }
+ frame $w.header -relief flat
+ label $w.header.lbl -textvariable sshkey_title -anchor w
+ button $w.header.gen -text [mc "Generate Key"] \
+ -command [list make_ssh_key $w] -state $gen_state
+ pack $w.header.lbl -side left -expand 1 -fill x
+ pack $w.header.gen -side right
+ pack $w.header -fill x -pady 5 -padx 5
+ text $w.contents -width 60 -height 10 -wrap char -relief sunken
+ pack $w.contents -fill both -expand 1
+ if {$have_tk85} {
+ $w.contents configure -inactiveselectbackground darkblue
+ }
+ frame $w.buttons
+ button $w.buttons.close -text [mc Close] \
+ -default active -command [list destroy $w]
+ pack $w.buttons.close -side right
+ button $w.buttons.copy -text [mc "Copy To Clipboard"] \
+ -command [list tk_textCopy $w.contents]
+ pack $w.buttons.copy -side left
+ pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 5 -padx 5
+ if {$finfo ne {}} {
+ $w.contents insert end [lindex $finfo 1] sel
+ }
+ $w.contents configure -state disabled
+ bind $w <Visibility> "grab $w; focus $w.buttons.close"
+ bind $w <Key-Escape> "destroy $w"
+ bind $w <Key-Return> "destroy $w"
+ bind $w <Destroy> kill_sshkey
+ wm title $w [mc "Your OpenSSH Public Key"]
+ tk::PlaceWindow $w widget .
+ tkwait window $w
+proc make_ssh_key {w} {
+ global sshkey_title sshkey_output sshkey_fd
+ set sshkey_title [mc "Generating..."]
+ $w.header.gen configure -state disabled
+ set cmdline [list sh -c {echo | ssh-keygen -q -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa 2>&1}]
+ if {[catch { set sshkey_fd [_open_stdout_stderr $cmdline] } err]} {
+ error_popup [mc "Could not start ssh-keygen:\n\n%s" $err]
+ return
+ }
+ set sshkey_output {}
+ fconfigure $sshkey_fd -blocking 0
+ fileevent $sshkey_fd readable [list read_sshkey_output $sshkey_fd $w]
+proc kill_sshkey {} {
+ global sshkey_fd
+ if {![info exists sshkey_fd]} return
+ catch { kill_file_process $sshkey_fd }
+ catch { close $sshkey_fd }
+proc read_sshkey_output {fd w} {
+ global sshkey_fd sshkey_output sshkey_title
+ set sshkey_output "$sshkey_output[read $fd]"
+ if {![eof $fd]} return
+ fconfigure $fd -blocking 1
+ unset sshkey_fd
+ $w.contents configure -state normal
+ if {[catch {close $fd} err]} {
+ set sshkey_title [mc "Generation failed."]
+ $w.contents insert end $err
+ $w.contents insert end "\n"
+ $w.contents insert end $sshkey_output
+ } else {
+ set finfo [find_ssh_key]
+ if {$finfo eq {}} {
+ set sshkey_title [mc "Generation succeded, but no keys found."]
+ $w.contents insert end $sshkey_output
+ } else {
+ set sshkey_title [mc "Your key is in: %s" [lindex $finfo 0]]
+ $w.contents insert end [lindex $finfo 1] sel
+ }
+ }
+ $w.contents configure -state disable
diff --git a/git-gui/lib/tools.tcl b/git-gui/lib/tools.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6ae63b6c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/git-gui/lib/tools.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+# git-gui Tools menu implementation
+proc tools_list {} {
+ global repo_config
+ set names {}
+ foreach item [array names repo_config guitool.*.cmd] {
+ lappend names [string range $item 8 end-4]
+ }
+ return [lsort $names]
+proc tools_populate_all {} {
+ global tools_menubar tools_menutbl
+ global tools_tailcnt
+ set mbar_end [$tools_menubar index end]
+ set mbar_base [expr {$mbar_end - $tools_tailcnt}]
+ if {$mbar_base >= 0} {
+ $tools_menubar delete 0 $mbar_base
+ }
+ array unset tools_menutbl
+ foreach fullname [tools_list] {
+ tools_populate_one $fullname
+ }
+proc tools_create_item {parent args} {
+ global tools_menubar tools_tailcnt
+ if {$parent eq $tools_menubar} {
+ set pos [expr {[$parent index end]-$tools_tailcnt+1}]
+ eval [list $parent insert $pos] $args
+ } else {
+ eval [list $parent add] $args
+ }
+proc tools_populate_one {fullname} {
+ global tools_menubar tools_menutbl tools_id
+ if {![info exists tools_id]} {
+ set tools_id 0
+ }
+ set names [split $fullname '/']
+ set parent $tools_menubar
+ for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $names]-1} {incr i} {
+ set subname [join [lrange $names 0 $i] '/']
+ if {[info exists tools_menutbl($subname)]} {
+ set parent $tools_menutbl($subname)
+ } else {
+ set subid $parent.t$tools_id
+ tools_create_item $parent cascade \
+ -label [lindex $names $i] -menu $subid
+ menu $subid
+ set tools_menutbl($subname) $subid
+ set parent $subid
+ incr tools_id
+ }
+ }
+ tools_create_item $parent command \
+ -label [lindex $names end] \
+ -command [list tools_exec $fullname]
+proc tools_exec {fullname} {
+ global repo_config env current_diff_path
+ global current_branch is_detached
+ if {[is_config_true "guitool.$fullname.needsfile"]} {
+ if {$current_diff_path eq {}} {
+ error_popup [mc "Running %s requires a selected file." $fullname]
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ catch { unset env(ARGS) }
+ catch { unset env(REVISION) }
+ if {[get_config "guitool.$fullname.revprompt"] ne {} ||
+ [get_config "guitool.$fullname.argprompt"] ne {}} {
+ set dlg [tools_askdlg::dialog $fullname]
+ if {![tools_askdlg::execute $dlg]} {
+ return
+ }
+ } elseif {[is_config_true "guitool.$fullname.confirm"]} {
+ if {[ask_popup [mc "Are you sure you want to run %s?" $fullname]] ne {yes}} {
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ set env(GIT_GUITOOL) $fullname
+ set env(FILENAME) $current_diff_path
+ if {$is_detached} {
+ set env(CUR_BRANCH) ""
+ } else {
+ set env(CUR_BRANCH) $current_branch
+ }
+ set cmdline $repo_config(guitool.$fullname.cmd)
+ if {[is_config_true "guitool.$fullname.noconsole"]} {
+ tools_run_silent [list sh -c $cmdline] \
+ [list tools_complete $fullname {}]
+ } else {
+ regsub {/} $fullname { / } title
+ set w [console::new \
+ [mc "Tool: %s" $title] \
+ [mc "Running: %s" $cmdline]]
+ console::exec $w [list sh -c $cmdline] \
+ [list tools_complete $fullname $w]
+ }
+ unset env(GIT_GUITOOL)
+ unset env(FILENAME)
+ unset env(CUR_BRANCH)
+ catch { unset env(ARGS) }
+ catch { unset env(REVISION) }
+proc tools_run_silent {cmd after} {
+ lappend cmd 2>@1
+ set fd [_open_stdout_stderr $cmd]
+ fconfigure $fd -blocking 0 -translation binary
+ fileevent $fd readable [list tools_consume_input $fd $after]
+proc tools_consume_input {fd after} {
+ read $fd
+ if {[eof $fd]} {
+ fconfigure $fd -blocking 1
+ if {[catch {close $fd}]} {
+ uplevel #0 $after 0
+ } else {
+ uplevel #0 $after 1
+ }
+ }
+proc tools_complete {fullname w {ok 1}} {
+ if {$w ne {}} {
+ console::done $w $ok
+ }
+ if {$ok} {
+ set msg [mc "Tool completed succesfully: %s" $fullname]
+ } else {
+ set msg [mc "Tool failed: %s" $fullname]
+ }
+ if {[is_config_true "guitool.$fullname.norescan"]} {
+ ui_status $msg
+ } else {
+ rescan [list ui_status $msg]
+ }
diff --git a/git-gui/lib/tools_dlg.tcl b/git-gui/lib/tools_dlg.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5f7f08e23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/git-gui/lib/tools_dlg.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
+# git-gui Tools menu dialogs
+class tools_add {
+field w ; # widget path
+field w_name ; # new remote name widget
+field w_cmd ; # new remote location widget
+field name {}; # name of the tool
+field command {}; # command to execute
+field add_global 0; # add to the --global config
+field no_console 0; # disable using the console
+field needs_file 0; # ensure filename is set
+field confirm 0; # ask for confirmation
+field ask_branch 0; # ask for a revision
+field ask_args 0; # ask for additional args
+constructor dialog {} {
+ global repo_config
+ make_toplevel top w
+ wm title $top [append "[appname] ([reponame]): " [mc "Add Tool"]]
+ if {$top ne {.}} {
+ wm geometry $top "+[winfo rootx .]+[winfo rooty .]"
+ wm transient $top .
+ }
+ label $w.header -text [mc "Add New Tool Command"] -font font_uibold
+ pack $w.header -side top -fill x
+ frame $w.buttons
+ checkbutton $w.buttons.global \
+ -text [mc "Add globally"] \
+ -variable @add_global
+ pack $w.buttons.global -side left -padx 5
+ button $w.buttons.create -text [mc Add] \
+ -default active \
+ -command [cb _add]
+ pack $w.buttons.create -side right
+ button $w.buttons.cancel -text [mc Cancel] \
+ -command [list destroy $w]
+ pack $w.buttons.cancel -side right -padx 5
+ pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 10 -padx 10
+ labelframe $w.desc -text [mc "Tool Details"]
+ label $w.desc.name_cmnt -anchor w\
+ -text [mc "Use '/' separators to create a submenu tree:"]
+ grid x $w.desc.name_cmnt -sticky we -padx {0 5} -pady {0 2}
+ label $w.desc.name_l -text [mc "Name:"]
+ set w_name $w.desc.name_t
+ entry $w_name \
+ -borderwidth 1 \
+ -relief sunken \
+ -width 40 \
+ -textvariable @name \
+ -validate key \
+ -validatecommand [cb _validate_name %d %S]
+ grid $w.desc.name_l $w_name -sticky we -padx {0 5}
+ label $w.desc.cmd_l -text [mc "Command:"]
+ set w_cmd $w.desc.cmd_t
+ entry $w_cmd \
+ -borderwidth 1 \
+ -relief sunken \
+ -width 40 \
+ -textvariable @command
+ grid $w.desc.cmd_l $w_cmd -sticky we -padx {0 5} -pady {0 3}
+ grid columnconfigure $w.desc 1 -weight 1
+ pack $w.desc -anchor nw -fill x -pady 5 -padx 5
+ checkbutton $w.confirm \
+ -text [mc "Show a dialog before running"] \
+ -variable @confirm -command [cb _check_enable_dlg]
+ labelframe $w.dlg -labelwidget $w.confirm
+ checkbutton $w.dlg.askbranch \
+ -text [mc "Ask the user to select a revision (sets \$REVISION)"] \
+ -variable @ask_branch -state disabled
+ pack $w.dlg.askbranch -anchor w -padx 15
+ checkbutton $w.dlg.askargs \
+ -text [mc "Ask the user for additional arguments (sets \$ARGS)"] \
+ -variable @ask_args -state disabled
+ pack $w.dlg.askargs -anchor w -padx 15
+ pack $w.dlg -anchor nw -fill x -pady {0 8} -padx 5
+ checkbutton $w.noconsole \
+ -text [mc "Don't show the command output window"] \
+ -variable @no_console
+ pack $w.noconsole -anchor w -padx 5
+ checkbutton $w.needsfile \
+ -text [mc "Run only if a diff is selected (\$FILENAME not empty)"] \
+ -variable @needs_file
+ pack $w.needsfile -anchor w -padx 5
+ bind $w <Visibility> [cb _visible]
+ bind $w <Key-Escape> [list destroy $w]
+ bind $w <Key-Return> [cb _add]\;break
+ tkwait window $w
+method _check_enable_dlg {} {
+ if {$confirm} {
+ $w.dlg.askbranch configure -state normal
+ $w.dlg.askargs configure -state normal
+ } else {
+ $w.dlg.askbranch configure -state disabled
+ $w.dlg.askargs configure -state disabled
+ }
+method _add {} {
+ global repo_config
+ if {$name eq {}} {
+ error_popup [mc "Please supply a name for the tool."]
+ focus $w_name
+ return
+ }
+ set item "guitool.$name.cmd"
+ if {[info exists repo_config($item)]} {
+ error_popup [mc "Tool '%s' already exists." $name]
+ focus $w_name
+ return
+ }
+ set cmd [list git config]
+ if {$add_global} { lappend cmd --global }
+ set items {}
+ if {$no_console} { lappend items "guitool.$name.noconsole" }
+ if {$needs_file} { lappend items "guitool.$name.needsfile" }
+ if {$confirm} {
+ if {$ask_args} { lappend items "guitool.$name.argprompt" }
+ if {$ask_branch} { lappend items "guitool.$name.revprompt" }
+ if {!$ask_args && !$ask_branch} {
+ lappend items "guitool.$name.confirm"
+ }
+ }
+ if {[catch {
+ eval $cmd [list $item $command]
+ foreach citem $items { eval $cmd [list $citem yes] }
+ } err]} {
+ error_popup [mc "Could not add tool:\n%s" $err]
+ } else {
+ set repo_config($item) $command
+ foreach citem $items { set repo_config($citem) yes }
+ tools_populate_all
+ }
+ destroy $w
+method _validate_name {d S} {
+ if {$d == 1} {
+ if {[regexp {[~?*&\[\0\"\\\{]} $S]} {
+ return 0
+ }
+ }
+ return 1
+method _visible {} {
+ grab $w
+ $w_name icursor end
+ focus $w_name
+class tools_remove {
+field w ; # widget path
+field w_names ; # name list
+constructor dialog {} {
+ global repo_config global_config system_config
+ load_config 1
+ make_toplevel top w
+ wm title $top [append "[appname] ([reponame]): " [mc "Remove Tool"]]
+ if {$top ne {.}} {
+ wm geometry $top "+[winfo rootx .]+[winfo rooty .]"
+ wm transient $top .
+ }
+ label $w.header -text [mc "Remove Tool Commands"] -font font_uibold
+ pack $w.header -side top -fill x
+ frame $w.buttons
+ button $w.buttons.create -text [mc Remove] \
+ -default active \
+ -command [cb _remove]
+ pack $w.buttons.create -side right
+ button $w.buttons.cancel -text [mc Cancel] \
+ -command [list destroy $w]
+ pack $w.buttons.cancel -side right -padx 5
+ pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 10 -padx 10
+ frame $w.list
+ set w_names $w.list.l
+ listbox $w_names \
+ -height 10 \
+ -width 30 \
+ -selectmode extended \
+ -exportselection false \
+ -yscrollcommand [list $w.list.sby set]
+ scrollbar $w.list.sby -command [list $w.list.l yview]
+ pack $w.list.sby -side right -fill y
+ pack $w.list.l -side left -fill both -expand 1
+ pack $w.list -fill both -expand 1 -pady 5 -padx 5
+ set local_cnt 0
+ foreach fullname [tools_list] {
+ # Cannot delete system tools
+ if {[info exists system_config(guitool.$fullname.cmd)]} continue
+ $w_names insert end $fullname
+ if {![info exists global_config(guitool.$fullname.cmd)]} {
+ $w_names itemconfigure end -foreground blue
+ incr local_cnt
+ }
+ }
+ if {$local_cnt > 0} {
+ label $w.colorlbl -foreground blue \
+ -text [mc "(Blue denotes repository-local tools)"]
+ pack $w.colorlbl -fill x -pady 5 -padx 5
+ }
+ bind $w <Visibility> [cb _visible]
+ bind $w <Key-Escape> [list destroy $w]
+ bind $w <Key-Return> [cb _remove]\;break
+ tkwait window $w
+method _remove {} {
+ foreach i [$w_names curselection] {
+ set name [$w_names get $i]
+ catch { git config --remove-section guitool.$name }
+ catch { git config --global --remove-section guitool.$name }
+ }
+ load_config 0
+ tools_populate_all
+ destroy $w
+method _visible {} {
+ grab $w
+ focus $w_names
+class tools_askdlg {
+field w ; # widget path
+field w_rev {}; # revision browser
+field w_args {}; # arguments
+field is_ask_args 0; # has arguments field
+field is_ask_revs 0; # has revision browser
+field is_ok 0; # ok to start
+field argstr {}; # arguments
+constructor dialog {fullname} {
+ global M1B
+ set title [get_config "guitool.$fullname.title"]
+ if {$title eq {}} {
+ regsub {/} $fullname { / } title
+ }
+ make_toplevel top w -autodelete 0
+ wm title $top [append "[appname] ([reponame]): " $title]
+ if {$top ne {.}} {
+ wm geometry $top "+[winfo rootx .]+[winfo rooty .]"
+ wm transient $top .
+ }
+ set prompt [get_config "guitool.$fullname.prompt"]
+ if {$prompt eq {}} {
+ set command [get_config "guitool.$fullname.cmd"]
+ set prompt [mc "Run Command: %s" $command]
+ }
+ label $w.header -text $prompt -font font_uibold
+ pack $w.header -side top -fill x
+ set argprompt [get_config "guitool.$fullname.argprompt"]
+ set revprompt [get_config "guitool.$fullname.revprompt"]
+ set is_ask_args [expr {$argprompt ne {}}]
+ set is_ask_revs [expr {$revprompt ne {}}]
+ if {$is_ask_args} {
+ if {$argprompt eq {yes} || $argprompt eq {true} || $argprompt eq {1}} {
+ set argprompt [mc "Arguments"]
+ }
+ labelframe $w.arg -text $argprompt
+ set w_args $w.arg.txt
+ entry $w_args \
+ -borderwidth 1 \
+ -relief sunken \
+ -width 40 \
+ -textvariable @argstr
+ pack $w_args -padx 5 -pady 5 -fill both
+ pack $w.arg -anchor nw -fill both -pady 5 -padx 5
+ }
+ if {$is_ask_revs} {
+ if {$revprompt eq {yes} || $revprompt eq {true} || $revprompt eq {1}} {
+ set revprompt [mc "Revision"]
+ }
+ if {[is_config_true "guitool.$fullname.revunmerged"]} {
+ set w_rev [::choose_rev::new_unmerged $w.rev $revprompt]
+ } else {
+ set w_rev [::choose_rev::new $w.rev $revprompt]
+ }
+ pack $w.rev -anchor nw -fill both -expand 1 -pady 5 -padx 5
+ }
+ frame $w.buttons
+ if {$is_ask_revs} {
+ button $w.buttons.visualize \
+ -text [mc Visualize] \
+ -command [cb _visualize]
+ pack $w.buttons.visualize -side left
+ }
+ button $w.buttons.ok \
+ -text [mc OK] \
+ -command [cb _start]
+ pack $w.buttons.ok -side right
+ button $w.buttons.cancel \
+ -text [mc "Cancel"] \
+ -command [cb _cancel]
+ pack $w.buttons.cancel -side right -padx 5
+ pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 10 -padx 10
+ bind $w <$M1B-Key-Return> [cb _start]
+ bind $w <Key-Return> [cb _start]
+ bind $w <Key-Escape> [cb _cancel]
+ wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW [cb _cancel]
+ bind $w <Visibility> [cb _visible]
+ return $this
+method execute {} {
+ tkwait window $w
+ set rv $is_ok
+ delete_this
+ return $rv
+method _visible {} {
+ grab $w
+ if {$is_ask_args} {
+ focus $w_args
+ } elseif {$is_ask_revs} {
+ $w_rev focus_filter
+ }
+method _cancel {} {
+ wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW {}
+ destroy $w
+method _rev {} {
+ if {[catch {$w_rev commit_or_die}]} {
+ return {}
+ }
+ return [$w_rev get]
+method _visualize {} {
+ global current_branch
+ set rev [_rev $this]
+ if {$rev ne {}} {
+ do_gitk [list --left-right "$current_branch...$rev"]
+ }
+method _start {} {
+ global env
+ if {$is_ask_revs} {
+ set name [_rev $this]
+ if {$name eq {}} {
+ return
+ }
+ set env(REVISION) $name
+ }
+ if {$is_ask_args} {
+ set env(ARGS) $argstr
+ }
+ set is_ok 1
+ _cancel $this
diff --git a/git-gui/lib/transport.tcl b/git-gui/lib/transport.tcl
index 8e6a9d0a6..e419d7810 100644
--- a/git-gui/lib/transport.tcl
+++ b/git-gui/lib/transport.tcl
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ proc do_push_anywhere {} {
set push_urltype url
radiobutton $w.dest.url_r \
- -text [mc "Arbitrary URL:"] \
+ -text [mc "Arbitrary Location:"] \
-value url \
-variable push_urltype
entry $w.dest.url_t \
diff --git a/git-gui/po/de.po b/git-gui/po/de.po
index fa43947ad..5c04812b1 100644
--- a/git-gui/po/de.po
+++ b/git-gui/po/de.po
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: git-gui\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-08-02 08:58+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-08-02 09:09+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-10-25 13:32+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-10-25 22:47+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Christian Stimming <stimming@tuhh.de>\n"
"Language-Team: German\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -86,7 +86,17 @@ msgstr "Dateistatus aktualisieren..."
msgid "Scanning for modified files ..."
msgstr "Nach geänderten Dateien suchen..."
-#: git-gui.sh:1324 lib/browser.tcl:246
+#: git-gui.sh:1325
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Calling prepare-commit-msg hook..."
+msgstr "Aufrufen der Vor-Eintragen-Kontrolle..."
+#: git-gui.sh:1342
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Commit declined by prepare-commit-msg hook."
+msgstr "Eintragen abgelehnt durch Vor-Eintragen-Kontrolle (»pre-commit hook«)."
+#: git-gui.sh:1502 lib/browser.tcl:246
msgid "Ready."
msgstr "Bereit."
@@ -110,7 +120,15 @@ msgstr "Teilweise bereitgestellt zum Eintragen"
msgid "Staged for commit, missing"
msgstr "Bereitgestellt zum Eintragen, fehlend"
-#: git-gui.sh:1597
+#: git-gui.sh:1658
+msgid "File type changed, not staged"
+msgstr "Dateityp geändert, nicht bereitgestellt"
+#: git-gui.sh:1659
+msgid "File type changed, staged"
+msgstr "Dateityp geändert, bereitgestellt"
+#: git-gui.sh:1661
msgid "Untracked, not staged"
msgstr "Nicht unter Versionskontrolle, nicht bereitgestellt"
@@ -162,7 +180,11 @@ msgstr "Zusammenführen"
msgid "Remote"
msgstr "Andere Archive"
-#: git-gui.sh:1879
+#: git-gui.sh:2242
+msgid "Explore Working Copy"
+msgstr "Arbeitskopie im Dateimanager"
+#: git-gui.sh:2247
msgid "Browse Current Branch's Files"
msgstr "Aktuellen Zweig durchblättern"
@@ -259,7 +281,15 @@ msgstr "Löschen..."
msgid "Reset..."
msgstr "Zurücksetzen..."
-#: git-gui.sh:2002 git-gui.sh:2389
+#: git-gui.sh:2372
+msgid "Done"
+msgstr "Fertig"
+#: git-gui.sh:2374
+msgid "Commit@@verb"
+msgstr "Eintragen"
+#: git-gui.sh:2383 git-gui.sh:2786
msgid "New Commit"
msgstr "Neue Version"
@@ -299,11 +329,7 @@ msgstr "Mehr Zeilen anzeigen"
msgid "Sign Off"
msgstr "Abzeichnen"
-#: git-gui.sh:2053 git-gui.sh:2372
-msgid "Commit@@verb"
-msgstr "Eintragen"
-#: git-gui.sh:2064
+#: git-gui.sh:2458
msgid "Local Merge..."
msgstr "Lokales Zusammenführen..."
@@ -311,11 +337,19 @@ msgstr "Lokales Zusammenführen..."
msgid "Abort Merge..."
msgstr "Zusammenführen abbrechen..."
-#: git-gui.sh:2081
+#: git-gui.sh:2475
+msgid "Add..."
+msgstr "Hinzufügen..."
+#: git-gui.sh:2479
msgid "Push..."
msgstr "Versenden..."
-#: git-gui.sh:2197 git-gui.sh:2219 lib/about.tcl:14
+#: git-gui.sh:2483
+msgid "Delete Branch..."
+msgstr "Zweig löschen..."
+#: git-gui.sh:2493 git-gui.sh:2515 lib/about.tcl:14
#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:44 lib/choose_repository.tcl:50
#, tcl-format
msgid "About %s"
@@ -396,15 +430,7 @@ msgstr "Alle kopieren"
msgid "File:"
msgstr "Datei:"
-#: git-gui.sh:2589
-msgid "Apply/Reverse Hunk"
-msgstr "Kontext anwenden/umkehren"
-#: git-gui.sh:2696
-msgid "Apply/Reverse Line"
-msgstr "Zeile anwenden/umkehren"
-#: git-gui.sh:2711
+#: git-gui.sh:2834
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr "Aktualisieren"
@@ -416,7 +442,35 @@ msgstr "Schriftgröße verkleinern"
msgid "Increase Font Size"
msgstr "Schriftgröße vergrößern"
-#: git-gui.sh:2646
+#: git-gui.sh:3033 lib/blame.tcl:281
+msgid "Encoding"
+msgstr "Zeichenkodierung"
+#: git-gui.sh:3044
+msgid "Apply/Reverse Hunk"
+msgstr "Kontext anwenden/umkehren"
+#: git-gui.sh:2875
+msgid "Apply/Reverse Line"
+msgstr "Zeile anwenden/umkehren"
+#: git-gui.sh:2885
+msgid "Run Merge Tool"
+msgstr "Zusammenführungswerkzeug"
+#: git-gui.sh:2890
+msgid "Use Remote Version"
+msgstr "Entfernte Version benutzen"
+#: git-gui.sh:2894
+msgid "Use Local Version"
+msgstr "Lokale Version benutzen"
+#: git-gui.sh:2898
+msgid "Revert To Base"
+msgstr "Ursprüngliche Version benutzen"
+#: git-gui.sh:3091
msgid "Unstage Hunk From Commit"
msgstr "Kontext aus Bereitstellung herausnehmen"
@@ -498,7 +552,15 @@ msgstr "Version kopieren"
msgid "Do Full Copy Detection"
msgstr "Volle Kopie-Erkennung"
-#: lib/blame.tcl:388
+#: lib/blame.tcl:263
+msgid "Show History Context"
+msgstr "Historien-Kontext anzeigen"
+#: lib/blame.tcl:266
+msgid "Blame Parent Commit"
+msgstr "Elternversion annotieren"
+#: lib/blame.tcl:394
#, tcl-format
msgid "Reading %s..."
msgstr "%s lesen..."
@@ -547,7 +609,24 @@ msgstr "Eintragender:"
msgid "Original File:"
msgstr "Ursprüngliche Datei:"
-#: lib/blame.tcl:925
+#: lib/blame.tcl:1013
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Cannot find HEAD commit:"
+msgstr "Elternversion kann nicht gefunden werden:"
+#: lib/blame.tcl:1068
+msgid "Cannot find parent commit:"
+msgstr "Elternversion kann nicht gefunden werden:"
+#: lib/blame.tcl:1001
+msgid "Unable to display parent"
+msgstr "Elternversion kann nicht angezeigt werden"
+#: lib/blame.tcl:1002 lib/diff.tcl:191
+msgid "Error loading diff:"
+msgstr "Fehler beim Laden des Vergleichs:"
+#: lib/blame.tcl:1142
msgid "Originally By:"
msgstr "Ursprünglich von:"
@@ -993,11 +1072,15 @@ msgstr "Datei »%s« existiert bereits."
msgid "Clone"
msgstr "Klonen"
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:468
-msgid "URL:"
-msgstr "URL:"
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:467
+msgid "Source Location:"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:478
+msgid "Target Directory:"
+msgstr "Zielverzeichnis:"
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:489
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:490
msgid "Clone Type:"
msgstr "Art des Klonens:"
@@ -1477,7 +1560,27 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Loading diff of %s..."
msgstr "Vergleich von »%s« laden..."
-#: lib/diff.tcl:114 lib/diff.tcl:184
+#: lib/diff.tcl:120
+msgid ""
+"LOCAL: deleted\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/diff.tcl:125
+msgid ""
+"REMOTE: deleted\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/diff.tcl:132
+msgid "LOCAL:\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/diff.tcl:135
+msgid "REMOTE:\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/diff.tcl:197 lib/diff.tcl:296
#, tcl-format
msgid "Unable to display %s"
msgstr "Datei »%s« kann nicht angezeigt werden"
@@ -1494,11 +1597,22 @@ msgstr "Git-Projektarchiv (Unterprojekt)"
msgid "* Binary file (not showing content)."
msgstr "* Binärdatei (Inhalt wird nicht angezeigt)"
-#: lib/diff.tcl:185
-msgid "Error loading diff:"
-msgstr "Fehler beim Laden des Vergleichs:"
+#: lib/diff.tcl:222
+#, tcl-format
+msgid ""
+"* Untracked file is %d bytes.\n"
+"* Showing only first %d bytes.\n"
+msgstr ""
-#: lib/diff.tcl:303
+#: lib/diff.tcl:228
+#, tcl-format
+msgid ""
+"* Untracked file clipped here by %s.\n"
+"* To see the entire file, use an external editor.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/diff.tcl:437
msgid "Failed to unstage selected hunk."
msgstr ""
"Fehler beim Herausnehmen des gewählten Kontexts aus der Bereitstellung."
@@ -1515,6 +1629,19 @@ msgstr "Fehler beim Herausnehmen der gewählten Zeile aus der Bereitstellung."
msgid "Failed to stage selected line."
msgstr "Fehler beim Bereitstellen der gewählten Zeile."
+#: lib/encoding.tcl:443
+msgid "Default"
+msgstr "Voreinstellung"
+#: lib/encoding.tcl:448
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "System (%s)"
+msgstr "Systemweit (%s)"
+#: lib/encoding.tcl:459 lib/encoding.tcl:465
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Andere"
#: lib/error.tcl:20 lib/error.tcl:114
msgid "error"
msgstr "Fehler"
@@ -1586,6 +1713,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Do Nothing"
msgstr "Nichts tun"
+#: lib/index.tcl:419
+msgid "Reverting selected files"
+msgstr "Änderungen in gewählten Dateien verwerfen"
+#: lib/index.tcl:423
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Reverting %s"
+msgstr "Änderungen in %s verwerfen"
#: lib/merge.tcl:13
msgid ""
"Cannot merge while amending.\n"
@@ -1730,7 +1866,107 @@ msgstr "Abbruch fehlgeschlagen."
msgid "Abort completed. Ready."
msgstr "Abbruch durchgeführt. Bereit."
-#: lib/option.tcl:95
+#: lib/mergetool.tcl:14
+msgid "Force resolution to the base version?"
+msgstr "Konflikt durch Basisversion ersetzen?"
+#: lib/mergetool.tcl:15
+msgid "Force resolution to this branch?"
+msgstr "Konflikt durch diesen Zweig ersetzen?"
+#: lib/mergetool.tcl:16
+msgid "Force resolution to the other branch?"
+msgstr "Konflikt durch anderen Zweig ersetzen?"
+#: lib/mergetool.tcl:20
+#, tcl-format
+msgid ""
+"Note that the diff shows only conflicting changes.\n"
+"%s will be overwritten.\n"
+"This operation can be undone only by restarting the merge."
+msgstr ""
+"Hinweis: Der Vergleich zeigt nur konfliktverursachende Änderungen an.\n"
+"»%s« wird überschrieben.\n"
+"Diese Operation kann nur rückgängig gemacht werden, wenn die\n"
+"Zusammenführung erneut gestartet wird."
+#: lib/mergetool.tcl:45
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "File %s seems to have unresolved conflicts, still stage?"
+msgstr "Datei »%s« hat nicht aufgelöste Konflikte. Trotzdem bereitstellen?"
+#: lib/mergetool.tcl:60
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Adding resolution for %s"
+msgstr "Auflösung hinzugefügt für %s"
+#: lib/mergetool.tcl:119
+msgid "Cannot resolve deletion or link conflicts using a tool"
+msgstr ""
+"Konflikte durch gelöschte Dateien oder symbolische Links können nicht durch "
+"das Zusamenführungswerkzeug gelöst werden."
+#: lib/mergetool.tcl:124
+msgid "Conflict file does not exist"
+msgstr "Konflikt-Datei existiert nicht"
+#: lib/mergetool.tcl:236
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Not a GUI merge tool: '%s'"
+msgstr "Kein GUI Zusammenführungswerkzeug: »%s«"
+#: lib/mergetool.tcl:240
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Unsupported merge tool '%s'"
+msgstr "Unbekanntes Zusammenführungswerkzeug: »%s«"
+#: lib/mergetool.tcl:275
+msgid "Merge tool is already running, terminate it?"
+msgstr "Zusammenführungswerkzeug läuft bereits. Soll es abgebrochen werden?"
+#: lib/mergetool.tcl:295
+#, tcl-format
+msgid ""
+"Error retrieving versions:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Fehler beim Abrufen der Dateiversionen:\n"
+#: lib/mergetool.tcl:315
+#, tcl-format
+msgid ""
+"Could not start the merge tool:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Zusammenführungswerkzeug konnte nicht gestartet werden:\n"
+#: lib/mergetool.tcl:319
+msgid "Running merge tool..."
+msgstr "Zusammenführungswerkzeug starten..."
+#: lib/mergetool.tcl:347 lib/mergetool.tcl:363
+msgid "Merge tool failed."
+msgstr "Zusammenführungswerkzeug fehlgeschlagen."
+#: lib/option.tcl:11
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Invalid global encoding '%s'"
+msgstr "Ungültige globale Zeichenkodierung »%s«"
+#: lib/option.tcl:19
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Invalid repo encoding '%s'"
+msgstr "Ungültige Archiv-Zeichenkodierung »%s«"
+#: lib/option.tcl:117
msgid "Restore Defaults"
msgstr "Voreinstellungen wiederherstellen"
@@ -1767,7 +2003,11 @@ msgstr "Ausführlichkeit der Zusammenführen-Meldungen"
msgid "Show Diffstat After Merge"
msgstr "Vergleichsstatistik nach Zusammenführen anzeigen"
-#: lib/option.tcl:123
+#: lib/option.tcl:122
+msgid "Use Merge Tool"
+msgstr "Zusammenführungswerkzeug"
+#: lib/option.tcl:124
msgid "Trust File Modification Timestamps"
msgstr "Auf Dateiänderungsdatum verlassen"
@@ -1788,6 +2028,10 @@ msgid "Minimum Letters To Blame Copy On"
msgstr "Mindestzahl Zeichen für Kopie-Annotieren"
#: lib/option.tcl:128
+msgid "Blame History Context Radius (days)"
+msgstr "Anzahl Tage für Historien-Kontext"
+#: lib/option.tcl:129
msgid "Number of Diff Context Lines"
msgstr "Anzahl der Kontextzeilen beim Vergleich"
@@ -1799,7 +2043,15 @@ msgstr "Textbreite der Versionsbeschreibung"
msgid "New Branch Name Template"
msgstr "Namensvorschlag für neue Zweige"
-#: lib/option.tcl:192
+#: lib/option.tcl:155
+msgid "Default File Contents Encoding"
+msgstr "Vorgestellte Zeichenkodierung"
+#: lib/option.tcl:203
+msgid "Change"
+msgstr "Ändern"
+#: lib/option.tcl:230
msgid "Spelling Dictionary:"
msgstr "Wörterbuch Rechtschreibprüfung:"
@@ -1824,9 +2076,85 @@ msgstr "Einstellungen"
msgid "Failed to completely save options:"
msgstr "Optionen konnten nicht gespeichert werden:"
+#: lib/remote_add.tcl:19
+msgid "Add Remote"
+msgstr "Anderes Archiv hinzufügen"
+#: lib/remote_add.tcl:24
+msgid "Add New Remote"
+msgstr "Neues anderes Archiv hinzufügen"
+#: lib/remote_add.tcl:28
+msgid "Add"
+msgstr "Hinzufügen"
+#: lib/remote_add.tcl:37
+msgid "Remote Details"
+msgstr "Einzelheiten des anderen Archivs"
+#: lib/remote_add.tcl:50
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "Adresse:"
+#: lib/remote_add.tcl:62
+msgid "Further Action"
+msgstr "Weitere Aktion jetzt"
+#: lib/remote_add.tcl:65
+msgid "Fetch Immediately"
+msgstr "Gleich anfordern"
+#: lib/remote_add.tcl:71
+msgid "Initialize Remote Repository and Push"
+msgstr "Anderes Archiv initialisieren und dahin versenden"
+#: lib/remote_add.tcl:77
+msgid "Do Nothing Else Now"
+msgstr "Nichts tun"
+#: lib/remote_add.tcl:101
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Please supply a remote name."
+msgstr "Bitte geben Sie einen Zweignamen an."
+#: lib/remote_add.tcl:114
+#, fuzzy, tcl-format
+msgid "'%s' is not an acceptable remote name."
+msgstr "»%s« ist kein zulässiger Zweigname."
+#: lib/remote_add.tcl:125
+#, fuzzy, tcl-format
+msgid "Failed to add remote '%s' of location '%s'."
+msgstr "Fehler beim Umbenennen von »%s«."
+#: lib/remote_add.tcl:133 lib/transport.tcl:6
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "fetch %s"
+msgstr "»%s« anfordern"
+#: lib/remote_add.tcl:134
+#, fuzzy, tcl-format
+msgid "Fetching the %s"
+msgstr "Änderungen »%s« von »%s« anfordern"
+#: lib/remote_add.tcl:157
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Do not know how to initialize repository at location '%s'."
+msgstr "Initialisieren eines anderen Archivs an Adresse »%s« ist nicht möglich."
+#: lib/remote_add.tcl:163 lib/transport.tcl:25 lib/transport.tcl:71
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "push %s"
+msgstr "»%s« versenden..."
+#: lib/remote_add.tcl:164
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Setting up the %s (at %s)"
+msgstr "Einrichten von »%s« an »%s«"
#: lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl:29 lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl:34
-msgid "Delete Remote Branch"
-msgstr "Zweig in anderem Projektarchiv löschen"
+msgid "Delete Branch Remotely"
+msgstr "Zweig in anderem Archiv löschen"
#: lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl:47
msgid "From Repository"
@@ -1837,8 +2165,8 @@ msgid "Remote:"
msgstr "Anderes Archiv:"
#: lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl:66 lib/transport.tcl:138
-msgid "Arbitrary URL:"
-msgstr "Archiv-URL:"
+msgid "Arbitrary Location:"
+msgstr "Adresse:"
#: lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl:84
msgid "Branches"
@@ -1910,7 +2238,11 @@ msgstr "Kein Projektarchiv ausgewählt."
msgid "Scanning %s..."
msgstr "»%s« laden..."
-#: lib/remote.tcl:165
+#: lib/remote.tcl:163
+msgid "Remove Remote"
+msgstr "Anderes Archiv entfernen"
+#: lib/remote.tcl:168
msgid "Prune from"
msgstr "Aufräumen von"
@@ -1922,6 +2254,22 @@ msgstr "Anfordern von"
msgid "Push to"
msgstr "Versenden nach"
+#: lib/search.tcl:21
+msgid "Find:"
+msgstr "Suchen:"
+#: lib/search.tcl:22
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Nächster"
+#: lib/search.tcl:23
+msgid "Prev"
+msgstr "Voriger"
+#: lib/search.tcl:24
+msgid "Case-Sensitive"
+msgstr ""
#: lib/shortcut.tcl:20 lib/shortcut.tcl:61
msgid "Cannot write shortcut:"
msgstr "Fehler beim Schreiben der Verknüpfung:"
@@ -1972,11 +2320,6 @@ msgstr "Rechtschreibprüfung fehlgeschlagen"
msgid "%s ... %*i of %*i %s (%3i%%)"
msgstr "%s ... %*i von %*i %s (%3i%%)"
-#: lib/transport.tcl:6
-#, tcl-format
-msgid "fetch %s"
-msgstr "»%s« anfordern"
#: lib/transport.tcl:7
#, tcl-format
msgid "Fetching new changes from %s"
@@ -1992,11 +2335,6 @@ msgstr "Aufräumen von »%s«"
msgid "Pruning tracking branches deleted from %s"
msgstr "Übernahmezweige aufräumen und entfernen, die in »%s« gelöscht wurden"
-#: lib/transport.tcl:25 lib/transport.tcl:71
-#, tcl-format
-msgid "push %s"
-msgstr "»%s« versenden..."
#: lib/transport.tcl:26
#, tcl-format
msgid "Pushing changes to %s"
diff --git a/git-gui/po/git-gui.pot b/git-gui/po/git-gui.pot
index e295000e7..58db67c21 100644
--- a/git-gui/po/git-gui.pot
+++ b/git-gui/po/git-gui.pot
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-08-02 14:45-0700\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-11-16 13:56-0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
@@ -16,33 +16,33 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-#: git-gui.sh:41 git-gui.sh:688 git-gui.sh:702 git-gui.sh:715 git-gui.sh:798
-#: git-gui.sh:817
+#: git-gui.sh:41 git-gui.sh:737 git-gui.sh:751 git-gui.sh:764 git-gui.sh:847
+#: git-gui.sh:866
msgid "git-gui: fatal error"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:644
+#: git-gui.sh:689
#, tcl-format
msgid "Invalid font specified in %s:"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:674
+#: git-gui.sh:723
msgid "Main Font"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:675
+#: git-gui.sh:724
msgid "Diff/Console Font"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:689
+#: git-gui.sh:738
msgid "Cannot find git in PATH."
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:716
+#: git-gui.sh:765
msgid "Cannot parse Git version string:"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:734
+#: git-gui.sh:783
#, tcl-format
msgid ""
"Git version cannot be determined.\n"
@@ -54,379 +54,444 @@ msgid ""
"Assume '%s' is version 1.5.0?\n"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:972
+#: git-gui.sh:1062
msgid "Git directory not found:"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:979
+#: git-gui.sh:1069
msgid "Cannot move to top of working directory:"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:986
+#: git-gui.sh:1076
msgid "Cannot use funny .git directory:"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:991
+#: git-gui.sh:1081
msgid "No working directory"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:1138 lib/checkout_op.tcl:305
+#: git-gui.sh:1247 lib/checkout_op.tcl:305
msgid "Refreshing file status..."
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:1194
+#: git-gui.sh:1303
msgid "Scanning for modified files ..."
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:1369 lib/browser.tcl:246
+#: git-gui.sh:1367
+msgid "Calling prepare-commit-msg hook..."
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:1384
+msgid "Commit declined by prepare-commit-msg hook."
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:1542 lib/browser.tcl:246
msgid "Ready."
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:1635
+#: git-gui.sh:1819
msgid "Unmodified"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:1637
+#: git-gui.sh:1821
msgid "Modified, not staged"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:1638 git-gui.sh:1643
+#: git-gui.sh:1822 git-gui.sh:1830
msgid "Staged for commit"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:1639 git-gui.sh:1644
+#: git-gui.sh:1823 git-gui.sh:1831
msgid "Portions staged for commit"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:1640 git-gui.sh:1645
+#: git-gui.sh:1824 git-gui.sh:1832
msgid "Staged for commit, missing"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:1642
+#: git-gui.sh:1826
+msgid "File type changed, not staged"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:1827
+msgid "File type changed, staged"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:1829
msgid "Untracked, not staged"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:1647
+#: git-gui.sh:1834
msgid "Missing"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:1648
+#: git-gui.sh:1835
msgid "Staged for removal"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:1649
+#: git-gui.sh:1836
msgid "Staged for removal, still present"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:1651 git-gui.sh:1652 git-gui.sh:1653 git-gui.sh:1654
+#: git-gui.sh:1838 git-gui.sh:1839 git-gui.sh:1840 git-gui.sh:1841
+#: git-gui.sh:1842 git-gui.sh:1843
msgid "Requires merge resolution"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:1689
+#: git-gui.sh:1878
msgid "Starting gitk... please wait..."
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:1698
+#: git-gui.sh:1887
msgid "Couldn't find gitk in PATH"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:1948 lib/choose_repository.tcl:36
+#: git-gui.sh:2280 lib/choose_repository.tcl:36
msgid "Repository"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:1949
+#: git-gui.sh:2281
msgid "Edit"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:1951 lib/choose_rev.tcl:561
+#: git-gui.sh:2283 lib/choose_rev.tcl:561
msgid "Branch"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:1954 lib/choose_rev.tcl:548
+#: git-gui.sh:2286 lib/choose_rev.tcl:548
msgid "Commit@@noun"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:1957 lib/merge.tcl:120 lib/merge.tcl:149 lib/merge.tcl:167
+#: git-gui.sh:2289 lib/merge.tcl:121 lib/merge.tcl:150 lib/merge.tcl:168
msgid "Merge"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:1958 lib/choose_rev.tcl:557
+#: git-gui.sh:2290 lib/choose_rev.tcl:557
msgid "Remote"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:1967
+#: git-gui.sh:2293
+msgid "Tools"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:2302
+msgid "Explore Working Copy"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:2307
msgid "Browse Current Branch's Files"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:1971
+#: git-gui.sh:2311
msgid "Browse Branch Files..."
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:1976
+#: git-gui.sh:2316
msgid "Visualize Current Branch's History"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:1980
+#: git-gui.sh:2320
msgid "Visualize All Branch History"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:1987
+#: git-gui.sh:2327
#, tcl-format
msgid "Browse %s's Files"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:1989
+#: git-gui.sh:2329
#, tcl-format
msgid "Visualize %s's History"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:1994 lib/database.tcl:27 lib/database.tcl:67
+#: git-gui.sh:2334 lib/database.tcl:27 lib/database.tcl:67
msgid "Database Statistics"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:1997 lib/database.tcl:34
+#: git-gui.sh:2337 lib/database.tcl:34
msgid "Compress Database"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2000
+#: git-gui.sh:2340
msgid "Verify Database"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2007 git-gui.sh:2011 git-gui.sh:2015 lib/shortcut.tcl:7
+#: git-gui.sh:2347 git-gui.sh:2351 git-gui.sh:2355 lib/shortcut.tcl:7
#: lib/shortcut.tcl:39 lib/shortcut.tcl:71
msgid "Create Desktop Icon"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2023 lib/choose_repository.tcl:177 lib/choose_repository.tcl:185
+#: git-gui.sh:2363 lib/choose_repository.tcl:183 lib/choose_repository.tcl:191
msgid "Quit"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2031
+#: git-gui.sh:2371
msgid "Undo"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2034
+#: git-gui.sh:2374
msgid "Redo"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2038 git-gui.sh:2545
+#: git-gui.sh:2378 git-gui.sh:2923
msgid "Cut"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2041 git-gui.sh:2548 git-gui.sh:2622 git-gui.sh:2715
+#: git-gui.sh:2381 git-gui.sh:2926 git-gui.sh:3000 git-gui.sh:3082
#: lib/console.tcl:69
msgid "Copy"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2044 git-gui.sh:2551
+#: git-gui.sh:2384 git-gui.sh:2929
msgid "Paste"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2047 git-gui.sh:2554 lib/branch_delete.tcl:26
+#: git-gui.sh:2387 git-gui.sh:2932 lib/branch_delete.tcl:26
#: lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl:38
msgid "Delete"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2051 git-gui.sh:2558 git-gui.sh:2719 lib/console.tcl:71
+#: git-gui.sh:2391 git-gui.sh:2936 git-gui.sh:3086 lib/console.tcl:71
msgid "Select All"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2060
+#: git-gui.sh:2400
msgid "Create..."
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2066
+#: git-gui.sh:2406
msgid "Checkout..."
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2072
+#: git-gui.sh:2412
msgid "Rename..."
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2077 git-gui.sh:2187
+#: git-gui.sh:2417
msgid "Delete..."
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2082
+#: git-gui.sh:2422
msgid "Reset..."
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2094 git-gui.sh:2491
+#: git-gui.sh:2432
+msgid "Done"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:2434
+msgid "Commit@@verb"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:2443 git-gui.sh:2864
msgid "New Commit"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2102 git-gui.sh:2498
+#: git-gui.sh:2451 git-gui.sh:2871
msgid "Amend Last Commit"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2111 git-gui.sh:2458 lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl:99
+#: git-gui.sh:2461 git-gui.sh:2825 lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl:99
msgid "Rescan"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2117
+#: git-gui.sh:2467
msgid "Stage To Commit"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2123
+#: git-gui.sh:2473
msgid "Stage Changed Files To Commit"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2129
+#: git-gui.sh:2479
msgid "Unstage From Commit"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2134 lib/index.tcl:395
+#: git-gui.sh:2484 lib/index.tcl:410
msgid "Revert Changes"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2141 git-gui.sh:2702
+#: git-gui.sh:2491 git-gui.sh:3069
msgid "Show Less Context"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2145 git-gui.sh:2706
+#: git-gui.sh:2495 git-gui.sh:3073
msgid "Show More Context"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2151 git-gui.sh:2470 git-gui.sh:2569
+#: git-gui.sh:2502 git-gui.sh:2838 git-gui.sh:2947
msgid "Sign Off"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2155 git-gui.sh:2474
-msgid "Commit@@verb"
-msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2166
+#: git-gui.sh:2518
msgid "Local Merge..."
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2171
+#: git-gui.sh:2523
msgid "Abort Merge..."
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2183
+#: git-gui.sh:2535 git-gui.sh:2575
+msgid "Add..."
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:2539
msgid "Push..."
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2197 git-gui.sh:2219 lib/about.tcl:14
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:44 lib/choose_repository.tcl:50
+#: git-gui.sh:2543
+msgid "Delete Branch..."
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:2553 git-gui.sh:2589 lib/about.tcl:14
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:44 lib/choose_repository.tcl:53
#, tcl-format
msgid "About %s"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2201
+#: git-gui.sh:2557
msgid "Preferences..."
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2209 git-gui.sh:2740
+#: git-gui.sh:2565 git-gui.sh:3115
msgid "Options..."
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2215 lib/choose_repository.tcl:47
+#: git-gui.sh:2576
+msgid "Remove..."
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:2585 lib/choose_repository.tcl:50
msgid "Help"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2256
+#: git-gui.sh:2611
msgid "Online Documentation"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2340
+#: git-gui.sh:2614 lib/choose_repository.tcl:47 lib/choose_repository.tcl:56
+msgid "Show SSH Key"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:2707
#, tcl-format
msgid "fatal: cannot stat path %s: No such file or directory"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2373
+#: git-gui.sh:2740
msgid "Current Branch:"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2394
+#: git-gui.sh:2761
msgid "Staged Changes (Will Commit)"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2414
+#: git-gui.sh:2781
msgid "Unstaged Changes"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2464
+#: git-gui.sh:2831
msgid "Stage Changed"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2480 lib/transport.tcl:93 lib/transport.tcl:182
+#: git-gui.sh:2850 lib/transport.tcl:93 lib/transport.tcl:182
msgid "Push"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2510
+#: git-gui.sh:2885
msgid "Initial Commit Message:"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2511
+#: git-gui.sh:2886
msgid "Amended Commit Message:"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2512
+#: git-gui.sh:2887
msgid "Amended Initial Commit Message:"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2513
+#: git-gui.sh:2888
msgid "Amended Merge Commit Message:"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2514
+#: git-gui.sh:2889
msgid "Merge Commit Message:"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2515
+#: git-gui.sh:2890
msgid "Commit Message:"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2561 git-gui.sh:2723 lib/console.tcl:73
+#: git-gui.sh:2939 git-gui.sh:3090 lib/console.tcl:73
msgid "Copy All"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2585 lib/blame.tcl:100
+#: git-gui.sh:2963 lib/blame.tcl:104
msgid "File:"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2691
+#: git-gui.sh:3078
+msgid "Refresh"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:3099
+msgid "Decrease Font Size"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:3103
+msgid "Increase Font Size"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:3111 lib/blame.tcl:281
+msgid "Encoding"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:3122
msgid "Apply/Reverse Hunk"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2696
+#: git-gui.sh:3127
msgid "Apply/Reverse Line"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2711
-msgid "Refresh"
+#: git-gui.sh:3137
+msgid "Run Merge Tool"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2732
-msgid "Decrease Font Size"
+#: git-gui.sh:3142
+msgid "Use Remote Version"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2736
-msgid "Increase Font Size"
+#: git-gui.sh:3146
+msgid "Use Local Version"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:3150
+msgid "Revert To Base"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2747
+#: git-gui.sh:3169
msgid "Unstage Hunk From Commit"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2748
+#: git-gui.sh:3170
msgid "Unstage Line From Commit"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2750
+#: git-gui.sh:3172
msgid "Stage Hunk For Commit"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2751
+#: git-gui.sh:3173
msgid "Stage Line For Commit"
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2771
+#: git-gui.sh:3196
msgid "Initializing..."
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2876
+#: git-gui.sh:3301
#, tcl-format
msgid ""
"Possible environment issues exist.\n"
@@ -437,14 +502,14 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2906
+#: git-gui.sh:3331
msgid ""
"This is due to a known issue with the\n"
"Tcl binary distributed by Cygwin."
msgstr ""
-#: git-gui.sh:2911
+#: git-gui.sh:3336
#, tcl-format
msgid ""
@@ -459,80 +524,108 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "git-gui - a graphical user interface for Git."
msgstr ""
-#: lib/blame.tcl:70
+#: lib/blame.tcl:72
msgid "File Viewer"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/blame.tcl:74
+#: lib/blame.tcl:78
msgid "Commit:"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/blame.tcl:257
+#: lib/blame.tcl:271
msgid "Copy Commit"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/blame.tcl:260
+#: lib/blame.tcl:275
+msgid "Find Text..."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/blame.tcl:284
msgid "Do Full Copy Detection"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/blame.tcl:388
+#: lib/blame.tcl:288
+msgid "Show History Context"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/blame.tcl:291
+msgid "Blame Parent Commit"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/blame.tcl:450
#, tcl-format
msgid "Reading %s..."
msgstr ""
-#: lib/blame.tcl:492
+#: lib/blame.tcl:557
msgid "Loading copy/move tracking annotations..."
msgstr ""
-#: lib/blame.tcl:512
+#: lib/blame.tcl:577
msgid "lines annotated"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/blame.tcl:704
+#: lib/blame.tcl:769
msgid "Loading original location annotations..."
msgstr ""
-#: lib/blame.tcl:707
+#: lib/blame.tcl:772
msgid "Annotation complete."
msgstr ""
-#: lib/blame.tcl:737
+#: lib/blame.tcl:802
msgid "Busy"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/blame.tcl:738
+#: lib/blame.tcl:803
msgid "Annotation process is already running."
msgstr ""
-#: lib/blame.tcl:777
+#: lib/blame.tcl:842
msgid "Running thorough copy detection..."
msgstr ""
-#: lib/blame.tcl:827
+#: lib/blame.tcl:910
msgid "Loading annotation..."
msgstr ""
-#: lib/blame.tcl:883
+#: lib/blame.tcl:964
msgid "Author:"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/blame.tcl:887
+#: lib/blame.tcl:968
msgid "Committer:"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/blame.tcl:892
+#: lib/blame.tcl:973
msgid "Original File:"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/blame.tcl:1006
+#: lib/blame.tcl:1021
+msgid "Cannot find HEAD commit:"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/blame.tcl:1076
+msgid "Cannot find parent commit:"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/blame.tcl:1091
+msgid "Unable to display parent"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/blame.tcl:1092 lib/diff.tcl:297
+msgid "Error loading diff:"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/blame.tcl:1232
msgid "Originally By:"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/blame.tcl:1012
+#: lib/blame.tcl:1238
msgid "In File:"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/blame.tcl:1017
+#: lib/blame.tcl:1243
msgid "Copied Or Moved Here By:"
msgstr ""
@@ -546,16 +639,18 @@ msgstr ""
#: lib/branch_checkout.tcl:27 lib/branch_create.tcl:35
#: lib/branch_delete.tcl:32 lib/branch_rename.tcl:30 lib/browser.tcl:282
-#: lib/checkout_op.tcl:544 lib/choose_font.tcl:43 lib/merge.tcl:171
-#: lib/option.tcl:103 lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl:42 lib/transport.tcl:97
+#: lib/checkout_op.tcl:544 lib/choose_font.tcl:43 lib/merge.tcl:172
+#: lib/option.tcl:125 lib/remote_add.tcl:32 lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl:42
+#: lib/tools_dlg.tcl:40 lib/tools_dlg.tcl:204 lib/tools_dlg.tcl:352
+#: lib/transport.tcl:97
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/branch_checkout.tcl:32 lib/browser.tcl:287
+#: lib/branch_checkout.tcl:32 lib/browser.tcl:287 lib/tools_dlg.tcl:328
msgid "Revision"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/branch_checkout.tcl:36 lib/branch_create.tcl:69 lib/option.tcl:244
+#: lib/branch_checkout.tcl:36 lib/branch_create.tcl:69 lib/option.tcl:280
msgid "Options"
msgstr ""
@@ -575,7 +670,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Create New Branch"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/branch_create.tcl:31 lib/choose_repository.tcl:371
+#: lib/branch_create.tcl:31 lib/choose_repository.tcl:377
msgid "Create"
msgstr ""
@@ -583,7 +678,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Branch Name"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/branch_create.tcl:43
+#: lib/branch_create.tcl:43 lib/remote_add.tcl:39 lib/tools_dlg.tcl:50
msgid "Name:"
msgstr ""
@@ -723,9 +818,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Browse Branch Files"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/browser.tcl:278 lib/choose_repository.tcl:387
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:472 lib/choose_repository.tcl:482
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:985
+#: lib/browser.tcl:278 lib/choose_repository.tcl:394
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:480 lib/choose_repository.tcl:491
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:995
msgid "Browse"
msgstr ""
@@ -740,6 +835,7 @@ msgid "fatal: Cannot resolve %s"
msgstr ""
#: lib/checkout_op.tcl:145 lib/console.tcl:81 lib/database.tcl:31
+#: lib/sshkey.tcl:53
msgid "Close"
msgstr ""
@@ -836,7 +932,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Reset '%s'?"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/checkout_op.tcl:532 lib/merge.tcl:163
+#: lib/checkout_op.tcl:532 lib/merge.tcl:164 lib/tools_dlg.tcl:343
msgid "Visualize"
msgstr ""
@@ -877,221 +973,225 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Git Gui"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:81 lib/choose_repository.tcl:376
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:87 lib/choose_repository.tcl:382
msgid "Create New Repository"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:87
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:93
msgid "New..."
msgstr ""
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:94 lib/choose_repository.tcl:458
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:100 lib/choose_repository.tcl:465
msgid "Clone Existing Repository"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:100
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:106
msgid "Clone..."
msgstr ""
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:107 lib/choose_repository.tcl:974
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:113 lib/choose_repository.tcl:983
msgid "Open Existing Repository"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:113
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:119
msgid "Open..."
msgstr ""
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:126
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:132
msgid "Recent Repositories"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:132
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:138
msgid "Open Recent Repository:"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:296 lib/choose_repository.tcl:303
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:310
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:302 lib/choose_repository.tcl:309
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:316
#, tcl-format
msgid "Failed to create repository %s:"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:381 lib/choose_repository.tcl:476
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:387
msgid "Directory:"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:410 lib/choose_repository.tcl:535
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:1007
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:417 lib/choose_repository.tcl:544
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:1017
msgid "Git Repository"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:435
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:442
#, tcl-format
msgid "Directory %s already exists."
msgstr ""
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:439
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:446
#, tcl-format
msgid "File %s already exists."
msgstr ""
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:453
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:460
msgid "Clone"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:466
-msgid "URL:"
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:473
+msgid "Source Location:"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:487
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:484
+msgid "Target Directory:"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:496
msgid "Clone Type:"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:493
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:502
msgid "Standard (Fast, Semi-Redundant, Hardlinks)"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:499
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:508
msgid "Full Copy (Slower, Redundant Backup)"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:505
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:514
msgid "Shared (Fastest, Not Recommended, No Backup)"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:541 lib/choose_repository.tcl:588
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:734 lib/choose_repository.tcl:804
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:1013 lib/choose_repository.tcl:1021
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:550 lib/choose_repository.tcl:597
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:743 lib/choose_repository.tcl:813
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:1023 lib/choose_repository.tcl:1031
#, tcl-format
msgid "Not a Git repository: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:577
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:586
msgid "Standard only available for local repository."
msgstr ""
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:581
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:590
msgid "Shared only available for local repository."
msgstr ""
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:602
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:611
#, tcl-format
msgid "Location %s already exists."
msgstr ""
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:613
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:622
msgid "Failed to configure origin"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:625
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:634
msgid "Counting objects"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:626
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:635
msgid "buckets"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:650
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:659
#, tcl-format
msgid "Unable to copy objects/info/alternates: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:686
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:695
#, tcl-format
msgid "Nothing to clone from %s."
msgstr ""
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:688 lib/choose_repository.tcl:902
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:914
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:697 lib/choose_repository.tcl:911
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:923
msgid "The 'master' branch has not been initialized."
msgstr ""
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:701
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:710
msgid "Hardlinks are unavailable. Falling back to copying."
msgstr ""
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:713
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:722
#, tcl-format
msgid "Cloning from %s"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:744
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:753
msgid "Copying objects"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:745
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:754
msgid "KiB"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:769
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:778
#, tcl-format
msgid "Unable to copy object: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:779
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:788
msgid "Linking objects"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:780
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:789
msgid "objects"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:788
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:797
#, tcl-format
msgid "Unable to hardlink object: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:843
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:852
msgid "Cannot fetch branches and objects. See console output for details."
msgstr ""
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:854
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:863
msgid "Cannot fetch tags. See console output for details."
msgstr ""
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:878
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:887
msgid "Cannot determine HEAD. See console output for details."
msgstr ""
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:887
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:896
#, tcl-format
msgid "Unable to cleanup %s"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:893
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:902
msgid "Clone failed."
msgstr ""
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:900
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:909
msgid "No default branch obtained."
msgstr ""
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:911
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:920
#, tcl-format
msgid "Cannot resolve %s as a commit."
msgstr ""
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:923
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:932
msgid "Creating working directory"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:924 lib/index.tcl:65 lib/index.tcl:127
-#: lib/index.tcl:193
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:933 lib/index.tcl:65 lib/index.tcl:128
+#: lib/index.tcl:196
msgid "files"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:953
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:962
msgid "Initial file checkout failed."
msgstr ""
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:969
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:978
msgid "Open"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:979
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:988
msgid "Repository:"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:1027
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:1037
#, tcl-format
msgid "Failed to open repository %s:"
msgstr ""
@@ -1176,7 +1276,7 @@ msgid ""
"The rescan will be automatically started now.\n"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/commit.tcl:154
+#: lib/commit.tcl:156
#, tcl-format
msgid ""
"Unmerged files cannot be committed.\n"
@@ -1185,7 +1285,7 @@ msgid ""
"before committing.\n"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/commit.tcl:162
+#: lib/commit.tcl:164
#, tcl-format
msgid ""
"Unknown file state %s detected.\n"
@@ -1193,14 +1293,14 @@ msgid ""
"File %s cannot be committed by this program.\n"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/commit.tcl:170
+#: lib/commit.tcl:172
msgid ""
"No changes to commit.\n"
"You must stage at least 1 file before you can commit.\n"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/commit.tcl:183
+#: lib/commit.tcl:187
msgid ""
"Please supply a commit message.\n"
@@ -1211,45 +1311,45 @@ msgid ""
"- Remaining lines: Describe why this change is good.\n"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/commit.tcl:207
+#: lib/commit.tcl:211
#, tcl-format
msgid "warning: Tcl does not support encoding '%s'."
msgstr ""
-#: lib/commit.tcl:221
+#: lib/commit.tcl:227
msgid "Calling pre-commit hook..."
msgstr ""
-#: lib/commit.tcl:236
+#: lib/commit.tcl:242
msgid "Commit declined by pre-commit hook."
msgstr ""
-#: lib/commit.tcl:259
+#: lib/commit.tcl:265
msgid "Calling commit-msg hook..."
msgstr ""
-#: lib/commit.tcl:274
+#: lib/commit.tcl:280
msgid "Commit declined by commit-msg hook."
msgstr ""
-#: lib/commit.tcl:287
+#: lib/commit.tcl:293
msgid "Committing changes..."
msgstr ""
-#: lib/commit.tcl:303
+#: lib/commit.tcl:309
msgid "write-tree failed:"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/commit.tcl:304 lib/commit.tcl:348 lib/commit.tcl:368
+#: lib/commit.tcl:310 lib/commit.tcl:354 lib/commit.tcl:374
msgid "Commit failed."
msgstr ""
-#: lib/commit.tcl:321
+#: lib/commit.tcl:327
#, tcl-format
msgid "Commit %s appears to be corrupt"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/commit.tcl:326
+#: lib/commit.tcl:332
msgid ""
"No changes to commit.\n"
@@ -1258,19 +1358,19 @@ msgid ""
"A rescan will be automatically started now.\n"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/commit.tcl:333
+#: lib/commit.tcl:339
msgid "No changes to commit."
msgstr ""
-#: lib/commit.tcl:347
+#: lib/commit.tcl:353
msgid "commit-tree failed:"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/commit.tcl:367
+#: lib/commit.tcl:373
msgid "update-ref failed:"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/commit.tcl:454
+#: lib/commit.tcl:461
#, tcl-format
msgid "Created commit %s: %s"
msgstr ""
@@ -1339,7 +1439,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Invalid date from Git: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/diff.tcl:44
+#: lib/diff.tcl:59
#, tcl-format
msgid ""
"No differences detected.\n"
@@ -1353,48 +1453,92 @@ msgid ""
"the same state."
msgstr ""
-#: lib/diff.tcl:83
+#: lib/diff.tcl:99
#, tcl-format
msgid "Loading diff of %s..."
msgstr ""
-#: lib/diff.tcl:116 lib/diff.tcl:190
+#: lib/diff.tcl:120
+msgid ""
+"LOCAL: deleted\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/diff.tcl:125
+msgid ""
+"REMOTE: deleted\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/diff.tcl:132
+msgid "LOCAL:\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/diff.tcl:135
+msgid "REMOTE:\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/diff.tcl:197 lib/diff.tcl:296
#, tcl-format
msgid "Unable to display %s"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/diff.tcl:117
+#: lib/diff.tcl:198
msgid "Error loading file:"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/diff.tcl:124
+#: lib/diff.tcl:205
msgid "Git Repository (subproject)"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/diff.tcl:136
+#: lib/diff.tcl:217
msgid "* Binary file (not showing content)."
msgstr ""
-#: lib/diff.tcl:191
-msgid "Error loading diff:"
+#: lib/diff.tcl:222
+#, tcl-format
+msgid ""
+"* Untracked file is %d bytes.\n"
+"* Showing only first %d bytes.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/diff.tcl:228
+#, tcl-format
+msgid ""
+"* Untracked file clipped here by %s.\n"
+"* To see the entire file, use an external editor.\n"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/diff.tcl:313
+#: lib/diff.tcl:436
msgid "Failed to unstage selected hunk."
msgstr ""
-#: lib/diff.tcl:320
+#: lib/diff.tcl:443
msgid "Failed to stage selected hunk."
msgstr ""
-#: lib/diff.tcl:386
+#: lib/diff.tcl:509
msgid "Failed to unstage selected line."
msgstr ""
-#: lib/diff.tcl:394
+#: lib/diff.tcl:517
msgid "Failed to stage selected line."
msgstr ""
+#: lib/encoding.tcl:443
+msgid "Default"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/encoding.tcl:448
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "System (%s)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/encoding.tcl:459 lib/encoding.tcl:465
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr ""
#: lib/error.tcl:20 lib/error.tcl:114
msgid "error"
msgstr ""
@@ -1429,38 +1573,47 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Unlock Index"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/index.tcl:282
+#: lib/index.tcl:287
#, tcl-format
msgid "Unstaging %s from commit"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/index.tcl:313
+#: lib/index.tcl:326
msgid "Ready to commit."
msgstr ""
-#: lib/index.tcl:326
+#: lib/index.tcl:339
#, tcl-format
msgid "Adding %s"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/index.tcl:381
+#: lib/index.tcl:396
#, tcl-format
msgid "Revert changes in file %s?"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/index.tcl:383
+#: lib/index.tcl:398
#, tcl-format
msgid "Revert changes in these %i files?"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/index.tcl:391
+#: lib/index.tcl:406
msgid "Any unstaged changes will be permanently lost by the revert."
msgstr ""
-#: lib/index.tcl:394
+#: lib/index.tcl:409
msgid "Do Nothing"
msgstr ""
+#: lib/index.tcl:427
+msgid "Reverting selected files"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/index.tcl:431
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Reverting %s"
+msgstr ""
#: lib/merge.tcl:13
msgid ""
"Cannot merge while amending.\n"
@@ -1478,7 +1631,7 @@ msgid ""
"The rescan will be automatically started now.\n"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/merge.tcl:44
+#: lib/merge.tcl:45
#, tcl-format
msgid ""
"You are in the middle of a conflicted merge.\n"
@@ -1489,7 +1642,7 @@ msgid ""
"merge. Only then can you begin another merge.\n"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/merge.tcl:54
+#: lib/merge.tcl:55
#, tcl-format
msgid ""
"You are in the middle of a change.\n"
@@ -1500,41 +1653,41 @@ msgid ""
"will help you abort a failed merge, should the need arise.\n"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/merge.tcl:106
+#: lib/merge.tcl:107
#, tcl-format
msgid "%s of %s"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/merge.tcl:119
+#: lib/merge.tcl:120
#, tcl-format
msgid "Merging %s and %s..."
msgstr ""
-#: lib/merge.tcl:130
+#: lib/merge.tcl:131
msgid "Merge completed successfully."
msgstr ""
-#: lib/merge.tcl:132
+#: lib/merge.tcl:133
msgid "Merge failed. Conflict resolution is required."
msgstr ""
-#: lib/merge.tcl:157
+#: lib/merge.tcl:158
#, tcl-format
msgid "Merge Into %s"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/merge.tcl:176
+#: lib/merge.tcl:177
msgid "Revision To Merge"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/merge.tcl:211
+#: lib/merge.tcl:212
msgid ""
"Cannot abort while amending.\n"
"You must finish amending this commit.\n"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/merge.tcl:221
+#: lib/merge.tcl:222
msgid ""
"Abort merge?\n"
@@ -1543,7 +1696,7 @@ msgid ""
"Continue with aborting the current merge?"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/merge.tcl:227
+#: lib/merge.tcl:228
msgid ""
"Reset changes?\n"
@@ -1552,130 +1705,312 @@ msgid ""
"Continue with resetting the current changes?"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/merge.tcl:238
+#: lib/merge.tcl:239
msgid "Aborting"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/merge.tcl:238
+#: lib/merge.tcl:239
msgid "files reset"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/merge.tcl:266
+#: lib/merge.tcl:267
msgid "Abort failed."
msgstr ""
-#: lib/merge.tcl:268
+#: lib/merge.tcl:269
msgid "Abort completed. Ready."
msgstr ""
-#: lib/option.tcl:95
+#: lib/mergetool.tcl:8
+msgid "Force resolution to the base version?"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/mergetool.tcl:9
+msgid "Force resolution to this branch?"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/mergetool.tcl:10
+msgid "Force resolution to the other branch?"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/mergetool.tcl:14
+#, tcl-format
+msgid ""
+"Note that the diff shows only conflicting changes.\n"
+"%s will be overwritten.\n"
+"This operation can be undone only by restarting the merge."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/mergetool.tcl:45
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "File %s seems to have unresolved conflicts, still stage?"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/mergetool.tcl:60
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Adding resolution for %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/mergetool.tcl:141
+msgid "Cannot resolve deletion or link conflicts using a tool"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/mergetool.tcl:146
+msgid "Conflict file does not exist"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/mergetool.tcl:264
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Not a GUI merge tool: '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/mergetool.tcl:268
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Unsupported merge tool '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/mergetool.tcl:303
+msgid "Merge tool is already running, terminate it?"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/mergetool.tcl:323
+#, tcl-format
+msgid ""
+"Error retrieving versions:\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/mergetool.tcl:343
+#, tcl-format
+msgid ""
+"Could not start the merge tool:\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/mergetool.tcl:347
+msgid "Running merge tool..."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/mergetool.tcl:375 lib/mergetool.tcl:383
+msgid "Merge tool failed."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/option.tcl:11
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Invalid global encoding '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/option.tcl:19
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Invalid repo encoding '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/option.tcl:117
msgid "Restore Defaults"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/option.tcl:99
+#: lib/option.tcl:121
msgid "Save"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/option.tcl:109
+#: lib/option.tcl:131
#, tcl-format
msgid "%s Repository"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/option.tcl:110
+#: lib/option.tcl:132
msgid "Global (All Repositories)"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/option.tcl:116
+#: lib/option.tcl:138
msgid "User Name"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/option.tcl:117
+#: lib/option.tcl:139
msgid "Email Address"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/option.tcl:119
+#: lib/option.tcl:141
msgid "Summarize Merge Commits"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/option.tcl:120
+#: lib/option.tcl:142
msgid "Merge Verbosity"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/option.tcl:121
+#: lib/option.tcl:143
msgid "Show Diffstat After Merge"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/option.tcl:123
+#: lib/option.tcl:144
+msgid "Use Merge Tool"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/option.tcl:146
msgid "Trust File Modification Timestamps"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/option.tcl:124
+#: lib/option.tcl:147
msgid "Prune Tracking Branches During Fetch"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/option.tcl:125
+#: lib/option.tcl:148
msgid "Match Tracking Branches"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/option.tcl:126
+#: lib/option.tcl:149
msgid "Blame Copy Only On Changed Files"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/option.tcl:127
+#: lib/option.tcl:150
msgid "Minimum Letters To Blame Copy On"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/option.tcl:128
+#: lib/option.tcl:151
+msgid "Blame History Context Radius (days)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/option.tcl:152
msgid "Number of Diff Context Lines"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/option.tcl:129
+#: lib/option.tcl:153
msgid "Commit Message Text Width"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/option.tcl:130
+#: lib/option.tcl:154
msgid "New Branch Name Template"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/option.tcl:194
+#: lib/option.tcl:155
+msgid "Default File Contents Encoding"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/option.tcl:203
+msgid "Change"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/option.tcl:230
msgid "Spelling Dictionary:"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/option.tcl:218
+#: lib/option.tcl:254
msgid "Change Font"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/option.tcl:222
+#: lib/option.tcl:258
#, tcl-format
msgid "Choose %s"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/option.tcl:228
+#: lib/option.tcl:264
msgid "pt."
msgstr ""
-#: lib/option.tcl:242
+#: lib/option.tcl:278
msgid "Preferences"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/option.tcl:277
+#: lib/option.tcl:314
msgid "Failed to completely save options:"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/remote.tcl:165
+#: lib/remote.tcl:163
+msgid "Remove Remote"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/remote.tcl:168
msgid "Prune from"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/remote.tcl:170
+#: lib/remote.tcl:173
msgid "Fetch from"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/remote.tcl:213
+#: lib/remote.tcl:215
msgid "Push to"
msgstr ""
+#: lib/remote_add.tcl:19
+msgid "Add Remote"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/remote_add.tcl:24
+msgid "Add New Remote"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/remote_add.tcl:28 lib/tools_dlg.tcl:36
+msgid "Add"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/remote_add.tcl:37
+msgid "Remote Details"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/remote_add.tcl:50
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/remote_add.tcl:62
+msgid "Further Action"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/remote_add.tcl:65
+msgid "Fetch Immediately"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/remote_add.tcl:71
+msgid "Initialize Remote Repository and Push"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/remote_add.tcl:77
+msgid "Do Nothing Else Now"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/remote_add.tcl:101
+msgid "Please supply a remote name."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/remote_add.tcl:114
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "'%s' is not an acceptable remote name."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/remote_add.tcl:125
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Failed to add remote '%s' of location '%s'."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/remote_add.tcl:133 lib/transport.tcl:6
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "fetch %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/remote_add.tcl:134
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Fetching the %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/remote_add.tcl:157
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Do not know how to initialize repository at location '%s'."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/remote_add.tcl:163 lib/transport.tcl:25 lib/transport.tcl:71
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "push %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/remote_add.tcl:164
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Setting up the %s (at %s)"
+msgstr ""
#: lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl:29 lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl:34
-msgid "Delete Remote Branch"
+msgid "Delete Branch Remotely"
msgstr ""
#: lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl:47
@@ -1687,7 +2022,7 @@ msgid "Remote:"
msgstr ""
#: lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl:66 lib/transport.tcl:138
-msgid "Arbitrary URL:"
+msgid "Arbitrary Location:"
msgstr ""
#: lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl:84
@@ -1750,6 +2085,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Scanning %s..."
msgstr ""
+#: lib/search.tcl:21
+msgid "Find:"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/search.tcl:23
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/search.tcl:24
+msgid "Prev"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/search.tcl:25
+msgid "Case-Sensitive"
+msgstr ""
#: lib/shortcut.tcl:20 lib/shortcut.tcl:61
msgid "Cannot write shortcut:"
msgstr ""
@@ -1787,22 +2138,182 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "No Suggestions"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/spellcheck.tcl:387
+#: lib/spellcheck.tcl:388
msgid "Unexpected EOF from spell checker"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/spellcheck.tcl:391
+#: lib/spellcheck.tcl:392
msgid "Spell Checker Failed"
msgstr ""
+#: lib/sshkey.tcl:31
+msgid "No keys found."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/sshkey.tcl:34
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Found a public key in: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/sshkey.tcl:40
+msgid "Generate Key"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/sshkey.tcl:56
+msgid "Copy To Clipboard"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/sshkey.tcl:70
+msgid "Your OpenSSH Public Key"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/sshkey.tcl:78
+msgid "Generating..."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/sshkey.tcl:84
+#, tcl-format
+msgid ""
+"Could not start ssh-keygen:\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/sshkey.tcl:111
+msgid "Generation failed."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/sshkey.tcl:118
+msgid "Generation succeded, but no keys found."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/sshkey.tcl:121
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Your key is in: %s"
+msgstr ""
#: lib/status_bar.tcl:83
#, tcl-format
msgid "%s ... %*i of %*i %s (%3i%%)"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/transport.tcl:6
+#: lib/tools.tcl:75
#, tcl-format
-msgid "fetch %s"
+msgid "Running %s requires a selected file."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/tools.tcl:90
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Are you sure you want to run %s?"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/tools.tcl:110
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Tool: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/tools.tcl:111
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Running: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/tools.tcl:149
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Tool completed succesfully: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/tools.tcl:151
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Tool failed: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/tools_dlg.tcl:22
+msgid "Add Tool"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/tools_dlg.tcl:28
+msgid "Add New Tool Command"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/tools_dlg.tcl:33
+msgid "Add globally"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/tools_dlg.tcl:45
+msgid "Tool Details"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/tools_dlg.tcl:48
+msgid "Use '/' separators to create a submenu tree:"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/tools_dlg.tcl:61
+msgid "Command:"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/tools_dlg.tcl:74
+msgid "Show a dialog before running"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/tools_dlg.tcl:80
+msgid "Ask the user to select a revision (sets $REVISION)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/tools_dlg.tcl:85
+msgid "Ask the user for additional arguments (sets $ARGS)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/tools_dlg.tcl:92
+msgid "Don't show the command output window"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/tools_dlg.tcl:97
+msgid "Run only if a diff is selected ($FILENAME not empty)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/tools_dlg.tcl:121
+msgid "Please supply a name for the tool."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/tools_dlg.tcl:129
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Tool '%s' already exists."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/tools_dlg.tcl:151
+#, tcl-format
+msgid ""
+"Could not add tool:\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/tools_dlg.tcl:190
+msgid "Remove Tool"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/tools_dlg.tcl:196
+msgid "Remove Tool Commands"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/tools_dlg.tcl:200
+msgid "Remove"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/tools_dlg.tcl:236
+msgid "(Blue denotes repository-local tools)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/tools_dlg.tcl:297
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Run Command: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/tools_dlg.tcl:311
+msgid "Arguments"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/tools_dlg.tcl:348
+msgid "OK"
msgstr ""
#: lib/transport.tcl:7
@@ -1820,11 +2331,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pruning tracking branches deleted from %s"
msgstr ""
-#: lib/transport.tcl:25 lib/transport.tcl:71
-#, tcl-format
-msgid "push %s"
-msgstr ""
#: lib/transport.tcl:26
#, tcl-format
msgid "Pushing changes to %s"