#include "cache.h" #include "pkt-line.h" static const char send_pack_usage[] = "git-send-pack [--exec=other] destination [heads]*"; static const char *exec = "git-receive-pack"; static int send_pack(int in, int out) { for (;;) { static char buffer[1000]; int len; len = packet_read_line(in, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (len > 0) { write(2, buffer, len); continue; } break; } packet_flush(out); close(out); return 0; } /* * First, make it shell-safe. We do this by just disallowing any * special characters. Somebody who cares can do escaping and let * through the rest. But since we're doing to feed this to ssh as * a command line, we're going to be pretty damn anal for now. */ static char *shell_safe(char *url) { char *n = url; unsigned char c; static const char flags[256] = { ['0'...'9'] = 1, ['a'...'z'] = 1, ['A'...'Z'] = 1, ['.'] = 1, ['/'] = 1, ['-'] = 1, ['+'] = 1, [':'] = 1 }; while ((c = *n++) != 0) { if (flags[c] != 1) die("I don't like '%c'. Sue me.", c); } return url; } /* * Yeah, yeah, fixme. Need to pass in the heads etc. */ static int setup_connection(int fd[2], char *url, char **heads) { char command[1024]; const char *host, *path; char *colon; int pipefd[2][2]; url = shell_safe(url); host = NULL; path = url; colon = strchr(url, ':'); if (colon) { *colon = 0; host = url; path = colon+1; } snprintf(command, sizeof(command), "%s %s", exec, path); if (pipe(pipefd[0]) < 0 || pipe(pipefd[1]) < 0) die("unable to create pipe pair for communication"); if (!fork()) { dup2(pipefd[1][0], 0); dup2(pipefd[0][1], 1); close(pipefd[0][0]); close(pipefd[0][1]); close(pipefd[1][0]); close(pipefd[1][1]); if (host) execlp("ssh", "ssh", host, command, NULL); else execlp("sh", "sh", "-c", command, NULL); die("exec failed"); } fd[0] = pipefd[0][0]; fd[1] = pipefd[1][1]; close(pipefd[0][1]); close(pipefd[1][0]); return 0; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i, nr_heads = 0; char *dest = NULL; char **heads = NULL; int fd[2]; argv++; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { char *arg = *argv++; if (*arg == '-') { if (!strncmp(arg, "--exec=", 7)) { exec = arg + 7; continue; } usage(send_pack_usage); } dest = arg; heads = argv; nr_heads = argc - i -1; break; } if (!dest) usage(send_pack_usage); if (setup_connection(fd, dest, heads)) return 1; return send_pack(fd[0], fd[1]); }