#!/bin/sh test_description='git cat-file' . ./test-lib.sh echo_without_newline () { printf '%s' "$*" } strlen () { echo_without_newline "$1" | wc -c | sed -e 's/^ *//' } maybe_remove_timestamp () { if test -z "$2"; then echo_without_newline "$1" else echo_without_newline "$(printf '%s\n' "$1" | sed -e 's/ [0-9][0-9]* [-+][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]$//')" fi } run_tests () { type=$1 sha1=$2 size=$3 content=$4 pretty_content=$5 no_ts=$6 batch_output="$sha1 $type $size $content" test_expect_success "$type exists" ' git cat-file -e $sha1 ' test_expect_success "Type of $type is correct" ' test $type = "$(git cat-file -t $sha1)" ' test_expect_success "Size of $type is correct" ' test $size = "$(git cat-file -s $sha1)" ' test -z "$content" || test_expect_success "Content of $type is correct" ' expect="$(maybe_remove_timestamp "$content" $no_ts)" actual="$(maybe_remove_timestamp "$(git cat-file $type $sha1)" $no_ts)" if test "z$expect" = "z$actual" then : happy else echo "Oops: expected $expect" echo "but got $actual" false fi ' test_expect_success "Pretty content of $type is correct" ' expect="$(maybe_remove_timestamp "$pretty_content" $no_ts)" actual="$(maybe_remove_timestamp "$(git cat-file -p $sha1)" $no_ts)" if test "z$expect" = "z$actual" then : happy else echo "Oops: expected $expect" echo "but got $actual" false fi ' test -z "$content" || test_expect_success "--batch output of $type is correct" ' expect="$(maybe_remove_timestamp "$batch_output" $no_ts)" actual="$(maybe_remove_timestamp "$(echo $sha1 | git cat-file --batch)" no_ts)" if test "z$expect" = "z$actual" then : happy else echo "Oops: expected $expect" echo "but got $actual" false fi ' test_expect_success "--batch-check output of $type is correct" ' expect="$sha1 $type $size" actual="$(echo_without_newline $sha1 | git cat-file --batch-check)" if test "z$expect" = "z$actual" then : happy else echo "Oops: expected $expect" echo "but got $actual" false fi ' } hello_content="Hello World" hello_size=$(strlen "$hello_content") hello_sha1=$(echo_without_newline "$hello_content" | git hash-object --stdin) test_expect_success "setup" ' echo_without_newline "$hello_content" > hello && git update-index --add hello ' run_tests 'blob' $hello_sha1 $hello_size "$hello_content" "$hello_content" tree_sha1=$(git write-tree) tree_size=33 tree_pretty_content="100644 blob $hello_sha1 hello" run_tests 'tree' $tree_sha1 $tree_size "" "$tree_pretty_content" commit_message="Intial commit" commit_sha1=$(echo_without_newline "$commit_message" | git commit-tree $tree_sha1) commit_size=176 commit_content="tree $tree_sha1 author $GIT_AUTHOR_NAME <$GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL> 0000000000 +0000 committer $GIT_COMMITTER_NAME <$GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL> 0000000000 +0000 $commit_message" run_tests 'commit' $commit_sha1 $commit_size "$commit_content" "$commit_content" 1 tag_header_without_timestamp="object $hello_sha1 type blob tag hellotag tagger $GIT_COMMITTER_NAME <$GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL>" tag_description="This is a tag" tag_content="$tag_header_without_timestamp 0000000000 +0000 $tag_description" tag_pretty_content="$tag_header_without_timestamp Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 +0000 $tag_description" tag_sha1=$(echo_without_newline "$tag_content" | git mktag) tag_size=$(strlen "$tag_content") run_tests 'tag' $tag_sha1 $tag_size "$tag_content" "$tag_pretty_content" 1 test_expect_success \ "Reach a blob from a tag pointing to it" \ "test '$hello_content' = \"\$(git cat-file blob $tag_sha1)\"" for batch in batch batch-check do for opt in t s e p do test_expect_success "Passing -$opt with --$batch fails" ' test_must_fail git cat-file --$batch -$opt $hello_sha1 ' test_expect_success "Passing --$batch with -$opt fails" ' test_must_fail git cat-file -$opt --$batch $hello_sha1 ' done test_expect_success "Passing <type> with --$batch fails" ' test_must_fail git cat-file --$batch blob $hello_sha1 ' test_expect_success "Passing --$batch with <type> fails" ' test_must_fail git cat-file blob --$batch $hello_sha1 ' test_expect_success "Passing sha1 with --$batch fails" ' test_must_fail git cat-file --$batch $hello_sha1 ' done test_expect_success "--batch-check for a non-existent object" ' test "deadbeef missing" = \ "$(echo_without_newline deadbeef | git cat-file --batch-check)" ' test_expect_success "--batch-check for an emtpy line" ' test " missing" = "$(echo | git cat-file --batch-check)" ' batch_input="$hello_sha1 $commit_sha1 $tag_sha1 deadbeef " batch_output="$hello_sha1 blob $hello_size $hello_content $commit_sha1 commit $commit_size $commit_content $tag_sha1 tag $tag_size $tag_content deadbeef missing missing" test_expect_success '--batch with multiple sha1s gives correct format' ' test "$(maybe_remove_timestamp "$batch_output" 1)" = "$(maybe_remove_timestamp "$(echo_without_newline "$batch_input" | git cat-file --batch)" 1)" ' batch_check_input="$hello_sha1 $tree_sha1 $commit_sha1 $tag_sha1 deadbeef " batch_check_output="$hello_sha1 blob $hello_size $tree_sha1 tree $tree_size $commit_sha1 commit $commit_size $tag_sha1 tag $tag_size deadbeef missing missing" test_expect_success "--batch-check with multiple sha1s gives correct format" ' test "$batch_check_output" = \ "$(echo_without_newline "$batch_check_input" | git cat-file --batch-check)" ' test_done