#!/bin/sh # # Copyright (c) 2007 Nicolas Pitre # test_description='pack index with 64-bit offsets and object CRC' . ./test-lib.sh test_expect_success \ 'setup' \ 'rm -rf .git git init && i=1 && while test $i -le 100 do i=`printf '%03i' $i` echo $i >file_$i && test-genrandom "$i" 8192 >>file_$i && git update-index --add file_$i && i=`expr $i + 1` || return 1 done && { echo 101 && test-genrandom 100 8192; } >file_101 && git update-index --add file_101 && tree=`git write-tree` && commit=`git commit-tree $tree </dev/null` && { echo $tree && git ls-tree $tree | sed -e "s/.* \\([0-9a-f]*\\) .*/\\1/" } >obj-list && git update-ref HEAD $commit' test_expect_success \ 'pack-objects with index version 1' \ 'pack1=$(git pack-objects --index-version=1 test-1 <obj-list) && git verify-pack -v "test-1-${pack1}.pack"' test_expect_success \ 'pack-objects with index version 2' \ 'pack2=$(git pack-objects --index-version=2 test-2 <obj-list) && git verify-pack -v "test-2-${pack2}.pack"' test_expect_success \ 'both packs should be identical' \ 'cmp "test-1-${pack1}.pack" "test-2-${pack2}.pack"' test_expect_success \ 'index v1 and index v2 should be different' \ '! cmp "test-1-${pack1}.idx" "test-2-${pack2}.idx"' test_expect_success \ 'index-pack with index version 1' \ 'git-index-pack --index-version=1 -o 1.idx "test-1-${pack1}.pack"' test_expect_success \ 'index-pack with index version 2' \ 'git-index-pack --index-version=2 -o 2.idx "test-1-${pack1}.pack"' test_expect_success \ 'index-pack results should match pack-objects ones' \ 'cmp "test-1-${pack1}.idx" "1.idx" && cmp "test-2-${pack2}.idx" "2.idx"' test_expect_success \ 'index v2: force some 64-bit offsets with pack-objects' \ 'pack3=$(git pack-objects --index-version=2,0x40000 test-3 <obj-list)' have_64bits= if msg=$(git verify-pack -v "test-3-${pack3}.pack" 2>&1) || ! (echo "$msg" | grep "pack too large .* off_t") then have_64bits=t else say "skipping tests concerning 64-bit offsets" fi test "$have_64bits" && test_expect_success \ 'index v2: verify a pack with some 64-bit offsets' \ 'git verify-pack -v "test-3-${pack3}.pack"' test "$have_64bits" && test_expect_success \ '64-bit offsets: should be different from previous index v2 results' \ '! cmp "test-2-${pack2}.idx" "test-3-${pack3}.idx"' test "$have_64bits" && test_expect_success \ 'index v2: force some 64-bit offsets with index-pack' \ 'git-index-pack --index-version=2,0x40000 -o 3.idx "test-1-${pack1}.pack"' test "$have_64bits" && test_expect_success \ '64-bit offsets: index-pack result should match pack-objects one' \ 'cmp "test-3-${pack3}.idx" "3.idx"' test_expect_success \ '[index v1] 1) stream pack to repository' \ 'git-index-pack --index-version=1 --stdin < "test-1-${pack1}.pack" && git prune-packed && git count-objects | ( read nr rest && test "$nr" -eq 1 ) && cmp "test-1-${pack1}.pack" ".git/objects/pack/pack-${pack1}.pack" && cmp "test-1-${pack1}.idx" ".git/objects/pack/pack-${pack1}.idx"' test_expect_success \ '[index v1] 2) create a stealth corruption in a delta base reference' \ '# this test assumes a delta smaller than 16 bytes at the end of the pack git show-index <1.idx | sort -n | sed -ne \$p | ( read delta_offs delta_sha1 && git cat-file blob "$delta_sha1" > blob_1 && chmod +w ".git/objects/pack/pack-${pack1}.pack" && dd of=".git/objects/pack/pack-${pack1}.pack" seek=$(($delta_offs + 1)) \ if=".git/objects/pack/pack-${pack1}.idx" skip=$((256 * 4 + 4)) \ bs=1 count=20 conv=notrunc && git cat-file blob "$delta_sha1" > blob_2 )' test_expect_success \ '[index v1] 3) corrupted delta happily returned wrong data' \ '! cmp blob_1 blob_2' test_expect_success \ '[index v1] 4) confirm that the pack is actually corrupted' \ '! git fsck --full $commit' test_expect_success \ '[index v1] 5) pack-objects happily reuses corrupted data' \ 'pack4=$(git pack-objects test-4 <obj-list) && test -f "test-4-${pack1}.pack"' test_expect_success \ '[index v1] 6) newly created pack is BAD !' \ '! git verify-pack -v "test-4-${pack1}.pack"' test_expect_success \ '[index v2] 1) stream pack to repository' \ 'rm -f .git/objects/pack/* && git-index-pack --index-version=2 --stdin < "test-1-${pack1}.pack" && git prune-packed && git count-objects | ( read nr rest && test "$nr" -eq 1 ) && cmp "test-1-${pack1}.pack" ".git/objects/pack/pack-${pack1}.pack" && cmp "test-2-${pack1}.idx" ".git/objects/pack/pack-${pack1}.idx"' test_expect_success \ '[index v2] 2) create a stealth corruption in a delta base reference' \ '# this test assumes a delta smaller than 16 bytes at the end of the pack git show-index <1.idx | sort -n | sed -ne \$p | ( read delta_offs delta_sha1 delta_crc && git cat-file blob "$delta_sha1" > blob_3 && chmod +w ".git/objects/pack/pack-${pack1}.pack" && dd of=".git/objects/pack/pack-${pack1}.pack" seek=$(($delta_offs + 1)) \ if=".git/objects/pack/pack-${pack1}.idx" skip=$((8 + 256 * 4)) \ bs=1 count=20 conv=notrunc && git cat-file blob "$delta_sha1" > blob_4 )' test_expect_success \ '[index v2] 3) corrupted delta happily returned wrong data' \ '! cmp blob_3 blob_4' test_expect_success \ '[index v2] 4) confirm that the pack is actually corrupted' \ '! git fsck --full $commit' test_expect_success \ '[index v2] 5) pack-objects refuses to reuse corrupted data' \ '! git pack-objects test-5 <obj-list' test_done