
test_description='fetching and pushing, with or without wildcard'

. ./test-lib.sh


mk_empty () {
	rm -fr testrepo &&
	mkdir testrepo &&
		cd testrepo &&
		git init &&
		mv .git/hooks .git/hooks-disabled

mk_test () {
	mk_empty &&
		for ref in "$@"
			git push testrepo $the_first_commit:refs/$ref || {
				echo "Oops, push refs/$ref failure"
				exit 1
		done &&
		cd testrepo &&
		for ref in "$@"
			r=$(git show-ref -s --verify refs/$ref) &&
			test "z$r" = "z$the_first_commit" || {
				echo "Oops, refs/$ref is wrong"
				exit 1
		done &&
		git fsck --full

check_push_result () {
		cd testrepo &&
		it="$1" &&
		for ref in "$@"
			r=$(git show-ref -s --verify refs/$ref) &&
			test "z$r" = "z$it" || {
				echo "Oops, refs/$ref is wrong"
				exit 1
		done &&
		git fsck --full

test_expect_success setup '

	: >path1 &&
	git add path1 &&
	test_tick &&
	git commit -a -m repo &&
	the_first_commit=$(git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/master) &&

	: >path2 &&
	git add path2 &&
	test_tick &&
	git commit -a -m second &&
	the_commit=$(git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/master)


test_expect_success 'fetch without wildcard' '
	mk_empty &&
		cd testrepo &&
		git fetch .. refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master &&

		r=$(git show-ref -s --verify refs/remotes/origin/master) &&
		test "z$r" = "z$the_commit" &&

		test 1 = $(git for-each-ref refs/remotes/origin | wc -l)

test_expect_success 'fetch with wildcard' '
	mk_empty &&
		cd testrepo &&
		git config remote.up.url .. &&
		git config remote.up.fetch "refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*" &&
		git fetch up &&

		r=$(git show-ref -s --verify refs/remotes/origin/master) &&
		test "z$r" = "z$the_commit" &&

		test 1 = $(git for-each-ref refs/remotes/origin | wc -l)

test_expect_success 'fetch with insteadOf' '
	mk_empty &&
		TRASH=$(pwd)/ &&
		cd testrepo &&
		git config "url.$TRASH.insteadOf" trash/ &&
		git config remote.up.url trash/. &&
		git config remote.up.fetch "refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*" &&
		git fetch up &&

		r=$(git show-ref -s --verify refs/remotes/origin/master) &&
		test "z$r" = "z$the_commit" &&

		test 1 = $(git for-each-ref refs/remotes/origin | wc -l)

test_expect_success 'push without wildcard' '
	mk_empty &&

	git push testrepo refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master &&
		cd testrepo &&
		r=$(git show-ref -s --verify refs/remotes/origin/master) &&
		test "z$r" = "z$the_commit" &&

		test 1 = $(git for-each-ref refs/remotes/origin | wc -l)

test_expect_success 'push with wildcard' '
	mk_empty &&

	git push testrepo "refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*" &&
		cd testrepo &&
		r=$(git show-ref -s --verify refs/remotes/origin/master) &&
		test "z$r" = "z$the_commit" &&

		test 1 = $(git for-each-ref refs/remotes/origin | wc -l)

test_expect_success 'push with insteadOf' '
	mk_empty &&
	TRASH="$(pwd)/" &&
	git config "url.$TRASH.insteadOf" trash/ &&
	git push trash/testrepo refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master &&
		cd testrepo &&
		r=$(git show-ref -s --verify refs/remotes/origin/master) &&
		test "z$r" = "z$the_commit" &&

		test 1 = $(git for-each-ref refs/remotes/origin | wc -l)

test_expect_success 'push with matching heads' '

	mk_test heads/master &&
	git push testrepo &&
	check_push_result $the_commit heads/master


test_expect_success 'push with matching heads on the command line' '

	mk_test heads/master &&
	git push testrepo : &&
	check_push_result $the_commit heads/master


test_expect_success 'failed (non-fast-forward) push with matching heads' '

	mk_test heads/master &&
	git push testrepo : &&
	git commit --amend -massaged &&
	test_must_fail git push testrepo &&
	check_push_result $the_commit heads/master &&
	git reset --hard $the_commit


test_expect_success 'push --force with matching heads' '

	mk_test heads/master &&
	git push testrepo : &&
	git commit --amend -massaged &&
	git push --force testrepo &&
	! check_push_result $the_commit heads/master &&
	git reset --hard $the_commit


test_expect_success 'push with matching heads and forced update' '

	mk_test heads/master &&
	git push testrepo : &&
	git commit --amend -massaged &&
	git push testrepo +: &&
	! check_push_result $the_commit heads/master &&
	git reset --hard $the_commit


test_expect_success 'push with no ambiguity (1)' '

	mk_test heads/master &&
	git push testrepo master:master &&
	check_push_result $the_commit heads/master


test_expect_success 'push with no ambiguity (2)' '

	mk_test remotes/origin/master &&
	git push testrepo master:origin/master &&
	check_push_result $the_commit remotes/origin/master


test_expect_success 'push with colon-less refspec, no ambiguity' '

	mk_test heads/master heads/t/master &&
	git branch -f t/master master &&
	git push testrepo master &&
	check_push_result $the_commit heads/master &&
	check_push_result $the_first_commit heads/t/master


test_expect_success 'push with weak ambiguity (1)' '

	mk_test heads/master remotes/origin/master &&
	git push testrepo master:master &&
	check_push_result $the_commit heads/master &&
	check_push_result $the_first_commit remotes/origin/master


test_expect_success 'push with weak ambiguity (2)' '

	mk_test heads/master remotes/origin/master remotes/another/master &&
	git push testrepo master:master &&
	check_push_result $the_commit heads/master &&
	check_push_result $the_first_commit remotes/origin/master remotes/another/master


test_expect_success 'push with ambiguity' '

	mk_test heads/frotz tags/frotz &&
	if git push testrepo master:frotz
		echo "Oops, should have failed"
		check_push_result $the_first_commit heads/frotz tags/frotz


test_expect_success 'push with colon-less refspec (1)' '

	mk_test heads/frotz tags/frotz &&
	git branch -f frotz master &&
	git push testrepo frotz &&
	check_push_result $the_commit heads/frotz &&
	check_push_result $the_first_commit tags/frotz


test_expect_success 'push with colon-less refspec (2)' '

	mk_test heads/frotz tags/frotz &&
	if git show-ref --verify -q refs/heads/frotz
		git branch -D frotz
	fi &&
	git tag -f frotz &&
	git push testrepo frotz &&
	check_push_result $the_commit tags/frotz &&
	check_push_result $the_first_commit heads/frotz


test_expect_success 'push with colon-less refspec (3)' '

	mk_test &&
	if git show-ref --verify -q refs/tags/frotz
		git tag -d frotz
	fi &&
	git branch -f frotz master &&
	git push testrepo frotz &&
	check_push_result $the_commit heads/frotz &&
	test 1 = $( cd testrepo && git show-ref | wc -l )

test_expect_success 'push with colon-less refspec (4)' '

	mk_test &&
	if git show-ref --verify -q refs/heads/frotz
		git branch -D frotz
	fi &&
	git tag -f frotz &&
	git push testrepo frotz &&
	check_push_result $the_commit tags/frotz &&
	test 1 = $( cd testrepo && git show-ref | wc -l )


test_expect_success 'push head with non-existant, incomplete dest' '

	mk_test &&
	git push testrepo master:branch &&
	check_push_result $the_commit heads/branch


test_expect_success 'push tag with non-existant, incomplete dest' '

	mk_test &&
	git tag -f v1.0 &&
	git push testrepo v1.0:tag &&
	check_push_result $the_commit tags/tag


test_expect_success 'push sha1 with non-existant, incomplete dest' '

	mk_test &&
	test_must_fail git push testrepo `git rev-parse master`:foo


test_expect_success 'push ref expression with non-existant, incomplete dest' '

	mk_test &&
	test_must_fail git push testrepo master^:branch


test_expect_success 'push with HEAD' '

	mk_test heads/master &&
	git checkout master &&
	git push testrepo HEAD &&
	check_push_result $the_commit heads/master


test_expect_success 'push with HEAD nonexisting at remote' '

	mk_test heads/master &&
	git checkout -b local master &&
	git push testrepo HEAD &&
	check_push_result $the_commit heads/local

test_expect_success 'push with +HEAD' '

	mk_test heads/master &&
	git checkout master &&
	git branch -D local &&
	git checkout -b local &&
	git push testrepo master local &&
	check_push_result $the_commit heads/master &&
	check_push_result $the_commit heads/local &&

	# Without force rewinding should fail
	git reset --hard HEAD^ &&
	test_must_fail git push testrepo HEAD &&
	check_push_result $the_commit heads/local &&

	# With force rewinding should succeed
	git push testrepo +HEAD &&
	check_push_result $the_first_commit heads/local


test_expect_success 'push HEAD with non-existant, incomplete dest' '

	mk_test &&
	git checkout master &&
	git push testrepo HEAD:branch &&
	check_push_result $the_commit heads/branch


test_expect_success 'push with config remote.*.push = HEAD' '

	mk_test heads/local &&
	git checkout master &&
	git branch -f local $the_commit &&
		cd testrepo &&
		git checkout local &&
		git reset --hard $the_first_commit
	) &&
	git config remote.there.url testrepo &&
	git config remote.there.push HEAD &&
	git config branch.master.remote there &&
	git push &&
	check_push_result $the_commit heads/master &&
	check_push_result $the_first_commit heads/local

# clean up the cruft left with the previous one
git config --remove-section remote.there
git config --remove-section branch.master

test_expect_success 'push with dry-run' '

	mk_test heads/master &&
	(cd testrepo &&
	 old_commit=$(git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/master)) &&
	git push --dry-run testrepo &&
	check_push_result $old_commit heads/master

test_expect_success 'push updates local refs' '

	rm -rf parent child &&
	mkdir parent &&
	(cd parent && git init &&
		echo one >foo && git add foo && git commit -m one) &&
	git clone parent child &&
	(cd child &&
		echo two >foo && git commit -a -m two &&
		git push &&
	test $(git rev-parse master) = $(git rev-parse remotes/origin/master))


test_expect_success 'push updates up-to-date local refs' '

	rm -rf parent child &&
	mkdir parent &&
	(cd parent && git init &&
		echo one >foo && git add foo && git commit -m one) &&
	git clone parent child1 &&
	git clone parent child2 &&
	(cd child1 &&
		echo two >foo && git commit -a -m two &&
		git push) &&
	(cd child2 &&
		git pull ../child1 master &&
		git push &&
	test $(git rev-parse master) = $(git rev-parse remotes/origin/master))


test_expect_success 'push preserves up-to-date packed refs' '

	rm -rf parent child &&
	mkdir parent &&
	(cd parent && git init &&
		echo one >foo && git add foo && git commit -m one) &&
	git clone parent child &&
	(cd child &&
		git push &&
	! test -f .git/refs/remotes/origin/master)


test_expect_success 'push does not update local refs on failure' '

	rm -rf parent child &&
	mkdir parent &&
	(cd parent && git init &&
		echo one >foo && git add foo && git commit -m one &&
		echo exit 1 >.git/hooks/pre-receive &&
		chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-receive) &&
	git clone parent child &&
	(cd child &&
		echo two >foo && git commit -a -m two &&
		test_must_fail git push &&
		test $(git rev-parse master) != \
			$(git rev-parse remotes/origin/master))


test_expect_success 'allow deleting an invalid remote ref' '

	pwd &&
	rm -f testrepo/.git/objects/??/* &&
	git push testrepo :refs/heads/master &&
	(cd testrepo && test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify refs/heads/master)


test_expect_success 'fetch with branches' '
	mk_empty &&
	git branch second $the_first_commit &&
	git checkout second &&
	echo ".." > testrepo/.git/branches/branch1 &&
	(cd testrepo &&
		git fetch branch1 &&
		r=$(git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/branch1) &&
		test "z$r" = "z$the_commit" &&
		test 1 = $(git for-each-ref refs/heads | wc -l)
	) &&
	git checkout master

test_expect_success 'fetch with branches containing #' '
	mk_empty &&
	echo "..#second" > testrepo/.git/branches/branch2 &&
	(cd testrepo &&
		git fetch branch2 &&
		r=$(git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/branch2) &&
		test "z$r" = "z$the_first_commit" &&
		test 1 = $(git for-each-ref refs/heads | wc -l)
	) &&
	git checkout master

test_expect_success 'push with branches' '
	mk_empty &&
	git checkout second &&
	echo "testrepo" > .git/branches/branch1 &&
	git push branch1 &&
	(cd testrepo &&
		r=$(git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/master) &&
		test "z$r" = "z$the_first_commit" &&
		test 1 = $(git for-each-ref refs/heads | wc -l)

test_expect_success 'push with branches containing #' '
	mk_empty &&
	echo "testrepo#branch3" > .git/branches/branch2 &&
	git push branch2 &&
	(cd testrepo &&
		r=$(git show-ref -s --verify refs/heads/branch3) &&
		test "z$r" = "z$the_first_commit" &&
		test 1 = $(git for-each-ref refs/heads | wc -l)
	) &&
	git checkout master
