#!/bin/sh test_description='test smart fetching over http via http-backend' . ./test-lib.sh . "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/lib-httpd.sh start_httpd test_expect_success 'setup repository' ' git config push.default matching && echo content >file && git add file && git commit -m one ' test_expect_success 'create http-accessible bare repository' ' mkdir "$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH/repo.git" && (cd "$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH/repo.git" && git --bare init ) && git remote add public "$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH/repo.git" && git push public master:master ' setup_askpass_helper cat >exp <<EOF > GET /smart/repo.git/info/refs?service=git-upload-pack HTTP/1.1 > Accept: */* > Accept-Encoding: gzip > Pragma: no-cache < HTTP/1.1 200 OK < Pragma: no-cache < Cache-Control: no-cache, max-age=0, must-revalidate < Content-Type: application/x-git-upload-pack-advertisement > POST /smart/repo.git/git-upload-pack HTTP/1.1 > Accept-Encoding: gzip > Content-Type: application/x-git-upload-pack-request > Accept: application/x-git-upload-pack-result > Content-Length: xxx < HTTP/1.1 200 OK < Pragma: no-cache < Cache-Control: no-cache, max-age=0, must-revalidate < Content-Type: application/x-git-upload-pack-result EOF test_expect_success 'clone http repository' ' GIT_TRACE_CURL=true git clone --quiet $HTTPD_URL/smart/repo.git clone 2>err && test_cmp file clone/file && tr '\''\015'\'' Q <err | sed -e " s/Q\$// /^[*] /d /^== Info:/d /^=> Send header, /d /^=> Send header:$/d /^<= Recv header, /d /^<= Recv header:$/d s/=> Send header: // s/= Recv header:// /^<= Recv data/d /^=> Send data/d /^$/d /^< $/d /^[^><]/{ s/^/> / } /^> User-Agent: /d /^> Host: /d /^> POST /,$ { /^> Accept: [*]\\/[*]/d } s/^> Content-Length: .*/> Content-Length: xxx/ /^> 00..want /d /^> 00.*done/d /^< Server: /d /^< Expires: /d /^< Date: /d /^< Content-Length: /d /^< Transfer-Encoding: /d " >act && test_cmp exp act ' test_expect_success 'fetch changes via http' ' echo content >>file && git commit -a -m two && git push public && (cd clone && git pull) && test_cmp file clone/file ' cat >exp <<EOF GET /smart/repo.git/info/refs?service=git-upload-pack HTTP/1.1 200 POST /smart/repo.git/git-upload-pack HTTP/1.1 200 GET /smart/repo.git/info/refs?service=git-upload-pack HTTP/1.1 200 POST /smart/repo.git/git-upload-pack HTTP/1.1 200 EOF test_expect_success 'used upload-pack service' ' sed -e " s/^.* \"// s/\"// s/ [1-9][0-9]*\$// s/^GET /GET / " >act <"$HTTPD_ROOT_PATH"/access.log && test_cmp exp act ' test_expect_success 'follow redirects (301)' ' git clone $HTTPD_URL/smart-redir-perm/repo.git --quiet repo-p ' test_expect_success 'follow redirects (302)' ' git clone $HTTPD_URL/smart-redir-temp/repo.git --quiet repo-t ' test_expect_success 'redirects re-root further requests' ' git clone $HTTPD_URL/smart-redir-limited/repo.git repo-redir-limited ' test_expect_success 'clone from password-protected repository' ' echo two >expect && set_askpass user@host pass@host && git clone --bare "$HTTPD_URL/auth/smart/repo.git" smart-auth && expect_askpass both user@host && git --git-dir=smart-auth log -1 --format=%s >actual && test_cmp expect actual ' test_expect_success 'clone from auth-only-for-push repository' ' echo two >expect && set_askpass wrong && git clone --bare "$HTTPD_URL/auth-push/smart/repo.git" smart-noauth && expect_askpass none && git --git-dir=smart-noauth log -1 --format=%s >actual && test_cmp expect actual ' test_expect_success 'clone from auth-only-for-objects repository' ' echo two >expect && set_askpass user@host pass@host && git clone --bare "$HTTPD_URL/auth-fetch/smart/repo.git" half-auth && expect_askpass both user@host && git --git-dir=half-auth log -1 --format=%s >actual && test_cmp expect actual ' test_expect_success 'no-op half-auth fetch does not require a password' ' set_askpass wrong && git --git-dir=half-auth fetch && expect_askpass none ' test_expect_success 'redirects send auth to new location' ' set_askpass user@host pass@host && git -c credential.useHttpPath=true \ clone $HTTPD_URL/smart-redir-auth/repo.git repo-redir-auth && expect_askpass both user@host auth/smart/repo.git ' test_expect_success 'disable dumb http on server' ' git --git-dir="$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH/repo.git" \ config http.getanyfile false ' test_expect_success 'GIT_SMART_HTTP can disable smart http' ' (GIT_SMART_HTTP=0 && export GIT_SMART_HTTP && cd clone && test_must_fail git fetch) ' test_expect_success 'invalid Content-Type rejected' ' test_must_fail git clone $HTTPD_URL/broken_smart/repo.git 2>actual && grep "not valid:" actual ' test_expect_success 'create namespaced refs' ' test_commit namespaced && git push public HEAD:refs/namespaces/ns/refs/heads/master && git --git-dir="$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH/repo.git" \ symbolic-ref refs/namespaces/ns/HEAD refs/namespaces/ns/refs/heads/master ' test_expect_success 'smart clone respects namespace' ' git clone "$HTTPD_URL/smart_namespace/repo.git" ns-smart && echo namespaced >expect && git --git-dir=ns-smart/.git log -1 --format=%s >actual && test_cmp expect actual ' test_expect_success 'dumb clone via http-backend respects namespace' ' git --git-dir="$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH/repo.git" \ config http.getanyfile true && GIT_SMART_HTTP=0 git clone \ "$HTTPD_URL/smart_namespace/repo.git" ns-dumb && echo namespaced >expect && git --git-dir=ns-dumb/.git log -1 --format=%s >actual && test_cmp expect actual ' cat >cookies.txt <<EOF FALSE /smart_cookies/ FALSE 0 othername othervalue EOF cat >expect_cookies.txt <<EOF FALSE /smart_cookies/ FALSE 0 othername othervalue FALSE /smart_cookies/repo.git/info/ FALSE 0 name value EOF test_expect_success 'cookies stored in http.cookiefile when http.savecookies set' ' git config http.cookiefile cookies.txt && git config http.savecookies true && git ls-remote $HTTPD_URL/smart_cookies/repo.git master && tail -3 cookies.txt >cookies_tail.txt && test_cmp expect_cookies.txt cookies_tail.txt ' test_expect_success 'transfer.hiderefs works over smart-http' ' test_commit hidden && test_commit visible && git push public HEAD^:refs/heads/a HEAD:refs/heads/b && git --git-dir="$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH/repo.git" \ config transfer.hiderefs refs/heads/a && git clone --bare "$HTTPD_URL/smart/repo.git" hidden.git && test_must_fail git -C hidden.git rev-parse --verify a && git -C hidden.git rev-parse --verify b ' # create an arbitrary number of tags, numbered from tag-$1 to tag-$2 create_tags () { rm -f marks && for i in $(test_seq "$1" "$2") do # don't use here-doc, because it requires a process # per loop iteration echo "commit refs/heads/too-many-refs-$1" && echo "mark :$i" && echo "committer git <git@example.com> $i +0000" && echo "data 0" && echo "M 644 inline bla.txt" && echo "data 4" && echo "bla" && # make every commit dangling by always # rewinding the branch after each commit echo "reset refs/heads/too-many-refs-$1" && echo "from :$1" done | git fast-import --export-marks=marks && # now assign tags to all the dangling commits we created above tag=$(perl -e "print \"bla\" x 30") && sed -e "s|^:\([^ ]*\) \(.*\)$|\2 refs/tags/$tag-\1|" <marks >>packed-refs } test_expect_success 'create 2,000 tags in the repo' ' ( cd "$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH/repo.git" && create_tags 1 2000 ) ' test_expect_success CMDLINE_LIMIT \ 'clone the 2,000 tag repo to check OS command line overflow' ' run_with_limited_cmdline git clone $HTTPD_URL/smart/repo.git too-many-refs && ( cd too-many-refs && git for-each-ref refs/tags >actual && test_line_count = 2000 actual ) ' test_expect_success 'large fetch-pack requests can be split across POSTs' ' GIT_TRACE_CURL=true git -c http.postbuffer=65536 \ clone --bare "$HTTPD_URL/smart/repo.git" split.git 2>err && grep "^=> Send header: POST" err >posts && test_line_count = 2 posts ' test_expect_success EXPENSIVE 'http can handle enormous ref negotiation' ' ( cd "$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH/repo.git" && create_tags 2001 50000 ) && git -C too-many-refs fetch -q --tags && ( cd "$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH/repo.git" && create_tags 50001 100000 ) && git -C too-many-refs fetch -q --tags && git -C too-many-refs for-each-ref refs/tags >tags && test_line_count = 100000 tags ' test_expect_success 'custom http headers' ' test_must_fail git -c http.extraheader="x-magic-two: cadabra" \ fetch "$HTTPD_URL/smart_headers/repo.git" && git -c http.extraheader="x-magic-one: abra" \ -c http.extraheader="x-magic-two: cadabra" \ fetch "$HTTPD_URL/smart_headers/repo.git" && git update-index --add --cacheinfo 160000,$(git rev-parse HEAD),sub && git config -f .gitmodules submodule.sub.path sub && git config -f .gitmodules submodule.sub.url \ "$HTTPD_URL/smart_headers/repo.git" && git submodule init sub && test_must_fail git submodule update sub && git -c http.extraheader="x-magic-one: abra" \ -c http.extraheader="x-magic-two: cadabra" \ submodule update sub ' stop_httpd test_done