#!/bin/sh # # Copyright (c) 2007 Steven Grimm # test_description='git commit Tests for selected commit options.' . ./test-lib.sh commit_msg_is () { expect=commit_msg_is.expect actual=commit_msg_is.actual printf "%s" "$(git log --pretty=format:%s%b -1)" >$expect && printf "%s" "$1" >$actual && test_i18ncmp $expect $actual } # A sanity check to see if commit is working at all. test_expect_success 'a basic commit in an empty tree should succeed' ' echo content > foo && git add foo && git commit -m "initial commit" ' test_expect_success 'nonexistent template file should return error' ' echo changes >> foo && git add foo && ( GIT_EDITOR="echo hello >\"\$1\"" && export GIT_EDITOR && test_must_fail git commit --template "$PWD"/notexist ) ' test_expect_success 'nonexistent template file in config should return error' ' git config commit.template "$PWD"/notexist && test_when_finished "git config --unset commit.template" && ( GIT_EDITOR="echo hello >\"\$1\"" && export GIT_EDITOR && test_must_fail git commit ) ' # From now on we'll use a template file that exists. TEMPLATE="$PWD"/template test_expect_success 'unedited template should not commit' ' echo "template line" > "$TEMPLATE" && test_must_fail git commit --template "$TEMPLATE" ' test_expect_success 'unedited template with comments should not commit' ' echo "# comment in template" >> "$TEMPLATE" && test_must_fail git commit --template "$TEMPLATE" ' test_expect_success 'a Signed-off-by line by itself should not commit' ' ( test_set_editor "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/t7500/add-signed-off && test_must_fail git commit --template "$TEMPLATE" ) ' test_expect_success 'adding comments to a template should not commit' ' ( test_set_editor "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/t7500/add-comments && test_must_fail git commit --template "$TEMPLATE" ) ' test_expect_success 'adding real content to a template should commit' ' ( test_set_editor "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/t7500/add-content && git commit --template "$TEMPLATE" ) && commit_msg_is "template linecommit message" ' test_expect_success '-t option should be short for --template' ' echo "short template" > "$TEMPLATE" && echo "new content" >> foo && git add foo && ( test_set_editor "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/t7500/add-content && git commit -t "$TEMPLATE" ) && commit_msg_is "short templatecommit message" ' test_expect_success 'config-specified template should commit' ' echo "new template" > "$TEMPLATE" && git config commit.template "$TEMPLATE" && echo "more content" >> foo && git add foo && ( test_set_editor "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/t7500/add-content && git commit ) && git config --unset commit.template && commit_msg_is "new templatecommit message" ' test_expect_success 'explicit commit message should override template' ' echo "still more content" >> foo && git add foo && GIT_EDITOR="$TEST_DIRECTORY"/t7500/add-content git commit --template "$TEMPLATE" \ -m "command line msg" && commit_msg_is "command line msg" ' test_expect_success 'commit message from file should override template' ' echo "content galore" >> foo && git add foo && echo "standard input msg" | ( test_set_editor "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/t7500/add-content && git commit --template "$TEMPLATE" --file - ) && commit_msg_is "standard input msg" ' test_expect_success 'using alternate GIT_INDEX_FILE (1)' ' cp .git/index saved-index && ( echo some new content >file && GIT_INDEX_FILE=.git/another_index && export GIT_INDEX_FILE && git add file && git commit -m "commit using another index" && git diff-index --exit-code HEAD && git diff-files --exit-code ) && cmp .git/index saved-index >/dev/null ' test_expect_success 'using alternate GIT_INDEX_FILE (2)' ' cp .git/index saved-index && ( rm -f .git/no-such-index && GIT_INDEX_FILE=.git/no-such-index && export GIT_INDEX_FILE && git commit -m "commit using nonexistent index" && test -z "$(git ls-files)" && test -z "$(git ls-tree HEAD)" ) && cmp .git/index saved-index >/dev/null ' cat > expect << EOF zort Signed-off-by: C O Mitter <committer@example.com> EOF test_expect_success '--signoff' ' echo "yet another content *narf*" >> foo && echo "zort" | git commit -s -F - foo && git cat-file commit HEAD | sed "1,/^\$/d" > output && test_cmp expect output ' test_expect_success 'commit message from file (1)' ' mkdir subdir && echo "Log in top directory" >log && echo "Log in sub directory" >subdir/log && ( cd subdir && git commit --allow-empty -F log ) && commit_msg_is "Log in sub directory" ' test_expect_success 'commit message from file (2)' ' rm -f log && echo "Log in sub directory" >subdir/log && ( cd subdir && git commit --allow-empty -F log ) && commit_msg_is "Log in sub directory" ' test_expect_success 'commit message from stdin' ' ( cd subdir && echo "Log with foo word" | git commit --allow-empty -F - ) && commit_msg_is "Log with foo word" ' test_expect_success 'commit -F overrides -t' ' ( cd subdir && echo "-F log" > f.log && echo "-t template" > t.template && git commit --allow-empty -F f.log -t t.template ) && commit_msg_is "-F log" ' test_expect_success 'Commit without message is allowed with --allow-empty-message' ' echo "more content" >>foo && git add foo && >empty && git commit --allow-empty-message <empty && commit_msg_is "" ' test_expect_success 'Commit without message is no-no without --allow-empty-message' ' echo "more content" >>foo && git add foo && >empty && test_must_fail git commit <empty ' test_expect_success 'Commit a message with --allow-empty-message' ' echo "even more content" >>foo && git add foo && git commit --allow-empty-message -m"hello there" && commit_msg_is "hello there" ' commit_for_rebase_autosquash_setup () { echo "first content line" >>foo && git add foo && cat >log <<EOF && target message subject line target message body line 1 target message body line 2 EOF git commit -F log && echo "second content line" >>foo && git add foo && git commit -m "intermediate commit" && echo "third content line" >>foo && git add foo } test_expect_success 'commit --fixup provides correct one-line commit message' ' commit_for_rebase_autosquash_setup && git commit --fixup HEAD~1 && commit_msg_is "fixup! target message subject line" ' test_expect_success 'commit --squash works with -F' ' commit_for_rebase_autosquash_setup && echo "log message from file" >msgfile && git commit --squash HEAD~1 -F msgfile && commit_msg_is "squash! target message subject linelog message from file" ' test_expect_success 'commit --squash works with -m' ' commit_for_rebase_autosquash_setup && git commit --squash HEAD~1 -m "foo bar\nbaz" && commit_msg_is "squash! target message subject linefoo bar\nbaz" ' test_expect_success 'commit --squash works with -C' ' commit_for_rebase_autosquash_setup && git commit --squash HEAD~1 -C HEAD && commit_msg_is "squash! target message subject lineintermediate commit" ' test_expect_success 'commit --squash works with -c' ' commit_for_rebase_autosquash_setup && test_set_editor "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/t7500/edit-content && git commit --squash HEAD~1 -c HEAD && commit_msg_is "squash! target message subject lineedited commit" ' test_expect_success 'commit --squash works with -C for same commit' ' commit_for_rebase_autosquash_setup && git commit --squash HEAD -C HEAD && commit_msg_is "squash! intermediate commit" ' test_expect_success 'commit --squash works with -c for same commit' ' commit_for_rebase_autosquash_setup && test_set_editor "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/t7500/edit-content && git commit --squash HEAD -c HEAD && commit_msg_is "squash! edited commit" ' test_expect_success 'commit --squash works with editor' ' commit_for_rebase_autosquash_setup && test_set_editor "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/t7500/add-content && git commit --squash HEAD~1 && commit_msg_is "squash! target message subject linecommit message" ' test_expect_success 'invalid message options when using --fixup' ' echo changes >>foo && echo "message" >log && git add foo && test_must_fail git commit --fixup HEAD~1 --squash HEAD~2 && test_must_fail git commit --fixup HEAD~1 -C HEAD~2 && test_must_fail git commit --fixup HEAD~1 -c HEAD~2 && test_must_fail git commit --fixup HEAD~1 -m "cmdline message" && test_must_fail git commit --fixup HEAD~1 -F log ' test_done