# Copyright (c) 2008 Eric Wong

test_description='git svn authors file tests'

. ./lib-git-svn.sh

cat > svn-authors <<EOF
aa = AAAAAAA AAAAAAA <aa@example.com>
bb = BBBBBBB BBBBBBB <bb@example.com>

test_expect_success 'setup svnrepo' '
	for i in aa bb cc dd
		svn_cmd mkdir -m $i --username $i "$svnrepo"/$i

test_expect_success 'start import with incomplete authors file' '
	! git svn clone --authors-file=svn-authors "$svnrepo" x

test_expect_success 'imported 2 revisions successfully' '
		cd x
		test "`git rev-list refs/remotes/git-svn | wc -l`" -eq 2 &&
		git rev-list -1 --pretty=raw refs/remotes/git-svn | \
		  grep "^author BBBBBBB BBBBBBB <bb@example\.com> " &&
		git rev-list -1 --pretty=raw refs/remotes/git-svn~1 | \
		  grep "^author AAAAAAA AAAAAAA <aa@example\.com> "

cat >> svn-authors <<EOF
cc = CCCCCCC CCCCCCC <cc@example.com>
dd = DDDDDDD DDDDDDD <dd@example.com>

test_expect_success 'continues to import once authors have been added' '
		cd x
		git svn fetch --authors-file=../svn-authors &&
		test "`git rev-list refs/remotes/git-svn | wc -l`" -eq 4 &&
		git rev-list -1 --pretty=raw refs/remotes/git-svn | \
		  grep "^author DDDDDDD DDDDDDD <dd@example\.com> " &&
		git rev-list -1 --pretty=raw refs/remotes/git-svn~1 | \
		  grep "^author CCCCCCC CCCCCCC <cc@example\.com> "

test_expect_success 'authors-file against globs' '
	svn_cmd mkdir -m globs --username aa \
	  "$svnrepo"/aa/trunk "$svnrepo"/aa/branches "$svnrepo"/aa/tags &&
	git svn clone --authors-file=svn-authors -s "$svnrepo"/aa aa-work &&
	for i in bb ee cc
		svn_cmd mkdir -m "$branch" --username $i "$svnrepo/$branch"

test_expect_success 'fetch fails on ee' '
	( cd aa-work && ! git svn fetch --authors-file=../svn-authors )

tmp_config_get () {
	GIT_CONFIG=.git/svn/.metadata git config --get "$1"

test_expect_success 'failure happened without negative side effects' '
		cd aa-work &&
		test 6 -eq "`tmp_config_get svn-remote.svn.branches-maxRev`" &&
		test 6 -eq "`tmp_config_get svn-remote.svn.tags-maxRev`"

cat >> svn-authors <<EOF
ee = EEEEEEE EEEEEEE <ee@example.com>

test_expect_success 'fetch continues after authors-file is fixed' '
		cd aa-work &&
		git svn fetch --authors-file=../svn-authors &&
		test 8 -eq "`tmp_config_get svn-remote.svn.branches-maxRev`" &&
		test 8 -eq "`tmp_config_get svn-remote.svn.tags-maxRev`"

test_expect_success 'fresh clone with svn.authors-file in config' '
		rm -r "$GIT_DIR" &&
		test x = x"$(git config svn.authorsfile)" &&
		HOME="`pwd`" &&
		export HOME &&
		test_config="$HOME"/.gitconfig &&
		unset GIT_DIR &&
		unset GIT_CONFIG &&
		git config --global \
		  svn.authorsfile "$HOME"/svn-authors &&
		test x"$HOME"/svn-authors = x"$(git config svn.authorsfile)" &&
		git svn clone "$svnrepo" gitconfig.clone &&
		cd gitconfig.clone &&
		nr_ex=$(git log | grep "^Author:.*example.com" | wc -l) &&
		nr_rev=$(git rev-list HEAD | wc -l) &&
		test $nr_rev -eq $nr_ex

test_debug 'GIT_DIR=gitconfig.clone/.git git log'
