# gdb helper commands and functions for Linux kernel debugging
#  Kernel proc information reader
# Copyright (c) 2016 Linaro Ltd
# Authors:
#  Kieran Bingham <kieran.bingham@linaro.org>
# This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL version 2.

import gdb
from linux import constants
from linux import utils
from linux import tasks
from linux import lists

class LxCmdLine(gdb.Command):
    """ Report the Linux Commandline used in the current kernel.
        Equivalent to cat /proc/cmdline on a running target"""

    def __init__(self):
        super(LxCmdLine, self).__init__("lx-cmdline", gdb.COMMAND_DATA)

    def invoke(self, arg, from_tty):
        gdb.write(gdb.parse_and_eval("saved_command_line").string() + "\n")


class LxVersion(gdb.Command):
    """ Report the Linux Version of the current kernel.
        Equivalent to cat /proc/version on a running target"""

    def __init__(self):
        super(LxVersion, self).__init__("lx-version", gdb.COMMAND_DATA)

    def invoke(self, arg, from_tty):
        # linux_banner should contain a newline


# Resource Structure Printers
#  /proc/iomem
#  /proc/ioports

def get_resources(resource, depth):
    while resource:
        yield resource, depth

        child = resource['child']
        if child:
            for res, deep in get_resources(child, depth + 1):
                yield res, deep

        resource = resource['sibling']

def show_lx_resources(resource_str):
        resource = gdb.parse_and_eval(resource_str)
        width = 4 if resource['end'] < 0x10000 else 8
        # Iterate straight to the first child
        for res, depth in get_resources(resource['child'], 0):
            start = int(res['start'])
            end = int(res['end'])
            gdb.write(" " * depth * 2 +
                      "{0:0{1}x}-".format(start, width) +
                      "{0:0{1}x} : ".format(end, width) +
                      res['name'].string() + "\n")

class LxIOMem(gdb.Command):
    """Identify the IO memory resource locations defined by the kernel

Equivalent to cat /proc/iomem on a running target"""

    def __init__(self):
        super(LxIOMem, self).__init__("lx-iomem", gdb.COMMAND_DATA)

    def invoke(self, arg, from_tty):
        return show_lx_resources("iomem_resource")


class LxIOPorts(gdb.Command):
    """Identify the IO port resource locations defined by the kernel

Equivalent to cat /proc/ioports on a running target"""

    def __init__(self):
        super(LxIOPorts, self).__init__("lx-ioports", gdb.COMMAND_DATA)

    def invoke(self, arg, from_tty):
        return show_lx_resources("ioport_resource")


# Mount namespace viewer
#  /proc/mounts

def info_opts(lst, opt):
    opts = ""
    for key, string in lst.items():
        if opt & key:
            opts += string
    return opts

FS_INFO = {constants.LX_MS_SYNCHRONOUS: ",sync",
           constants.LX_MS_MANDLOCK: ",mand",
           constants.LX_MS_DIRSYNC: ",dirsync",
           constants.LX_MS_NOATIME: ",noatime",
           constants.LX_MS_NODIRATIME: ",nodiratime"}

MNT_INFO = {constants.LX_MNT_NOSUID: ",nosuid",
            constants.LX_MNT_NODEV: ",nodev",
            constants.LX_MNT_NOEXEC: ",noexec",
            constants.LX_MNT_NOATIME: ",noatime",
            constants.LX_MNT_NODIRATIME: ",nodiratime",
            constants.LX_MNT_RELATIME: ",relatime"}

mount_type = utils.CachedType("struct mount")
mount_ptr_type = mount_type.get_type().pointer()

class LxMounts(gdb.Command):
    """Report the VFS mounts of the current process namespace.

Equivalent to cat /proc/mounts on a running target
An integer value can be supplied to display the mount
values of that process namespace"""

    def __init__(self):
        super(LxMounts, self).__init__("lx-mounts", gdb.COMMAND_DATA)

    # Equivalent to proc_namespace.c:show_vfsmnt
    # However, that has the ability to call into s_op functions
    # whereas we cannot and must make do with the information we can obtain.
    def invoke(self, arg, from_tty):
        argv = gdb.string_to_argv(arg)
        if len(argv) >= 1:
                pid = int(argv[0])
                raise gdb.GdbError("Provide a PID as integer value")
            pid = 1

        task = tasks.get_task_by_pid(pid)
        if not task:
            raise gdb.GdbError("Couldn't find a process with PID {}"

        namespace = task['nsproxy']['mnt_ns']
        if not namespace:
            raise gdb.GdbError("No namespace for current process")

        for vfs in lists.list_for_each_entry(namespace['list'],
                                             mount_ptr_type, "mnt_list"):
            devname = vfs['mnt_devname'].string()
            devname = devname if devname else "none"

            pathname = ""
            parent = vfs
            while True:
                mntpoint = parent['mnt_mountpoint']
                pathname = utils.dentry_name(mntpoint) + pathname
                if (parent == parent['mnt_parent']):
                parent = parent['mnt_parent']

            if (pathname == ""):
                pathname = "/"

            superblock = vfs['mnt']['mnt_sb']
            fstype = superblock['s_type']['name'].string()
            s_flags = int(superblock['s_flags'])
            m_flags = int(vfs['mnt']['mnt_flags'])
            rd = "ro" if (s_flags & constants.LX_MS_RDONLY) else "rw"

                "{} {} {} {}{}{} 0 0\n"
                        info_opts(FS_INFO, s_flags),
                        info_opts(MNT_INFO, m_flags)))
