defmodule Recaptcha do @moduledoc """ A module for verifying reCAPTCHA version 2.0 response strings. See the [documentation]( for more details. """ @secret Application.get_env(:recaptcha, :secret) @http_client Application.get_env(:recaptcha, :http_client, Recaptcha.Http) @doc """ Verifies a reCAPTCHA response string. ## Options * `:timeout` - the timeout for the request (defaults to 5000ms) * `:secret` - the secret key used by recaptcha (defaults to the secret provided in application config) * `:remote_ip` - the IP address of the user (optional and not set by default) ## Example {:ok, api_response} = Recaptcha.verify("response_string") """ @spec verify(String.t, [timeout: integer, secret: String.t, remote_ip: String.t]) :: {:ok, Recaptcha.Response.t} | {:error, [atom]} def verify(response, options \\ []) def verify(nil = _response, _) do {:error, [:invalid_input_response]} end def verify(response, options) do case @http_client.request_verification(request_body(response, options), Keyword.take(options, [:timeout])) do {:error, errors} -> {:error, errors} {:ok, %{"success" => false, "error-codes" => errors}} -> {:error,, fn(error) -> atomise_api_error(error) end) } {:ok, %{"success" => true, "challenge_ts" => timestamp, "hostname" => host}} -> {:ok, %Recaptcha.Response{challenge_ts: timestamp, hostname: host}} end end defp request_body(response, options) do body_options = Keyword.take(options, [:remote_ip, :secret]) application_options = [secret: @secret] # override application secret with options secret if it exists application_options |> Keyword.merge(body_options) |> Keyword.put(:response, response) |> URI.encode_query end defp atomise_api_error(error) do String.replace(error, "-", "_") |> String.to_atom end end