defmodule Zendex do @moduledoc """ HTTPoison Zendesk Client """ use HTTPoison.Base alias Zendex.Connection alias HTTPoison.Response @user_agent [{"user-agent", "zendex"}] @type response :: {integer, any} | map @spec process_response_body(binary) :: term def process_response_body(""), do: nil def process_response_body(body), do: Poison.decode!(body) @spec process_response(HTTPoison.Response.t) :: response def process_response(%Response{status_code: 200, body: body}) do body end def process_response(%Response{status_code: status_code, body: body}) do {status_code, body} end @spec delete!(binary, Zendex.Connection.t, binary) :: any | {integer, any} def delete!(path, connection, body \\ "") do _request(:delete, url(connection, path), connection.authentication, body) end @spec post(binary, Zendex.Connection.t, binary) :: any | {integer, any} def post(path, connection, body \\ "") do _request(:post, url(connection, path), connection.authentication, body) end @spec post!(binary, Zendex.Connection.t, binary) :: any | {integer, any} def post!(path, connection, body \\ "") do {201, resp} = post(path, connection, body) resp end @doc """ Underlying utility retrieval function The options passed affect both the return value and, ultimately, the number of requests made to Zendesk. Options: * `pagination` - can be `:none`, or `:auto`. Defaults to `:none`. """ @spec get!(binary, Zendex.Connection.t, Keyword.t, Keyword.t) :: term def get!(path, connection, params \\ [], options \\ []) do url = connection |> url(path) |> add_params_to_url(params) {auth, _} = Map.split(connection, [:authentication]) case pagination(options) do nil -> :get |> request_stream(url, auth, "", :one_page) |> realize_if_needed :none -> :get |> request_stream(url, auth, "", :one_page) |> realize_if_needed :auto -> :get |> request_stream(url, auth) |> realize_if_needed end end def _request(method, url, auth, body \\ "") do json_request(method, url, body, authorization_header(auth, @user_agent)) end def json_request(method, url, body \\ "", headers \\ [], options \\ []) do raw_request(method, url, Poison.encode!(body), headers, options) end defp pagination(options) do options |> Keyword.get(:pagination) |> case do nil -> Application.get_env(:zendex, :pagination, nil) x -> x end end def raw_request(method, url, body \\ "", headers \\ [], options \\ []) do method |> request!(url, body, headers, options) |> process_response end def request_stream(method, url, auth, body \\ "", override \\ nil) do method |> request_with_pagination(url, auth, Poison.encode!(body)) |> stream_if_needed(override) end defp stream_if_needed(result = {status_code, _}, _) when is_number(status_code), do: result defp stream_if_needed({body, nil, _}, _), do: body defp stream_if_needed({body, _, _}, :one_page), do: body defp stream_if_needed(initial_results, _) do Stream.resource( fn -> initial_results end, &process_stream/1, fn _ -> nil end) end defp realize_if_needed(x) when is_tuple(x) or is_binary(x) or is_list(x) or is_map(x), do: x defp realize_if_needed(stream), do: Enum.to_list(stream) defp process_stream({[], nil, _}), do: {:halt, nil} defp process_stream({[], next, auth}) do :get |> request_with_pagination(next, auth, "") |> process_stream end defp process_stream({items, next, auth}) when is_list(items) do {items, {[], next, auth}} end defp process_stream({item, next, auth}) do {[item], {[], next, auth}} end @spec request_with_pagination(atom, binary, Connection.auth, binary) :: {binary, binary, Zendex.Connection.auth} def request_with_pagination(method, url, auth, body \\ "") do resp = request!(method, url, Poison.encode!(body), authorization_header(auth, @user_agent), []) case process_response(resp) do x when is_tuple(x) -> x _ -> pagination_tuple(resp, auth) end end @spec pagination_tuple(HTTPoison.Response.t, Connection.auth) :: {binary, binary, Connection.auth} defp pagination_tuple(%Response{body: body} = resp, auth) do {process_response(resp), next_link(body), auth} end defp next_link(%{"next_page" => next}), do: next defp next_link(_), do: nil defp url(_client = %{base_url: base_url}, path = "/" <> _) do base_url <> path end @doc """ Take an existing URI and add addition parameters, merging as necessary ## Examples iex> add_params_to_url("", []) "" iex> add_params_to_url("", [q: 1]) "" iex> add_params_to_url("", [q: 1, t: 2]) "" iex> add_params_to_url("", %{q: 1, t: 2}) "" iex> add_params_to_url("", []) "" iex> add_params_to_url("", [t: 2]) "" iex> add_params_to_url("", [q: 3, t: 2]) "" iex> add_params_to_url("", [q: 3, t: 2]) "" iex> add_params_to_url("", %{q: 3, t: 2}) "" """ @spec add_params_to_url(binary, list) :: binary def add_params_to_url(url, params) do url |> URI.parse |> merge_uri_params(params) |> to_string end @spec merge_uri_params(URI.t, list) :: URI.t defp merge_uri_params(uri, []), do: uri defp merge_uri_params(%URI{query: nil} = uri, params) when is_list(params) or is_map(params) do uri |> Map.put(:query, URI.encode_query(params)) end defp merge_uri_params(%URI{} = uri, params) when is_list(params) or is_map(params) do uri |> Map.update!(:query, fn q -> q |> URI.decode_query |> Map.merge(param_list_to_map_with_string_keys(params)) |> URI.encode_query end) end @spec param_list_to_map_with_string_keys(list) :: map defp param_list_to_map_with_string_keys(list) when is_list(list) or is_map(list) do for {key, value} <- list, into: do {"#{key}", value} end end @spec authorization_header(Connection.auth, list) :: list def authorization_header(%{authentication: authentication}, headers) do headers ++ [{"Authorization", "Basic #{authentication}"}] end def authorization_header(_, headers), do: headers end