defmodule Zendex.Connection do @moduledoc """ Establishes connection details with Zendex by the user providing a base url, username and password. """ @typedoc "The connection paramters" @type t :: %{base_url: String.t, authentication: binary} @doc """ Setup connection details with your Zendesk. ## Examples iex> Zendex.Connection.setup("", "ZendeskUser", "Password1") %{authentication: "WmVuZGVza1VzZXI6UGFzc3dvcmQx", base_url: ""} """ @spec setup(String.t, String.t, String.t) :: t def setup(base_url, username, password) do authentication = Base.encode64("#{username}:#{password}") %{base_url: base_url, authentication: authentication} end end