path: root/dev-java/java-gnome/files
diff options
authorRobin H. Johnson <>2015-08-08 13:49:04 -0700
committerRobin H. Johnson <>2015-08-08 17:38:18 -0700
commit56bd759df1d0c750a065b8c845e93d5dfa6b549d (patch)
tree3f91093cdb475e565ae857f1c5a7fd339e2d781e /dev-java/java-gnome/files
proj/gentoo: Initial commit
This commit represents a new era for Gentoo: Storing the gentoo-x86 tree in Git, as converted from CVS. This commit is the start of the NEW history. Any historical data is intended to be grafted onto this point. Creation process: 1. Take final CVS checkout snapshot 2. Remove ALL ChangeLog* files 3. Transform all Manifests to thin 4. Remove empty Manifests 5. Convert all stale $Header$/$Id$ CVS keywords to non-expanded Git $Id$ 5.1. Do not touch files with -kb/-ko keyword flags. Signed-off-by: Robin H. Johnson <> X-Thanks: Alec Warner <> - did the GSoC 2006 migration tests X-Thanks: Robin H. Johnson <> - infra guy, herding this project X-Thanks: Nguyen Thai Ngoc Duy <> - Former Gentoo developer, wrote Git features for the migration X-Thanks: Brian Harring <> - wrote much python to improve cvs2svn X-Thanks: Rich Freeman <> - validation scripts X-Thanks: Patrick Lauer <> - Gentoo dev, running new 2014 work in migration X-Thanks: Michał Górny <> - scripts, QA, nagging X-Thanks: All of other Gentoo developers - many ideas and lots of paint on the bikeshed
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-java/java-gnome/files')
4 files changed, 883 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dev-java/java-gnome/files/java-gnome-4.0.18-libnotify-0.7.patch b/dev-java/java-gnome/files/java-gnome-4.0.18-libnotify-0.7.patch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..adfe937338f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-java/java-gnome/files/java-gnome-4.0.18-libnotify-0.7.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+# Bazaar merge directive format 2 (Bazaar 0.90)
+# revision_id:
+# target_branch: ../mainline
+# testament_sha1: dd22e2db4f450dde1d4a5128da7833d50c34ab69
+# timestamp: 2011-01-31 20:04:36 +0200
+# base_revision_id:\
+# u859g3kgg2y9ybx4
+# Begin patch
+=== modified file 'configure'
+--- configure 2010-12-22 11:23:13 +0000
++++ configure 2011-01-31 17:58:10 +0000
+@@ -787,7 +787,7 @@
+ "gtkspell");
+ check_system_library(@gnomedev_libs,
+- "libnotify >= 0.4.5",
++ "libnotify >= 0.7.0",
+ "LibNotify",
+ "libnotify");
+@@ -835,7 +835,7 @@
+ "FIXME");
+ check_system_library(@gnomedev_libs,
+- "libnotify >= 0.4.5",
++ "libnotify >= 0.7.0",
+ "LibNotify",
+ "FIXME");
+@@ -897,7 +897,7 @@
+ "libgtksourceview2.0-dev");
+ check_system_library(@gnomedev_libs,
+- "libnotify >= 0.4.5",
++ "libnotify >= 0.7.0",
+ "LibNotify",
+ "libnotify-dev");
+@@ -943,7 +943,7 @@
+ "FIXME");
+ check_system_library(@gnomedev_libs,
+- "libnotify >= 0.4.5",
++ "libnotify >= 0.7.0",
+ "LibNotify",
+ "FIXME");
+@@ -989,7 +989,7 @@
+ "FIXME");
+ check_system_library(@gnomedev_libs,
+- "libnotify >= 0.4.5",
++ "libnotify >= 0.7.0",
+ "LibNotify",
+ "FIXME");
+@@ -1050,7 +1050,7 @@
+ "FIXME");
+ check_system_library(@gnomedev_libs,
+- "libnotify >= 0.4.5",
++ "libnotify >= 0.7.0",
+ "LibNotify",
+ "FIXME");
+=== modified file 'src/bindings/org/gnome/notify/'
+--- src/bindings/org/gnome/notify/ 2010-01-06 06:28:28 +0000
++++ src/bindings/org/gnome/notify/ 2011-01-31 17:58:10 +0000
+@@ -71,8 +71,7 @@
+ * <p>
+ * The summary appears on the titlebar of notification and body appears as
+ * its text. Icon may be a string defining a theme icon or the filename
+- * identifying the icon that appears next to text. Attach identifies the
+- * widget that the notification relates to.
++ * identifying the icon that appears next to text.
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * Note that all but summary can be <code>null</code>.
+@@ -80,19 +79,8 @@
+ * @since 4.0.12
+ */
+- public Notification(String summary, String body, String icon, Widget attach) {
+- super(NotifyNotification.createNotification(summary, body, icon, attach));
+- }
+- /**
+- * Create a new notification attached to a {@link StatusIcon}. See
+- * {@link #Notification(String,String,String,Widget) Notification()} for
+- * other parameters.
+- *
+- * @since 4.0.12
+- */
+- public Notification(String summary, String body, String icon, StatusIcon statusIcon) {
+- super(NotifyNotification.createNotificationWithStatusIcon(summary, body, icon, statusIcon));
++ public Notification(String summary, String body, String icon) {
++ super(NotifyNotification.createNotification(summary, body, icon));
+ }
+ /**
+@@ -109,34 +97,6 @@
+ }
+ /**
+- * Attaches Notification to a Widget setting hints to its location.
+- *
+- * @since 4.0.12
+- */
+- public void attach(Widget attach) {
+- NotifyNotification.attachToWidget(this, attach);
+- }
+- /**
+- * Attaches Notification to a {@link StatusIcon} setting hints to its
+- * location.
+- *
+- * @since 4.0.12
+- */
+- public void attach(StatusIcon statusIcon) {
+- NotifyNotification.attachToStatusIcon(this, statusIcon);
+- }
+- /**
+- * Sets the position of the notification to display on screen.
+- *
+- * @since 4.0.12
+- */
+- public void setGeometryHints(Screen screen, int x, int y) {
+- NotifyNotification.setGeometryHints(this, screen, x, y);
+- }
+- /**
+ * Display the notification on screen.
+ *
+ * @since 4.0.12
+=== modified file 'src/defs/NotifyNotification.defs'
+--- src/defs/NotifyNotification.defs 2009-05-16 05:46:28 +0000
++++ src/defs/NotifyNotification.defs 2011-01-31 17:58:10 +0000
+@@ -15,19 +15,6 @@
+ '("const-gchar*" "summary")
+ '("const-gchar*" "body" (null-ok))
+ '("const-gchar*" "icon" (null-ok))
+- '("GtkWidget*" "attach" (null-ok))
+- )
+-(define-function notify_notification_new_with_status_icon
+- (is-constructor-of "NotifyNotification")
+- (c-name "notify_notification_new_with_status_icon")
+- (return-type "NotifyNotification*")
+- (parameters
+- '("const-gchar*" "summary")
+- '("const-gchar*" "body" (null-ok))
+- '("const-gchar*" "icon" (null-ok))
+- '("GtkStatusIcon*" "status_icon")
+ )
+ )
+@@ -42,35 +29,6 @@
+ )
+ )
+-(define-method attach_to_widget
+- (of-object "NotifyNotification")
+- (c-name "notify_notification_attach_to_widget")
+- (return-type "none")
+- (parameters
+- '("GtkWidget*" "attach")
+- )
+-(define-method attach_to_status_icon
+- (of-object "NotifyNotification")
+- (c-name "notify_notification_attach_to_status_icon")
+- (return-type "none")
+- (parameters
+- '("GtkStatusIcon*" "status_icon")
+- )
+-(define-method set_geometry_hints
+- (of-object "NotifyNotification")
+- (c-name "notify_notification_set_geometry_hints")
+- (return-type "none")
+- (parameters
+- '("GdkScreen*" "screen")
+- '("gint" "x")
+- '("gint" "y")
+- )
+ (define-method show
+ (of-object "NotifyNotification")
+ (c-name "notify_notification_show")
+# Begin bundle
diff --git a/dev-java/java-gnome/files/java-gnome-4.0.19-libnotify-0.7.patch b/dev-java/java-gnome/files/java-gnome-4.0.19-libnotify-0.7.patch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d71be1bf995
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-java/java-gnome/files/java-gnome-4.0.19-libnotify-0.7.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+# Bazaar merge directive format 2 (Bazaar 0.90)
+# revision_id:
+# target_branch: ../mainline
+# testament_sha1: 3cf7a2a7e1af3fab89b8ead7f906642d84977eb2
+# timestamp: 2011-03-28 19:11:05 +0300
+# source_branch: /usr/portage/dev-java/java-gnome/files/java-gnome-\
+# 4.0.19-libnotify-0.7.patch
+# base_revision_id:\
+# fv6tgq41rru7wjng
+# Begin patch
+=== modified file 'configure'
+--- configure 2011-02-14 06:40:42 +0000
++++ configure 2011-02-14 22:27:29 +0000
+@@ -805,7 +805,7 @@
+ "gtkspell");
+ check_system_library(@gnomedev_libs,
+- "libnotify >= 0.4.5 libnotify < 0.7.0",
++ "libnotify >= 0.7.0",
+ "LibNotify",
+ "libnotify");
+@@ -853,7 +853,7 @@
+ "FIXME");
+ check_system_library(@gnomedev_libs,
+- "libnotify >= 0.4.5 libnotify < 0.7.0",
++ "libnotify >= 0.7.0",
+ "LibNotify",
+ "FIXME");
+@@ -917,7 +917,7 @@
+ "libgtksourceview2.0-dev");
+ check_system_library(@gnomedev_libs,
+- "libnotify >= 0.4.5 libnotify < 0.7.0",
++ "libnotify >= 0.7.0",
+ "LibNotify",
+ "libnotify-dev");
+@@ -968,7 +968,7 @@
+ "FIXME");
+ check_system_library(@gnomedev_libs,
+- "libnotify >= 0.4.5 libnotify < 0.7.0",
++ "libnotify >= 0.7.0",
+ "LibNotify",
+ "FIXME");
+@@ -1020,7 +1020,7 @@
+ "lib${cpu_arch}gtksourceview-2.0-devel");
+ check_system_library(@gnomedev_libs,
+- "libnotify >= 0.4.5 libnotify < 0.7.0",
++ "libnotify >= 0.7.0",
+ "LibNotify",
+ "lib${cpu_arch}notify-devel");
+@@ -1083,7 +1083,7 @@
+ "FIXME");
+ check_system_library(@gnomedev_libs,
+- "libnotify >= 0.4.5 libnotify < 0.7.0",
++ "libnotify >= 0.7.0",
+ "LibNotify",
+ "FIXME");
+=== modified file 'doc/examples/notify/'
+--- doc/examples/notify/ 2010-01-06 06:54:34 +0000
++++ doc/examples/notify/ 2011-03-28 16:05:00 +0000
+@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
+ */
+ notification = new Notification("Low Battery Example", "Your battery is low!",
+- "messagebox_warning", icon);
++ "messagebox_warning");
+ /*
+ * Quit the application after notification disappears.
+=== modified file 'src/bindings/org/gnome/notify/'
+--- src/bindings/org/gnome/notify/ 2011-02-14 03:34:07 +0000
++++ src/bindings/org/gnome/notify/ 2011-03-13 22:23:48 +0000
+@@ -80,41 +80,7 @@
+ */
+ public Notification(String summary, String body, String icon) {
+- super(NotifyNotification.createNotification(summary, body, icon, null));
+- }
+- /**
+- * Create a new notification.
+- *
+- * <p>
+- * The summary appears on the titlebar of notification and body appears as
+- * its text. Icon may be a string defining a theme icon or the filename
+- * identifying the icon that appears next to text. Attach identifies the
+- * widget that the notification relates to.
+- *
+- * <p>
+- * Note that all but summary can be <code>null</code>.
+- *
+- * @since 4.0.12
+- * @deprecated In GNOME 3, notifications will be independent of widgets and status icons.
+- * See
+- */
+- public Notification(String summary, String body, String icon, Widget attach) {
+- super(NotifyNotification.createNotification(summary, body, icon, attach));
+- }
+- /**
+- * Create a new notification attached to a {@link StatusIcon}. See
+- * {@link #Notification(String,String,String,Widget) Notification()} for
+- * other parameters.
+- *
+- * @since 4.0.12
+- * @deprecated In GNOME 3, notifications will be independent of widgets and status icons.
+- * See
+- */
+- public Notification(String summary, String body, String icon, StatusIcon statusIcon) {
+- super(NotifyNotification.createNotificationWithStatusIcon(summary, body, icon, statusIcon));
++ super(NotifyNotification.createNotification(summary, body, icon));
+ }
+ /**
+@@ -131,39 +97,6 @@
+ }
+ /**
+- * Attaches Notification to a Widget setting hints to its location.
+- *
+- * @since 4.0.12
+- * @deprecated In GNOME 3, notifications will be independent of widgets and status icons.
+- * See
+- */
+- public void attach(Widget attach) {
+- NotifyNotification.attachToWidget(this, attach);
+- }
+- /**
+- * Attaches Notification to a {@link StatusIcon} setting hints to its
+- * location.
+- *
+- * @since 4.0.12
+- * @deprecated In GNOME 3, notifications will be independent of widgets and status icons.
+- * See
+- */
+- public void attach(StatusIcon statusIcon) {
+- NotifyNotification.attachToStatusIcon(this, statusIcon);
+- }
+- /**
+- * Sets the position of the notification to display on screen.
+- *
+- * @since 4.0.12
+- * @deprecated In GNOME 3
+- */
+- public void setGeometryHints(Screen screen, int x, int y) {
+- NotifyNotification.setGeometryHints(this, screen, x, y);
+- }
+- /**
+ * Display the notification on screen.
+ *
+ * @since 4.0.12
+=== modified file 'src/defs/NotifyNotification.defs'
+--- src/defs/NotifyNotification.defs 2009-05-16 05:46:28 +0000
++++ src/defs/NotifyNotification.defs 2011-01-31 17:58:10 +0000
+@@ -15,19 +15,6 @@
+ '("const-gchar*" "summary")
+ '("const-gchar*" "body" (null-ok))
+ '("const-gchar*" "icon" (null-ok))
+- '("GtkWidget*" "attach" (null-ok))
+- )
+-(define-function notify_notification_new_with_status_icon
+- (is-constructor-of "NotifyNotification")
+- (c-name "notify_notification_new_with_status_icon")
+- (return-type "NotifyNotification*")
+- (parameters
+- '("const-gchar*" "summary")
+- '("const-gchar*" "body" (null-ok))
+- '("const-gchar*" "icon" (null-ok))
+- '("GtkStatusIcon*" "status_icon")
+ )
+ )
+@@ -42,35 +29,6 @@
+ )
+ )
+-(define-method attach_to_widget
+- (of-object "NotifyNotification")
+- (c-name "notify_notification_attach_to_widget")
+- (return-type "none")
+- (parameters
+- '("GtkWidget*" "attach")
+- )
+-(define-method attach_to_status_icon
+- (of-object "NotifyNotification")
+- (c-name "notify_notification_attach_to_status_icon")
+- (return-type "none")
+- (parameters
+- '("GtkStatusIcon*" "status_icon")
+- )
+-(define-method set_geometry_hints
+- (of-object "NotifyNotification")
+- (c-name "notify_notification_set_geometry_hints")
+- (return-type "none")
+- (parameters
+- '("GdkScreen*" "screen")
+- '("gint" "x")
+- '("gint" "y")
+- )
+ (define-method show
+ (of-object "NotifyNotification")
+ (c-name "notify_notification_show")
+# Begin bundle
diff --git a/dev-java/java-gnome/files/java-gnome-4.0.20-extendsboxed.patch b/dev-java/java-gnome/files/java-gnome-4.0.20-extendsboxed.patch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2cb31856717
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-java/java-gnome/files/java-gnome-4.0.20-extendsboxed.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# Bazaar merge directive format 2 (Bazaar 0.90)
+# revision_id:
+# target_branch: bzr://\
+# gnome/mainline/
+# testament_sha1: d216bed6ef1b2623531fd1fe8d974e6e80f801f4
+# timestamp: 2011-12-15 22:15:31 +0100
+# base_revision_id: andrew-2KHxOkysSnqmy7d5DmSz6aFmO0nFMD88kjLrS2kiXIfrYvW/\
+# dhkqq211ktceucsl
+# Begin patch
+=== modified file 'src/bindings/org/gnome/glib/'
+--- src/bindings/org/gnome/glib/ 2011-06-19 04:33:24 +0000
++++ src/bindings/org/gnome/glib/ 2011-12-15 21:09:40 +0000
+@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
+ * Retrieve an array of appropriate Java Boxeds for the given array of
+ * pointers.
+ */
+- protected static Boxed[] boxedArrayFor(final Class<?> type, final long[] pointers, Boxed[] boxeds) {
++ protected static Boxed[] boxedArrayFor(final Class<? extends Boxed> type, final long[] pointers, Boxed[] boxeds) {
+ if (pointers == null) {
+ return null;
+ }
+@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@
+ * @throw ClassCastException if the GType pointed by given pointer is not
+ * a GBoxed.
+ */
+- protected static Boxed boxedFor(Class<?> type, final long pointer) {
++ protected static Boxed boxedFor(Class<? extends Boxed> type, final long pointer) {
+ Boxed proxy;
+ if (pointer == 0L) {
+@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@
+ *
+ * @see #boxedFor(Class, long)
+ */
+- protected static void fillBoxedArray(Class<?> type, Boxed[] boxeds, long[] pointers) {
++ protected static void fillBoxedArray(Class<? extends Boxed> type, Boxed[] boxeds, long[] pointers) {
+ if (pointers == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+# Begin bundle
diff --git a/dev-java/java-gnome/files/java-gnome-4.0.20-libnotify-0.7.patch b/dev-java/java-gnome/files/java-gnome-4.0.20-libnotify-0.7.patch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..076d467b2ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-java/java-gnome/files/java-gnome-4.0.20-libnotify-0.7.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+# Bazaar merge directive format 2 (Bazaar 0.90)
+# revision_id:
+# target_branch: ../mainline
+# testament_sha1: 3cf7a2a7e1af3fab89b8ead7f906642d84977eb2
+# timestamp: 2011-03-28 19:11:05 +0300
+# source_branch: /usr/portage/dev-java/java-gnome/files/java-gnome-\
+# 4.0.19-libnotify-0.7.patch
+# base_revision_id:\
+# fv6tgq41rru7wjng
+# Begin patch
+=== modified file 'configure'
+--- configure 2011-02-14 06:40:42 +0000
++++ configure 2011-02-14 22:27:29 +0000
+@@ -805,7 +805,7 @@
+ "gtkspell");
+ check_system_library(@gnomedev_libs,
+- "libnotify >= 0.4.5 libnotify < 0.7.0",
++ "libnotify >= 0.7.0",
+ "LibNotify",
+ "libnotify");
+@@ -853,7 +853,7 @@
+ "FIXME");
+ check_system_library(@gnomedev_libs,
+- "libnotify >= 0.4.5 libnotify < 0.7.0",
++ "libnotify >= 0.7.0",
+ "LibNotify",
+ "FIXME");
+@@ -917,7 +917,7 @@
+ "libgtksourceview2.0-dev");
+ check_system_library(@gnomedev_libs,
+- "libnotify >= 0.4.5 libnotify < 0.7.0",
++ "libnotify >= 0.7.0",
+ "LibNotify",
+ "libnotify-dev");
+@@ -968,7 +968,7 @@
+ "FIXME");
+ check_system_library(@gnomedev_libs,
+- "libnotify >= 0.4.5 libnotify < 0.7.0",
++ "libnotify >= 0.7.0",
+ "LibNotify",
+ "FIXME");
+@@ -1020,7 +1020,7 @@
+ "lib${cpu_arch}gtksourceview-2.0-devel");
+ check_system_library(@gnomedev_libs,
+- "libnotify >= 0.4.5 libnotify < 0.7.0",
++ "libnotify >= 0.7.0",
+ "LibNotify",
+ "lib${cpu_arch}notify-devel");
+@@ -1083,7 +1083,7 @@
+ "FIXME");
+ check_system_library(@gnomedev_libs,
+- "libnotify >= 0.4.5 libnotify < 0.7.0",
++ "libnotify >= 0.7.0",
+ "LibNotify",
+ "FIXME");
+=== modified file 'doc/examples/notify/'
+--- doc/examples/notify/ 2010-01-06 06:54:34 +0000
++++ doc/examples/notify/ 2011-03-28 16:05:00 +0000
+@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
+ */
+ notification = new Notification("Low Battery Example", "Your battery is low!",
+- "messagebox_warning", icon);
++ "messagebox_warning");
+ /*
+ * Quit the application after notification disappears.
+=== modified file 'src/bindings/org/gnome/notify/'
+--- src/bindings/org/gnome/notify/ 2011-02-14 03:34:07 +0000
++++ src/bindings/org/gnome/notify/ 2011-03-13 22:23:48 +0000
+@@ -80,46 +80,9 @@
+ */
+ public Notification(String summary, String body, String icon) {
+- super(NotifyNotification.createNotification(summary, body, icon, null));
++ super(NotifyNotification.createNotification(summary, body, icon));
+ }
+- /**
+- * Create a new notification.
+- *
+- * <p>
+- * The summary appears on the titlebar of notification and body appears as
+- * its text. Icon may be a string defining a theme icon or the filename
+- * identifying the icon that appears next to text. Attach identifies the
+- * widget that the notification relates to.
+- *
+- * <p>
+- * Note that all but summary can be <code>null</code>.
+- *
+- * @since 4.0.12
+- * @deprecated In GNOME 3, notifications will be independent of widgets
+- * and status icons. See
+- *
+- * /Guidelines/MessageTray/Compatibility
+- */
+- public Notification(String summary, String body, String icon, Widget attach) {
+- super(NotifyNotification.createNotification(summary, body, icon, attach));
+- }
+- /**
+- * Create a new notification attached to a {@link StatusIcon}. See
+- * {@link #Notification(String,String,String,Widget) Notification()} for
+- * other parameters.
+- *
+- * @since 4.0.12
+- * @deprecated In GNOME 3, notifications will be independent of widgets
+- * and status icons. See
+- *
+- * /Guidelines/MessageTray/Compatibility
+- */
+- public Notification(String summary, String body, String icon, StatusIcon statusIcon) {
+- super(NotifyNotification.createNotificationWithStatusIcon(summary, body, icon, statusIcon));
+- }
+ /**
+ * Updates the notification with given parameters see
+@@ -135,43 +98,6 @@
+ }
+ /**
+- * Attaches Notification to a Widget setting hints to its location.
+- *
+- * @since 4.0.12
+- * @deprecated In GNOME 3, notifications will be independent of widgets
+- * and status icons. See
+- *
+- * /Guidelines/MessageTray/Compatibility
+- */
+- public void attach(Widget attach) {
+- NotifyNotification.attachToWidget(this, attach);
+- }
+- /**
+- * Attaches Notification to a {@link StatusIcon} setting hints to its
+- * location.
+- *
+- * @since 4.0.12
+- * @deprecated In GNOME 3, notifications will be independent of widgets
+- * and status icons. See
+- *
+- * /Guidelines/MessageTray/Compatibility
+- */
+- public void attach(StatusIcon statusIcon) {
+- NotifyNotification.attachToStatusIcon(this, statusIcon);
+- }
+- /**
+- * Sets the position of the notification to display on screen.
+- *
+- * @since 4.0.12
+- * @deprecated In GNOME 3
+- */
+- public void setGeometryHints(Screen screen, int x, int y) {
+- NotifyNotification.setGeometryHints(this, screen, x, y);
+- }
+- /**
+ * Display the notification on screen.
+ *
+ * @since 4.0.12
+=== modified file 'src/defs/NotifyNotification.defs'
+--- src/defs/NotifyNotification.defs 2009-05-16 05:46:28 +0000
++++ src/defs/NotifyNotification.defs 2011-01-31 17:58:10 +0000
+@@ -15,19 +15,6 @@
+ '("const-gchar*" "summary")
+ '("const-gchar*" "body" (null-ok))
+ '("const-gchar*" "icon" (null-ok))
+- '("GtkWidget*" "attach" (null-ok))
+- )
+-(define-function notify_notification_new_with_status_icon
+- (is-constructor-of "NotifyNotification")
+- (c-name "notify_notification_new_with_status_icon")
+- (return-type "NotifyNotification*")
+- (parameters
+- '("const-gchar*" "summary")
+- '("const-gchar*" "body" (null-ok))
+- '("const-gchar*" "icon" (null-ok))
+- '("GtkStatusIcon*" "status_icon")
+ )
+ )
+@@ -42,35 +29,6 @@
+ )
+ )
+-(define-method attach_to_widget
+- (of-object "NotifyNotification")
+- (c-name "notify_notification_attach_to_widget")
+- (return-type "none")
+- (parameters
+- '("GtkWidget*" "attach")
+- )
+-(define-method attach_to_status_icon
+- (of-object "NotifyNotification")
+- (c-name "notify_notification_attach_to_status_icon")
+- (return-type "none")
+- (parameters
+- '("GtkStatusIcon*" "status_icon")
+- )
+-(define-method set_geometry_hints
+- (of-object "NotifyNotification")
+- (c-name "notify_notification_set_geometry_hints")
+- (return-type "none")
+- (parameters
+- '("GdkScreen*" "screen")
+- '("gint" "x")
+- '("gint" "y")
+- )
+ (define-method show
+ (of-object "NotifyNotification")
+ (c-name "notify_notification_show")
+# Begin bundle