path: root/dev-util
diff options
authorAustin English <>2016-10-14 12:12:06 -0500
committerAustin English <>2016-10-14 12:49:43 -0500
commit5718cff0244fecb9ea96e9eadb8769b464396fee (patch)
tree62ea321ba52e50d0a0bddd38be1501c21c4b0082 /dev-util
parent9f6da3a6d637ed10b91f5e1c36517bdba62bec3a (diff)
dev-util/artifactory-bin: version bump - 4.13.1
Also fix bashism warnings in /etc/init.d/artifactory Package-Manager: portage-2.3.0
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-util')
3 files changed, 263 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dev-util/artifactory-bin/Manifest b/dev-util/artifactory-bin/Manifest
index 4381336dd59..a6e08ff909e 100644
--- a/dev-util/artifactory-bin/Manifest
+++ b/dev-util/artifactory-bin/Manifest
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ DIST 41341922 SHA256 463e6267fbc6f7f4393a6fd824d812d398
DIST 41353207 SHA256 30dfa6cb9e5b1b8beb917fa7aacd76b54882d054edcc7a1b77761e3bef03bd82 SHA512 e0974bc83259859964883a90b064a38736aa2cb59fba1eb34b96a7b48fd33c9f3d64f0624b7169e5b663daf31b0999e33e9bd1fde8a25f7eb8ef2e1fc47626ea WHIRLPOOL c9ce0bd1f0a5172a057e8c5f32312308e4cfaa4ae59496947b6a757f904b7ef8ac459e270af3df392398e49d68d0f4a6e542e2a8d89cc4fce05821d08122f40c
DIST 41341044 SHA256 7b330eed2c53633bbe77e4ffaa1f7826bde57751e9c2be50884d4fb5e6cfa6f5 SHA512 a5d35958263b58caf8971d2c67eb9417f576875f56ed302ffa1d1deffc4b7e0a2595b21ea077eabf4e42f12e947689b92f328ee887c6714317419a43a51b8cd7 WHIRLPOOL 8d79e189d4e9279a37dfb06c2b8413d3bad67da3626665e8eaf88af35c3b0b31e1f5e5498a332bf9fe218e0b02e1382357b90b48220c08479697480b51feada8
DIST 41369905 SHA256 5724e879642ba393f3242f73fc2684d3eafb21dee80c8086ab566f5c99aa908d SHA512 958d8c02ada6e140ed73279db4645869f56abe91a0f9c64777035e212c880e4b15659bf28a8055cf2f7e65c15cf429e0dd678bdee11a2ba18d11654c91500053 WHIRLPOOL 70b1c03463b99b83572d6e00dcf46b9f236e16b5d7eb83f0e8cb2a08cfa04d5757dda02fd28470212fbbe44ddabbd26b9b1a8085e2336661b9cd240d106882de
+DIST 41392021 SHA256 295463b4a6e6c9b1a8ddde6d62f03b206cba160b39bb6c0801f64e138e21bca2 SHA512 2ebeb5d1c1746ca90be4de644ce7dacf81fa7aee68c9408560bda8546dbf78d366ccecbcfada46261897a49c7df7dda5d5da3b030d76cb8ea59162c73238b62e WHIRLPOOL 37a7f00ceca80b648b7765aab3e7a7523d516ed77af87d0312d2e02626d41390281c52e2e42e35a76c025f3ce6c4643e173a509d410b927e7e46dc1c76b732a9
DIST 40332783 SHA256 8f2ee405e7b13ea2121a0e1c97ef3097ae54e9753d7288cc4ee95d3831cb01dd SHA512 06d102b8a17172a8f6a67e9f166278b59569ba8439c9eea02bc1a7401182f72bc00da8ea3484a30b1c96ab167d331868169edd3051f6e027d772a9c5ede50852 WHIRLPOOL 296dc74c9698058b2fc020ce0561929a7a75dc47ad48cce37be1d4e86e0c4bbddfb7ab108f58ee1175bb0fff113a4a216a11c6ddf01380d3fd8c826607712990
DIST 40327123 SHA256 953a208daa35767ca915a9bab20310493c9abd78f238f787387c89077d377716 SHA512 2ebda9b45a819c9f060a7d789878f09ffb5e8791f9913ba5f86498ad69a01731fca9efde7c0ed9e206ea35a98d733052146c407208f28a3efc0b25423b11a894 WHIRLPOOL 57e60d9426849f140fdd67bc775c9d9e08c0c78926347dc5bd64cf0c5d0fd1ab759539756e98183e093e6e9b27301d5bb6192ca5c023c71664a49bded23b8a0e
DIST 41084705 SHA256 2de13962ad1e6f4f1537e1fd86b6e70da6afae67a2449bf0cb369d3a84267647 SHA512 a21310a7699c63a2fe3f305f42fef0aab6a0b9d43b2b8ba89d2360e5f8364d233f6f64616271d6cd4e79c1cecd18b1a7197fbb034a5eabd77d97b257e09b2910 WHIRLPOOL e6a62c25f2927ea069fa512c40f8b7ea4cecb8625acdd8149c1f2db298b7375e362ee616562b37e9a00d5ed5451cb5861bf906d4d5c796eec9735e62b2a46e88
diff --git a/dev-util/artifactory-bin/artifactory-bin-4.13.1.ebuild b/dev-util/artifactory-bin/artifactory-bin-4.13.1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..90c97a4e1c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-util/artifactory-bin/artifactory-bin-4.13.1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+# Using a binary ebuild until a source ebuild is doable.
+# This was previously blocked by two major bugs upstream:
+# A lack of documented build instructions -
+# A lack of source releases -
+# Upstream now releases source and instructions (yay!), but most of artifactory's
+# dependencies are not in portage yet.
+inherit user
+DESCRIPTION="The world's most advanced repository manager for maven"
+SRC_URI="${MY_PV}.zip -> ${MY_P}.zip"
+KEYWORDS="~x86 ~amd64"
+ app-arch/unzip"
+pkg_setup() {
+ enewgroup artifactory
+ enewuser artifactory -1 /bin/sh -1 artifactory
+src_prepare() {
+ default
+ if use ssl ; then
+ cp "${FILESDIR}/artifactory.xml" tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost/artifactory.xml || die
+ cp "${FILESDIR}/server.xml" tomcat/conf/server.xml || die
+ fi
+ # Reverse
+ sed -i -e ";" \
+ etc/ || die
+ # See FIXME in src_install(), this can probably go away,
+ # but may need to be fixed for that:
+ sed -i -e "s%/etc/opt/jfrog/artifactory/default%/etc/conf.d/${MY_PN}%g;" \
+ misc/service/ || die
+src_install() {
+ local ARTIFACTORY_HOME="/opt/artifactory"
+ doins -r etc logs misc tomcat webapps
+ dodir /etc/opt/jfrog
+ dosym ${ARTIFACTORY_HOME}/etc /etc/opt/jfrog/artifactory
+ dosym ${ARTIFACTORY_HOME}/logs /var/log/artifactory
+ exeinto ${ARTIFACTORY_HOME}/bin
+ doexe bin/*
+ # FIXME: this is called by (it echoes the variables before starting
+ # artifactory, as well as makes sure log dir, etc. exists). Those directories
+ # could probably be moved to the ebuild and the script removed from
+ # without consequence (and quieter starts). Would need to check if CATALINA_*
+ # variables are actually used anywhere (from reading code don't appear to be
+ # actually needed)
+ exeinto ${TOMCAT_HOME}/bin
+ doexe misc/service/
+ doexe tomcat/bin/*
+ keepdir ${ARTIFACTORY_HOME}/backup
+ keepdir ${ARTIFACTORY_HOME}/data
+ keepdir ${ARTIFACTORY_HOME}/run
+ keepdir ${ARTIFACTORY_HOME}/work
+ keepdir ${TOMCAT_HOME}/logs/catalina
+ keepdir ${TOMCAT_HOME}/temp
+ keepdir ${TOMCAT_HOME}/work
+ keepdir /var/opt/jfrog/artifactory/run
+ newconfd "${FILESDIR}/confd" ${MY_PN}
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}/initd-r1" ${MY_PN}
+ fowners -R artifactory:artifactory ${ARTIFACTORY_HOME}
+ fperms -R u+w ${TOMCAT_HOME}/work
diff --git a/dev-util/artifactory-bin/files/initd-r1 b/dev-util/artifactory-bin/files/initd-r1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..631b698073c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-util/artifactory-bin/files/initd-r1
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+description="Manages the services needed to run Artifactory on a dedicated Tomcat"
+# Artifactory can be very slow to start, and without locking,
+# restarting via runscript is very error prone
+CATALINA_LOCK_FILE="$(dirname $pidfile)/lock"
+# Helper functions:
+is_mgmt_port_used() {
+ mgmt_port_used=$(netstat -vatn | grep LISTEN | grep $CATALINA_MGMT_PORT | wc -l)
+get_pid_info() {
+ pidValue=""
+ javaPs=""
+ if [ -e "$pidfile" ]; then
+ pidValue=$(cat $pidfile)
+ if [ -n "$pidValue" ]; then
+ javaPs="$(ps -p $pidValue | grep java)"
+ fi
+ fi
+depend() {
+ need net nginx
+ use dns logger netmount
+start_pre() {
+ if [ -z "$ARTIFACTORY_HOME" ] || [ ! -d "$ARTIFACTORY_HOME" ]; then
+ eerror "Artifactory home folder not defined or does not exists at $ARTIFACTORY_HOME"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$pidfile" ]; then
+ eerror "Artifactory pid destination pidfile was not set!"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$TOMCAT_HOME" ] || [ ! -d "$TOMCAT_HOME" ]; then
+ eerror "Tomcat Artifactory folder not defined or does not exists at $TOMCAT_HOME"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$ARTIFACTORY_USER" ]; then
+ fi
+ current_open_file_limit=$(su -l $ARTIFACTORY_USER -c "ulimit -n")
+ desired_open_file_limit=32000
+ if [ "$current_open_file_limit" != "unlimited" ] && [ $current_open_file_limit -lt $desired_open_file_limit ]; then
+ eerror "Maximum number of open files ($current_open_file_limit) is too small!"
+ eerror "You should add:"
+ eerror "artifactory soft nofile $desired_open_file_limit"
+ eerror "artifactory hard nofile $desired_open_file_limit"
+ eerror "to your /etc/security/limits.conf file."
+ return 1
+ fi
+ current_max_process_limit=$(su -l $ARTIFACTORY_USER -c "ulimit -u")
+ desired_max_process_limit=1024
+ if [ "$current_max_process_limit" != "unlimited" ] && [ $current_max_process_limit -lt $desired_max_process_limit ]; then
+ eerror "Number of processes $current_max_process_limit is too small!"
+ eerror "You should add:"
+ eerror "artifactory soft nproc $desired_max_process_limit"
+ eerror "artifactory hard nproc $desired_max_process_limit"
+ eerror "to your /etc/security/limits.conf file."
+ return 1
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$JAVA_HOME" ] && [ -x "$JAVA_HOME/bin/java" ]; then
+ einfo "Found java executable in $JAVA_HOME"
+ _java="$JAVA_HOME/bin/java"
+ elif command -v java > dev/null 2>&1 ; then
+ _java=java
+ else
+ eerror "No Java Runtime Environment (jre) found! At least java-$REQUIRED_JAVA_VERSION is required."
+ return 1
+ fi
+ if [ "$_java" ]; then
+ java_version=$($_java -version 2>&1 | grep 'version' | cut -d ' ' -f3 | tr -d \")
+ java_major=$(echo $java_version | cut -d . -f1-2)
+ if [ "$java_major" != "$REQUIRED_JAVA_VERSION" ] ; then
+ eerror "Java version $java_version is too old, java-$REQUIRED_JAVA_VERSION is required."
+ return 1
+ fi
+ fi
+# We have to pass start/stop through to, which doesn't understand restart (and restart can't be overridden in OpenRC):
+start() {
+ get_pid_info
+ is_mgmt_port_used
+ if [ $mgmt_port_used -ne 0 ] || [ -n "$javaPs" ]; then
+ eerror "$RC_SERVICE already started!"
+ return 1
+ else
+ ebegin "Starting $RC_SERVICE"
+ start-stop-daemon --exec $command --pidfile $pidfile --user $user:$group --wait $START_TIMEOUT start
+ eend $RETVAL "start-stop-daemon failed to start $RC_SERVICE"
+ fi
+ is_mgmt_port_used
+ seconds=1
+ while [ $mgmt_port_used -eq 0 ] && [ $seconds -lt $START_TIMEOUT ]; do
+ sleep 1
+ $((seconds=seconds+1))
+ is_mgmt_port_used
+ done
+ if [ $mgmt_port_used -eq 0 ]; then
+ eerror "$RC_SERVICE did not start in $START_TIMEOUT seconds!"
+ return 1
+ elif [ $mgmt_port_used -eq 1 ]; then
+ einfo "$RC_SERVICE started"
+ [ $RETVAL=0 ] && touch $CATALINA_LOCK_FILE
+ else
+ eerror "Got unexpected result when checking port $CATALINA_MGMT_PORT"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ return $RETVAL
+stop() {
+ ebegin "Stopping $RC_SERVICE"
+ start-stop-daemon --stop --pidfile $pidfile --wait $START_TIMEOUT stop
+ eend $RETVAL "Failed to stop $RC_SERVICE!"
+ [ $RETVAL=0 ] && rm -f "$CATALINA_LOCK_FILE" "$pidfile"
+ return $RETVAL
+status() {
+ is_mgmt_port_used
+ if [ $mgmt_port_used -eq 0 ]; then
+ if [ -e "$pidfile" ]; then
+ eerror "$RC_SERVICE stopped but the pid file $pidfile still exists!"
+ else
+ if [ -e "$CATALINA_LOCK_FILE" ]; then
+ eerror "$RC_SERVICE is stopped but the lock file $CATALINA_LOCK_FILE still exists!"
+ else
+ eerror "$RC_SERVICE is stopped"
+ fi
+ fi
+ else
+ einfo "$RC_SERVICE is running"
+ fi
+ return $RETVAL