path: root/licenses/FreeArt
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authorRobin H. Johnson <>2015-08-08 13:49:04 -0700
committerRobin H. Johnson <>2015-08-08 17:38:18 -0700
commit56bd759df1d0c750a065b8c845e93d5dfa6b549d (patch)
tree3f91093cdb475e565ae857f1c5a7fd339e2d781e /licenses/FreeArt
proj/gentoo: Initial commit
This commit represents a new era for Gentoo: Storing the gentoo-x86 tree in Git, as converted from CVS. This commit is the start of the NEW history. Any historical data is intended to be grafted onto this point. Creation process: 1. Take final CVS checkout snapshot 2. Remove ALL ChangeLog* files 3. Transform all Manifests to thin 4. Remove empty Manifests 5. Convert all stale $Header$/$Id$ CVS keywords to non-expanded Git $Id$ 5.1. Do not touch files with -kb/-ko keyword flags. Signed-off-by: Robin H. Johnson <> X-Thanks: Alec Warner <> - did the GSoC 2006 migration tests X-Thanks: Robin H. Johnson <> - infra guy, herding this project X-Thanks: Nguyen Thai Ngoc Duy <> - Former Gentoo developer, wrote Git features for the migration X-Thanks: Brian Harring <> - wrote much python to improve cvs2svn X-Thanks: Rich Freeman <> - validation scripts X-Thanks: Patrick Lauer <> - Gentoo dev, running new 2014 work in migration X-Thanks: Michał Górny <> - scripts, QA, nagging X-Thanks: All of other Gentoo developers - many ideas and lots of paint on the bikeshed
Diffstat (limited to 'licenses/FreeArt')
1 files changed, 221 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/licenses/FreeArt b/licenses/FreeArt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8a6de22f1ad
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+++ b/licenses/FreeArt
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+Free Art License
+[ Copyleft Attitude ]
+version 1.2
+Preamble :
+With this Free Art License, you are authorised to copy, distribute and freely
+transform the work of art while respecting the rights of the originator.
+Far from ignoring the author's rights, this license recognises them and
+protects them. It reformulates their principle while making it possible for the
+public to make creative use of the works of art. Whereas current literary and
+artistic property rights result in restriction of the public's access to works
+of art, the goal of the Free Art License is to encourage such access.
+The intention is to make work accessible and to authorise the use of its
+resources by the greatest number of people: to use it in order to increase its
+use, to create new conditions for creation in order to multiply the
+possibilities of creation, while respecting the originators in according them
+recognition and defending their moral rights.
+In fact, with the arrival of the digital age, the invention of the Internet and
+free software, a new approach to creation and production has made its
+appearance. It also encourages a continuation of the process of experimentation
+undertaken by many contemporary artists.
+Knowledge and creativity are resources which, to be true to themselves, must
+remain free, i.e. remain a fundamental search which is not directly related to
+a concrete application. Creating means discovering the unknown, means inventing
+a reality without any heed to realism. Thus, the object(ive) of art is not
+equivalent to the finished and defined art object. This is the basic aim of
+this Free Art License: to promote and protect artistic practice freed from the
+rules of the market economy.
+- The work of art : A communal work which includes the initial artwork as well
+ as all subsequent contributions (subsequent originals and copies). It is
+created at the initiative of the original artist who, by this license, defines
+the conditions according to which the contributions are made.
+- The original work of art : This is the artwork created by the initiator of
+ the communal work, of which copies will be modified by whosoever wishes.
+- Subsequent works : These are the additions put forward by the artists who
+ contribute to the formation of the work by taking advantage of the right to
+reproduction, distribution and modification that this license confers on them.
+- The Original (the work's source or resource) : A dated example of the work,
+ of its definition, of its partition or of its program which the originator
+provides as the reference for all future updatings, interpretations, copies or
+- Copy : Any reproduction of an original as defined by this license.
+- The author or the artist of the original work of art: This is the person who
+ created the work which is at the heart of the ramifications of this modified
+work of art. By this license, the author determines the conditions under which
+these modifications are made.
+- Contributor: Any person who contributes to the creation of the work of art.
+ He is the author or the artist of an original art object resulting from the
+modification of a copy of the initial artwork or the modification of a copy of
+a subsequent work of art.
+1. AIMS
+The aim of this license is to define the conditions according to which you can
+use this work freely.
+This work of art is subject to copyright, and the author, by this license,
+specifies the extent to which you can copy, distribute and modify it.
+You have the right to copy this work of art for your personal use, for your
+friends or for any other person, by employing whatever technique you choose.
+You can freely distribute the copies of these works, modified or not, whatever
+their medium, wherever you wish, for a fee or for free, if you observe all the
+following conditions:
+- attach this license, in its entirety, to the copies or indicate precisely
+ where the license can be found,
+- specify to the recipient the name of the author of the originals,
+- specify to the recipient where he will be able to access the originals
+ (original and subsequent). The author of the original may, if he wishes, give
+you the right to broadcast/distribute the original under the same conditions as
+the copies.
+You have the right to modify the copies of the originals (original and
+subsequent), partially or otherwise, respecting the conditions set out in
+article 2.2 , in the event of distribution (or representation) of the modified
+copy. The author of the original may, if he wishes, give you the right to
+modify the original under the same conditions as the copies.
+All the elements of this work of art must remain free, which is why you are not
+allowed to integrate the originals (originals and subsequents) into another
+work which would not be subject to this license.
+The object of this license is not to deny your author's rights on your
+contribution. By choosing to contribute to the evolution of this work of art,
+you only agree to give to others the same rights with regard to your
+contribution as those which were granted to you by this license.
+This license takes effect as of your acceptance of its provisions. The fact of
+copying, distributing, or of modifying the work constitutes a tacit agreement.
+This license will remain in force for as long as the copyright which is
+attached to the work of art. If you do not respect the terms of this license,
+you automatically lose the rights that it confers. If the legal status to which
+you are subject makes it impossible for you to respect the terms of this
+license, you may not make use of the rights which it confers.
+This license may undergo periodic modifications to incorporate improvements by
+its authors (instigators of the "copyleft attitude" movement) by way of new,
+numbered versions.
+You will have the choice of accepting the provisions contained in the version
+under which the copy was communicated to you, or alternatively, to use the
+provisions of one of the subsequent versions.
+Sub-licenses are not authorized by the present license. Any person who wishes
+to make use of the rights that it confers will be directly bound to the author
+of the original work.
+This license is subject to French law.
+- How to use the Free Art license?
+To benefit from the Free Art License, it is enough to specify the following on
+your work of art:
+[- A few lines to indicate the name of the work and to give an idea of what it
+is.] [- A few lines to describe, if necessary, the modified work of art and
+give the name of the author/artist.] Copyright © [the date] [name of the author
+or artist] (if appropriate, specify the names of the previous authors or
+artists) Copyleft: this work of art is free, you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it according to terms of the Free Art license. You will find a specimen
+of this license on the site Copyleft Attitude as well as on
+other sites.
+- Why use the Free Art license?
+1 / to give the greatest number of people access to your work.
+2 / to allow it to be freely distributed.
+3 / to allow it to evolve by authorising its transformation by others.
+4 / to be able, yourself, to use the resources of a work when it is under Free
+Art license: to copy, distribute or transform it freely.
+5 / This is not all: because the use of the Free Art License is also a good way
+to take liberties with the marketing system generated by the dominant economy.
+The Free Art License offers a useful legal protocol to prevent abusive
+appropriation. It will no longer be possible for someone to appropriate your
+work, short-circuiting the creative process to make personal profit from it.
+Helping yourself to a collective work in progress will be forbidden, as will
+monopolising the resources of an evolving creation for the benefit of a few.
+The Free Art License advocates an economy appropriate for art, based on
+sharing, exchange and joyful giving. What counts in art is also and mostly what
+is not counted.
+- When to use the Free Art License ?
+It is not the goal of the Free Art License to eliminate copyright or author's
+rights. Quite the opposite, it is about reformulating the relevance of these
+rights while taking today's environment into account. It is about the right to
+freedom of movement, to free copying and to free transformation of works of
+art. The right to work in freedom for art and artists.
+1 / Each time you want to use or put this right into practice, use the Free Art
+2 / Each time you want to create works which can evolve and be freely copied,
+freely distributed and freely transformed: use the Free Art License.
+3 / Each time you want to have the possibility of copying, distributing or
+transforming a work: check that it is under Free Art License. If it is not, you
+are liable to be breaking the law.
+- To which types of art can the Free Art License be applied?
+This license can be applied to digital as well as to non-digital art. It was
+born out of observation of the world of free software and the Internet, but its
+applicability is not limited to the digital media. You can put a painting, a
+novel, a sculpture, a drawing, a piece of music, a poem, an installation, a
+video, a film, a recipe, a CD-rom, a Web site, or a performance under the Free
+Art License, in short any creation which has some claim to be a work of art.
+This license has a history: it was born at the meeting " Copyleft Attitude "
+which took place at "Accès Local" and "Public" in Paris at the beginning of the
+year 2000. For the first time, it brought computer specialists and freeware
+activists together with contemporary artists and members of the art world.