path: root/media-plugins/vdr-filebrowser
diff options
authorRobin H. Johnson <>2015-08-08 13:49:04 -0700
committerRobin H. Johnson <>2015-08-08 17:38:18 -0700
commit56bd759df1d0c750a065b8c845e93d5dfa6b549d (patch)
tree3f91093cdb475e565ae857f1c5a7fd339e2d781e /media-plugins/vdr-filebrowser
proj/gentoo: Initial commit
This commit represents a new era for Gentoo: Storing the gentoo-x86 tree in Git, as converted from CVS. This commit is the start of the NEW history. Any historical data is intended to be grafted onto this point. Creation process: 1. Take final CVS checkout snapshot 2. Remove ALL ChangeLog* files 3. Transform all Manifests to thin 4. Remove empty Manifests 5. Convert all stale $Header$/$Id$ CVS keywords to non-expanded Git $Id$ 5.1. Do not touch files with -kb/-ko keyword flags. Signed-off-by: Robin H. Johnson <> X-Thanks: Alec Warner <> - did the GSoC 2006 migration tests X-Thanks: Robin H. Johnson <> - infra guy, herding this project X-Thanks: Nguyen Thai Ngoc Duy <> - Former Gentoo developer, wrote Git features for the migration X-Thanks: Brian Harring <> - wrote much python to improve cvs2svn X-Thanks: Rich Freeman <> - validation scripts X-Thanks: Patrick Lauer <> - Gentoo dev, running new 2014 work in migration X-Thanks: Michał Górny <> - scripts, QA, nagging X-Thanks: All of other Gentoo developers - many ideas and lots of paint on the bikeshed
Diffstat (limited to 'media-plugins/vdr-filebrowser')
7 files changed, 121 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/media-plugins/vdr-filebrowser/Manifest b/media-plugins/vdr-filebrowser/Manifest
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..76ded1db9dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media-plugins/vdr-filebrowser/Manifest
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+DIST vdr-filebrowser-0.2.1.tgz 60870 SHA256 39ece2688ba81e41f5af1e832c134e258916ec7fa488a084185f2a072099aad4 SHA512 2807983513f7ac94d2be109d8fe09ac6a2c2af80ad09c51f58d4fab9fb5abc263a63ef301595915a4b0433dfba2e212c659db7c37d86bba065002fc17e763d6e WHIRLPOOL d08f5eb4dbd67950f841dcc62a8edabcb95574fbf1d0fdad9d3662eec7d0c1ef1c3f73adc2ffcc3cd036aa1809064580ad4d2cd7615eed7bf4cba695d54ba1b5
diff --git a/media-plugins/vdr-filebrowser/files/commands.conf b/media-plugins/vdr-filebrowser/files/commands.conf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..72a96c869e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media-plugins/vdr-filebrowser/files/commands.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# * commands.conf *
+# A file defining commands to be run on files, roughly based on vdr's original commands.conf syntax:
+# Columns are separated by colons, first column is the name of the command.
+# When it ends with a question mark, you will be asked whether you really want to execute this command.
+# The second column contains a filename pattern, that you only see commands useful in current context.
+# If this starts with an exclamation mark, it will be treated as a shell script that returns 0
+# if it matches and anything other if it doesn't. %f is replaced with the filename to be checked
+# (escape sequences from below apply, %! analogue). As this results in loading your shell and running
+# a command for every file and defined command, consider using othercommands.conf (see below)
+# to move away seldom used commands.
+# The third column contains the command to be executed, where following expansions are made:
+# %f: current file
+# %d: if available, a destination file must be choosed, which is inserted
+# here
+# %D: if available, a destination file must be choosed, with the possibility
+# to create a new one
+# %m: expands to currently marked files, separated by a space. If no file is
+# marked, current file is used
+# %M: the same as %m, but this will change some time - don't use it
+# %%: %
+# %:: :
+# The fourth (facultative) column contains flags.
+# Following are recognized at the moment:
+# b: Don't switch to the output of this command (it is available via "Threads"-command)
+# s: Execute command synchronously - beware, this may yield to a non-responsive osd for a while!
+# r: Remove thread from list automaticially if it had no errors
+# The fifth (facultative) column may contain an access code, only numbers are supported!
+# Examples:
+# Remove?:*:rm -rf %m:s:12345
+# Move:*.c:mv %m %D:br
+# Recode:+(*.ogg|*.mp3):recode %d %M
diff --git a/media-plugins/vdr-filebrowser/files/order.conf b/media-plugins/vdr-filebrowser/files/order.conf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..676eb238659
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media-plugins/vdr-filebrowser/files/order.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# * order.conf *
+# A file to reorder commands. Usually you will see internal commands first, then commands from commands.conf
+# and then a command to show the thread list.
+# To reorder, just insert the names of the commands in this file, one per line.
+# To remove a certain command prefix its name with a minus sign (-).
+# Attention: Internal command names are localized, so your order.conf needs to be changed when you switch from
+# english to french, and again when you switch from french to german.
+# Attention2: For custom commands, remove the question mark and escaped colons.
+# Commands not mentioned in order.conf are appended to ordered commands.
+# Example (uses commands.conf-snippet from above):
+# Remove #shows remove first
+# Threads #an internal command to see currently executing commands
+# Mark #an internal command
+# -Unmark #Hide an internal command
+# %--- #Reorder the command "---", escape first minus sign
+# Please note that those comments aren't supported in order.conf at the time!
diff --git a/media-plugins/vdr-filebrowser/files/othercommands.conf b/media-plugins/vdr-filebrowser/files/othercommands.conf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9ac67197435
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media-plugins/vdr-filebrowser/files/othercommands.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# * othercommands.conf *
+# You have the possibility to move commands into their own submenu.
+# Apart from reducing the need to "scroll" with the color keys, it keeps cost of command-matching low
+# (especially with shell-matched commands) for they are checked not until you open this menu.
+# Syntax is like in order.conf, you still define your commands in commands.conf, this file determines
+# which (named) commands are moved to the menu.
+# Both Attention and Attention2 from above apply.
+# Example
+# Mark all # move this commands to the menu
+# Threads
+# Sources
+# Please note that those comments aren't supported in othersources.conf at the time!
diff --git a/media-plugins/vdr-filebrowser/files/sources.conf b/media-plugins/vdr-filebrowser/files/sources.conf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d5760c387b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media-plugins/vdr-filebrowser/files/sources.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# * sources.conf *
+# Define sources in the style of many other plugins to switch your virtual root at runtime.
+# First field specifies source's name, second the path. Escaping rules from above apply.
+# The third (facultative) field specifies a file filter.
+# Example
+# All%: (note the escaped colon!):/
+# Home:/home:*.doc
+# Temp:/tmp
diff --git a/media-plugins/vdr-filebrowser/metadata.xml b/media-plugins/vdr-filebrowser/metadata.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5f9f14619db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media-plugins/vdr-filebrowser/metadata.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
+<name>Gentoo VDR Project</name>
diff --git a/media-plugins/vdr-filebrowser/vdr-filebrowser-0.2.1.ebuild b/media-plugins/vdr-filebrowser/vdr-filebrowser-0.2.1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ebe57540d12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media-plugins/vdr-filebrowser/vdr-filebrowser-0.2.1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+inherit vdr-plugin-2
+DESCRIPTION="VDR plugin: file manager plugin for moving or renaming files in VDR"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
+src_install() {
+ vdr-plugin-2_src_install
+ insinto /etc/vdr/plugins/filebrowser
+ doins "${FILESDIR}"/commands.conf
+ doins "${FILESDIR}"/order.conf
+ doins "${FILESDIR}"/othercommands.conf
+ doins "${FILESDIR}"/sources.conf