path: root/sec-policy/selinux-base
diff options
authorRobin H. Johnson <>2015-08-08 13:49:04 -0700
committerRobin H. Johnson <>2015-08-08 17:38:18 -0700
commit56bd759df1d0c750a065b8c845e93d5dfa6b549d (patch)
tree3f91093cdb475e565ae857f1c5a7fd339e2d781e /sec-policy/selinux-base
proj/gentoo: Initial commit
This commit represents a new era for Gentoo: Storing the gentoo-x86 tree in Git, as converted from CVS. This commit is the start of the NEW history. Any historical data is intended to be grafted onto this point. Creation process: 1. Take final CVS checkout snapshot 2. Remove ALL ChangeLog* files 3. Transform all Manifests to thin 4. Remove empty Manifests 5. Convert all stale $Header$/$Id$ CVS keywords to non-expanded Git $Id$ 5.1. Do not touch files with -kb/-ko keyword flags. Signed-off-by: Robin H. Johnson <> X-Thanks: Alec Warner <> - did the GSoC 2006 migration tests X-Thanks: Robin H. Johnson <> - infra guy, herding this project X-Thanks: Nguyen Thai Ngoc Duy <> - Former Gentoo developer, wrote Git features for the migration X-Thanks: Brian Harring <> - wrote much python to improve cvs2svn X-Thanks: Rich Freeman <> - validation scripts X-Thanks: Patrick Lauer <> - Gentoo dev, running new 2014 work in migration X-Thanks: Michał Górny <> - scripts, QA, nagging X-Thanks: All of other Gentoo developers - many ideas and lots of paint on the bikeshed
Diffstat (limited to 'sec-policy/selinux-base')
15 files changed, 2110 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sec-policy/selinux-base/Manifest b/sec-policy/selinux-base/Manifest
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8327a635be0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sec-policy/selinux-base/Manifest
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+DIST patchbundle-selinux-base-policy-2.20140311-r5.tar.bz2 274187 SHA256 5ce76d59d12a7dfc02352eb2a77971d76c5ff0fa3c66cced6318919571f04839 SHA512 7a9da3ab23ce6217739f4548cc5365f64def11fe19b6f3b2a304685bb54246d12856388043870e0f061f71fb2c8c45da72bf3db28ad6e70f397f5dfffe2206c6 WHIRLPOOL a4729aaeed88f7485fbf112de91161bf4e75fb996f5123133c22fcb008966acc7db98c7849dc4b076cb633d00c81deae85cf6b5f8c48f8c3c72c90bcaff26d71
+DIST patchbundle-selinux-base-policy-2.20140311-r6.tar.bz2 281043 SHA256 7fbfb518731c6bce8a3937e7dbabeaf0d39059423f5930731034363862bf9a25 SHA512 6b8bfbb3ee9e9d229ac0fa7e80905300c24f4934fb2f150ba52f45e76a3f1e8b51c788136ea32a2b044a00c614a96538aad9d3ff7300735dae228861ab5aed6f WHIRLPOOL 9da1fb97b7a1c8f5990748695c1393d0d0c7c6bcd6acbb974653ee83df00d911b70b4f9544a9e4b3014b9f78f69745a17a5c7fa02859985b611ec4636b473981
+DIST patchbundle-selinux-base-policy-2.20140311-r7.tar.bz2 285346 SHA256 8e216867cc5ec2c513ae81d04e637021b4eda9bbd0fafab0c7f61f087776c33c SHA512 01d30c38dba876136d61452a890adbbe0301fb990b65b0a15086f1c8f14df4f96faf57bee8fd1328147458e5a7e96f972792c26ef971924c0fc74cf644d4b644 WHIRLPOOL ec03df417b73d52a19809a2e7417b05b11880517e4bc5093725a8172177943f3fa526eb32222f41c3aed5ec5ba3d57fb5af2ed19a32af1c37529864d30afd68b
+DIST patchbundle-selinux-base-policy-2.20141203-r1.tar.bz2 264038 SHA256 0fb0ff62bf3abc2294db83d35d22220c5d86384e38332e4458fb38f88ce1538c SHA512 a9ac284c999b15f9f825761a5d59968337cac5990250d9ce46fc79a870ed14534f61b0d454866ea9296d134adb3e38634b02c0e9d70f69a657da4c11b6aeee38 WHIRLPOOL 389d5fd4feecc74c9a231c98a9bf497491e3e5c19a54f5b8ef68d050d95aeca7e6dd0853655212989b7239271be51cf2c4c3e19ac3db54cec229d802df95cbb5
+DIST patchbundle-selinux-base-policy-2.20141203-r2.tar.bz2 268395 SHA256 60f5fbb2402f12b4c4aca89b134ee0dd4c88a1812208d765b601b23e025f7cfe SHA512 0a6d7a61ae259f6b4b9210c0b509a2b25581674b0d07e0fa8f2eff151f1e8bf084cae7a8928ede6e4358da661290940b8390a2cb6f5c6ababc021de4f6b445b9 WHIRLPOOL 6341b3c04aa547256f3128826fffe777c4ac2d7f6f916d6e7a7f2e976b18a903786116743a26f43602c707310662c445564ffdaa173b2c2cd9e48f4173c367a1
+DIST patchbundle-selinux-base-policy-2.20141203-r3.tar.bz2 269940 SHA256 c1d507c21b02ab510e8fbe1eeb799ad1e9604ad611759c13df6c15ddc9480ed8 SHA512 694a1cf95d4fe5c686e6e8ddae56f591d85fd334f896352b11b2bf24b2e95be8eaf32d6aee9a3410c25e613efa6fe18e485cfe836a2a6dadb5f01c8118b42a45 WHIRLPOOL 8061b6e5dd5f1d0602b66fdf31f2c3c02de02bad73f213ad24d0be8d62a7dc4b8d35cb0780b4a1ee76ecded737d9eed3e41f6d51c24d885d3cac63591930ce96
+DIST patchbundle-selinux-base-policy-2.20141203-r4.tar.bz2 271374 SHA256 7229f0f5a299fc31b693f603cb265697ecf02afb843aba74f96d8afb208dd9c9 SHA512 41379568855b820a72a1d8e7fb8114464573974d98b98ae9107649ed625d6fc8c045dc6714ee51d6db72473a76c99511ee23e6d0a9bd56a19ebbaa1fa13e55a8 WHIRLPOOL 563020e4d38817d875d7a8b98f670cff68d86fdfe89945b87943c8b48d106a58d269822a60640fcc76f51bad207b8b61839b2cdbb1405ab5f49332516c9faa1d
+DIST patchbundle-selinux-base-policy-2.20141203-r5.tar.bz2 274136 SHA256 c23d17c47ce75620ffa9f3ef66393ae56693d7e431f9c7f0a4468a9646767a5f SHA512 e50d128ff9e6554f7d49bc1e43b40c8b062b8f7bb727acda9772b45381c61bc6c968265245e39f8ca044c2b0f4dadf3cdacfb38cd32306fa27f1acfb49921e06 WHIRLPOOL a0591298d54a4ba080112716fc35509e6c82281d362a11b208caa2a96ddc20c4cc8f942206db49d86b831c6ed13a239b7db9009f17ede77fce7f0c01cd6b20cc
+DIST patchbundle-selinux-base-policy-2.20141203-r6.tar.bz2 293231 SHA256 b686dcc517b97834f66d967afdcc724cb43b5c6dbf9f34043a91cdeda2625cc7 SHA512 a2c486cbe4a1d21ff3fd01bef25ecf5a633a4072646c67cfccf3f7187d95f3d9e3b482a46ba17c55c40a8e7c0dee56e9cf9ddc9f414d3e4511443b62f60d03e9 WHIRLPOOL 3d708e287e3f9b873be647b0327eab6675a8702ee1cffb56e36934cada306e5ccc64397a083dad9e59de37a067e628cacbf896ae99012d5a209e42fd7cd8a4c6
+DIST patchbundle-selinux-base-policy-2.20141203-r7.tar.bz2 295833 SHA256 ba2219b3efc747be65f94c4d8ac3cd6ee530c82c848fa41935a114184678622a SHA512 8e32d9dbfb2f0f3f50200543aadb51ed9834ccd5cdf30bf8e4d9e6d0b645ce44ffaf80f7aa9385e9c9095d9a383b3a348a92356cb5386c06544ab082a9a468c7 WHIRLPOOL 1648ee1be71e45fcf5a264816ce7edc7bab19bd28a68703923eb2d6068f1f0469ae593855231d31f88baecbf29e7cece2d6beeed20b7c04231a6c90e90d35910
+DIST patchbundle-selinux-base-policy-2.20141203-r8.tar.bz2 297919 SHA256 77539eb3d78105f8789cd8205d2698bd27e2abf100163bdd162cda860fd15120 SHA512 2f8a19e1e4bb65f32b480275f49099aed3ae9df543c7de862b3bbd93e81b89cd96dadac3d091e28673d09a6885db8c5656b3a77d0080775c110b04f2753de7a6 WHIRLPOOL 79cb7e620eb8e838192dc557c7a9ce7e713227d783cc8b63792825559b2145cad70d0af6f99948c1527557bc363feffd846c73893682b4a14fc7d08b9e20c649
+DIST refpolicy-2.20140311.tar.bz2 664416 SHA256 f69437db95548c78a5dec44c236397146b144153149009ea554d2e536e5436f7 SHA512 50bacee82ed41ac8b8007ecc33bf51d22303cc2ddd27cfb72cb5520dab5f8e255186e34b89cec492c7a2d4220b200814bdede9b46c19f987a3d3d65a1c9b749a WHIRLPOOL e07480beba6ab1f02ad36b7d0c50c4a71cb39a8ec78bf8d1dc3c82bb9dd1d69d9169d7c937165ea15f60ce1147f256d46644f944107a3a8a800d5bad70d4c255
+DIST refpolicy-2.20141203.tar.bz2 680243 SHA256 f438209c430d8a2d4ddcbe4bdd3edb46f6af7dc4913637af0b73c635e40c1522 SHA512 682e4280c5799e4c12ec7594afc1389f67be35055748d2e0dbdc3419159a16c96d4946ca6178daee8370515951f8653b2e452efe8c962b8d7f9bc192f0b15a0c WHIRLPOOL 74bca232534e7af9051bb1ab9f77c1ff6c425781cf4561f781d6e9a40cc5ca0d9add540249ea5493e8782a9372aea296ead6c165c6c440ae1509eb319d151ee5
diff --git a/sec-policy/selinux-base/files/config b/sec-policy/selinux-base/files/config
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..55933ea0e53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sec-policy/selinux-base/files/config
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# This file controls the state of SELinux on the system on boot.
+# SELINUX can take one of these three values:
+# enforcing - SELinux security policy is enforced.
+# permissive - SELinux prints warnings instead of enforcing.
+# disabled - No SELinux policy is loaded.
+# SELINUXTYPE can take one of these four values:
+# targeted - Only targeted network daemons are protected.
+# strict - Full SELinux protection.
+# mls - Full SELinux protection with Multi-Level Security
+# mcs - Full SELinux protection with Multi-Category Security
+# (mls, but only one sensitivity level)
diff --git a/sec-policy/selinux-base/metadata.xml b/sec-policy/selinux-base/metadata.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..39f24158715
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sec-policy/selinux-base/metadata.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
+ <herd>selinux</herd>
+ <longdescription>
+ Gentoo SELinux base policy. This contains policy for a system at the end of system installation.
+ There is no extra policy in this package.
+ </longdescription>
+ <use>
+ <flag name='peer_perms'>Enable the labeled networking peer permissions (SELinux policy capability).</flag>
+ <flag name='open_perms'>Enable the open permissions for file object classes (SELinux policy capability).</flag>
+ <flag name='ubac'>Enable User Based Access Control (UBAC) in the SELinux policy</flag>
+ <flag name='unconfined'>Enable support for the unconfined SELinux module</flag>
+ </use>
diff --git a/sec-policy/selinux-base/selinux-base-2.20140311-r5.ebuild b/sec-policy/selinux-base/selinux-base-2.20140311-r5.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..88329e9ad15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sec-policy/selinux-base/selinux-base-2.20140311-r5.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+inherit eutils
+if [[ ${PV} == 9999* ]]; then
+ inherit git-2
+ SRC_URI="${PV}.tar.bz2
+ KEYWORDS="amd64 x86"
+IUSE="+peer_perms +open_perms +ubac +unconfined doc"
+DESCRIPTION="Gentoo base policy for SELinux"
+ virtual/udev
+ !<=sec-policy/selinux-base-policy-2.20120725"
+ sys-devel/m4
+ >=sys-apps/checkpolicy-2.3"
+#src_unpack() {
+# git-2_src_unpack
+src_prepare() {
+ if [[ ${PV} != 9999* ]]; then
+ # Apply the gentoo patches to the policy. These patches are only necessary
+ # for base policies, or for interface changes on modules.
+ EPATCH_MULTI_MSG="Applying SELinux policy updates ... " \
+ EPATCH_SUFFIX="patch" \
+ EPATCH_FORCE="yes" \
+ epatch
+ fi
+ cd "${S}/refpolicy"
+ make bare
+ # Fix bug 257111 - Correct the initial sid for cron-started jobs in the
+ # system_r role
+ sed -i -e 's:system_crond_t:system_cronjob_t:g' \
+ "${S}/refpolicy/config/appconfig-standard/default_contexts"
+ sed -i -e 's|system_r:cronjob_t|system_r:system_cronjob_t|g' \
+ "${S}/refpolicy/config/appconfig-mls/default_contexts"
+ sed -i -e 's|system_r:cronjob_t|system_r:system_cronjob_t|g' \
+ "${S}/refpolicy/config/appconfig-mcs/default_contexts"
+ epatch_user
+src_configure() {
+ [ -z "${POLICY_TYPES}" ] && local POLICY_TYPES="targeted strict mls mcs"
+ # Update the SELinux refpolicy capabilities based on the users' USE flags.
+ if ! use peer_perms; then
+ sed -i -e '/network_peer_controls/d' \
+ "${S}/refpolicy/policy/policy_capabilities"
+ fi
+ if ! use open_perms; then
+ sed -i -e '/open_perms/d' \
+ "${S}/refpolicy/policy/policy_capabilities"
+ fi
+ if ! use ubac; then
+ sed -i -e '/^UBAC/s/y/n/' "${S}/refpolicy/build.conf" \
+ || die "Failed to disable User Based Access Control"
+ fi
+ echo "DISTRO = gentoo" >> "${S}/refpolicy/build.conf"
+ # Prepare initial configuration
+ cd "${S}/refpolicy";
+ make conf || die "Make conf failed"
+ # Setup the policies based on the types delivered by the end user.
+ # These types can be "targeted", "strict", "mcs" and "mls".
+ for i in ${POLICY_TYPES}; do
+ cp -a "${S}/refpolicy" "${S}/${i}"
+ cd "${S}/${i}";
+ #cp "${FILESDIR}/modules-2.20120215.conf" "${S}/${i}/policy/modules.conf"
+ sed -i -e "/= module/d" "${S}/${i}/policy/modules.conf"
+ sed -i -e '/^QUIET/s/n/y/' -e "/^NAME/s/refpolicy/$i/" \
+ "${S}/${i}/build.conf" || die "build.conf setup failed."
+ if [[ "${i}" == "mls" ]] || [[ "${i}" == "mcs" ]];
+ then
+ # MCS/MLS require additional settings
+ sed -i -e "/^TYPE/s/standard/${i}/" "${S}/${i}/build.conf" \
+ || die "failed to set type to mls"
+ fi
+ if [ "${i}" == "targeted" ]; then
+ sed -i -e '/root/d' -e 's/user_u/unconfined_u/' \
+ "${S}/${i}/config/appconfig-standard/seusers" \
+ || die "targeted seusers setup failed."
+ fi
+ if [ "${i}" != "targeted" ] && [ "${i}" != "strict" ] && use unconfined; then
+ sed -i -e '/root/d' -e 's/user_u/unconfined_u/' \
+ "${S}/${i}/config/appconfig-${i}/seusers" \
+ || die "policy seusers setup failed."
+ fi
+ done
+src_compile() {
+ [ -z "${POLICY_TYPES}" ] && local POLICY_TYPES="targeted strict mls mcs"
+ for i in ${POLICY_TYPES}; do
+ cd "${S}/${i}"
+ make base || die "${i} compile failed"
+ if use doc; then
+ make html || die
+ fi
+ done
+src_install() {
+ [ -z "${POLICY_TYPES}" ] && local POLICY_TYPES="targeted strict mls mcs"
+ for i in ${POLICY_TYPES}; do
+ cd "${S}/${i}"
+ make DESTDIR="${D}" install \
+ || die "${i} install failed."
+ make DESTDIR="${D}" install-headers \
+ || die "${i} headers install failed."
+ echo "run_init_t" > "${D}/etc/selinux/${i}/contexts/run_init_type"
+ echo "textrel_shlib_t" >> "${D}/etc/selinux/${i}/contexts/customizable_types"
+ # libsemanage won't make this on its own
+ keepdir "/etc/selinux/${i}/policy"
+ if use doc; then
+ dohtml doc/html/*;
+ fi
+ insinto /usr/share/selinux/devel;
+ doins doc/policy.xml;
+ done
+ dodoc doc/Makefile.example doc/example.{te,fc,if}
+ doman man/man8/*.8;
+ insinto /etc/selinux
+ doins "${FILESDIR}/config"
+pkg_preinst() {
+ has_version "<${CATEGORY}/${PN}-2.20101213-r13"
+ previous_less_than_r13=$?
diff --git a/sec-policy/selinux-base/selinux-base-2.20140311-r6.ebuild b/sec-policy/selinux-base/selinux-base-2.20140311-r6.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..88329e9ad15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sec-policy/selinux-base/selinux-base-2.20140311-r6.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+inherit eutils
+if [[ ${PV} == 9999* ]]; then
+ inherit git-2
+ SRC_URI="${PV}.tar.bz2
+ KEYWORDS="amd64 x86"
+IUSE="+peer_perms +open_perms +ubac +unconfined doc"
+DESCRIPTION="Gentoo base policy for SELinux"
+ virtual/udev
+ !<=sec-policy/selinux-base-policy-2.20120725"
+ sys-devel/m4
+ >=sys-apps/checkpolicy-2.3"
+#src_unpack() {
+# git-2_src_unpack
+src_prepare() {
+ if [[ ${PV} != 9999* ]]; then
+ # Apply the gentoo patches to the policy. These patches are only necessary
+ # for base policies, or for interface changes on modules.
+ EPATCH_MULTI_MSG="Applying SELinux policy updates ... " \
+ EPATCH_SUFFIX="patch" \
+ EPATCH_FORCE="yes" \
+ epatch
+ fi
+ cd "${S}/refpolicy"
+ make bare
+ # Fix bug 257111 - Correct the initial sid for cron-started jobs in the
+ # system_r role
+ sed -i -e 's:system_crond_t:system_cronjob_t:g' \
+ "${S}/refpolicy/config/appconfig-standard/default_contexts"
+ sed -i -e 's|system_r:cronjob_t|system_r:system_cronjob_t|g' \
+ "${S}/refpolicy/config/appconfig-mls/default_contexts"
+ sed -i -e 's|system_r:cronjob_t|system_r:system_cronjob_t|g' \
+ "${S}/refpolicy/config/appconfig-mcs/default_contexts"
+ epatch_user
+src_configure() {
+ [ -z "${POLICY_TYPES}" ] && local POLICY_TYPES="targeted strict mls mcs"
+ # Update the SELinux refpolicy capabilities based on the users' USE flags.
+ if ! use peer_perms; then
+ sed -i -e '/network_peer_controls/d' \
+ "${S}/refpolicy/policy/policy_capabilities"
+ fi
+ if ! use open_perms; then
+ sed -i -e '/open_perms/d' \
+ "${S}/refpolicy/policy/policy_capabilities"
+ fi
+ if ! use ubac; then
+ sed -i -e '/^UBAC/s/y/n/' "${S}/refpolicy/build.conf" \
+ || die "Failed to disable User Based Access Control"
+ fi
+ echo "DISTRO = gentoo" >> "${S}/refpolicy/build.conf"
+ # Prepare initial configuration
+ cd "${S}/refpolicy";
+ make conf || die "Make conf failed"
+ # Setup the policies based on the types delivered by the end user.
+ # These types can be "targeted", "strict", "mcs" and "mls".
+ for i in ${POLICY_TYPES}; do
+ cp -a "${S}/refpolicy" "${S}/${i}"
+ cd "${S}/${i}";
+ #cp "${FILESDIR}/modules-2.20120215.conf" "${S}/${i}/policy/modules.conf"
+ sed -i -e "/= module/d" "${S}/${i}/policy/modules.conf"
+ sed -i -e '/^QUIET/s/n/y/' -e "/^NAME/s/refpolicy/$i/" \
+ "${S}/${i}/build.conf" || die "build.conf setup failed."
+ if [[ "${i}" == "mls" ]] || [[ "${i}" == "mcs" ]];
+ then
+ # MCS/MLS require additional settings
+ sed -i -e "/^TYPE/s/standard/${i}/" "${S}/${i}/build.conf" \
+ || die "failed to set type to mls"
+ fi
+ if [ "${i}" == "targeted" ]; then
+ sed -i -e '/root/d' -e 's/user_u/unconfined_u/' \
+ "${S}/${i}/config/appconfig-standard/seusers" \
+ || die "targeted seusers setup failed."
+ fi
+ if [ "${i}" != "targeted" ] && [ "${i}" != "strict" ] && use unconfined; then
+ sed -i -e '/root/d' -e 's/user_u/unconfined_u/' \
+ "${S}/${i}/config/appconfig-${i}/seusers" \
+ || die "policy seusers setup failed."
+ fi
+ done
+src_compile() {
+ [ -z "${POLICY_TYPES}" ] && local POLICY_TYPES="targeted strict mls mcs"
+ for i in ${POLICY_TYPES}; do
+ cd "${S}/${i}"
+ make base || die "${i} compile failed"
+ if use doc; then
+ make html || die
+ fi
+ done
+src_install() {
+ [ -z "${POLICY_TYPES}" ] && local POLICY_TYPES="targeted strict mls mcs"
+ for i in ${POLICY_TYPES}; do
+ cd "${S}/${i}"
+ make DESTDIR="${D}" install \
+ || die "${i} install failed."
+ make DESTDIR="${D}" install-headers \
+ || die "${i} headers install failed."
+ echo "run_init_t" > "${D}/etc/selinux/${i}/contexts/run_init_type"
+ echo "textrel_shlib_t" >> "${D}/etc/selinux/${i}/contexts/customizable_types"
+ # libsemanage won't make this on its own
+ keepdir "/etc/selinux/${i}/policy"
+ if use doc; then
+ dohtml doc/html/*;
+ fi
+ insinto /usr/share/selinux/devel;
+ doins doc/policy.xml;
+ done
+ dodoc doc/Makefile.example doc/example.{te,fc,if}
+ doman man/man8/*.8;
+ insinto /etc/selinux
+ doins "${FILESDIR}/config"
+pkg_preinst() {
+ has_version "<${CATEGORY}/${PN}-2.20101213-r13"
+ previous_less_than_r13=$?
diff --git a/sec-policy/selinux-base/selinux-base-2.20140311-r7.ebuild b/sec-policy/selinux-base/selinux-base-2.20140311-r7.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ceab1e4fce7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sec-policy/selinux-base/selinux-base-2.20140311-r7.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+inherit eutils
+if [[ ${PV} == 9999* ]]; then
+ inherit git-2
+ SRC_URI="${PV}.tar.bz2
+ KEYWORDS="amd64 x86"
+IUSE="+peer_perms +open_perms +ubac +unconfined doc"
+DESCRIPTION="Gentoo base policy for SELinux"
+ virtual/udev
+ !<=sec-policy/selinux-base-policy-2.20120725"
+ sys-devel/m4
+ >=sys-apps/checkpolicy-2.3"
+#src_unpack() {
+# git-2_src_unpack
+src_prepare() {
+ if [[ ${PV} != 9999* ]]; then
+ # Apply the gentoo patches to the policy. These patches are only necessary
+ # for base policies, or for interface changes on modules.
+ EPATCH_MULTI_MSG="Applying SELinux policy updates ... " \
+ EPATCH_SUFFIX="patch" \
+ EPATCH_FORCE="yes" \
+ epatch
+ fi
+ cd "${S}/refpolicy"
+ make bare
+ # Fix bug 257111 - Correct the initial sid for cron-started jobs in the
+ # system_r role
+ sed -i -e 's:system_crond_t:system_cronjob_t:g' \
+ "${S}/refpolicy/config/appconfig-standard/default_contexts"
+ sed -i -e 's|system_r:cronjob_t|system_r:system_cronjob_t|g' \
+ "${S}/refpolicy/config/appconfig-mls/default_contexts"
+ sed -i -e 's|system_r:cronjob_t|system_r:system_cronjob_t|g' \
+ "${S}/refpolicy/config/appconfig-mcs/default_contexts"
+ epatch_user
+src_configure() {
+ [ -z "${POLICY_TYPES}" ] && local POLICY_TYPES="targeted strict mls mcs"
+ # Update the SELinux refpolicy capabilities based on the users' USE flags.
+ if ! use peer_perms; then
+ sed -i -e '/network_peer_controls/d' \
+ "${S}/refpolicy/policy/policy_capabilities"
+ fi
+ if ! use open_perms; then
+ sed -i -e '/open_perms/d' \
+ "${S}/refpolicy/policy/policy_capabilities"
+ fi
+ if ! use ubac; then
+ sed -i -e '/^UBAC/s/y/n/' "${S}/refpolicy/build.conf" \
+ || die "Failed to disable User Based Access Control"
+ fi
+ echo "DISTRO = gentoo" >> "${S}/refpolicy/build.conf"
+ # Prepare initial configuration
+ cd "${S}/refpolicy";
+ make conf || die "Make conf failed"
+ # Setup the policies based on the types delivered by the end user.
+ # These types can be "targeted", "strict", "mcs" and "mls".
+ for i in ${POLICY_TYPES}; do
+ cp -a "${S}/refpolicy" "${S}/${i}"
+ cd "${S}/${i}";
+ #cp "${FILESDIR}/modules-2.20120215.conf" "${S}/${i}/policy/modules.conf"
+ sed -i -e "/= module/d" "${S}/${i}/policy/modules.conf"
+ sed -i -e '/^QUIET/s/n/y/' -e "/^NAME/s/refpolicy/$i/" \
+ "${S}/${i}/build.conf" || die "build.conf setup failed."
+ if [[ "${i}" == "mls" ]] || [[ "${i}" == "mcs" ]];
+ then
+ # MCS/MLS require additional settings
+ sed -i -e "/^TYPE/s/standard/${i}/" "${S}/${i}/build.conf" \
+ || die "failed to set type to mls"
+ fi
+ if [ "${i}" == "targeted" ]; then
+ sed -i -e '/root/d' -e 's/user_u/unconfined_u/' \
+ "${S}/${i}/config/appconfig-standard/seusers" \
+ || die "targeted seusers setup failed."
+ fi
+ if [ "${i}" != "targeted" ] && [ "${i}" != "strict" ] && use unconfined; then
+ sed -i -e '/root/d' -e 's/user_u/unconfined_u/' \
+ "${S}/${i}/config/appconfig-${i}/seusers" \
+ || die "policy seusers setup failed."
+ fi
+ done
+src_compile() {
+ [ -z "${POLICY_TYPES}" ] && local POLICY_TYPES="targeted strict mls mcs"
+ for i in ${POLICY_TYPES}; do
+ cd "${S}/${i}"
+ make base || die "${i} compile failed"
+ if use doc; then
+ make html || die
+ fi
+ done
+src_install() {
+ [ -z "${POLICY_TYPES}" ] && local POLICY_TYPES="targeted strict mls mcs"
+ for i in ${POLICY_TYPES}; do
+ cd "${S}/${i}"
+ make DESTDIR="${D}" install \
+ || die "${i} install failed."
+ make DESTDIR="${D}" install-headers \
+ || die "${i} headers install failed."
+ echo "run_init_t" > "${D}/etc/selinux/${i}/contexts/run_init_type"
+ echo "textrel_shlib_t" >> "${D}/etc/selinux/${i}/contexts/customizable_types"
+ # libsemanage won't make this on its own
+ keepdir "/etc/selinux/${i}/policy"
+ if use doc; then
+ dohtml doc/html/*;
+ fi
+ insinto /usr/share/selinux/devel;
+ doins doc/policy.xml;
+ done
+ dodoc doc/Makefile.example doc/example.{te,fc,if}
+ doman man/man8/*.8;
+ insinto /etc/selinux
+ doins "${FILESDIR}/config"
+pkg_preinst() {
+ has_version "<${CATEGORY}/${PN}-2.20101213-r13"
+ previous_less_than_r13=$?
diff --git a/sec-policy/selinux-base/selinux-base-2.20141203-r1.ebuild b/sec-policy/selinux-base/selinux-base-2.20141203-r1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e9c06d649c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sec-policy/selinux-base/selinux-base-2.20141203-r1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+inherit eutils
+if [[ ${PV} == 9999* ]]; then
+ inherit git-2
+ if [[ $PV == 9999* ]] ; then
+ KEYWORDS="amd64 x86"
+ SRC_URI="${PV}.tar.bz2
+ KEYWORDS="amd64 x86"
+IUSE="+peer_perms +open_perms +ubac +unconfined doc"
+DESCRIPTION="Gentoo base policy for SELinux"
+ virtual/udev
+ !<=sec-policy/selinux-base-policy-2.20120725"
+ sys-devel/m4
+ >=sys-apps/checkpolicy-2.3"
+#src_unpack() {
+# git-2_src_unpack
+src_prepare() {
+ if [[ ${PV} != 9999* ]]; then
+ # Apply the gentoo patches to the policy. These patches are only necessary
+ # for base policies, or for interface changes on modules.
+ EPATCH_MULTI_MSG="Applying SELinux policy updates ... " \
+ EPATCH_SUFFIX="patch" \
+ EPATCH_FORCE="yes" \
+ epatch
+ fi
+ cd "${S}/refpolicy"
+ make bare
+ epatch_user
+src_configure() {
+ [ -z "${POLICY_TYPES}" ] && local POLICY_TYPES="targeted strict mls mcs"
+ # Update the SELinux refpolicy capabilities based on the users' USE flags.
+ if ! use peer_perms; then
+ sed -i -e '/network_peer_controls/d' \
+ "${S}/refpolicy/policy/policy_capabilities"
+ fi
+ if ! use open_perms; then
+ sed -i -e '/open_perms/d' \
+ "${S}/refpolicy/policy/policy_capabilities"
+ fi
+ if ! use ubac; then
+ sed -i -e '/^UBAC/s/y/n/' "${S}/refpolicy/build.conf" \
+ || die "Failed to disable User Based Access Control"
+ fi
+ echo "DISTRO = gentoo" >> "${S}/refpolicy/build.conf"
+ # Prepare initial configuration
+ cd "${S}/refpolicy";
+ make conf || die "Make conf failed"
+ # Setup the policies based on the types delivered by the end user.
+ # These types can be "targeted", "strict", "mcs" and "mls".
+ for i in ${POLICY_TYPES}; do
+ cp -a "${S}/refpolicy" "${S}/${i}"
+ cd "${S}/${i}";
+ #cp "${FILESDIR}/modules-2.20120215.conf" "${S}/${i}/policy/modules.conf"
+ sed -i -e "/= module/d" "${S}/${i}/policy/modules.conf"
+ sed -i -e '/^QUIET/s/n/y/' -e "/^NAME/s/refpolicy/$i/" \
+ "${S}/${i}/build.conf" || die "build.conf setup failed."
+ if [[ "${i}" == "mls" ]] || [[ "${i}" == "mcs" ]];
+ then
+ # MCS/MLS require additional settings
+ sed -i -e "/^TYPE/s/standard/${i}/" "${S}/${i}/build.conf" \
+ || die "failed to set type to mls"
+ fi
+ if [ "${i}" == "targeted" ]; then
+ sed -i -e '/root/d' -e 's/user_u/unconfined_u/' \
+ "${S}/${i}/config/appconfig-standard/seusers" \
+ || die "targeted seusers setup failed."
+ fi
+ if [ "${i}" != "targeted" ] && [ "${i}" != "strict" ] && use unconfined; then
+ sed -i -e '/root/d' -e 's/user_u/unconfined_u/' \
+ "${S}/${i}/config/appconfig-${i}/seusers" \
+ || die "policy seusers setup failed."
+ fi
+ done
+src_compile() {
+ [ -z "${POLICY_TYPES}" ] && local POLICY_TYPES="targeted strict mls mcs"
+ for i in ${POLICY_TYPES}; do
+ cd "${S}/${i}"
+ emake base || die "${i} compile failed"
+ if use doc; then
+ make html || die
+ fi
+ done
+src_install() {
+ [ -z "${POLICY_TYPES}" ] && local POLICY_TYPES="targeted strict mls mcs"
+ for i in ${POLICY_TYPES}; do
+ cd "${S}/${i}"
+ make DESTDIR="${D}" install \
+ || die "${i} install failed."
+ make DESTDIR="${D}" install-headers \
+ || die "${i} headers install failed."
+ echo "run_init_t" > "${D}/etc/selinux/${i}/contexts/run_init_type"
+ echo "textrel_shlib_t" >> "${D}/etc/selinux/${i}/contexts/customizable_types"
+ # libsemanage won't make this on its own
+ keepdir "/etc/selinux/${i}/policy"
+ if use doc; then
+ dohtml doc/html/*;
+ fi
+ insinto /usr/share/selinux/devel;
+ doins doc/policy.xml;
+ done
+ dodoc doc/Makefile.example doc/example.{te,fc,if}
+ doman man/man8/*.8;
+ insinto /etc/selinux
+ doins "${FILESDIR}/config"
+pkg_preinst() {
+ has_version "<${CATEGORY}/${PN}-2.20101213-r13"
+ previous_less_than_r13=$?
diff --git a/sec-policy/selinux-base/selinux-base-2.20141203-r2.ebuild b/sec-policy/selinux-base/selinux-base-2.20141203-r2.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5ec740e3d9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sec-policy/selinux-base/selinux-base-2.20141203-r2.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+inherit eutils
+if [[ ${PV} == 9999* ]]; then
+ inherit git-2
+ SRC_URI="${PV}.tar.bz2
+ KEYWORDS="amd64 x86"
+IUSE="+peer_perms +open_perms +ubac +unconfined doc"
+DESCRIPTION="Gentoo base policy for SELinux"
+ virtual/udev
+ !<=sec-policy/selinux-base-policy-2.20120725"
+ sys-devel/m4
+ >=sys-apps/checkpolicy-2.3"
+#src_unpack() {
+# git-2_src_unpack
+src_prepare() {
+ if [[ ${PV} != 9999* ]]; then
+ # Apply the gentoo patches to the policy. These patches are only necessary
+ # for base policies, or for interface changes on modules.
+ EPATCH_MULTI_MSG="Applying SELinux policy updates ... " \
+ EPATCH_SUFFIX="patch" \
+ EPATCH_FORCE="yes" \
+ epatch
+ fi
+ cd "${S}/refpolicy"
+ make bare
+ epatch_user
+src_configure() {
+ [ -z "${POLICY_TYPES}" ] && local POLICY_TYPES="targeted strict mls mcs"
+ # Update the SELinux refpolicy capabilities based on the users' USE flags.
+ if ! use peer_perms; then
+ sed -i -e '/network_peer_controls/d' \
+ "${S}/refpolicy/policy/policy_capabilities"
+ fi
+ if ! use open_perms; then
+ sed -i -e '/open_perms/d' \
+ "${S}/refpolicy/policy/policy_capabilities"
+ fi
+ if ! use ubac; then
+ sed -i -e '/^UBAC/s/y/n/' "${S}/refpolicy/build.conf" \
+ || die "Failed to disable User Based Access Control"
+ fi
+ echo "DISTRO = gentoo" >> "${S}/refpolicy/build.conf"
+ # Prepare initial configuration
+ cd "${S}/refpolicy";
+ make conf || die "Make conf failed"
+ # Setup the policies based on the types delivered by the end user.
+ # These types can be "targeted", "strict", "mcs" and "mls".
+ for i in ${POLICY_TYPES}; do
+ cp -a "${S}/refpolicy" "${S}/${i}"
+ cd "${S}/${i}";
+ #cp "${FILESDIR}/modules-2.20120215.conf" "${S}/${i}/policy/modules.conf"
+ sed -i -e "/= module/d" "${S}/${i}/policy/modules.conf"
+ sed -i -e '/^QUIET/s/n/y/' -e "/^NAME/s/refpolicy/$i/" \
+ "${S}/${i}/build.conf" || die "build.conf setup failed."
+ if [[ "${i}" == "mls" ]] || [[ "${i}" == "mcs" ]];
+ then
+ # MCS/MLS require additional settings
+ sed -i -e "/^TYPE/s/standard/${i}/" "${S}/${i}/build.conf" \
+ || die "failed to set type to mls"
+ fi
+ if [ "${i}" == "targeted" ]; then
+ sed -i -e '/root/d' -e 's/user_u/unconfined_u/' \
+ "${S}/${i}/config/appconfig-standard/seusers" \
+ || die "targeted seusers setup failed."
+ fi
+ if [ "${i}" != "targeted" ] && [ "${i}" != "strict" ] && use unconfined; then
+ sed -i -e '/root/d' -e 's/user_u/unconfined_u/' \
+ "${S}/${i}/config/appconfig-${i}/seusers" \
+ || die "policy seusers setup failed."
+ fi
+ done
+src_compile() {
+ [ -z "${POLICY_TYPES}" ] && local POLICY_TYPES="targeted strict mls mcs"
+ for i in ${POLICY_TYPES}; do
+ cd "${S}/${i}"
+ emake base || die "${i} compile failed"
+ if use doc; then
+ make html || die
+ fi
+ done
+src_install() {
+ [ -z "${POLICY_TYPES}" ] && local POLICY_TYPES="targeted strict mls mcs"
+ for i in ${POLICY_TYPES}; do
+ cd "${S}/${i}"
+ make DESTDIR="${D}" install \
+ || die "${i} install failed."
+ make DESTDIR="${D}" install-headers \
+ || die "${i} headers install failed."
+ echo "run_init_t" > "${D}/etc/selinux/${i}/contexts/run_init_type"
+ echo "textrel_shlib_t" >> "${D}/etc/selinux/${i}/contexts/customizable_types"
+ # libsemanage won't make this on its own
+ keepdir "/etc/selinux/${i}/policy"
+ if use doc; then
+ dohtml doc/html/*;
+ fi
+ insinto /usr/share/selinux/devel;
+ doins doc/policy.xml;
+ done
+ dodoc doc/Makefile.example doc/example.{te,fc,if}
+ doman man/man8/*.8;
+ insinto /etc/selinux
+ doins "${FILESDIR}/config"
+pkg_preinst() {
+ has_version "<${CATEGORY}/${PN}-2.20101213-r13"
+ previous_less_than_r13=$?
diff --git a/sec-policy/selinux-base/selinux-base-2.20141203-r3.ebuild b/sec-policy/selinux-base/selinux-base-2.20141203-r3.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5ec740e3d9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sec-policy/selinux-base/selinux-base-2.20141203-r3.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+inherit eutils
+if [[ ${PV} == 9999* ]]; then
+ inherit git-2
+ SRC_URI="${PV}.tar.bz2
+ KEYWORDS="amd64 x86"
+IUSE="+peer_perms +open_perms +ubac +unconfined doc"
+DESCRIPTION="Gentoo base policy for SELinux"
+ virtual/udev
+ !<=sec-policy/selinux-base-policy-2.20120725"
+ sys-devel/m4
+ >=sys-apps/checkpolicy-2.3"
+#src_unpack() {
+# git-2_src_unpack
+src_prepare() {
+ if [[ ${PV} != 9999* ]]; then
+ # Apply the gentoo patches to the policy. These patches are only necessary
+ # for base policies, or for interface changes on modules.
+ EPATCH_MULTI_MSG="Applying SELinux policy updates ... " \
+ EPATCH_SUFFIX="patch" \
+ EPATCH_FORCE="yes" \
+ epatch
+ fi
+ cd "${S}/refpolicy"
+ make bare
+ epatch_user
+src_configure() {
+ [ -z "${POLICY_TYPES}" ] && local POLICY_TYPES="targeted strict mls mcs"
+ # Update the SELinux refpolicy capabilities based on the users' USE flags.
+ if ! use peer_perms; then
+ sed -i -e '/network_peer_controls/d' \
+ "${S}/refpolicy/policy/policy_capabilities"
+ fi
+ if ! use open_perms; then
+ sed -i -e '/open_perms/d' \
+ "${S}/refpolicy/policy/policy_capabilities"
+ fi
+ if ! use ubac; then
+ sed -i -e '/^UBAC/s/y/n/' "${S}/refpolicy/build.conf" \
+ || die "Failed to disable User Based Access Control"
+ fi
+ echo "DISTRO = gentoo" >> "${S}/refpolicy/build.conf"
+ # Prepare initial configuration
+ cd "${S}/refpolicy";
+ make conf || die "Make conf failed"
+ # Setup the policies based on the types delivered by the end user.
+ # These types can be "targeted", "strict", "mcs" and "mls".
+ for i in ${POLICY_TYPES}; do
+ cp -a "${S}/refpolicy" "${S}/${i}"
+ cd "${S}/${i}";
+ #cp "${FILESDIR}/modules-2.20120215.conf" "${S}/${i}/policy/modules.conf"
+ sed -i -e "/= module/d" "${S}/${i}/policy/modules.conf"
+ sed -i -e '/^QUIET/s/n/y/' -e "/^NAME/s/refpolicy/$i/" \
+ "${S}/${i}/build.conf" || die "build.conf setup failed."
+ if [[ "${i}" == "mls" ]] || [[ "${i}" == "mcs" ]];
+ then
+ # MCS/MLS require additional settings
+ sed -i -e "/^TYPE/s/standard/${i}/" "${S}/${i}/build.conf" \
+ || die "failed to set type to mls"
+ fi
+ if [ "${i}" == "targeted" ]; then
+ sed -i -e '/root/d' -e 's/user_u/unconfined_u/' \
+ "${S}/${i}/config/appconfig-standard/seusers" \
+ || die "targeted seusers setup failed."
+ fi
+ if [ "${i}" != "targeted" ] && [ "${i}" != "strict" ] && use unconfined; then
+ sed -i -e '/root/d' -e 's/user_u/unconfined_u/' \
+ "${S}/${i}/config/appconfig-${i}/seusers" \
+ || die "policy seusers setup failed."
+ fi
+ done
+src_compile() {
+ [ -z "${POLICY_TYPES}" ] && local POLICY_TYPES="targeted strict mls mcs"
+ for i in ${POLICY_TYPES}; do
+ cd "${S}/${i}"
+ emake base || die "${i} compile failed"
+ if use doc; then
+ make html || die
+ fi
+ done
+src_install() {
+ [ -z "${POLICY_TYPES}" ] && local POLICY_TYPES="targeted strict mls mcs"
+ for i in ${POLICY_TYPES}; do
+ cd "${S}/${i}"
+ make DESTDIR="${D}" install \
+ || die "${i} install failed."
+ make DESTDIR="${D}" install-headers \
+ || die "${i} headers install failed."
+ echo "run_init_t" > "${D}/etc/selinux/${i}/contexts/run_init_type"
+ echo "textrel_shlib_t" >> "${D}/etc/selinux/${i}/contexts/customizable_types"
+ # libsemanage won't make this on its own
+ keepdir "/etc/selinux/${i}/policy"
+ if use doc; then
+ dohtml doc/html/*;
+ fi
+ insinto /usr/share/selinux/devel;
+ doins doc/policy.xml;
+ done
+ dodoc doc/Makefile.example doc/example.{te,fc,if}
+ doman man/man8/*.8;
+ insinto /etc/selinux
+ doins "${FILESDIR}/config"
+pkg_preinst() {
+ has_version "<${CATEGORY}/${PN}-2.20101213-r13"
+ previous_less_than_r13=$?
diff --git a/sec-policy/selinux-base/selinux-base-2.20141203-r4.ebuild b/sec-policy/selinux-base/selinux-base-2.20141203-r4.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5ec740e3d9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sec-policy/selinux-base/selinux-base-2.20141203-r4.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+inherit eutils
+if [[ ${PV} == 9999* ]]; then
+ inherit git-2
+ SRC_URI="${PV}.tar.bz2
+ KEYWORDS="amd64 x86"
+IUSE="+peer_perms +open_perms +ubac +unconfined doc"
+DESCRIPTION="Gentoo base policy for SELinux"
+ virtual/udev
+ !<=sec-policy/selinux-base-policy-2.20120725"
+ sys-devel/m4
+ >=sys-apps/checkpolicy-2.3"
+#src_unpack() {
+# git-2_src_unpack
+src_prepare() {
+ if [[ ${PV} != 9999* ]]; then
+ # Apply the gentoo patches to the policy. These patches are only necessary
+ # for base policies, or for interface changes on modules.
+ EPATCH_MULTI_MSG="Applying SELinux policy updates ... " \
+ EPATCH_SUFFIX="patch" \
+ EPATCH_FORCE="yes" \
+ epatch
+ fi
+ cd "${S}/refpolicy"
+ make bare
+ epatch_user
+src_configure() {
+ [ -z "${POLICY_TYPES}" ] && local POLICY_TYPES="targeted strict mls mcs"
+ # Update the SELinux refpolicy capabilities based on the users' USE flags.
+ if ! use peer_perms; then
+ sed -i -e '/network_peer_controls/d' \
+ "${S}/refpolicy/policy/policy_capabilities"
+ fi
+ if ! use open_perms; then
+ sed -i -e '/open_perms/d' \
+ "${S}/refpolicy/policy/policy_capabilities"
+ fi
+ if ! use ubac; then
+ sed -i -e '/^UBAC/s/y/n/' "${S}/refpolicy/build.conf" \
+ || die "Failed to disable User Based Access Control"
+ fi
+ echo "DISTRO = gentoo" >> "${S}/refpolicy/build.conf"
+ # Prepare initial configuration
+ cd "${S}/refpolicy";
+ make conf || die "Make conf failed"
+ # Setup the policies based on the types delivered by the end user.
+ # These types can be "targeted", "strict", "mcs" and "mls".
+ for i in ${POLICY_TYPES}; do
+ cp -a "${S}/refpolicy" "${S}/${i}"
+ cd "${S}/${i}";
+ #cp "${FILESDIR}/modules-2.20120215.conf" "${S}/${i}/policy/modules.conf"
+ sed -i -e "/= module/d" "${S}/${i}/policy/modules.conf"
+ sed -i -e '/^QUIET/s/n/y/' -e "/^NAME/s/refpolicy/$i/" \
+ "${S}/${i}/build.conf" || die "build.conf setup failed."
+ if [[ "${i}" == "mls" ]] || [[ "${i}" == "mcs" ]];
+ then
+ # MCS/MLS require additional settings
+ sed -i -e "/^TYPE/s/standard/${i}/" "${S}/${i}/build.conf" \
+ || die "failed to set type to mls"
+ fi
+ if [ "${i}" == "targeted" ]; then
+ sed -i -e '/root/d' -e 's/user_u/unconfined_u/' \
+ "${S}/${i}/config/appconfig-standard/seusers" \
+ || die "targeted seusers setup failed."
+ fi
+ if [ "${i}" != "targeted" ] && [ "${i}" != "strict" ] && use unconfined; then
+ sed -i -e '/root/d' -e 's/user_u/unconfined_u/' \
+ "${S}/${i}/config/appconfig-${i}/seusers" \
+ || die "policy seusers setup failed."
+ fi
+ done
+src_compile() {
+ [ -z "${POLICY_TYPES}" ] && local POLICY_TYPES="targeted strict mls mcs"
+ for i in ${POLICY_TYPES}; do
+ cd "${S}/${i}"
+ emake base || die "${i} compile failed"
+ if use doc; then
+ make html || die
+ fi
+ done
+src_install() {
+ [ -z "${POLICY_TYPES}" ] && local POLICY_TYPES="targeted strict mls mcs"
+ for i in ${POLICY_TYPES}; do
+ cd "${S}/${i}"
+ make DESTDIR="${D}" install \
+ || die "${i} install failed."
+ make DESTDIR="${D}" install-headers \
+ || die "${i} headers install failed."
+ echo "run_init_t" > "${D}/etc/selinux/${i}/contexts/run_init_type"
+ echo "textrel_shlib_t" >> "${D}/etc/selinux/${i}/contexts/customizable_types"
+ # libsemanage won't make this on its own
+ keepdir "/etc/selinux/${i}/policy"
+ if use doc; then
+ dohtml doc/html/*;
+ fi
+ insinto /usr/share/selinux/devel;
+ doins doc/policy.xml;
+ done
+ dodoc doc/Makefile.example doc/example.{te,fc,if}
+ doman man/man8/*.8;
+ insinto /etc/selinux
+ doins "${FILESDIR}/config"
+pkg_preinst() {
+ has_version "<${CATEGORY}/${PN}-2.20101213-r13"
+ previous_less_than_r13=$?
diff --git a/sec-policy/selinux-base/selinux-base-2.20141203-r5.ebuild b/sec-policy/selinux-base/selinux-base-2.20141203-r5.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5ec740e3d9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sec-policy/selinux-base/selinux-base-2.20141203-r5.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+inherit eutils
+if [[ ${PV} == 9999* ]]; then
+ inherit git-2
+ SRC_URI="${PV}.tar.bz2
+ KEYWORDS="amd64 x86"
+IUSE="+peer_perms +open_perms +ubac +unconfined doc"
+DESCRIPTION="Gentoo base policy for SELinux"
+ virtual/udev
+ !<=sec-policy/selinux-base-policy-2.20120725"
+ sys-devel/m4
+ >=sys-apps/checkpolicy-2.3"
+#src_unpack() {
+# git-2_src_unpack
+src_prepare() {
+ if [[ ${PV} != 9999* ]]; then
+ # Apply the gentoo patches to the policy. These patches are only necessary
+ # for base policies, or for interface changes on modules.
+ EPATCH_MULTI_MSG="Applying SELinux policy updates ... " \
+ EPATCH_SUFFIX="patch" \
+ EPATCH_FORCE="yes" \
+ epatch
+ fi
+ cd "${S}/refpolicy"
+ make bare
+ epatch_user
+src_configure() {
+ [ -z "${POLICY_TYPES}" ] && local POLICY_TYPES="targeted strict mls mcs"
+ # Update the SELinux refpolicy capabilities based on the users' USE flags.
+ if ! use peer_perms; then
+ sed -i -e '/network_peer_controls/d' \
+ "${S}/refpolicy/policy/policy_capabilities"
+ fi
+ if ! use open_perms; then
+ sed -i -e '/open_perms/d' \
+ "${S}/refpolicy/policy/policy_capabilities"
+ fi
+ if ! use ubac; then
+ sed -i -e '/^UBAC/s/y/n/' "${S}/refpolicy/build.conf" \
+ || die "Failed to disable User Based Access Control"
+ fi
+ echo "DISTRO = gentoo" >> "${S}/refpolicy/build.conf"
+ # Prepare initial configuration
+ cd "${S}/refpolicy";
+ make conf || die "Make conf failed"
+ # Setup the policies based on the types delivered by the end user.
+ # These types can be "targeted", "strict", "mcs" and "mls".
+ for i in ${POLICY_TYPES}; do
+ cp -a "${S}/refpolicy" "${S}/${i}"
+ cd "${S}/${i}";
+ #cp "${FILESDIR}/modules-2.20120215.conf" "${S}/${i}/policy/modules.conf"
+ sed -i -e "/= module/d" "${S}/${i}/policy/modules.conf"
+ sed -i -e '/^QUIET/s/n/y/' -e "/^NAME/s/refpolicy/$i/" \
+ "${S}/${i}/build.conf" || die "build.conf setup failed."
+ if [[ "${i}" == "mls" ]] || [[ "${i}" == "mcs" ]];
+ then
+ # MCS/MLS require additional settings
+ sed -i -e "/^TYPE/s/standard/${i}/" "${S}/${i}/build.conf" \
+ || die "failed to set type to mls"
+ fi
+ if [ "${i}" == "targeted" ]; then
+ sed -i -e '/root/d' -e 's/user_u/unconfined_u/' \
+ "${S}/${i}/config/appconfig-standard/seusers" \
+ || die "targeted seusers setup failed."
+ fi
+ if [ "${i}" != "targeted" ] && [ "${i}" != "strict" ] && use unconfined; then
+ sed -i -e '/root/d' -e 's/user_u/unconfined_u/' \
+ "${S}/${i}/config/appconfig-${i}/seusers" \
+ || die "policy seusers setup failed."
+ fi
+ done
+src_compile() {
+ [ -z "${POLICY_TYPES}" ] && local POLICY_TYPES="targeted strict mls mcs"
+ for i in ${POLICY_TYPES}; do
+ cd "${S}/${i}"
+ emake base || die "${i} compile failed"
+ if use doc; then
+ make html || die
+ fi
+ done
+src_install() {
+ [ -z "${POLICY_TYPES}" ] && local POLICY_TYPES="targeted strict mls mcs"
+ for i in ${POLICY_TYPES}; do
+ cd "${S}/${i}"
+ make DESTDIR="${D}" install \
+ || die "${i} install failed."
+ make DESTDIR="${D}" install-headers \
+ || die "${i} headers install failed."
+ echo "run_init_t" > "${D}/etc/selinux/${i}/contexts/run_init_type"
+ echo "textrel_shlib_t" >> "${D}/etc/selinux/${i}/contexts/customizable_types"
+ # libsemanage won't make this on its own
+ keepdir "/etc/selinux/${i}/policy"
+ if use doc; then
+ dohtml doc/html/*;
+ fi
+ insinto /usr/share/selinux/devel;
+ doins doc/policy.xml;
+ done
+ dodoc doc/Makefile.example doc/example.{te,fc,if}
+ doman man/man8/*.8;
+ insinto /etc/selinux
+ doins "${FILESDIR}/config"
+pkg_preinst() {
+ has_version "<${CATEGORY}/${PN}-2.20101213-r13"
+ previous_less_than_r13=$?
diff --git a/sec-policy/selinux-base/selinux-base-2.20141203-r6.ebuild b/sec-policy/selinux-base/selinux-base-2.20141203-r6.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0e7e488dc97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sec-policy/selinux-base/selinux-base-2.20141203-r6.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+inherit eutils
+if [[ ${PV} == 9999* ]]; then
+ inherit git-r3
+ SRC_URI="${PV}.tar.bz2
+ KEYWORDS="amd64 x86"
+IUSE="+peer_perms +open_perms +ubac +unconfined doc"
+DESCRIPTION="Gentoo base policy for SELinux"
+ virtual/udev
+ !<=sec-policy/selinux-base-policy-2.20120725"
+ sys-devel/m4
+ >=sys-apps/checkpolicy-2.3"
+#src_unpack() {
+# git-2_src_unpack
+src_prepare() {
+ if [[ ${PV} != 9999* ]]; then
+ # Apply the gentoo patches to the policy. These patches are only necessary
+ # for base policies, or for interface changes on modules.
+ EPATCH_MULTI_MSG="Applying SELinux policy updates ... " \
+ EPATCH_SUFFIX="patch" \
+ EPATCH_FORCE="yes" \
+ epatch
+ fi
+ cd "${S}/refpolicy"
+ make bare
+ epatch_user
+src_configure() {
+ [ -z "${POLICY_TYPES}" ] && local POLICY_TYPES="targeted strict mls mcs"
+ # Update the SELinux refpolicy capabilities based on the users' USE flags.
+ if ! use peer_perms; then
+ sed -i -e '/network_peer_controls/d' \
+ "${S}/refpolicy/policy/policy_capabilities"
+ fi
+ if ! use open_perms; then
+ sed -i -e '/open_perms/d' \
+ "${S}/refpolicy/policy/policy_capabilities"
+ fi
+ if ! use ubac; then
+ sed -i -e '/^UBAC/s/y/n/' "${S}/refpolicy/build.conf" \
+ || die "Failed to disable User Based Access Control"
+ fi
+ echo "DISTRO = gentoo" >> "${S}/refpolicy/build.conf"
+ # Prepare initial configuration
+ cd "${S}/refpolicy";
+ make conf || die "Make conf failed"
+ # Setup the policies based on the types delivered by the end user.
+ # These types can be "targeted", "strict", "mcs" and "mls".
+ for i in ${POLICY_TYPES}; do
+ cp -a "${S}/refpolicy" "${S}/${i}"
+ cd "${S}/${i}";
+ #cp "${FILESDIR}/modules-2.20120215.conf" "${S}/${i}/policy/modules.conf"
+ sed -i -e "/= module/d" "${S}/${i}/policy/modules.conf"
+ sed -i -e '/^QUIET/s/n/y/' -e "/^NAME/s/refpolicy/$i/" \
+ "${S}/${i}/build.conf" || die "build.conf setup failed."
+ if [[ "${i}" == "mls" ]] || [[ "${i}" == "mcs" ]];
+ then
+ # MCS/MLS require additional settings
+ sed -i -e "/^TYPE/s/standard/${i}/" "${S}/${i}/build.conf" \
+ || die "failed to set type to mls"
+ fi
+ if [ "${i}" == "targeted" ]; then
+ sed -i -e '/root/d' -e 's/user_u/unconfined_u/' \
+ "${S}/${i}/config/appconfig-standard/seusers" \
+ || die "targeted seusers setup failed."
+ fi
+ if [ "${i}" != "targeted" ] && [ "${i}" != "strict" ] && use unconfined; then
+ sed -i -e '/root/d' -e 's/user_u/unconfined_u/' \
+ "${S}/${i}/config/appconfig-${i}/seusers" \
+ || die "policy seusers setup failed."
+ fi
+ done
+src_compile() {
+ [ -z "${POLICY_TYPES}" ] && local POLICY_TYPES="targeted strict mls mcs"
+ for i in ${POLICY_TYPES}; do
+ cd "${S}/${i}"
+ emake base || die "${i} compile failed"
+ if use doc; then
+ make html || die
+ fi
+ done
+src_install() {
+ [ -z "${POLICY_TYPES}" ] && local POLICY_TYPES="targeted strict mls mcs"
+ for i in ${POLICY_TYPES}; do
+ cd "${S}/${i}"
+ make DESTDIR="${D}" install \
+ || die "${i} install failed."
+ make DESTDIR="${D}" install-headers \
+ || die "${i} headers install failed."
+ echo "run_init_t" > "${D}/etc/selinux/${i}/contexts/run_init_type"
+ echo "textrel_shlib_t" >> "${D}/etc/selinux/${i}/contexts/customizable_types"
+ # libsemanage won't make this on its own
+ keepdir "/etc/selinux/${i}/policy"
+ if use doc; then
+ dohtml doc/html/*;
+ fi
+ insinto /usr/share/selinux/devel;
+ doins doc/policy.xml;
+ done
+ dodoc doc/Makefile.example doc/example.{te,fc,if}
+ doman man/man8/*.8;
+ insinto /etc/selinux
+ doins "${FILESDIR}/config"
+pkg_preinst() {
+ has_version "<${CATEGORY}/${PN}-2.20101213-r13"
+ previous_less_than_r13=$?
diff --git a/sec-policy/selinux-base/selinux-base-2.20141203-r7.ebuild b/sec-policy/selinux-base/selinux-base-2.20141203-r7.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0e7e488dc97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sec-policy/selinux-base/selinux-base-2.20141203-r7.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+inherit eutils
+if [[ ${PV} == 9999* ]]; then
+ inherit git-r3
+ SRC_URI="${PV}.tar.bz2
+ KEYWORDS="amd64 x86"
+IUSE="+peer_perms +open_perms +ubac +unconfined doc"
+DESCRIPTION="Gentoo base policy for SELinux"
+ virtual/udev
+ !<=sec-policy/selinux-base-policy-2.20120725"
+ sys-devel/m4
+ >=sys-apps/checkpolicy-2.3"
+#src_unpack() {
+# git-2_src_unpack
+src_prepare() {
+ if [[ ${PV} != 9999* ]]; then
+ # Apply the gentoo patches to the policy. These patches are only necessary
+ # for base policies, or for interface changes on modules.
+ EPATCH_MULTI_MSG="Applying SELinux policy updates ... " \
+ EPATCH_SUFFIX="patch" \
+ EPATCH_FORCE="yes" \
+ epatch
+ fi
+ cd "${S}/refpolicy"
+ make bare
+ epatch_user
+src_configure() {
+ [ -z "${POLICY_TYPES}" ] && local POLICY_TYPES="targeted strict mls mcs"
+ # Update the SELinux refpolicy capabilities based on the users' USE flags.
+ if ! use peer_perms; then
+ sed -i -e '/network_peer_controls/d' \
+ "${S}/refpolicy/policy/policy_capabilities"
+ fi
+ if ! use open_perms; then
+ sed -i -e '/open_perms/d' \
+ "${S}/refpolicy/policy/policy_capabilities"
+ fi
+ if ! use ubac; then
+ sed -i -e '/^UBAC/s/y/n/' "${S}/refpolicy/build.conf" \
+ || die "Failed to disable User Based Access Control"
+ fi
+ echo "DISTRO = gentoo" >> "${S}/refpolicy/build.conf"
+ # Prepare initial configuration
+ cd "${S}/refpolicy";
+ make conf || die "Make conf failed"
+ # Setup the policies based on the types delivered by the end user.
+ # These types can be "targeted", "strict", "mcs" and "mls".
+ for i in ${POLICY_TYPES}; do
+ cp -a "${S}/refpolicy" "${S}/${i}"
+ cd "${S}/${i}";
+ #cp "${FILESDIR}/modules-2.20120215.conf" "${S}/${i}/policy/modules.conf"
+ sed -i -e "/= module/d" "${S}/${i}/policy/modules.conf"
+ sed -i -e '/^QUIET/s/n/y/' -e "/^NAME/s/refpolicy/$i/" \
+ "${S}/${i}/build.conf" || die "build.conf setup failed."
+ if [[ "${i}" == "mls" ]] || [[ "${i}" == "mcs" ]];
+ then
+ # MCS/MLS require additional settings
+ sed -i -e "/^TYPE/s/standard/${i}/" "${S}/${i}/build.conf" \
+ || die "failed to set type to mls"
+ fi
+ if [ "${i}" == "targeted" ]; then
+ sed -i -e '/root/d' -e 's/user_u/unconfined_u/' \
+ "${S}/${i}/config/appconfig-standard/seusers" \
+ || die "targeted seusers setup failed."
+ fi
+ if [ "${i}" != "targeted" ] && [ "${i}" != "strict" ] && use unconfined; then
+ sed -i -e '/root/d' -e 's/user_u/unconfined_u/' \
+ "${S}/${i}/config/appconfig-${i}/seusers" \
+ || die "policy seusers setup failed."
+ fi
+ done
+src_compile() {
+ [ -z "${POLICY_TYPES}" ] && local POLICY_TYPES="targeted strict mls mcs"
+ for i in ${POLICY_TYPES}; do
+ cd "${S}/${i}"
+ emake base || die "${i} compile failed"
+ if use doc; then
+ make html || die
+ fi
+ done
+src_install() {
+ [ -z "${POLICY_TYPES}" ] && local POLICY_TYPES="targeted strict mls mcs"
+ for i in ${POLICY_TYPES}; do
+ cd "${S}/${i}"
+ make DESTDIR="${D}" install \
+ || die "${i} install failed."
+ make DESTDIR="${D}" install-headers \
+ || die "${i} headers install failed."
+ echo "run_init_t" > "${D}/etc/selinux/${i}/contexts/run_init_type"
+ echo "textrel_shlib_t" >> "${D}/etc/selinux/${i}/contexts/customizable_types"
+ # libsemanage won't make this on its own
+ keepdir "/etc/selinux/${i}/policy"
+ if use doc; then
+ dohtml doc/html/*;
+ fi
+ insinto /usr/share/selinux/devel;
+ doins doc/policy.xml;
+ done
+ dodoc doc/Makefile.example doc/example.{te,fc,if}
+ doman man/man8/*.8;
+ insinto /etc/selinux
+ doins "${FILESDIR}/config"
+pkg_preinst() {
+ has_version "<${CATEGORY}/${PN}-2.20101213-r13"
+ previous_less_than_r13=$?
diff --git a/sec-policy/selinux-base/selinux-base-2.20141203-r8.ebuild b/sec-policy/selinux-base/selinux-base-2.20141203-r8.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..25b2796e94b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sec-policy/selinux-base/selinux-base-2.20141203-r8.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+inherit eutils
+if [[ ${PV} == 9999* ]]; then
+ inherit git-r3
+ SRC_URI="${PV}.tar.bz2
+ KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
+IUSE="+peer_perms +open_perms +ubac +unconfined doc"
+DESCRIPTION="Gentoo base policy for SELinux"
+ virtual/udev
+ !<=sec-policy/selinux-base-policy-2.20120725"
+ sys-devel/m4
+ >=sys-apps/checkpolicy-2.3"
+#src_unpack() {
+# git-2_src_unpack
+src_prepare() {
+ if [[ ${PV} != 9999* ]]; then
+ # Apply the gentoo patches to the policy. These patches are only necessary
+ # for base policies, or for interface changes on modules.
+ EPATCH_MULTI_MSG="Applying SELinux policy updates ... " \
+ EPATCH_SUFFIX="patch" \
+ EPATCH_FORCE="yes" \
+ epatch
+ fi
+ cd "${S}/refpolicy"
+ make bare
+ epatch_user
+src_configure() {
+ [ -z "${POLICY_TYPES}" ] && local POLICY_TYPES="targeted strict mls mcs"
+ # Update the SELinux refpolicy capabilities based on the users' USE flags.
+ if ! use peer_perms; then
+ sed -i -e '/network_peer_controls/d' \
+ "${S}/refpolicy/policy/policy_capabilities"
+ fi
+ if ! use open_perms; then
+ sed -i -e '/open_perms/d' \
+ "${S}/refpolicy/policy/policy_capabilities"
+ fi
+ if ! use ubac; then
+ sed -i -e '/^UBAC/s/y/n/' "${S}/refpolicy/build.conf" \
+ || die "Failed to disable User Based Access Control"
+ fi
+ echo "DISTRO = gentoo" >> "${S}/refpolicy/build.conf"
+ # Prepare initial configuration
+ cd "${S}/refpolicy";
+ make conf || die "Make conf failed"
+ # Setup the policies based on the types delivered by the end user.
+ # These types can be "targeted", "strict", "mcs" and "mls".
+ for i in ${POLICY_TYPES}; do
+ cp -a "${S}/refpolicy" "${S}/${i}"
+ cd "${S}/${i}";
+ #cp "${FILESDIR}/modules-2.20120215.conf" "${S}/${i}/policy/modules.conf"
+ sed -i -e "/= module/d" "${S}/${i}/policy/modules.conf"
+ sed -i -e '/^QUIET/s/n/y/' -e "/^NAME/s/refpolicy/$i/" \
+ "${S}/${i}/build.conf" || die "build.conf setup failed."
+ if [[ "${i}" == "mls" ]] || [[ "${i}" == "mcs" ]];
+ then
+ # MCS/MLS require additional settings
+ sed -i -e "/^TYPE/s/standard/${i}/" "${S}/${i}/build.conf" \
+ || die "failed to set type to mls"
+ fi
+ if [ "${i}" == "targeted" ]; then
+ sed -i -e '/root/d' -e 's/user_u/unconfined_u/' \
+ "${S}/${i}/config/appconfig-standard/seusers" \
+ || die "targeted seusers setup failed."
+ fi
+ if [ "${i}" != "targeted" ] && [ "${i}" != "strict" ] && use unconfined; then
+ sed -i -e '/root/d' -e 's/user_u/unconfined_u/' \
+ "${S}/${i}/config/appconfig-${i}/seusers" \
+ || die "policy seusers setup failed."
+ fi
+ done
+src_compile() {
+ [ -z "${POLICY_TYPES}" ] && local POLICY_TYPES="targeted strict mls mcs"
+ for i in ${POLICY_TYPES}; do
+ cd "${S}/${i}"
+ emake base || die "${i} compile failed"
+ if use doc; then
+ make html || die
+ fi
+ done
+src_install() {
+ [ -z "${POLICY_TYPES}" ] && local POLICY_TYPES="targeted strict mls mcs"
+ for i in ${POLICY_TYPES}; do
+ cd "${S}/${i}"
+ make DESTDIR="${D}" install \
+ || die "${i} install failed."
+ make DESTDIR="${D}" install-headers \
+ || die "${i} headers install failed."
+ echo "run_init_t" > "${D}/etc/selinux/${i}/contexts/run_init_type"
+ echo "textrel_shlib_t" >> "${D}/etc/selinux/${i}/contexts/customizable_types"
+ # libsemanage won't make this on its own
+ keepdir "/etc/selinux/${i}/policy"
+ if use doc; then
+ dohtml doc/html/*;
+ fi
+ insinto /usr/share/selinux/devel;
+ doins doc/policy.xml;
+ done
+ dodoc doc/Makefile.example doc/example.{te,fc,if}
+ doman man/man8/*.8;
+ insinto /etc/selinux
+ doins "${FILESDIR}/config"
+pkg_preinst() {
+ has_version "<${CATEGORY}/${PN}-2.20101213-r13"
+ previous_less_than_r13=$?
diff --git a/sec-policy/selinux-base/selinux-base-9999.ebuild b/sec-policy/selinux-base/selinux-base-9999.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..25b2796e94b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sec-policy/selinux-base/selinux-base-9999.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+inherit eutils
+if [[ ${PV} == 9999* ]]; then
+ inherit git-r3
+ SRC_URI="${PV}.tar.bz2
+ KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
+IUSE="+peer_perms +open_perms +ubac +unconfined doc"
+DESCRIPTION="Gentoo base policy for SELinux"
+ virtual/udev
+ !<=sec-policy/selinux-base-policy-2.20120725"
+ sys-devel/m4
+ >=sys-apps/checkpolicy-2.3"
+#src_unpack() {
+# git-2_src_unpack
+src_prepare() {
+ if [[ ${PV} != 9999* ]]; then
+ # Apply the gentoo patches to the policy. These patches are only necessary
+ # for base policies, or for interface changes on modules.
+ EPATCH_MULTI_MSG="Applying SELinux policy updates ... " \
+ EPATCH_SUFFIX="patch" \
+ EPATCH_FORCE="yes" \
+ epatch
+ fi
+ cd "${S}/refpolicy"
+ make bare
+ epatch_user
+src_configure() {
+ [ -z "${POLICY_TYPES}" ] && local POLICY_TYPES="targeted strict mls mcs"
+ # Update the SELinux refpolicy capabilities based on the users' USE flags.
+ if ! use peer_perms; then
+ sed -i -e '/network_peer_controls/d' \
+ "${S}/refpolicy/policy/policy_capabilities"
+ fi
+ if ! use open_perms; then
+ sed -i -e '/open_perms/d' \
+ "${S}/refpolicy/policy/policy_capabilities"
+ fi
+ if ! use ubac; then
+ sed -i -e '/^UBAC/s/y/n/' "${S}/refpolicy/build.conf" \
+ || die "Failed to disable User Based Access Control"
+ fi
+ echo "DISTRO = gentoo" >> "${S}/refpolicy/build.conf"
+ # Prepare initial configuration
+ cd "${S}/refpolicy";
+ make conf || die "Make conf failed"
+ # Setup the policies based on the types delivered by the end user.
+ # These types can be "targeted", "strict", "mcs" and "mls".
+ for i in ${POLICY_TYPES}; do
+ cp -a "${S}/refpolicy" "${S}/${i}"
+ cd "${S}/${i}";
+ #cp "${FILESDIR}/modules-2.20120215.conf" "${S}/${i}/policy/modules.conf"
+ sed -i -e "/= module/d" "${S}/${i}/policy/modules.conf"
+ sed -i -e '/^QUIET/s/n/y/' -e "/^NAME/s/refpolicy/$i/" \
+ "${S}/${i}/build.conf" || die "build.conf setup failed."
+ if [[ "${i}" == "mls" ]] || [[ "${i}" == "mcs" ]];
+ then
+ # MCS/MLS require additional settings
+ sed -i -e "/^TYPE/s/standard/${i}/" "${S}/${i}/build.conf" \
+ || die "failed to set type to mls"
+ fi
+ if [ "${i}" == "targeted" ]; then
+ sed -i -e '/root/d' -e 's/user_u/unconfined_u/' \
+ "${S}/${i}/config/appconfig-standard/seusers" \
+ || die "targeted seusers setup failed."
+ fi
+ if [ "${i}" != "targeted" ] && [ "${i}" != "strict" ] && use unconfined; then
+ sed -i -e '/root/d' -e 's/user_u/unconfined_u/' \
+ "${S}/${i}/config/appconfig-${i}/seusers" \
+ || die "policy seusers setup failed."
+ fi
+ done
+src_compile() {
+ [ -z "${POLICY_TYPES}" ] && local POLICY_TYPES="targeted strict mls mcs"
+ for i in ${POLICY_TYPES}; do
+ cd "${S}/${i}"
+ emake base || die "${i} compile failed"
+ if use doc; then
+ make html || die
+ fi
+ done
+src_install() {
+ [ -z "${POLICY_TYPES}" ] && local POLICY_TYPES="targeted strict mls mcs"
+ for i in ${POLICY_TYPES}; do
+ cd "${S}/${i}"
+ make DESTDIR="${D}" install \
+ || die "${i} install failed."
+ make DESTDIR="${D}" install-headers \
+ || die "${i} headers install failed."
+ echo "run_init_t" > "${D}/etc/selinux/${i}/contexts/run_init_type"
+ echo "textrel_shlib_t" >> "${D}/etc/selinux/${i}/contexts/customizable_types"
+ # libsemanage won't make this on its own
+ keepdir "/etc/selinux/${i}/policy"
+ if use doc; then
+ dohtml doc/html/*;
+ fi
+ insinto /usr/share/selinux/devel;
+ doins doc/policy.xml;
+ done
+ dodoc doc/Makefile.example doc/example.{te,fc,if}
+ doman man/man8/*.8;
+ insinto /etc/selinux
+ doins "${FILESDIR}/config"
+pkg_preinst() {
+ has_version "<${CATEGORY}/${PN}-2.20101213-r13"
+ previous_less_than_r13=$?