path: root/dev-python/execnet/files/1.2.0-tests.patch
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-python/execnet/files/1.2.0-tests.patch')
1 files changed, 115 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dev-python/execnet/files/1.2.0-tests.patch b/dev-python/execnet/files/1.2.0-tests.patch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..13bed5d5960
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-python/execnet/files/1.2.0-tests.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+# HG changeset patch
+# User holger krekel <>
+# Date 1412585605 -7200
+# Node ID c9303c302995a4fb844553d4977c55abc72e2020
+# Parent 47ff3652b0aed191f7bafc741c211d1415f65224
+fix issue35: adapt some doctests, fix some channel tests for py3.
+Also modernize tox.ini a bit.
+diff -ur execnet-1.2.0.orig/doc/example/test_group.txt execnet-1.2.0/doc/example/test_group.txt
+--- doc/example/test_group.txt 2014-01-29 19:50:22.000000000 +0800
++++ doc/example/test_group.txt 2014-10-10 19:51:00.108828123 +0800
+@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
+ >>> group
+ <Group ['gw0', 'gw1']>
+ >>> list(group)
+- [<PopenGateway id='gw0' receive-live, 0 active channels>, <PopenGateway id='gw1' receive-live, 0 active channels>]
++ [<Gateway id='gw0' receive-live, thread model, 0 active channels>, <Gateway id='gw1' receive-live, thread model, 0 active channels>]
+ >>> 'gw0' in group and 'gw1' in group
+ True
+ >>> group['gw0'] == group[0]
+@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
+ >>> gw = group.makegateway("popen//id=sub1")
+ >>> assert == "sub1"
+ >>> group['sub1']
+- <PopenGateway id='sub1' receive-live, 0 active channels>
++ <Gateway id='sub1' receive-live, thread model, 0 active channels>
+ Getting (auto) IDs before instantiation
+ ------------------------------------------------------
+diff -ur execnet-1.2.0.orig/doc/example/test_proxy.txt execnet-1.2.0/doc/example/test_proxy.txt
+--- doc/example/test_proxy.txt 2014-01-29 19:50:22.000000000 +0800
++++ doc/example/test_proxy.txt 2014-10-10 19:16:50.380156509 +0800
+@@ -18,10 +18,10 @@
+ >>> group.defaultspec = 'popen//via=master'
+ >>> master = group.makegateway('popen//id=master')
+ >>> master
+- <Gateway id='master' receive-live, 0 active channels>
++ <Gateway id='master' receive-live, thread model, 0 active channels>
+ >>> slave = group.makegateway()
+ >>> slave
+- <Gateway id='gw0' receive-live, 0 active channels>
++ <Gateway id='gw0' receive-live, thread model, 0 active channels>
+ >>> group
+ <Group ['master', 'gw0']>
+diff -ur execnet-1.2.0.orig/testing/ execnet-1.2.0/testing/
+--- testing/ 2014-01-29 19:50:22.000000000 +0800
++++ testing/ 2014-10-10 19:21:00.943955387 +0800
+@@ -68,25 +68,19 @@
+ def test_channel_error_reporting(self, gw):
+ channel = gw.remote_exec('def foo():\n return foobar()\nfoo()\n')
+- try:
+- channel.receive()
+- except channel.RemoteError:
+- e = sys.exc_info()[1]
+- assert str(e).startswith('Traceback (most recent call last):')
+- assert str(e).find('NameError: global name \'foobar\' '
+- 'is not defined') > -1
+- else:
+-'No exception raised')
++ excinfo = pytest.raises(channel.RemoteError, channel.receive)
++ msg = str(excinfo.value)
++ assert msg.startswith('Traceback (most recent call last):')
++ assert "NameError" in msg
++ assert "foobar" in msg
+ def test_channel_syntax_error(self, gw):
+ # missing colon
+ channel = gw.remote_exec('def foo()\n return 1\nfoo()\n')
+- try:
+- channel.receive()
+- except channel.RemoteError:
+- e = sys.exc_info()[1]
+- assert str(e).startswith('Traceback (most recent call last):')
+- assert str(e).find('SyntaxError') > -1
++ excinfo = pytest.raises(channel.RemoteError, channel.receive)
++ msg = str(excinfo.value)
++ assert msg.startswith('Traceback (most recent call last):')
++ assert "SyntaxError" in msg
+ def test_channel_iter(self, gw):
+ channel = gw.remote_exec("""
+diff -ur execnet-1.2.0.orig/tox.ini execnet-1.2.0/tox.ini
+--- tox.ini 2014-01-29 19:50:22.000000000 +0800
++++ tox.ini 2014-10-10 20:14:22.806301771 +0800
+@@ -1,16 +1,11 @@
+ [tox]
+ [testenv]
+ changedir=testing
+ deps=pytest
+ pytest-timeout
+-commands=py.test -rsfxX --junitxml={envlogdir}/junit-{envname}.xml []
++commands=py.test -rsfxX {posargs}
+ [testenv:flakes]
+ changedir=
+@@ -26,8 +21,7 @@
+ deps=sphinx
+ pytest
+ commands=
+- py.test \
+- -rsfxX -v --junitxml={envlogdir}/junit-{envname}.xml
++ py.test -rsfxX -v
+ [pytest]
+ timeout = 20