path: root/config/ranger
diff options
authorKenny Ballou <kballou@devnulllabs.io>2020-10-14 10:05:44 -0600
committerKenny Ballou <kballou@devnulllabs.io>2020-12-15 14:04:46 -0700
commit418ec7b94aa8202e5f5f0a59f2bb97a7c0510068 (patch)
tree0a08e1653ba5d8efc527bbaf4e5914ffb9c8b6b9 /config/ranger
parent164cd37871e6235584ce23f3a0bf516a51b31489 (diff)
dots: now for something completely different
Use home-manager to configure user packages, dotfiles, and various other configurations. Add home-manager configuration for installing and managing user packages and profiles. Convert nearly all configuration to use home-manager to install and link configuration files. In no particular order of reference, I've used and/or referenced the following configurations and posts for this homeification: [[0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10]]. [0]: https://gitlab.com/NobbZ/nix-home-manager-dotfiles [1]: https://www.malloc47.com/migrating-to-nixos/ [2]: https://lucperkins.dev/blog/home-manager/ [3]: https://github.com/jwiegley/nix-config [4]: https://www.thedroneely.com/posts/declarative-user-package-management-in-nixos/ [5]: https://hugoreeves.com/posts/2019/nix-home/ [6]: https://rycee.gitlab.io/home-manager/ [7]: https://rycee.net/posts/2017-07-02-manage-your-home-with-nix.html [8]: https://github.com/abcdw/rde [9]: https://github.com/ryantm/dotfiles [10]: https://git.sr.ht/~vdemeester/home Signed-off-by: Kenny Ballou <kballou@devnulllabs.io>
Diffstat (limited to 'config/ranger')
5 files changed, 316 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/config/ranger/default.nix b/config/ranger/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..69638607
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/ranger/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+{ pkgs, config, ... }:
+ xdg.configFile.ranger = {
+ recursive = true;
+ source = ./ranger;
+ target = "ranger";
+ };
diff --git a/config/ranger/ranger.desktop b/config/ranger/ranger.desktop
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d49df0c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/ranger/ranger.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+GenericName=File Browser
+Comment=Vim inspired CLI based directory browser
+Exec=urxvt -e ranger
diff --git a/config/ranger/ranger/colorschemes/molokai.py b/config/ranger/ranger/colorschemes/molokai.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3f05a976
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/ranger/ranger/colorschemes/molokai.py
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+from ranger.gui.colorscheme import ColorScheme
+from ranger.gui.color import *
+class Molokai(ColorScheme):
+ progress_bar_color = 33
+ def use(self, context):
+ fg, bg, attr = default_colors
+ if context.reset:
+ return default_colors
+ elif context.in_browser:
+ fg = 244
+ if context.selected:
+ attr = reverse
+ else:
+ attr = normal
+ if context.empty or context.error:
+ fg = 162
+ bg = 234
+ if context.border:
+ fg = 248
+ if context.image:
+ fg = 208
+ if context.video:
+ fg = 81
+ if context.audio:
+ fg = 135
+ if context.document:
+ fg = 161
+ if context.container:
+ attr |= bold
+ fg = 135
+ if context.directory:
+ attr |= bold
+ fg = 33
+ elif (context.executable and not
+ any((context.media, context.container,
+ context.fifo, context.socket))):
+ attr |= bold
+ fg = 43
+ if context.socket:
+ fg = 155
+ attr |= bold
+ if context.fifo or context.device:
+ fg = 160
+ if context.device:
+ attr |= bold
+ if context.link:
+ fg = context.good and 24
+ if context.bad:
+ fg = 117
+ bg = 199
+ if context.tag_marker and not context.selected:
+ attr |= bold
+ if fg in (89, 161):
+ fg = 199
+ else:
+ fg = 89
+ if not context.selected and (context.cut or context.copied):
+ fg = 199
+ attr |= bold
+ if context.main_column:
+ if context.selected:
+ attr |= bold
+ if context.marked:
+ attr |= bold
+ fg = 201
+ if context.badinfo:
+ if attr & reverse:
+ bg = 95
+ else:
+ fg = 95
+ elif context.in_titlebar:
+ attr |= bold
+ if context.hostname:
+ fg = context.bad and 16 or 255
+ if context.bad:
+ bg = 166
+ elif context.directory:
+ fg = 33
+ elif context.tab:
+ if context.good:
+ fg = 47
+ bg = 237
+ elif context.link:
+ fg = 116
+ elif context.in_statusbar:
+ fg = 244
+ if context.permissions:
+ if context.good:
+ fg = 93
+ elif context.bad:
+ fg = 161
+ if context.marked:
+ attr |= bold | reverse
+ fg = 237
+ bg = 47
+ if context.message:
+ if context.bad:
+ attr |= bold
+ fg = 174
+ if context.loaded:
+ bg = self.progress_bar_color
+ if context.vcsinfo:
+ fg = 116
+ attr &= ~bold
+ if context.vcscommit:
+ fg = 144
+ attr &= ~bold
+ if context.text:
+ if context.highlight:
+ attr |= reverse
+ if context.in_taskview:
+ if context.title:
+ fg = 116
+ if context.selected:
+ attr |= reverse
+ if context.loaded:
+ if context.selected:
+ fg = self.progress_bar_color
+ else:
+ bg = self.progress_bar_color
+ return fg, bg, attr
diff --git a/config/ranger/ranger/colorschemes/zenburn.py b/config/ranger/ranger/colorschemes/zenburn.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..26de9dcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/ranger/ranger/colorschemes/zenburn.py
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+# Ivaylo Kuzev <ivkuzev@gmail.com>, 2014
+# Zenburn like colorscheme for https://github.com/hut/ranger .
+# default colorscheme.
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Roman Zimbelmann <hut@lepus.uberspace.de>
+# This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL version 3.
+from ranger.gui.colorscheme import ColorScheme
+from ranger.gui.color import *
+class Zenburn(ColorScheme):
+ progress_bar_color = 108
+ def use(self, context):
+ fg, bg, attr = default_colors
+ if context.reset:
+ return default_colors
+ elif context.in_browser:
+ if context.selected:
+ attr = reverse
+ else:
+ attr = normal
+ if context.empty or context.error:
+ fg = 174
+ bg = 235
+ if context.border:
+ fg = 248
+ if context.image:
+ fg = 109
+ if context.video:
+ fg = 66
+ if context.audio:
+ fg = 116
+ if context.document:
+ fg = 151
+ if context.container:
+ attr |= bold
+ fg = 174
+ if context.directory:
+ attr |= bold
+ fg = 223
+ elif context.executable and not \
+ any((context.media, context.container,
+ context.fifo, context.socket)):
+ attr |= bold
+ fg = 108
+ if context.socket:
+ fg = 180
+ attr |= bold
+ if context.fifo or context.device:
+ fg = 144
+ if context.device:
+ attr |= bold
+ if context.link:
+ fg = context.good and 223 or 116
+ bg = 234
+ if context.bad:
+ bg = 235
+ if context.tag_marker and not context.selected:
+ attr |= bold
+ if fg in (174, 95):
+ fg = 248
+ else:
+ fg = 174
+ if not context.selected and (context.cut or context.copied):
+ fg = 108
+ bg = 234
+ if context.main_column:
+ if context.selected:
+ attr |= bold
+ if context.marked:
+ attr |= bold
+ fg = 223
+ if context.badinfo:
+ if attr & reverse:
+ bg = 95
+ else:
+ fg = 95
+ elif context.in_titlebar:
+ attr |= bold
+ if context.hostname:
+ fg = context.bad and 174 or 180
+ elif context.directory:
+ fg = 223
+ elif context.tab:
+ if context.good:
+ bg = 180
+ elif context.link:
+ fg = 116
+ elif context.in_statusbar:
+ if context.permissions:
+ if context.good:
+ fg = 108
+ elif context.bad:
+ fg = 174
+ if context.marked:
+ attr |= bold | reverse
+ fg = 223
+ if context.message:
+ if context.bad:
+ attr |= bold
+ fg = 174
+ if context.loaded:
+ bg = self.progress_bar_color
+ if context.vcsinfo:
+ fg = 116
+ attr &= ~bold
+ if context.vcscommit:
+ fg = 144
+ attr &= ~bold
+ if context.text:
+ if context.highlight:
+ attr |= reverse
+ if context.in_taskview:
+ if context.title:
+ fg = 116
+ if context.selected:
+ attr |= reverse
+ if context.loaded:
+ if context.selected:
+ fg = self.progress_bar_color
+ else:
+ bg = self.progress_bar_color
+ if context.vcsfile and not context.selected:
+ attr &= ~bold
+ if context.vcsconflict:
+ fg = 95
+ elif context.vcschanged:
+ fg = 174
+ elif context.vcsunknown:
+ fg = 174
+ elif context.vcsstaged:
+ fg = 108
+ elif context.vcssync:
+ fg = 108
+ elif context.vcsignored:
+ fg = default
+ elif context.vcsremote and not context.selected:
+ attr &= ~bold
+ if context.vcssync:
+ fg = 108
+ elif context.vcsbehind:
+ fg = 174
+ elif context.vcsahead:
+ fg = 116
+ elif context.vcsdiverged:
+ fg = 95
+ elif context.vcsunknown:
+ fg = 174
+ return fg, bg, attr
diff --git a/config/ranger/ranger/rc.conf b/config/ranger/ranger/rc.conf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..15b5b1ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/ranger/ranger/rc.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+set mouse_enabled=false
+set colorscheme=zenburn
+set preview_images=true