path: root/blag/content/blog/Spark.markdown
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authorkballou <>2017-02-10 13:32:20 -0700
committerkballou <>2017-02-10 13:32:20 -0700
commit2ee58e2c06ef02680ee7f9f12d34fbd98519b331 (patch)
treee21873c55c281645c044b0a1e685c1fcfa0d2db1 /blag/content/blog/Spark.markdown
parent6534b7899c7fb88e25fb4edce4f724b15fe6cf21 (diff)
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-title: "Real-Time Streaming with Apache Spark Streaming"
-description: "Overview of Apache Spark and a sample Twitter Sentiment Analysis"
- - "Apache Spark"
- - "Apache Kafka"
- - "Apache"
- - "Java"
- - "Sentiment Analysis"
- - "Real-time Streaming"
- - "ZData Inc."
-date: "2014-08-18"
- - "Apache"
- - "Development"
- - "Real-time Systems"
-slug: "real-time-streaming-apache-spark-streaming"
-This is the second post in a series on real-time systems tangential to the
-Hadoop ecosystem. [Last time][6], we talked about [Apache Kafka][5] and Apache
-Storm for use in a real-time processing engine. Today, we will be exploring
-Apache Spark (Streaming) as part of a real-time processing engine.
-## About Spark ##
-[Apache Spark][1] is a general purpose, large-scale processing engine, recently
-fully inducted as an Apache project and is currently under very active
-development. As of this writing, Spark is at version 1.0.2 and 1.1 will be
-released some time soon.
-Spark is intended to be a drop in replacement for Hadoop MapReduce providing
-the benefit of improved performance. Combining Spark with its related projects
-and libraries -- [Spark SQL (formerly Shark)][14], [Spark Streaming][15],
-[Spark MLlib][16], [GraphX][17], among others -- and a very capable and
-promising processing stack emerges. Spark is capable of reading from HBase,
-Hive, Cassandra, and any HDFS data source. Not to mention the many external
-libraries that enable consuming data from many more sources, e.g., hooking
-Apache Kafka into Spark Streaming is trivial. Further, the Spark Streaming
-project provides the ability to continuously compute transformations on data.
-### Resilient Distributed Datasets ###
-Apache Spark's primitive type is the Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD). All
-transformations, `map`, `join`, `reduce`, etc., in Spark revolve around this
-type. RDD's can be created in one of three ways: _parallelizing_ (distributing
-a local dataset); reading a stable, external data source, such as an HDFS file;
-or transformations on existing RDD's.
-In Java, parallelizing may look like:
- List<Integer> data = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
- JavaRDD<Integer> distData = sc.parallelize(data);
-Where `sc` defines the Spark context.
-Similarly, reading a file from HDFS may look like:
- JavaRDD<String> distFile = sc.textFile("hdfs:///data.txt");
-The resiliency of RDD's comes from their [lazy][34] materialization and the
-information required to enable this lazy nature. RDD's are not always fully
-materialized but they _do_ contain enough information (their linage) to be
-(re)created from a stable source [[Zaharia et al.][32]].
-RDD's are distributed among the participating machines, and RDD transformations
-are coarse-grained -- the same transformation will be applied to _every_
-element in an RDD. The number of partitions in an RDD is generally defined by
-the locality of the stable source, however, the user may control this number
-via repartitioning.
-Another important property to mention, RDD's are actually immutable. This
-immutability can be illustrated with [Spark's][27] Word Count example:
- JavaRDD<String> file = sc.textFile("hdfs:///data.txt");
- JavaRDD<String> words = file.flatMap(
- new FlatMapFunction<String, String>() {
- public Iterable<String> call(String line) {
- return Arrays.asList(line.split(" "));
- }
- }
- );
- JavaPairRDD<String, Integer> pairs =
- new PairFunction<String, String, Integer>() {
- public Tuple2<String, Integer> call(String word) {
- return new Tuple2<String, Integer>(word, 1);
- }
- }
- );
- JavaPairRDD<String, Integer> counts = pairs.reduceByKey(
- new Function2<Integer, Integer>() {
- public Integer call(Integer a, Integer b) { return a + b; }
- }
- );
- counts.saveAsTextFile("hdfs:///data_counted.txt");
-This is the canonical word count example, but here is a brief explanation: load
-a file into an RDD, split the words into a new RDD, map the words into pairs
-where each word is given a count (one), then reduce the counts of each word by
-a key, in this case the word itself. Notice, each operation, `map`, `flatMap`,
-`reduceByKey`, creates a _new_ RDD.
-To bring all these properties together, Resilient Distributed Datasets are
-read-only, lazy distributed sets of elements that can have a chain of
-transformations applied to them. They facilitate resiliency by storing lineage
-graphs of the transformations (to be) applied and they [parallelize][35] the
-computations by partitioning the data among the participating machines.
-### Discretized Streams ###
-Moving to Spark Streaming, the primitive is still RDD's. However, there is
-another type for encapsulating a continuous stream of data: Discretized Streams
-or DStreams. DStreams are defined as sequences of RDD's. A DStream is created
-from an input source, such as Apache Kafka, or from the transformation of
-another DStream.
-Turns out, programming against DStreams is _very_ similar to programming
-against RDD's. The same word count code can be slightly modified to create a
-streaming word counter:
- JavaReceiverInputDStream<String> lines = ssc.socketTextStream("localhost", 9999);
- JavaDStream<String> words = lines.flatMap(
- new FlatMapFunction<String, String>() {
- public Iterable<String> call(String line) {
- return Arrays.asList(line.split(" "));
- }
- }
- );
- JavaPairDStream<String, Integer> pairs =
- new PairFunction<String, String, Integer>() {
- public Tuple2<String, Integer> call(String word) {
- return new Tuple2<String, Integer>(word, 1);
- }
- }
- );
- JavaPairDStream<String, Integer> counts = pairs.reduceByKey(
- new Function2<Integer, Integer>() {
- public Integer call(Integer a, Integer b) { return a + b; }
- }
- );
- counts.print();
-Notice, really the only change between first example's code is the return
-types. In the streaming context, transformations are working on streams of
-RDD's, Spark handles applying the functions (that work against data in the
-RDD's) to the RDD's in the current batch/ DStream.
-Though programming against DStreams is similar, there are indeed some
-differences as well. Chiefly, DStreams also have _statefull_ transformations.
-These include sharing state between batches/ intervals and modifying the
-current frame when aggregating over a sliding window.
->The key idea is to treat streaming as a series of short batch jobs, and bring
->down the latency of these jobs as much as possible. This brings many of the
->benefits of batch processing models to stream processing, including clear
->consistency semantics and a new parallel recovery technique...
-[[Zaharia et al.][33]]
-### Hadoop Requirements ###
-Technically speaking, Apache Spark does [_not_][30] require Hadoop to be fully
-functional. In a cluster setting, however, a means of sharing files between
-tasks will need to be facilitated. This could be accomplished through [S3][8],
-[NFS][9], or, more typically, HDFS.
-### Running Spark Applications ###
-Apache Spark applications can run in [standalone mode][18] or be managed by
-[YARN][10]([Running Spark on YARN][19]), [Mesos][11]([Running Spark on
-Mesos][20]), and even [EC2][28]([Running Spark on EC2][29]). Furthermore, if
-running under YARN or Mesos, Spark does not need to be installed to work. That
-is, Spark code can execute on YARN and Mesos clusters without change to the
-### Language Support ###
-Currently, Apache Spark supports the Scala, Java, and Python programming
-languages. Though, this post will only be discussing examples in Java.
-### Initial Thoughts ###
-Getting away from the idea of directed acyclic graphs (DAG's) is -- may be --
-both a bit of a leap and a benefit. Although it is perfectly acceptable to
-define Spark's transformations altogether as a DAG, this can feel awkward when
-developing Spark applications. Describing the transformations as [Monadic][13]
-feels much more natural. Of course, a monad structure fits the DAG analogy
-quite well, especially when considered in some of the physical analogies such
-as assembly lines.
-Java's, and consequently Spark's, type strictness was an initial hurdle to
-get accustomed. But overall, this is good. It means the compiler will catch a
-lot of issues with transformations early.
-Depending on Scala's `Tuple[\d]` classes feels second-class, but this is only a
-minor tedium. It's too bad current versions of Java don't have good classes for
-this common structure.
-YARN and Mesos integration is a very nice benefit as it allows full stack
-analytics to not oversubscribe clusters. Furthermore, it gives the ability to
-add to existing infrastructure without overloading the developers and the
-system administrators with _yet another_ computational suite and/ or resource
-On the negative side of things, dependency hell can creep into Spark projects.
-Your project and Spark (and possibly Spark's dependencies) may depend on a
-common artifact. If the versions don't [converge][21], many subtle problems can
-emerge. There is an [experimental configuration option][4] to help alleviate
-this problem, however, for me, it caused more problems than solved.
-## Test Project: Twitter Stream Sentiment Analysis ##
-To really test Spark (Streaming), a Twitter Sentiment Analysis project was
-developed. It's almost a direct port of the [Storm code][3]. Though there is an
-external library for hooking Spark directly into Twitter, Kafka is used so a
-more precise comparison of Spark and Storm can be made.
-When the processing is finished, the data are written to HDFS and posted to a
-simple NodeJS application.
-### Setup ###
-The setup is the same as [last time][6]: 5 node Vagrant virtual cluster with
-each node running 64 bit CentOS 6.5, given 1 core, and 1024MB of RAM. Every
-node is running HDFS (datanode), YARN worker nodes (nodemanager), ZooKeeper,
-and Kafka. The first node, `node0`, is the namenode and resource manager.
-`node0` is also running a [Docker][7] container with a NodeJS application for
-reporting purposes.
-### Application Overview ###
-This project follows a very similar process structure as the Storm Topology
-from last time.
-{{< figure src="/media/SentimentAnalysisTopology.png"
- alt="Sentiment Analysis Topology" >}}
-However, each node in the above graph is actually a transformation on the
-current DStream and not an individual process (or group of processes).
-This test project similarly uses the same [simple Kafka producer][22]
-developed. This Kafka producer will be how data are ingested by the system.
-[A lot of this overview will be a rehashing of last time.]
-#### Kafka Receiver Stream ####
-The data processed is received from a Kafka Stream and is implemented via the
-[external Kafka][23] library. This process simply creates a connection to the
-Kafka broker(s), consuming messages from the given set of topics.
-##### Stripping Kafka Message IDs #####
-It turns out the messages from Kafka are retuned as tuples, more specifically
-pairs, with the message ID and the message content. Before continuing, the
-message ID is stripped and the Twitter JSON data is passed down the pipeline.
-#### Twitter Data JSON Parsing ####
-As was the case last time, the important parts (tweet ID, tweet text, and
-language code) need to be extracted from the JSON. Furthermore, this project
-only parses English tweets. Non-English tweets are filtered out at this stage.
-#### Filtering and Stemming ####
-Many tweets contain messy or otherwise unnecessary characters and punctuation
-that can be safely ignored. Moreover, there may also be many common words that
-cannot be reliably scored either positively or negatively. At this stage, these
-symbols and _stop words_ should be filtered.
-#### Classifiers ####
-Both the Positive classifier and the Negative classifier are in separate `map`
-transformations. The implementation of both follows the [Bag-of-words][25]
-#### Joining and Scoring ####
-Because the classifiers are done separately and a join is contrived, the next
-step is to join the classifier scores together and actually declare a winner.
-It turns out this is quite trivial to do in Spark.
-#### Reporting: HDFS and HTTP POST ####
-Finally, once the tweets are joined and scored, the scores need to be reported.
-This is accomplished by writing the final tuples to HDFS and posting a JSON
-object of the tuple to a simple NodeJS application.
-This process turned out to not be as awkward as was the case with Storm. The
-`foreachRDD` function of DStreams is a natural way to do side-effect inducing
-operations that don't necessarily transform the data.
-### Implementing the Kafka Producer ###
-See the [post][6] from last time for the details of the Kafka producer; this
-has not changed.
-### Implementing the Spark Streaming Application ###
-Diving into the code, here are some of the primary aspects of this project. The
-full source of this test application can be found on [Github][24].
-#### Creating Spark Context, Wiring Transformation Chain ####
-The Spark context, the data source, and the transformations need to be defined.
-Proceeding, the context needs to be started. This is all accomplished with the
-following code:
- SparkConf conf = new SparkConf()
- .setAppName("Twitter Sentiment Analysis");
- if (args.length > 0)
- conf.setMaster(args[0]);
- else
- conf.setMaster("local[2]");
- JavaStreamingContext ssc = new JavaStreamingContext(
- conf,
- new Duration(2000));
- Map<String, Integer> topicMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
- JavaPairReceiverInputDStream<String, String> messages =
- KafkaUtils.createStream(
- ssc,
- Properties.getString("rts.spark.zkhosts"),
- "twitter.sentimentanalysis.kafka",
- topicMap);
- JavaDStream<String> json =
- new Function<Tuple2<String, String>, String>() {
- public String call(Tuple2<String, String> message) {
- return message._2();
- }
- }
- );
- JavaPairDStream<Long, String> tweets = json.mapToPair(
- new TwitterFilterFunction());
- JavaPairDStream<Long, String> filtered = tweets.filter(
- new Function<Tuple2<Long, String>, Boolean>() {
- public Boolean call(Tuple2<Long, String> tweet) {
- return tweet != null;
- }
- }
- );
- JavaDStream<Tuple2<Long, String>> tweetsFiltered =
- new TextFilterFunction());
- tweetsFiltered =
- new StemmingFunction());
- JavaPairDStream<Tuple2<Long, String>, Float> positiveTweets =
- tweetsFiltered.mapToPair(new PositiveScoreFunction());
- JavaPairDStream<Tuple2<Long, String>, Float> negativeTweets =
- tweetsFiltered.mapToPair(new NegativeScoreFunction());
- JavaPairDStream<Tuple2<Long, String>, Tuple2<Float, Float>> joined =
- positiveTweets.join(negativeTweets);
- JavaDStream<Tuple4<Long, String, Float, Float>> scoredTweets =
- Function<Tuple2<Tuple2<Long, String>,
- Tuple2<Float, Float>>,
- Tuple4<Long, String, Float, Float>>() {
- public Tuple4<Long, String, Float, Float> call(
- Tuple2<Tuple2<Long, String>, Tuple2<Float, Float>> tweet)
- {
- return new Tuple4<Long, String, Float, Float>(
- tweet._1()._1(),
- tweet._1()._2(),
- tweet._2()._1(),
- tweet._2()._2());
- }
- });
- JavaDStream<Tuple5<Long, String, Float, Float, String>> result =
- ScoreTweetsFunction());
- result.foreachRDD(new FileWriter());
- result.foreachRDD(new HTTPNotifierFunction());
- ssc.start();
- ssc.awaitTermination();
-Some of the more trivial transforms are defined in-line. The others are defined
-in their respective files.
-#### Twitter Data Filter / Parser ####
-Parsing Twitter JSON data is one of the first transformations and is
-accomplished with help of the [JacksonXML Databind][26] library.
- JsonNode root = mapper.readValue(tweet, JsonNode.class);
- long id;
- String text;
- if (root.get("lang") != null &&
- "en".equals(root.get("lang").textValue()))
- {
- if (root.get("id") != null && root.get("text") != null)
- {
- id = root.get("id").longValue();
- text = root.get("text").textValue();
- return new Tuple2<Long, String>(id, text);
- }
- return null;
- }
- return null;
-The `mapper` (`ObjectMapper`) object is defined at the class level so it is not
-recreated _for each_ RDD in the DStream, a minor optimization.
-You may recall, this is essentially the same code as [last time][6]. The only
-difference really is that the tuple is returned instead of being emitted.
-Because certain situations (e.g., non-English tweet, malformed tweet) return
-null, the nulls will need to be filtered out. Thankfully, Spark provides a
-simple way to accomplish this:
- JavaPairDStream<Long, String> filtered = tweets.filter(
- new Function<Tuple2<Long, String>, Boolean>() {
- public Boolean call(Tuple2<Long, String> tweet) {
- return tweet != null;
- }
- }
- );
-#### Text Filtering ####
-As mentioned before, punctuation and other symbols are simply discarded as they
-provide little to no benefit to the classifiers:
- String text = tweet._2();
- text = text.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z\\s]", "").trim().toLowerCase();
- return new Tuple2<Long, String>(tweet._1(), text);
-Similarly, common words should be discarded as well:
- String text = tweet._2();
- List<String> stopWords = StopWords.getWords();
- for (String word : stopWords)
- {
- text = text.replaceAll("\\b" + word + "\\b", "");
- }
- return new Tuple2<Long, String>(tweet._1(), text);
-#### Positive and Negative Scoring ####
-Each classifier is defined in its own class. Both classifiers are _very_
-similar in definition.
-The positive classifier is primarily defined by:
- String text = tweet._2();
- Set<String> posWords = PositiveWords.getWords();
- String[] words = text.split(" ");
- int numWords = words.length;
- int numPosWords = 0;
- for (String word : words)
- {
- if (posWords.contains(word))
- numPosWords++;
- }
- return new Tuple2<Tuple2<Long, String>, Float>(
- new Tuple2<Long, String>(tweet._1(), tweet._2()),
- (float) numPosWords / numWords
- );
-And the negative classifier:
- String text = tweet._2();
- Set<String> negWords = NegativeWords.getWords();
- String[] words = text.split(" ");
- int numWords = words.length;
- int numPosWords = 0;
- for (String word : words)
- {
- if (negWords.contains(word))
- numPosWords++;
- }
- return new Tuple2<Tuple2<Long, String>, Float>(
- new Tuple2<Long, String>(tweet._1(), tweet._2()),
- (float) numPosWords / numWords
- );
-Because both are implementing a `PairFunction`, a join situation is contrived.
-However, this could _easily_ be defined differently such that one classifier is
-computed, then the next, without ever needing to join the two together.
-#### Joining ####
-It turns out, joining in Spark is very easy to accomplish. So easy in fact, it
-can be handled without virtually _any_ code:
- JavaPairDStream<Tuple2<Long, String>, Tuple2<Float, Float>> joined =
- positiveTweets.join(negativeTweets);
-But because working with a Tuple of nested tuples seems unwieldy, transform it
-to a 4 element tuple:
- public Tuple4<Long, String, Float, Float> call(
- Tuple2<Tuple2<Long, String>, Tuple2<Float, Float>> tweet)
- {
- return new Tuple4<Long, String, Float, Float>(
- tweet._1()._1(),
- tweet._1()._2(),
- tweet._2()._1(),
- tweet._2()._2());
- }
-#### Scoring: Declaring Winning Class ####
-Declaring the winning class is a matter of a simple map, comparing each class's
-score and take the greatest:
- String score;
- if (tweet._3() >= tweet._4())
- score = "positive";
- else
- score = "negative";
- return new Tuple5<Long, String, Float, Float, String>(
- tweet._1(),
- tweet._2(),
- tweet._3(),
- tweet._4(),
- score);
-This declarer is more optimistic about the neutral case but is otherwise very
-#### Reporting the Results ####
-Finally, the pipeline completes with writing the results to HDFS:
- if (rdd.count() <= 0) return null;
- String path = Properties.getString("rts.spark.hdfs_output_file") +
- "_" +
- time.milliseconds();
- rdd.saveAsTextFile(path);
-And sending POST request to a NodeJS application:
- rdd.foreach(new SendPostFunction());
-Where `SendPostFunction` is primarily given by:
- String webserver = Properties.getString("rts.spark.webserv");
- HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
- HttpPost post = new HttpPost(webserver);
- String content = String.format(
- "{\"id\": \"%d\", " +
- "\"text\": \"%s\", " +
- "\"pos\": \"%f\", " +
- "\"neg\": \"%f\", " +
- "\"score\": \"%s\" }",
- tweet._1(),
- tweet._2(),
- tweet._3(),
- tweet._4(),
- tweet._5());
- try
- {
- post.setEntity(new StringEntity(content));
- HttpResponse response = client.execute(post);
- org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils.consume(response.getEntity());
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass());
- LOG.error("exception thrown while attempting to post", ex);
- LOG.trace(null, ex);
- }
-Each file written to HDFS _will_ have data in it, but the data written will be
-small. A better batching procedure should be implemented so the files written
-match the HDFS block size.
-Similarly, a POST request is opened _for each_ scored tweet. This can be
-expensive on both the Spark Streaming batch timings and the web server
-receiving the requests. Batching here could similarly improve overall
-performance of the system.
-That said, writing these side-effects this way fits very naturally into the
-Spark programming style.
-## Summary ##
-Apache Spark, in combination with Apache Kafka, has some amazing potential. And
-not only in the Streaming context, but as a drop-in replacement for
-traditional Hadoop MapReduce. This combination makes it a very good candidate
-for a part in an analytics engine.
-Stay tuned, as the next post will be a more in-depth comparison between Apache
-Spark and Apache Storm.
-## Related Links / References ##
-* [Apache Spark][1]
-* [State of Apache Spark 2014][2]
-* [Storm Sample Project][3]
-* [SPARK-939][4]
-* [Apache Spark][5]
-* [Real-Time Streaming with Apache Storm and Apache Kafka][6]
-* [Docker IO Project Page][7]
-* [Amazon S3][8]
-* [Network File System (NFS)][9]
-* [Hadoop YARN][10]
-* [Apache Mesos][11]
-* [Spark Streaming Programming Guide][12]
-* [Monad][13]
-* [Spark SQL][14]
-* [Spark Streaming][15]
-* [MLlib][16]
-* [GraphX][17]
-* [Spark Standalone Mode][18]
-* [Running on YARN][19]
-* [Running on Mesos][20]
-* [Fight Dependency Hell in Maven][21]
-* [Simple Kafka Producer][22]
-* [Spark: External Kafka Library][23]
-* [Spark Sample Project][24]
-* [Wikipedia: Bag-of-words][25]
-* [Jackson XML Databind Project][26]
-* [Spark Programming Guide][27]
-* [Amazon EC2][28]
-* [Running Spark on EC2][29]
-* [Spark FAQ][30]
-* [Future of Shark][31]
-* [Resilient Distributed Datasets: A Fault-Tolerant Abstraction for In-Memory Cluster Computing (PDF)][32]
-* [Discretized Streams: An Efficient and Fault-Tolerant Model for Stream Processing on Large Clusters (PDF)][33]
-* [Wikipedia: Lazy evaluation][34]
-* [Wikipedia: Data Parallelism][35]