path: root/src/git-in-reverse.tex
diff options
authorkballou <>2016-01-18 12:31:48 -0700
committerkballou <>2016-01-18 14:50:11 -0700
commitb2a2859ed6a747c248c2e9dd1bb85200785ba154 (patch)
tree1e89c6abf1c0d4c838e6b56a7b8f53a2f433d3fd /src/git-in-reverse.tex
parent9941423988e575fecbfc5f2507a3dd296c60f188 (diff)
Add initial presentation
First version of git-in-reverse presentation
Diffstat (limited to 'src/git-in-reverse.tex')
1 files changed, 703 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/git-in-reverse.tex b/src/git-in-reverse.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bf33d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/git-in-reverse.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,703 @@
+\usetikzlibrary{trees, shapes.misc, arrows}
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+ stringstyle=\color{solarizedMagenta},
+ keywordstyle=\color{solarizedCyan},
+ commentstyle=\color{solarizedGreen},
+ tabsize=2
+\title{Learning Git± in Reverse}
+\subtitle{A Backwards Introduction to the ``information manager from hell''
+\author[Ballou]{Kenny Ballou}
+ \inst{}%
+ zData, Inc.
+ \begin{frame}
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+ currentsection,
+ sectionstyle=show/shaded,
+ subsectionstyle=show/show/hide]
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+\frametitle{Who am I?}
+\item{Developer (read gardener)}
+\caption{XKCD on Git\cite{website:xkcd_git_comic}}
+\framesubtitle{What is Git?}
+\item<2->{Distributed Versioning Control system (D-VCS)}
+\item<3->{``A way to manage code''}
+\item<4->{``My preferred VCS tool''}
+\item<5->{The ``information manager from hell''}
+\item<6->{A distributed DAG}
+\item<7->{An object store}
+\item<8->{An content addressable filesystem}
+\item<9->{A key-value store}
+What does Git store?
+\frametitle{Git Definitions}
+\frametitle{Git Objects}
+\item{ZLIB compressed blob}
+\item{Dumb containers, storing provided content}
+\item{Created using the \texttt{git-hash-object} plumbing command}
+\frametitle{Git Objects}
+ \node[text=solarizedBlue] at (0, 0) {257cc5642}
+ child{node[text=solarizedGreen] {foo}};
+ \node[text=solarizedBlue] at (3, 0) {5716ca598}
+ child{node[text=solarizedGreen] {bar}};
+\frametitle{Results of \texttt{git-init}}
+\frametitle{Raw Access to Git Objects}
+\frametitle{Git Object Limitations}
+\item{Remembering 40 character SHA's is hard}
+\item{What about file names? Where did that go?}
+\item{Big files?}
+\frametitle{Git Trees}
+\item{ZLIB compressed blobs}
+\item{Contain references to files and other trees}
+\item{Created using the \texttt{git-update-index} and \texttt{git-write-tree}}
+\frametitle{Git Trees}
+\begin{tikzpicture}[sibling distance=3cm]
+ \node[text=solarizedMagenta]{./}
+ child{node[text=solarizedBlue] {blob}
+ child {node[text=solarizedGreen] {foo}}}
+ child{node[text=solarizedBlue] {blob}
+ child {node[text=solarizedGreen] {bar}}};
+\frametitle{\texttt{git-update-index} and \texttt{git-write-tree}}
+\frametitle{Current Git Objects}
+\frametitle{Current Git Objects}
+\begin{tikzpicture}[sibling distance=3cm]
+ \node[text=solarizedMagenta] at (0, 0) {fcf0be4d7}
+ child{node[text=solarizedBlue] {257cc5642}
+ child{node[text=solarizedGreen]{foo}}};
+ \node[text=solarizedBlue] at (3, -1) {5716ca598} child [missing] {};
+\frametitle{Adding \texttt{bar.txt}}
+\frametitle{Git Objects}
+\frametitle{Git Objects, Updated}
+\begin{tikzpicture}[sibling distance=3cm]
+ \node[text=solarizedMagenta] at (0, 0) {b98c9a9f}
+ child{node[text=solarizedBlue] {257cc5642}
+ child{node[text=solarizedGreen]{foo}}}
+ child{node[text=solarizedBlue] {5716ca598}
+ child{node[text=solarizedGreen] {bar}}};
+\frametitle{Modifying Files}
+\frametitle{Git Objects, Updated}
+\begin{tikzpicture}[sibling distance=3cm]
+ \node[text=solarizedMagenta] at (0, 0) {68b75754}
+ child{node[text=solarizedBlue] {a3f555b64}
+ child{node[text=solarizedGreen]{foo 2}}}
+ child{node[text=solarizedBlue] {5716ca598}
+ child{node[text=solarizedGreen] {bar}}};
+\frametitle{Modifying Files}
+\framesubtitle{Current Objects}
+\frametitle{Modifying Files}
+\framesubtitle{Current Objects}
+\begin{tikzpicture}[sibling distance=3cm]
+ \node[text=solarizedMagenta] at (0, 0) {68b75754}
+ child{node[text=solarizedBlue] {a3f555b64}
+ child{node[text=solarizedGreen]{foo 2}}}
+ child{node[text=solarizedBlue] {5716ca598}
+ child{node[text=solarizedGreen] {bar}}};
+ \node[text=solarizedMagenta] at (5, 0) {b98c9a9f}
+ child{node[text=solarizedBlue] {257cc5642}
+ child{node[text=solarizedGreen]{foo}}}
+ child{node[text=solarizedBlue] {5716ca598}
+ child{node[text=solarizedGreen] {bar}}};
+\frametitle{Modifying Files}
+\framesubtitle{Current Objects}
+\begin{tikzpicture}[sibling distance=3cm]
+ \node at (0, 0) {Current Tree}
+ child{node[text=solarizedMagenta] {68b75754}
+ child{node[text=solarizedBlue] {a3f555b64}
+ child{node[text=solarizedGreen]{foo 2}}}
+ child{node[text=solarizedBlue] {5716ca598}
+ child{node[text=solarizedGreen] {bar}}}};
+ \node at (5, 0) {Old Tree}
+ child{node[text=solarizedMagenta] {b98c9a9f}
+ child{node[text=solarizedBlue] {257cc5642}
+ child{node[text=solarizedGreen]{foo}}}
+ child{node[text=solarizedBlue] {5716ca598}
+ child{node[text=solarizedGreen] {bar}}}};
+\frametitle{Current Objects}
+\framesubtitle{The Beginnings of a DAG}
+\begin{tikzpicture}[sibling distance=3cm]
+ \node at (0, 0) {Current Tree}
+ child{node[text=solarizedMagenta] {68b75754}
+ child{node[text=solarizedBlue] {a3f555b64}
+ child{node[text=solarizedGreen]{foo 2}}}
+ child{node[text=solarizedBlue,dashed] {5716ca598}
+ child{node[text=solarizedGreen,dashed] {bar}}}};
+ \node at (5, 0) {Old Tree}
+ child{node[text=solarizedMagenta] {b98c9a9f}
+ child{node[text=solarizedBlue] {5716ca598}
+ child{node[text=solarizedGreen] {bar}}}
+ child{node[text=solarizedBlue] {257cc5642}
+ child{node[text=solarizedGreen]{foo}}}};
+\frametitle{Limitation of Git± Trees}
+\item{Remembering SHA's is \textit{still} hard}
+\item{No metadata about the who, when, and why}
+\frametitle{Git± Commit Objects}
+\item{ZLIB compressed blob}
+\item{Stores metadata about changes}
+\item{Stores a reference to the tree being saved}
+ \node[text=solarizedCyan] {a619a045a}
+ child{node[text=solarizedMagenta] {fcf0be4d7}
+ child{node[text=solarizedBlue] {257cc5642}
+ child{node[text=solarizedGreen]{foo}}}};
+\begin{tikzpicture}[sibling distance=3cm]
+ \node[text=solarizedCyan] {2de9adf2b}
+ child{node[text=solarizedCyan] {a619a045a}}
+ child{node[text=solarizedMagenta] {b98c9a9f9}
+ child{node[text=solarizedBlue] {5716ca598}
+ child{node[text=solarizedGreen] {bar}}}
+ child{node[text=solarizedBlue] {257cc5642}
+ child{node[text=solarizedGreen]{foo}}}};
+\begin{tikzpicture}[sibling distance=3cm]
+ \node[text=solarizedCyan] {e0ea04248}
+ child{node[text=solarizedCyan] {2de9adf2b}}
+ child{node[text=solarizedMagenta] {68b757546}
+ child{node[text=solarizedBlue] {5716ca598}
+ child{node[text=solarizedGreen] {bar}}}
+ child{node[text=solarizedBlue] {a3f555b64}
+ child{node[text=solarizedGreen]{foo 2}}}};
+\frametitle{Git± History}
+\frametitle{Git± Thus Far}
+ \node[text=solarizedBlue] (foo) at (10, -10) {foo};
+\frametitle{Git± Thus Far}
+ \node[text=solarizedBlue] (foo) at (10, -10) {foo};
+ \node[text=solarizedBlue] (hfoo) at (10, -8) {257cc564};
+ \draw[-o] (hfoo) -- (foo);
+\frametitle{Git± Thus Far}
+ \node[text=solarizedBlue] (foo) at (10, -10) {foo};
+ \node[text=solarizedBlue] (hfoo) at (10, -8) {257cc564};
+ \node[text=solarizedMagenta] (tree1) at (9, -6) {fcf0be4d};
+ \draw[-o] (hfoo) -- (foo);
+ \draw[-o] (tree1) -- (hfoo);
+\frametitle{Git± Thus Far}
+ \node[text=solarizedBlue] (foo) at (10, -10) {foo};
+ \node[text=solarizedBlue] (hfoo) at (10, -8) {257cc564};
+ \node[text=solarizedMagenta] (tree1) at (9, -6) {fcf0be4d};
+ \node[text=solarizedCyan] (commit1) at (5, -6) {a619a045a};
+ \draw[-o] (hfoo) -- (foo);
+ \draw[-o] (tree1) -- (hfoo);
+ \draw[-o] (commit1) -- (tree1);
+\frametitle{Git± Thus Far}
+ \node[dashed,text=solarizedBlue] (foo) at (10, -10) {foo};
+ \node[text=solarizedBlue] (bar) at (8, -10) {bar};
+ \node[dashed,text=solarizedBlue] (hfoo) at (10, -8) {257cc564};
+ \node[text=solarizedBlue] (hbar) at (8, -8) {5716ca59};
+ \node[text=solarizedMagenta] (tree1) at (9, -6) {fcf0be4d};
+ \node[text=solarizedCyan] (commit1) at (5, -6) {a619a045a5};
+ \draw[-o] (hfoo) -- (foo);
+ \draw[-o] (hbar) -- (bar);
+ \draw[-o] (tree1) -- (hfoo);
+ \draw[-o] (commit1) -- (tree1);
+\frametitle{Git± Thus Far}
+ \node[dashed,text=solarizedBlue] (foo) at (10, -10) {foo};
+ \node[text=solarizedBlue] (bar) at (8, -10) {bar};
+ \node[dashed,text=solarizedBlue] (hfoo) at (10, -8) {257cc564};
+ \node[text=solarizedBlue] (hbar) at (8, -8) {5716ca59};
+ \node[text=solarizedMagenta] (tree2) at (9, -6) {b98c9a9f9};
+ \node[text=solarizedCyan] (commit2) at (5, -6) {2de9adf2b};
+ \node[text=solarizedCyan] (commit1) at (5, -8) {a619a045a5};
+ \draw[-o] (hfoo) -- (foo);
+ \draw[-o] (hbar) -- (bar);
+ \draw[-o] (tree2) -- (hfoo);
+ \draw[-o] (tree2) -- (hbar);
+ \draw[-o] (commit2) -- (tree2);
+ \draw[-o] (commit2) -- (commit1);
+\frametitle{Git± Thus Far}
+ \node[text=solarizedBlue] (foo) at (10, -10) {foo 2};
+ \node[dashed,text=solarizedBlue] (bar) at (8, -10) {bar};
+ \node[text=solarizedBlue] (hfoo) at (10, -8) {a3f555b6};
+ \node[dashed,text=solarizedBlue] (hbar) at (8, -8) {5716ca59};
+ \node[text=solarizedMagenta] (tree3) at (9, -6) {68b75754};
+ \node[text=solarizedCyan] (commit3) at (5, -6) {e0ea04248};
+ \node[text=solarizedCyan] (commit2) at (5, -8) {2de9adf2b};
+ \node[text=solarizedCyan] (commit1) at (5, -10) {a619a045a5};
+ \draw[-o] (hfoo) -- (foo);
+ \draw[-o] (hbar) -- (bar);
+ \draw[-o] (tree2) -- (hfoo);
+ \draw[-o] (tree2) -- (hbar);
+ \draw[-o] (commit3) -- (tree3);
+ \draw[-o] (commit3) -- (commit2);
+ \draw[-o] (commit2) -- (commit1);
+\section{Using Git±}
+\frametitle{Using Git±}
+\framesubtitle{The porcelain over the pipes}
+\item{Plumbing commands are difficult, painful, and error prone}
+\item{Thankfully, we have friendly ``porcelain'' commands}
+\item{The basics can be covered with \texttt{git-add} and \texttt{git-commit}}
+\framesubtitle{Short aside about \texttt{git-status}}
+\item{The go-to command for peering into the current state of a repository}
+\item{Provides information about state of all files}
+\item{Currently untracked files}
+\item{Currently modified files}
+\item{Current state of ``staging'' area}
+\item{Creates ``commit'' out of current staging area}
+\item{Requires a short message}
+\item{Will implicitly figure out the parent commit}
+\item{Forwards the \texttt{HEAD} pointer and the current branch pointer}
+\section{Advanced Git±}
+\frametitle{Git± Branches}
+\item<2->{Named reference to a commit hash}
+\item<3->{Defined in text files under \texttt{./.git/refs}}
+\frametitle{Git± Branches}
+Branches can be created with a simple invocation of \texttt{git-branch}:
+After the branch is created, we can switch into that branch with
+\frametitle{\texttt{git-checkout -b}}
+Or, we can do all in the same command:
+\frametitle{Git± Branches}
+Currently, all branches are pointing to the same commit:
+\frametitle{Git± Branches}
+\frametitle{Git± Branches}
+\frametitle{Working with remotes}
+\item{Clone a repository from, say, Github, will create the remote reference}
+\item{Otherwise, can be created with \texttt{git-remote}}
+Example Usage:
+\frametitle{Working with remotes}
+\item{\texttt{git-clone}: Clone ``remote'' repository}
+\item{\texttt{SSH://}: Bi-directional}
+\item{\texttt{Git://}: Pull only, not authenticated}
+\item{\texttt{HTTP (S)://}: Bi-directional, authenticated, but stupid}
+\item{\texttt{File://}: Strange}
+\item{\texttt{git-push}: Push local changes to remote repository}
+\item{\texttt{git-remote}: Utility command for working with remotes}
+\item{\texttt{git-pull}: Pull remote changes into working copy}
+\frametitle{\texttt{git-pull} considered harmful}
+\item{Standard use of \texttt{git-pull} requires clean working directory}
+\item{Will force a merge, if drift between remote and local}
+\item{I personally prefer creating an alias for \texttt{git-remote}}
+ language=bash,
+ numbers=none,
+ title=\texttt{\~{}/.gitconfig}]{code/5/9}