diff options
authorMichael Schaefermeyer <michael.schaefermeyer@gmail.com>2016-07-19 01:01:18 +0200
committerMichael Schaefermeyer <michael.schaefermeyer@gmail.com>2016-07-19 01:01:18 +0200
commitfe62ea8ee39e5460b663359daf4759e9a379e538 (patch)
Initial commit
13 files changed, 693 insertions, 0 deletions
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+# Boltex
+Elixir implementation of the Bolt protocol and corresponding PackStream
+protocol. Both is being used by Neo4J.
+## Installation
+If [available in Hex](https://hex.pm/docs/publish), the package can be installed as:
+ 1. Add boltex to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
+ def deps do
+ [{:boltex, "~> 0.0.1"}]
+ end
+ 2. Ensure boltex is started before your application:
+ def application do
+ [applications: [:boltex]]
+ end
+## Todo
+- [x] PackStream decoding
+- [x] PackStream encoding
+- [x] Bolt message receiving
+- [x] Bolt message sending
+- [ ] Auth
+- [ ] Transport adapter (e.g. plain `:gen_tcp`, `DBConnection`, ...)
+- [ ] Handle failures gracefully
diff --git a/config/config.exs b/config/config.exs
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+# This file is responsible for configuring your application
+# and its dependencies with the aid of the Mix.Config module.
+use Mix.Config
+# This configuration is loaded before any dependency and is restricted
+# to this project. If another project depends on this project, this
+# file won't be loaded nor affect the parent project. For this reason,
+# if you want to provide default values for your application for
+# 3rd-party users, it should be done in your "mix.exs" file.
+# You can configure for your application as:
+# config :boltex, key: :value
+# And access this configuration in your application as:
+# Application.get_env(:boltex, :key)
+# Or configure a 3rd-party app:
+# config :logger, level: :info
+# It is also possible to import configuration files, relative to this
+# directory. For example, you can emulate configuration per environment
+# by uncommenting the line below and defining dev.exs, test.exs and such.
+# Configuration from the imported file will override the ones defined
+# here (which is why it is important to import them last).
+# import_config "#{Mix.env}.exs"
diff --git a/lib/boltex.ex b/lib/boltex.ex
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+defmodule Boltex do
+ alias Boltex.Bolt
+ def test(host, port, query) do
+ {:ok, p} = :gen_tcp.connect host, port, [active: false, mode: :binary, packet: :raw]
+ :ok = Bolt.handshake :gen_tcp, p
+ :ok = Bolt.init :gen_tcp, p
+ Enum.map Bolt.run_statement(:gen_tcp, p, query), &IO.inspect/1
+ end
diff --git a/lib/boltex/bolt.ex b/lib/boltex/bolt.ex
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+++ b/lib/boltex/bolt.ex
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+defmodule Boltex.Bolt do
+ alias Boltex.{Utils, PackStream}
+ require Logger
+ @recv_timeout 1_000
+ @max_chunk_size 65_535
+ @user_agent "Boltex/1.0"
+ @hs_magic << 0x60, 0x60, 0xB0, 0x17 >>
+ @hs_version << 1 :: 32, 0 :: 32, 0 :: 32, 0 :: 32 >>
+ @zero_chunk << 0, 0 >>
+ @sig_init 0x01
+ @sig_ack_failure 0x0E
+ @sig_reset 0x0F
+ @sig_run 0x10
+ @sig_discard_all 0x2F
+ @sig_pull_all 0x3F
+ @sig_success 0x70
+ @sig_record 0x71
+ @sig_ignored 0x7E
+ @sig_failure 0x7F
+ @summary ~w(success ignored failure)a
+ @moduledoc """
+ The Boltex.Bolt module handles the Bolt protocol specific steps (i.e.
+ handshake, init) as well as sending and receiving messages and wrapping
+ them in chunks.
+ It abstracts transportation, expecing the transport layer to define
+ send/2 and recv/3 analogous to :gen_tcp.
+ """
+ @doc "Does the handshake"
+ def handshake(transport, port) do
+ transport.send port, @hs_magic <> @hs_version
+ case transport.recv(port, 4, @recv_timeout) do
+ {:ok, << 1 :: 32 >>} ->
+ :ok
+ response ->
+ Logger.error "Handshake failed. Received: #{Utils.hex_encode response})"
+ {:error, :handshake_failed}
+ end
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Initialises the connection.
+ """
+ def init(transport, port, params \\ %{}) do
+ send_messages transport, port, [{[@user_agent, params], @sig_init}]
+ case receive_data(transport, port) do
+ {:success, %{}} ->
+ :ok
+ response ->
+ Logger.error "Init failed. Received: #{Utils.hex_encode response})"
+ {:error, :init_failed}
+ end
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Sends a list of messages using the Bolt protocol and PackStream encoding.
+ Messages have to be in the form of {[messages], signature}.
+ """
+ def send_messages(transport, port, messages) do
+ Enum.map(messages, &generate_binary_message/1)
+ |> generate_chunks
+ |> Enum.each(&(transport.send(port, &1)))
+ end
+ defp generate_binary_message({messages, signature}) do
+ messages = List.wrap messages
+ struct_size = length messages
+ << 0xB :: 4, struct_size :: 4, signature >> <>
+ Utils.reduce_to_binary(messages, &PackStream.encode/1)
+ end
+ defp generate_chunks(messages, chunks \\ [], current_chunk \\ <<>>)
+ defp generate_chunks([], chunks, current_chunk) do
+ [current_chunk | chunks]
+ |> Enum.reverse
+ end
+ defp generate_chunks([message | messages], chunks, current_chunk)
+ when byte_size(current_chunk <> message) <= @max_chunk_size do
+ message_size = byte_size message
+ current_chunk =
+ current_chunk <>
+ << message_size :: 16 >> <>
+ message <>
+ @zero_chunk
+ generate_chunks messages, chunks, current_chunk
+ end
+ defp generate_chunks([chunk | chunks], chunks, current_chunk) do
+ oversized_chunk = current_chunk <> chunk
+ {first, rest} = binary_part oversized_chunk, 0, @max_chunk_size
+ first_size = byte_size first
+ rest_size = byte_size rest
+ current_chunk = current_chunk <> << first_size :: 16 >> <> first
+ new_chunk = << rest_size :: 16 >> <> rest
+ generate_chunks chunks, [current_chunk | chunks], new_chunk
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Runs a statement (most like Cypher statement) and returns a list of the
+ records and a summary.
+ Records are represented using PackStream's record data type. Their Elixir
+ representation is a Keyword with the indexse `:sig` and `:fields`.
+ ## Examples
+ iex> Boltex.Bolt.run_statement("MATCH (n) RETURN n")
+ [
+ {:record, [sig: 1, fields: [1, "Exmaple", "Labels", %{"some_attribute" => "some_value"},
+ {:success, %{"type" => "r"}}
+ ]
+ """
+ def run_statement(transport, port, statement, params \\ %{}) do
+ send_messages transport, port, [
+ {[statement, params], @sig_run},
+ {[nil], @sig_pull_all}
+ ]
+ with {:success, %{}} <- receive_data(transport, port),
+ do: receive_data transport, port
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Receives data.
+ This function is supposed to be called after a request to the server has been
+ made. It receives data chunks, mends them (if they were split between frames)
+ and decodes them using PackStream.
+ When just a single message is received (i.e. to acknowledge a command), this
+ function returns a tuple with two items, the first being the signature and the
+ second being the message(s) itself. If a list of messages is received it will
+ return a list of the former.
+ The same goes for the messages: If there was a single data point in a message
+ said data point will be returned by itself. If there were multiple data points,
+ the list will be returned.
+ The signature is represented as one of the following:
+ * `:success`
+ * `:record`
+ * `:ignored`
+ * `:failure`
+ """
+ def receive_data(transport, port, previous \\ []) do
+ case do_receive_data(transport, port) |> unpack do
+ {:record, _} = data ->
+ receive_data transport, port, [data | previous]
+ {status, _} = data when status in @summary and previous == [] ->
+ data
+ {status, _} = data when status in @summary ->
+ Enum.reverse [data | previous]
+ end
+ end
+ defp do_receive_data(transport, port) do
+ with {:ok, <<chunk_size :: 16>>} <- transport.recv(port, 2, @recv_timeout),
+ do: do_receive_data(transport, port, chunk_size)
+ end
+ defp do_receive_data(transport, port, chunk_size) do
+ with {:ok, data} <- transport.recv(port, chunk_size, @recv_timeout)
+ do
+ case transport.recv(port, 2, @recv_timeout) do
+ {:ok, @zero_chunk} ->
+ data
+ {:ok, <<chunk_size :: 16>>} ->
+ data <> do_receive_data(transport, port, chunk_size)
+ end
+ else
+ {:error, :timeout} ->
+ {:error, :no_more_data_received}
+ other ->
+ IO.inspect Utils.hex_encode other
+ raise "receive failed"
+ end
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Unpacks (or in other words parses) a message.
+ """
+ def unpack(<< 0x0B :: 4, packages :: 4, status, message :: binary >>) do
+ response = PackStream.decode(message)
+ response = if packages == 1, do: List.first(response), else: response
+ case status do
+ @sig_success -> {:success, response}
+ @sig_record -> {:record, response}
+ @sig_ignored -> {:ignored, response}
+ @sig_failure -> {:failure, response}
+ other -> raise "Couldn't decode #{Utils.hex_encode << other >>}"
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/boltex/pack_stream.ex b/lib/boltex/pack_stream.ex
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+defmodule Boltex.PackStream do
+ @moduledoc """
+ The PackStream implementation for Bolt.
+ This module defines a decode function, that will take a binary stream of data
+ and recursively turn it into a list of Elixir data types.
+ It further defines a function for encoding Elixir data types into a binary
+ stream, using the Boltex.PackStream.Encoder protocol.
+ """
+ @doc """
+ Encodes a list of items into their binary representation.
+ As developers tend to be lazy, single objects may be passed.
+ ## Examples
+ iex> Boltex.PackStream.encode "hello world"
+ <<0x8B, 0x68, 0x65, 0x6C, 0x6C, 0x6F, 0x20, 0x77, 0x6F, 0x72, 0x6C, 0x64>>
+ """
+ def encode(item), do: Boltex.PackStream.Encoder.encode(item)
+ ##
+ # Decode
+ @doc "Decodes a binary stream recursively into Elixir data types"
+ # Null
+ def decode(<< 0xC0, rest :: binary >>), do: [nil| decode(rest)]
+ # Boolean
+ def decode(<< 0xC3, rest :: binary >>), do: [true | decode(rest)]
+ def decode(<< 0xC2, rest :: binary >>), do: [false | decode(rest)]
+ # Float
+ def decode(<< 0xC1, number :: float, rest :: binary >>) do
+ [number | decode(rest)]
+ end
+ # Strings
+ def decode(<< 0x8 :: 4, str_length :: 4, rest :: bytes >>) do
+ decode_text rest, str_length
+ end
+ def decode(<< 0xD0, str_length, rest :: bytes >>) do
+ decode_text rest, str_length
+ end
+ def decode(<< 0xD1, str_length :: 16, rest :: bytes >>) do
+ decode_text rest, str_length
+ end
+ def decode(<< 0xD2, str_length :: 32, rest :: binary >>) do
+ decode_text rest, str_length
+ end
+ # Lists
+ # FIXME: Make sure list size is correct, only collect items within list-size.
+ def decode(<< 0x9 :: 4, _list_size :: 4, list :: binary >>), do: [decode list]
+ def decode(<< 0xD4, _list_size :: 8, list :: binary >>), do: [decode list]
+ def decode(<< 0xD5, _list_size :: 16, list :: binary >>), do: [decode list]
+ def decode(<< 0xD6, _list_size :: 32, list :: binary >>), do: [decode list]
+ def decode(<< 0xD7, list :: binary >>) do
+ position =
+ for(<<byte <- list>>, do: byte)
+ |> Enum.find_index(&(&1 == 0xDF))
+ << list :: binary-size(position), 0xDF, rest :: binary >> = list
+ [decode(list) | decode(rest)]
+ end
+ # Maps
+ # FIXME: Make sure map size is correct, only collect items within map-size.
+ def decode(<< 0xA :: 4, _entries :: 4, map :: binary>>), do: decode_map(map)
+ def decode(<< 0xD8, _entries, map :: binary >>), do: decode_map(map)
+ def decode(<< 0xD9, _entries :: 16, map :: binary >>), do: decode_map(map)
+ def decode(<< 0xDA, _entries :: 32, map :: binary >>), do: decode_map(map)
+ def decode(<< 0xDB, map :: binary >>) do
+ position =
+ for(<<byte <- map>>, do: byte)
+ |> Enum.find_index(&(&1 == 0xDF))
+ << map:: binary-size(position), 0xDF, rest :: binary >> = map
+ decode_map(map) ++ decode(rest)
+ end
+ # Struct
+ def decode(<< 0xB :: 4, _struct_size :: 4, sig :: 8>> <> struct) do
+ [sig: sig, fields: decode(struct)]
+ end
+ def decode(<<0, 0>>), do: []
+ def decode(""), do: []
+ # Integers
+ def decode(<< 0xC8, int, rest :: binary >>), do: [int | decode(rest)]
+ def decode(<< 0xC9, int :: 16, rest :: binary >>), do: [int | decode(rest)]
+ def decode(<< 0xCA, int :: 32, rest :: binary >>), do: [int | decode(rest)]
+ def decode(<< 0xCB, int :: 64, rest :: binary >>), do: [int | decode(rest)]
+ def decode(<< int, rest :: binary >>), do: [int | decode(rest)]
+ defp decode_text(bytes, str_length) do
+ << string :: binary-size(str_length), rest :: binary >> = bytes
+ [string | decode(rest)]
+ end
+ defp decode_map(map) do
+ decode(map)
+ |> Enum.chunk(2)
+ |> Enum.map(&List.to_tuple/1)
+ |> Enum.into(%{})
+ |> List.wrap
+ end
diff --git a/lib/boltex/pack_stream/encoder.ex b/lib/boltex/pack_stream/encoder.ex
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+++ b/lib/boltex/pack_stream/encoder.ex
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+defprotocol Boltex.PackStream.Encoder do
+ @doc "Encodes an item to its binary PackStream Representation"
+ def encode(entitiy)
+defimpl Boltex.PackStream.Encoder, for: Atom do
+ def encode(nil), do: << 0xC0 >>
+ def encode(true), do: << 0xC3 >>
+ def encode(false), do: << 0xC2 >>
+ def encode(other) when is_atom(other) do
+ other
+ |> Atom.to_string
+ |> Boltex.PackStream.Encoder.encode
+ end
+defimpl Boltex.PackStream.Encoder, for: Integer do
+ @int8 -127..-17
+ @int16_low -32_768..-129
+ @int16_high 128..32_767
+ @int32_low -2_147_483_648..-32_769
+ @int32_high 32_768..2_147_483_647
+ @int64_low -9_223_372_036_854_775_808..-2_147_483_649
+ @int64_high 2_147_483_648..9_223_372_036_854_775_807
+ def encode(integer) when integer in -16..127 do
+ <<integer>>
+ end
+ def encode(integer) when integer in @int8 do
+ << 0xC8, integer >>
+ end
+ def encode(integer) when integer in @int16_low or integer in @int16_high do
+ << 0xC9, integer >>
+ end
+ def encode(integer) when integer in @int32_low or integer in @int32_high do
+ << 0xCA, integer >>
+ end
+ def encode(integer) when integer in @int64_low or integer in @int64_high do
+ << 0xCB, integer >>
+ end
+defimpl Boltex.PackStream.Encoder, for: BitString do
+ def encode(string), do: do_encode(string, byte_size(string))
+ defp do_encode(string, size) when size <= 15 do
+ << 0x8 :: 4, size :: 4 >> <> string
+ end
+ defp do_encode(string, size) when size <= 255 do
+ << 0xD0, size :: 8 >> <> string
+ end
+ defp do_encode(string, size) when size <= 65_535 do
+ << 0xD1, size :: 16 >> <> string
+ end
+ defp do_encode(string, size) when size <= 4_294_967_295 do
+ << 0xD2, size :: 32 >> <> string
+ end
+defimpl Boltex.PackStream.Encoder, for: List do
+ def encode(list) do
+ binary = Enum.map_join list, &Boltex.PackStream.Encoder.encode/1
+ do_encode binary, byte_size(binary)
+ end
+ defp do_encode(binary, list_size) when list_size <= 15 do
+ << 0x9 :: 4, list_size :: 4 >> <> binary
+ end
+ defp do_encode(binary, list_size) when list_size <= 255 do
+ << 0xD4, list_size :: 8 >> <> binary
+ end
+ defp do_encode(binary, list_size) when list_size <= 65_535 do
+ << 0xD5, list_size :: 16 >> <> binary
+ end
+ defp do_encode(binary, list_size) when list_size <= 4_294_967_295 do
+ << 0xD6, list_size :: 32 >> <> binary
+ end
+ defp do_encode(binary, _size) do
+ << 0xD7 >> <> binary <> <<0xDF>>
+ end
+defimpl Boltex.PackStream.Encoder, for: Map do
+ def encode(map) do
+ do_encode map, map_size(map)
+ end
+ defp do_encode(map, size) when size <= 15 do
+ << 0xA :: 4, size :: 4 >> <> encode_kv(map)
+ end
+ defp do_encode(map, size) when size <= 255 do
+ << 0xD8, size :: 8 >> <> encode_kv(map)
+ end
+ defp do_encode(map, size) when size <= 65_535 do
+ << 0xD9, size :: 16 >> <> encode_kv(map)
+ end
+ defp do_encode(map, size) when size <= 4_294_967_295 do
+ << 0xDA, size :: 32 >> <> encode_kv(map)
+ end
+ defp encode_kv(map) do
+ Boltex.Utils.reduce_to_binary map, &do_reduce_kv/1
+ end
+ defp do_reduce_kv({key, value}) do
+ Boltex.PackStream.Encoder.encode(key) <>
+ Boltex.PackStream.Encoder.encode(value)
+ end
diff --git a/lib/boltex/utils.ex b/lib/boltex/utils.ex
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+defmodule Boltex.Utils do
+ def reduce_to_binary(enumerable, transform) do
+ Enum.reduce enumerable, <<>>, fn(data, acc) -> acc <> transform.(data) end
+ end
+ def hex_encode(bytes) do
+ for << i <- bytes >>, do: Integer.to_string(i, 16)
+ end
+ def hex_decode(hex_list) do
+ for(hex <- hex_list, do: Integer.parse(hex, 16) |> elem(0))
+ |> reduce_to_binary(&<<&1>>)
+ end
diff --git a/mix.exs b/mix.exs
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+++ b/mix.exs
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+defmodule Boltex.Mixfile do
+ use Mix.Project
+ def project do
+ [app: :boltex,
+ version: "0.0.1",
+ elixir: "~> 1.2",
+ build_embedded: Mix.env == :prod,
+ start_permanent: Mix.env == :prod,
+ deps: deps]
+ end
+ # Configuration for the OTP application
+ #
+ # Type "mix help compile.app" for more information
+ def application do
+ [
+ #mod: {Boltex, []},
+ applications: [:logger]
+ ]
+ end
+ # Dependencies can be Hex packages:
+ #
+ # {:mydep, "~> 0.3.0"}
+ #
+ # Or git/path repositories:
+ #
+ # {:mydep, git: "https://github.com/elixir-lang/mydep.git", tag: "0.1.0"}
+ #
+ # Type "mix help deps" for more examples and options
+ defp deps do
+ [
+ {:mix_test_watch, "~> 0.2.6", only: [:dev, :test]}
+ ]
+ end
diff --git a/mix.lock b/mix.lock
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+%{"connection": {:hex, :connection, "1.0.3", "3145f7416be3df248a4935f24e3221dc467c1e3a158d62015b35bd54da365786", [:mix], []},
+ "db_connection": {:hex, :db_connection, "1.0.0-rc.3", "d9ceb670fe300271140af46d357b669983cd16bc0d01206d7d3222dde56cf038", [:mix], [{:sbroker, "~> 1.0.0-beta.3", [hex: :sbroker, optional: true]}, {:poolboy, "~> 1.5", [hex: :poolboy, optional: true]}, {:connection, "~> 1.0.2", [hex: :connection, optional: false]}]},
+ "fs": {:hex, :fs, "0.9.2", "ed17036c26c3f70ac49781ed9220a50c36775c6ca2cf8182d123b6566e49ec59", [:rebar], []},
+ "mix_test_watch": {:hex, :mix_test_watch, "0.2.6", "9fcc2b1b89d1594c4a8300959c19d50da2f0ff13642c8f681692a6e507f92cab", [:mix], [{:fs, "~> 0.9.1", [hex: :fs, optional: false]}]}}
diff --git a/test/boltex/pack_stream_test.exs b/test/boltex/pack_stream_test.exs
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index 0000000..1689aa5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/boltex/pack_stream_test.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+defmodule Boltex.PackStreamTest do
+ use ExUnit.Case
+ alias Boltex.{Utils, PackStream}
+ # A lot of the examples have been taken from
+ # https://github.com/neo4j/neo4j-python-driver/blob/1.1/neo4j/v1/packstream.py
+ # """
+ doctest Boltex.PackStream
+ test "encodes null" do
+ assert PackStream.encode(nil) == <<0xC0>>
+ end
+ test "encodes boolean" do
+ assert PackStream.encode(true) == <<0xC3>>
+ assert PackStream.encode(false) == <<0xC2>>
+ end
+ test "encodes atom" do
+ assert PackStream.encode(:hello) == <<0x85, 0x68, 0x65, 0x6C, 0x6C, 0x6F>>
+ end
+ test "encodes integer" do
+ assert PackStream.encode(0) == << 0x00 >>
+ assert PackStream.encode(42) == << 0x2A >>
+ assert PackStream.encode(-42) == << 0xC8, 0xD6 >>
+ assert PackStream.encode(420) == << 0xC9, 0xA4 >>
+ end
+ test "encodes string" do
+ assert PackStream.encode("") == << 0x80 >>
+ assert PackStream.encode("Short") == <<0x85, 0x53, 0x68, 0x6F, 0x72, 0x74>>
+ long_8 = "This is a räther löng string" # 30 bytes due to umlauts
+ assert <<0xD0, 0x1E, _ :: binary-size(30)>> = PackStream.encode(long_8)
+ long_16 =
+ """
+ For encoded string containing fewer than 16 bytes, including empty strings,
+ the marker byte should contain the high-order nibble `1000` followed by a
+ low-order nibble containing the size. The encoded data then immediately
+ follows the marker.
+ For encoded string containing 16 bytes or more, the marker 0xD0, 0xD1 or
+ 0xD2 should be used, depending on scale. This marker is followed by the
+ size and the UTF-8 encoded data.
+ """
+ assert <<0xD1, 0x01, 0xA5, _ :: binary-size(421)>> = PackStream.encode(long_16)
+ end
+ test "encodes list" do
+ assert PackStream.encode([]) == <<0x90>>
+ end
+ test "encodes map" do
+ assert PackStream.encode(%{}) == <<0xA0>>
+ end
+ test "decodes null" do
+ assert PackStream.decode(<<0xC0>>) == [nil]
+ end
+ test "decodes boolean" do
+ assert PackStream.decode(<<0xC3>>) == [true]
+ assert PackStream.decode(<<0xC2>>) == [false]
+ end
+ test "decodes floats" do
+ positive = ~w(C1 3F F1 99 99 99 99 99 9A) |> Utils.hex_decode
+ negative = ~w(C1 BF F1 99 99 99 99 99 9A) |> Utils.hex_decode
+ assert PackStream.decode(positive) == [1.1]
+ assert PackStream.decode(negative) == [-1.1]
+ end
+ test "decodes integers" do
+ assert PackStream.decode(<<0x2A>>) == [42]
+ assert PackStream.decode(<<0xC8, 0x2A>>) == [42]
+ assert PackStream.decode(<<0xC9, 0, 0x2A>>) == [42]
+ assert PackStream.decode(<<0xCA, 0, 0, 0, 0x2A>>) == [42]
+ assert PackStream.decode(<<0xCB, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x2A>>) == [42]
+ end
+ test "decodes strings" do
+ longstr =
+ ~w(D0 1A 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A)
+ |> Utils.hex_decode
+ specialcharstr =
+ ~w(D0 18 45 6E 20 C3 A5 20 66 6C C3 B6 74 20 C3 B6 76 65 72 20 C3 A4 6E 67 65 6E)
+ |> Utils.hex_decode
+ assert PackStream.decode(<<0x80>>) == [""]
+ assert PackStream.decode(<<0x81, 0x61>>) == ["a"]
+ assert PackStream.decode(longstr) == ["abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"]
+ assert PackStream.decode(specialcharstr) == ["En å flöt över ängen"]
+ end
+ test "decodes lists" do
+ longlist =
+ ~w(D4 14 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 00)
+ |> Utils.hex_decode
+ assert PackStream.decode(<<0x90>>) == [[]]
+ assert PackStream.decode(<<0x93, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03>>) == [[1, 2, 3]]
+ assert PackStream.decode(longlist) == [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0]]
+ assert PackStream.decode(<<0xD7, 0x01, 0x02, 0xDF>>) == [[1, 2]]
+ end
+ test "decodes maps" do
+ assert PackStream.decode(<<0xA0>>) == [%{}]
+ assert PackStream.decode(<<0xA1, 0x81, 0x61, 0x01>>) == [%{"a" => 1}]
+ assert PackStream.decode(<<0xAB, 0x81, 0x61, 0x01, 0xDF>>) == [%{"a" => 1}]
+ end
diff --git a/test/boltex_test.exs b/test/boltex_test.exs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c091178
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/boltex_test.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+defmodule BoltexTest do
+ use ExUnit.Case
+ doctest Boltex
+ test "the truth" do
+ assert 1 + 1 == 2
+ end
diff --git a/test/test_helper.exs b/test/test_helper.exs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..869559e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_helper.exs
@@ -0,0 +1 @@