path: root/gitk
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gitk')
1 files changed, 149 insertions, 204 deletions
diff --git a/gitk b/gitk
index 6c2be3b72..40e5d3174 100755
--- a/gitk
+++ b/gitk
@@ -82,11 +82,12 @@ proc dorunq {} {
proc start_rev_list {view} {
global startmsecs
global commfd leftover tclencoding datemode
- global viewargs viewfiles commitidx
+ global viewargs viewfiles commitidx vnextroot
global lookingforhead showlocalchanges
set startmsecs [clock clicks -milliseconds]
set commitidx($view) 0
+ set vnextroot($view) 0
set order "--topo-order"
if {$datemode} {
set order "--date-order"
@@ -131,12 +132,26 @@ proc getcommits {} {
show_status "Reading commits..."
+# This makes a string representation of a positive integer which
+# sorts as a string in numerical order
+proc strrep {n} {
+ if {$n < 16} {
+ return [format "%x" $n]
+ } elseif {$n < 256} {
+ return [format "x%.2x" $n]
+ } elseif {$n < 65536} {
+ return [format "y%.4x" $n]
+ }
+ return [format "z%.8x" $n]
proc getcommitlines {fd view} {
global commitlisted
global leftover commfd
global displayorder commitidx commitrow commitdata
global parentlist children curview hlview
global vparentlist vdisporder vcmitlisted
+ global ordertok vnextroot
set stuff [read $fd 500000]
# git log doesn't terminate the last commit with a null...
@@ -221,14 +236,32 @@ proc getcommitlines {fd view} {
exit 1
set id [lindex $ids 0]
+ if {![info exists ordertok($view,$id)]} {
+ set otok "o[strrep $vnextroot($view)]"
+ incr vnextroot($view)
+ set ordertok($view,$id) $otok
+ } else {
+ set otok $ordertok($view,$id)
+ }
if {$listed} {
set olds [lrange $ids 1 end]
- set i 0
- foreach p $olds {
- if {$i == 0 || [lsearch -exact $olds $p] >= $i} {
- lappend children($view,$p) $id
+ if {[llength $olds] == 1} {
+ set p [lindex $olds 0]
+ lappend children($view,$p) $id
+ if {![info exists ordertok($view,$p)]} {
+ set ordertok($view,$p) $ordertok($view,$id)
+ }
+ } else {
+ set i 0
+ foreach p $olds {
+ if {$i == 0 || [lsearch -exact $olds $p] >= $i} {
+ lappend children($view,$p) $id
+ }
+ if {![info exists ordertok($view,$p)]} {
+ set ordertok($view,$p) "$otok[strrep $i]]"
+ }
+ incr i
- incr i
} else {
set olds {}
@@ -1821,7 +1854,7 @@ proc unflatten {var l} {
proc showview {n} {
global curview viewdata viewfiles
- global displayorder parentlist rowidlist rowoffsets
+ global displayorder parentlist rowidlist
global colormap rowtextx commitrow nextcolor canvxmax
global numcommits rowrangelist commitlisted idrowranges rowchk
global selectedline currentid canv canvy0
@@ -1859,13 +1892,13 @@ proc showview {n} {
set vcmitlisted($curview) $commitlisted
if {$phase ne {}} {
set viewdata($curview) \
- [list $phase $rowidlist $rowoffsets $rowrangelist \
+ [list $phase $rowidlist {} $rowrangelist \
[flatten idrowranges] [flatten idinlist] \
$rowlaidout $rowoptim $numcommits]
} elseif {![info exists viewdata($curview)]
|| [lindex $viewdata($curview) 0] ne {}} {
set viewdata($curview) \
- [list {} $rowidlist $rowoffsets $rowrangelist]
+ [list {} $rowidlist {} $rowrangelist]
catch {unset treediffs}
@@ -1894,7 +1927,6 @@ proc showview {n} {
set parentlist $vparentlist($n)
set commitlisted $vcmitlisted($n)
set rowidlist [lindex $v 1]
- set rowoffsets [lindex $v 2]
set rowrangelist [lindex $v 3]
if {$phase eq {}} {
set numcommits [llength $displayorder]
@@ -2542,67 +2574,43 @@ proc usedinrange {id l1 l2} {
return 0
-proc sanity {row {full 0}} {
- global rowidlist rowoffsets
+# Work out where id should go in idlist so that order-token
+# values increase from left to right
+proc idcol {idlist id {i 0}} {
+ global ordertok curview
- set col -1
- set ids [lindex $rowidlist $row]
- foreach id $ids {
- incr col
- if {$id eq {}} continue
- if {$col < [llength $ids] - 1 &&
- [lsearch -exact -start [expr {$col+1}] $ids $id] >= 0} {
- puts "oops: [shortids $id] repeated in row $row col $col: {[shortids [lindex $rowidlist $row]]}"
- }
- set o [lindex $rowoffsets $row $col]
- set y $row
- set x $col
- while {$o ne {}} {
- incr y -1
- incr x $o
- if {[lindex $rowidlist $y $x] != $id} {
- puts "oops: rowoffsets wrong at row [expr {$y+1}] col [expr {$x-$o}]"
- puts " id=[shortids $id] check started at row $row"
- for {set i $row} {$i >= $y} {incr i -1} {
- puts " row $i ids={[shortids [lindex $rowidlist $i]]} offs={[lindex $rowoffsets $i]}"
- }
- break
- }
- if {!$full} break
- set o [lindex $rowoffsets $y $x]
+ set t $ordertok($curview,$id)
+ if {$i >= [llength $idlist] ||
+ $t < $ordertok($curview,[lindex $idlist $i])} {
+ if {$i > [llength $idlist]} {
+ set i [llength $idlist]
+ }
+ while {[incr i -1] >= 0 &&
+ $t < $ordertok($curview,[lindex $idlist $i])} {}
+ incr i
+ } else {
+ if {$t > $ordertok($curview,[lindex $idlist $i])} {
+ while {[incr i] < [llength $idlist] &&
+ $t >= $ordertok($curview,[lindex $idlist $i])} {}
+ return $i
-proc makeuparrow {oid x y z} {
- global rowidlist rowoffsets uparrowlen idrowranges displayorder
+proc makeuparrow {oid y x} {
+ global rowidlist uparrowlen idrowranges displayorder
for {set i 1} {$i < $uparrowlen && $y > 1} {incr i} {
incr y -1
- incr x $z
- set off0 [lindex $rowoffsets $y]
- for {set x0 $x} {1} {incr x0} {
- if {$x0 >= [llength $off0]} {
- set x0 [llength [lindex $rowoffsets [expr {$y-1}]]]
- break
- }
- set z [lindex $off0 $x0]
- if {$z ne {}} {
- incr x0 $z
- break
- }
- }
- set z [expr {$x0 - $x}]
- lset rowidlist $y [linsert [lindex $rowidlist $y] $x $oid]
- lset rowoffsets $y [linsert [lindex $rowoffsets $y] $x $z]
+ set idl [lindex $rowidlist $y]
+ set x [idcol $idl $oid $x]
+ lset rowidlist $y [linsert $idl $x $oid]
- set tmp [lreplace [lindex $rowoffsets $y] $x $x {}]
- lset rowoffsets $y [incrange $tmp [expr {$x+1}] -1]
lappend idrowranges($oid) [lindex $displayorder $y]
proc initlayout {} {
- global rowidlist rowoffsets displayorder commitlisted
+ global rowidlist displayorder commitlisted
global rowlaidout rowoptim
global idinlist rowchk rowrangelist idrowranges
global numcommits canvxmax canv
@@ -2618,7 +2626,6 @@ proc initlayout {} {
set rowrangelist {}
set nextcolor 0
set rowidlist {{}}
- set rowoffsets {{}}
catch {unset idinlist}
catch {unset rowchk}
set rowlaidout 0
@@ -2679,8 +2686,8 @@ proc layoutmore {tmax allread} {
set nr [expr {$commitidx($curview) - $rowlaidout}]
# may need to increase this threshold if uparrowlen or
# mingaplen are increased...
- if {$nr > 150} {
- set nr 150
+ if {$nr > 200} {
+ set nr 200
set row $rowlaidout
set rowlaidout [layoutrows $row [expr {$row + $nr}] $allread]
@@ -2861,7 +2868,7 @@ proc readdifffiles {fd serial} {
proc layoutrows {row endrow last} {
- global rowidlist rowoffsets displayorder
+ global rowidlist displayorder
global uparrowlen downarrowlen maxwidth mingaplen
global children parentlist
global idrowranges
@@ -2869,12 +2876,12 @@ proc layoutrows {row endrow last} {
global idinlist rowchk rowrangelist
set idlist [lindex $rowidlist $row]
- set offs [lindex $rowoffsets $row]
while {$row < $endrow} {
set id [lindex $displayorder $row]
set oldolds {}
set newolds {}
- foreach p [lindex $parentlist $row] {
+ set olds [lindex $parentlist $row]
+ foreach p $olds {
if {![info exists idinlist($p)]} {
lappend newolds $p
} elseif {!$idinlist($p)} {
@@ -2883,7 +2890,7 @@ proc layoutrows {row endrow last} {
set nev [expr {[llength $idlist] + [llength $newolds]
+ [llength $oldolds] - $maxwidth + 1}]
- if {$nev > 0} {
+ if {1 || $nev > 0} {
if {!$last &&
$row + $uparrowlen + $mingaplen >= $commitidx($curview)} break
for {set x [llength $idlist]} {[incr x -1] >= 0} {} {
@@ -2893,34 +2900,25 @@ proc layoutrows {row endrow last} {
[expr {$row + $uparrowlen + $mingaplen}]]
if {$r == 0} {
set idlist [lreplace $idlist $x $x]
- set offs [lreplace $offs $x $x]
- set offs [incrange $offs $x 1]
set idinlist($i) 0
set rm1 [expr {$row - 1}]
lappend idrowranges($i) [lindex $displayorder $rm1]
- if {[incr nev -1] <= 0} break
+ #if {[incr nev -1] <= 0} break
set rowchk($id) [expr {$row + $r}]
lset rowidlist $row $idlist
- lset rowoffsets $row $offs
set col [lsearch -exact $idlist $id]
if {$col < 0} {
- set col [llength $idlist]
- lappend idlist $id
+ set col [idcol $idlist $id]
+ set idlist [linsert $idlist $col $id]
lset rowidlist $row $idlist
- set z {}
if {$children($curview,$id) ne {}} {
- set z [expr {[llength [lindex $rowidlist [expr {$row-1}]]] - $col}]
unset idinlist($id)
- }
- lappend offs $z
- lset rowoffsets $row $offs
- if {$z ne {}} {
- makeuparrow $id $col $row $z
+ makeuparrow $id $row $col
} else {
unset idinlist($id)
@@ -2933,38 +2931,21 @@ proc layoutrows {row endrow last} {
lappend rowrangelist $ranges
incr row
- set offs [ntimes [llength $idlist] 0]
- set l [llength $newolds]
- set idlist [eval lreplace \$idlist $col $col $newolds]
- set o 0
- if {$l != 1} {
- set offs [lrange $offs 0 [expr {$col - 1}]]
- foreach x $newolds {
- lappend offs {}
- incr o -1
- }
- incr o
- set tmp [expr {[llength $idlist] - [llength $offs]}]
- if {$tmp > 0} {
- set offs [concat $offs [ntimes $tmp $o]]
- }
- } else {
- lset offs $col {}
- }
+ set idlist [lreplace $idlist $col $col]
+ set x $col
foreach i $newolds {
+ set x [idcol $idlist $i $x]
+ set idlist [linsert $idlist $x $i]
set idinlist($i) 1
set idrowranges($i) $id
- incr col $l
foreach oid $oldolds {
set idinlist($oid) 1
- set idlist [linsert $idlist $col $oid]
- set offs [linsert $offs $col $o]
- makeuparrow $oid $col $row $o
- incr col
+ set x [idcol $idlist $oid $x]
+ set idlist [linsert $idlist $x $oid]
+ makeuparrow $oid $row $x
lappend rowidlist $idlist
- lappend rowoffsets $offs
return $row
@@ -2989,7 +2970,7 @@ proc addextraid {id row} {
proc layouttail {} {
- global rowidlist rowoffsets idinlist commitidx curview
+ global rowidlist idinlist commitidx curview
global idrowranges rowrangelist
set row $commitidx($curview)
@@ -3003,56 +2984,70 @@ proc layouttail {} {
lappend rowrangelist $idrowranges($id)
unset idrowranges($id)
incr row
- set offs [ntimes $col 0]
set idlist [lreplace $idlist $col $col]
lappend rowidlist $idlist
- lappend rowoffsets $offs
foreach id [array names idinlist] {
unset idinlist($id)
addextraid $id $row
lset rowidlist $row [list $id]
- lset rowoffsets $row 0
- makeuparrow $id 0 $row 0
+ makeuparrow $id $row 0
lappend idrowranges($id) $id
lappend rowrangelist $idrowranges($id)
unset idrowranges($id)
incr row
lappend rowidlist {}
- lappend rowoffsets {}
proc insert_pad {row col npad} {
- global rowidlist rowoffsets
+ global rowidlist
set pad [ntimes $npad {}]
lset rowidlist $row [eval linsert [list [lindex $rowidlist $row]] $col $pad]
- set tmp [eval linsert [list [lindex $rowoffsets $row]] $col $pad]
- lset rowoffsets $row [incrange $tmp [expr {$col + $npad}] [expr {-$npad}]]
proc optimize_rows {row col endrow} {
- global rowidlist rowoffsets displayorder
+ global rowidlist displayorder
+ if {$row < 1} {
+ set row 1
+ }
+ set idlist [lindex $rowidlist [expr {$row - 1}]]
+ if {$row >= 2} {
+ set previdlist [lindex $rowidlist [expr {$row - 2}]]
+ } else {
+ set previdlist {}
+ }
for {} {$row < $endrow} {incr row} {
+ set pprevidlist $previdlist
+ set previdlist $idlist
set idlist [lindex $rowidlist $row]
- set offs [lindex $rowoffsets $row]
set haspad 0
- for {} {$col < [llength $offs]} {incr col} {
- if {[lindex $idlist $col] eq {}} {
+ set y0 [expr {$row - 1}]
+ set ym [expr {$row - 2}]
+ set x0 -1
+ set xm -1
+ for {} {$col < [llength $idlist]} {incr col} {
+ set id [lindex $idlist $col]
+ if {[lindex $previdlist $col] eq $id} continue
+ if {$id eq {}} {
set haspad 1
- set z [lindex $offs $col]
- if {$z eq {}} continue
+ set x0 [lsearch -exact $previdlist $id]
+ if {$x0 < 0} continue
+ set z [expr {$x0 - $col}]
set isarrow 0
- set x0 [expr {$col + $z}]
- set y0 [expr {$row - 1}]
- set z0 [lindex $rowoffsets $y0 $x0]
+ set z0 {}
+ if {$ym >= 0} {
+ set xm [lsearch -exact $pprevidlist $id]
+ if {$xm >= 0} {
+ set z0 [expr {$xm - $x0}]
+ }
+ }
if {$z0 eq {}} {
- set id [lindex $idlist $col]
set ranges [rowranges $id]
if {$ranges ne {} && $y0 > [lindex $ranges 0]} {
set isarrow 1
@@ -3066,43 +3061,32 @@ proc optimize_rows {row col endrow} {
# Line currently goes left too much;
# insert pads in the previous row, then optimize it
set npad [expr {-1 - $z + $isarrow}]
- set offs [incrange $offs $col $npad]
insert_pad $y0 $x0 $npad
if {$y0 > 0} {
optimize_rows $y0 $x0 $row
- set z [lindex $offs $col]
- set x0 [expr {$col + $z}]
- set z0 [lindex $rowoffsets $y0 $x0]
+ set previdlist [lindex $rowidlist $y0]
+ set x0 [lsearch -exact $previdlist $id]
+ set z [expr {$x0 - $col}]
+ if {$z0 ne {}} {
+ set pprevidlist [lindex $rowidlist $ym]
+ set xm [lsearch -exact $pprevidlist $id]
+ set z0 [expr {$xm - $x0}]
+ }
} elseif {$z > 1 || ($z > 0 && $isarrow)} {
# Line currently goes right too much;
- # insert pads in this line and adjust the next's rowoffsets
+ # insert pads in this line
set npad [expr {$z - 1 + $isarrow}]
- set y1 [expr {$row + 1}]
- set offs2 [lindex $rowoffsets $y1]
- set x1 -1
- foreach z $offs2 {
- incr x1
- if {$z eq {} || $x1 + $z < $col} continue
- if {$x1 + $z > $col} {
- incr npad
- }
- lset rowoffsets $y1 [incrange $offs2 $x1 $npad]
- break
- }
set pad [ntimes $npad {}]
set idlist [eval linsert \$idlist $col $pad]
- set tmp [eval linsert \$offs $col $pad]
incr col $npad
- set offs [incrange $tmp $col [expr {-$npad}]]
- set z [lindex $offs $col]
+ set z [expr {$x0 - $col}]
set haspad 1
- if {$z0 eq {} && !$isarrow} {
+ if {$z0 eq {} && !$isarrow && $ym >= 0} {
# this line links to its first child on row $row-2
- set rm2 [expr {$row - 2}]
- set id [lindex $displayorder $rm2]
- set xc [lsearch -exact [lindex $rowidlist $rm2] $id]
+ set id [lindex $displayorder $ym]
+ set xc [lsearch -exact $pprevidlist $id]
if {$xc >= 0} {
set z0 [expr {$xc - $x0}]
@@ -3110,51 +3094,36 @@ proc optimize_rows {row col endrow} {
# avoid lines jigging left then immediately right
if {$z0 ne {} && $z < 0 && $z0 > 0} {
insert_pad $y0 $x0 1
- set offs [incrange $offs $col 1]
- optimize_rows $y0 [expr {$x0 + 1}] $row
+ incr x0
+ optimize_rows $y0 $x0 $row
+ set previdlist [lindex $rowidlist $y0]
+ set pprevidlist [lindex $rowidlist $ym]
if {!$haspad} {
- set o {}
# Find the first column that doesn't have a line going right
for {set col [llength $idlist]} {[incr col -1] >= 0} {} {
- set o [lindex $offs $col]
- if {$o eq {}} {
+ set id [lindex $idlist $col]
+ if {$id eq {}} break
+ set x0 [lsearch -exact $previdlist $id]
+ if {$x0 < 0} {
# check if this is the link to the first child
- set id [lindex $idlist $col]
set ranges [rowranges $id]
if {$ranges ne {} && $row == [lindex $ranges 0]} {
# it is, work out offset to child
- set y0 [expr {$row - 1}]
set id [lindex $displayorder $y0]
- set x0 [lsearch -exact [lindex $rowidlist $y0] $id]
- if {$x0 >= 0} {
- set o [expr {$x0 - $col}]
- }
+ set x0 [lsearch -exact $previdlist $id]
- if {$o eq {} || $o <= 0} break
+ if {$x0 <= $col} break
# Insert a pad at that column as long as it has a line and
- # isn't the last column, and adjust the next row' offsets
- if {$o ne {} && [incr col] < [llength $idlist]} {
- set y1 [expr {$row + 1}]
- set offs2 [lindex $rowoffsets $y1]
- set x1 -1
- foreach z $offs2 {
- incr x1
- if {$z eq {} || $x1 + $z < $col} continue
- lset rowoffsets $y1 [incrange $offs2 $x1 1]
- break
- }
+ # isn't the last column
+ if {$x0 >= 0 && [incr col] < [llength $idlist]} {
set idlist [linsert $idlist $col {}]
- set tmp [linsert $offs $col {}]
- incr col
- set offs [incrange $tmp $col -1]
lset rowidlist $row $idlist
- lset rowoffsets $row $offs
set col 0
@@ -3669,7 +3638,7 @@ proc clear_display {} {
proc findcrossings {id} {
- global rowidlist parentlist numcommits rowoffsets displayorder
+ global rowidlist parentlist numcommits displayorder
set cross {}
set ccross {}
@@ -3678,12 +3647,9 @@ proc findcrossings {id} {
set e [expr {$numcommits - 1}]
if {$e <= $s} continue
- set x [lsearch -exact [lindex $rowidlist $e] $id]
- if {$x < 0} {
- puts "findcrossings: oops, no [shortids $id] in row $e"
- continue
- }
for {set row $e} {[incr row -1] >= $s} {} {
+ set x [lsearch -exact [lindex $rowidlist $row] $id]
+ if {$x < 0} break
set olds [lindex $parentlist $row]
set kid [lindex $displayorder $row]
set kidx [lsearch -exact [lindex $rowidlist $row] $kid]
@@ -3701,9 +3667,6 @@ proc findcrossings {id} {
- set inc [lindex $rowoffsets $row $x]
- if {$inc eq {}} break
- incr x $inc
return [concat $ccross {{}} $cross]
@@ -3893,7 +3856,7 @@ proc show_status {msg} {
# on that row and below will move down one row.
proc insertrow {row newcmit} {
global displayorder parentlist commitlisted children
- global commitrow curview rowidlist rowoffsets numcommits
+ global commitrow curview rowidlist numcommits
global rowrangelist rowlaidout rowoptim numcommits
global selectedline rowchk commitidx
@@ -3917,26 +3880,14 @@ proc insertrow {row newcmit} {
incr commitidx($curview)
set idlist [lindex $rowidlist $row]
- set offs [lindex $rowoffsets $row]
- set newoffs {}
- foreach x $idlist {
- if {$x eq {} || ($x eq $p && [llength $kids] == 1)} {
- lappend newoffs {}
- } else {
- lappend newoffs 0
- }
- }
if {[llength $kids] == 1} {
set col [lsearch -exact $idlist $p]
lset idlist $col $newcmit
} else {
set col [llength $idlist]
lappend idlist $newcmit
- lappend offs {}
- lset rowoffsets $row $offs
set rowidlist [linsert $rowidlist $row $idlist]
- set rowoffsets [linsert $rowoffsets [expr {$row+1}] $newoffs]
set rowrangelist [linsert $rowrangelist $row {}]
if {[llength $kids] > 1} {
@@ -3965,7 +3916,7 @@ proc insertrow {row newcmit} {
# Remove a commit that was inserted with insertrow on row $row.
proc removerow {row} {
global displayorder parentlist commitlisted children
- global commitrow curview rowidlist rowoffsets numcommits
+ global commitrow curview rowidlist numcommits
global rowrangelist idrowranges rowlaidout rowoptim numcommits
global linesegends selectedline rowchk commitidx
@@ -3993,12 +3944,6 @@ proc removerow {row} {
incr commitidx($curview) -1
set rowidlist [lreplace $rowidlist $row $row]
- set rowoffsets [lreplace $rowoffsets $rp1 $rp1]
- if {$kids ne {}} {
- set offs [lindex $rowoffsets $row]
- set offs [lreplace $offs end end]
- lset rowoffsets $row $offs
- }
set rowrangelist [lreplace $rowrangelist $row $row]
if {[llength $kids] > 0} {
@@ -7590,9 +7535,9 @@ set maxgraphpct 50
set maxwidth 16
set revlistorder 0
set fastdate 0
-set uparrowlen 7
-set downarrowlen 7
-set mingaplen 30
+set uparrowlen 5
+set downarrowlen 5
+set mingaplen 100
set cmitmode "patch"
set wrapcomment "none"
set showneartags 1