path: root/README.md
diff options
authorSam Seay <sam@manuka.co>2016-09-01 09:43:23 +1200
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2016-09-01 09:43:23 +1200
commit3b5120b087182cb96a1a2082a5fb149276e45304 (patch)
tree53f44594fbac8a78ddf7d1fec99779ba310f4e00 /README.md
parent7ff101f0fa5aaf52df07d37584472521c4b3cc55 (diff)
Feature/v2 rewrite (#7)
Rewrite of the API. * Change the copyright holder since its a rewrite. * Bump dependencies to their latest versions. * Revision of the README to document the new API * Break config up into keyword list (no longer a map) * A rewrite of the recaptcha verify API and move of templating into Recaptcha.Template * Add tests and credo for code style * Remove exception raising method calls (`HTTPoison.post!` and `Poison.decode!`) * Change Elixir version to 1.2 for `with` support.
Diffstat (limited to 'README.md')
1 files changed, 28 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 68392b5..eeb6bc7 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,9 +1,19 @@
# Recaptcha
-A simple Elixir package for implementing [reCAPTCHA] in [Phoenix] applications.
+A simple Elixir package for implementing [reCAPTCHA] in [Elixir] applications.
[reCAPTCHA]: http://www.google.com/recaptcha
-[Phoenix]: http://www.phoenixframework.org/
+## Migration from 1.x
+There are several breaking changes in recaptcha version 2.
+The 2 most obvious are that templating is now in a separate module: `Recaptcha.Template` the `display/1` API however, has not changed. In future templating may be moved to a Phoenix specific package.
+The `verify` API has changed now to only accept a recaptcha response string and a set of options. (see the verify documentation for supported options). The `remote_ip` that was once passed as the first argument is now an optional argument.
+Most other questions about 2.x should be answered by looking over the documentation and the code. Please raise an issue
+if you have any problems with migrating.
## Installation
@@ -12,7 +22,7 @@ A simple Elixir package for implementing [reCAPTCHA] in [Phoenix] applications.
defp deps do
- {:recaptcha, "~> 1.1.0"},
+ {:recaptcha, "~> 2.0"},
@@ -21,7 +31,7 @@ A simple Elixir package for implementing [reCAPTCHA] in [Phoenix] applications.
def application do
- [ applications: [:phoenix, :recaptcha] ]
+ [ applications: [:recaptcha] ]
@@ -29,20 +39,19 @@ A simple Elixir package for implementing [reCAPTCHA] in [Phoenix] applications.
## Config
-Set default public and private keys in your application's config.exs
+By default the public and private keys are loaded via the `RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY` and `RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY` environment variables. Part of the reason for doing this is to encourage best practice (specifically not committing your reCAPTCHA secret key to your code base). You can of course override them in your own config any way that you like.
config :recaptcha,
- api_config: %{ verify_url: "https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify",
- public_key: "YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY",
- private_key: "YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY" }
+ public_key: System.get_env("RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY"),
+ secret: System.get_env("RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY")
## Usage
-### View
+### Render the Widget
-Use `raw` and `Recaptcha.display` methods to render the captcha
+Use `raw` (if you're using Phoenix.HTML) and `Recaptcha.Template.display/1` methods to render the captcha widget.
<form name="someform" method="post" action="/somewhere">
@@ -60,36 +69,33 @@ Option | Action
`public_key` | Sets key to the `data-sitekey` reCaptcha div attribute | Public key from the config file
+### Verify API
-### Controller
-Recaptcha provides `verify` method, that can be used like this:
+Recaptcha provides the `verify/2` method, that can be used like this:
def create(conn, params) do
# some code
- case Recaptcha.verify(conn.remote_ip, params["g-recaptcha-response"]) do
- :ok -> do_something
- :error -> handle_error
+ case Recaptcha.verify(params["g-recaptcha-response"]) do
+ {:ok, response} -> do_something
+ {:error, errors} -> handle_error
`verify` method sends a `POST` request to the reCAPTCHA API and returns 2 possible values:
-`:ok` -> The captcha is valid
-`:error` -> Server returned `missing-input-response` or `invalid-input-response` error codes
-If the server returns `missing-input-secret` or `invalid-input-secret`, `RuntimeError` is raised
+`{:ok, %Recaptcha.Response{challenge_ts: timestamp, hostname: host}}` -> The captcha is valid, see the [documentation](https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/docs/verify#api-response) for more details.
+`{:error, errors}` -> `errors` contains atomised versions of the errors returned by the API, See the [error documentation](https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/docs/verify#error-code-reference) for more details. Errors caused by timeouts in HTTPoison or Poison encoding are also returned as atoms.
`verify` method also accepts a keyword list as the third parameter with the following options:
Option | Action | Default
:---------------------- | :----------------------------------------------------- | :------------------------
`timeout` | Time to wait before timeout | 5000 (ms)
-`private_key` | Private key to send as a parameter of the API request | Private key from the config file
+`secret` | Private key to send as a parameter of the API request | Private key from the config file
+`remote_ip` | Optional. The user's IP address, used by reCaptcha | no default
## Contributing