path: root/lib
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diff --git a/lib/recaptcha.ex b/lib/recaptcha.ex
index c9abf38..7090723 100644
--- a/lib/recaptcha.ex
+++ b/lib/recaptcha.ex
@@ -5,17 +5,37 @@ defmodule Recaptcha do
EEx.function_from_file :defp, :render_template, "lib/template.html.eex", [:assigns]
+ @doc """
+ Returns a string with reCAPTCHA code
+ To convert the string to html code, use Phoenix.HTML.Raw/1 method
+ """
def display(options \\ []) do
public_key = options[:public_key] || config.public_key
render_template(public_key: public_key, options: options)
+ @doc """
+ Verifies reCAPTCHA response string.
+ The function returns :ok or :error, depending on the verification's result
+ :ok is returned when the response code was successfully verified
+ :error is returned when the response is nil or if the reCAPTCHA server returned
+ a missing-input-response or invalid-input-response code
+ The function raises RuntimeError if the server returned a missing-input-secret or invalid-input-secret
+ code
+ """
def verify(remote_ip, response, options \\ [])
def verify(remote_ip, response, options) when is_tuple(remote_ip) do
verify(:inet_parse.ntoa(remote_ip), response, options)
+ def verify(remote_ip, nil = response, options), do: :error
def verify(remote_ip, response, options) do
case api_response(remote_ip, response, options) do
%{"success" => true} ->