path: root/lib/boltex/bolt.ex
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authorMichael Schaefermeyer <michael.schaefermeyer@gmail.com>2016-07-19 01:01:18 +0200
committerMichael Schaefermeyer <michael.schaefermeyer@gmail.com>2016-07-19 01:01:18 +0200
commitfe62ea8ee39e5460b663359daf4759e9a379e538 (patch)
treed7cab1c9abfdd26b56869f75d355800ad2ba51ab /lib/boltex/bolt.ex
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/boltex/bolt.ex')
1 files changed, 209 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/boltex/bolt.ex b/lib/boltex/bolt.ex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc0c04d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/boltex/bolt.ex
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+defmodule Boltex.Bolt do
+ alias Boltex.{Utils, PackStream}
+ require Logger
+ @recv_timeout 1_000
+ @max_chunk_size 65_535
+ @user_agent "Boltex/1.0"
+ @hs_magic << 0x60, 0x60, 0xB0, 0x17 >>
+ @hs_version << 1 :: 32, 0 :: 32, 0 :: 32, 0 :: 32 >>
+ @zero_chunk << 0, 0 >>
+ @sig_init 0x01
+ @sig_ack_failure 0x0E
+ @sig_reset 0x0F
+ @sig_run 0x10
+ @sig_discard_all 0x2F
+ @sig_pull_all 0x3F
+ @sig_success 0x70
+ @sig_record 0x71
+ @sig_ignored 0x7E
+ @sig_failure 0x7F
+ @summary ~w(success ignored failure)a
+ @moduledoc """
+ The Boltex.Bolt module handles the Bolt protocol specific steps (i.e.
+ handshake, init) as well as sending and receiving messages and wrapping
+ them in chunks.
+ It abstracts transportation, expecing the transport layer to define
+ send/2 and recv/3 analogous to :gen_tcp.
+ """
+ @doc "Does the handshake"
+ def handshake(transport, port) do
+ transport.send port, @hs_magic <> @hs_version
+ case transport.recv(port, 4, @recv_timeout) do
+ {:ok, << 1 :: 32 >>} ->
+ :ok
+ response ->
+ Logger.error "Handshake failed. Received: #{Utils.hex_encode response})"
+ {:error, :handshake_failed}
+ end
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Initialises the connection.
+ """
+ def init(transport, port, params \\ %{}) do
+ send_messages transport, port, [{[@user_agent, params], @sig_init}]
+ case receive_data(transport, port) do
+ {:success, %{}} ->
+ :ok
+ response ->
+ Logger.error "Init failed. Received: #{Utils.hex_encode response})"
+ {:error, :init_failed}
+ end
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Sends a list of messages using the Bolt protocol and PackStream encoding.
+ Messages have to be in the form of {[messages], signature}.
+ """
+ def send_messages(transport, port, messages) do
+ Enum.map(messages, &generate_binary_message/1)
+ |> generate_chunks
+ |> Enum.each(&(transport.send(port, &1)))
+ end
+ defp generate_binary_message({messages, signature}) do
+ messages = List.wrap messages
+ struct_size = length messages
+ << 0xB :: 4, struct_size :: 4, signature >> <>
+ Utils.reduce_to_binary(messages, &PackStream.encode/1)
+ end
+ defp generate_chunks(messages, chunks \\ [], current_chunk \\ <<>>)
+ defp generate_chunks([], chunks, current_chunk) do
+ [current_chunk | chunks]
+ |> Enum.reverse
+ end
+ defp generate_chunks([message | messages], chunks, current_chunk)
+ when byte_size(current_chunk <> message) <= @max_chunk_size do
+ message_size = byte_size message
+ current_chunk =
+ current_chunk <>
+ << message_size :: 16 >> <>
+ message <>
+ @zero_chunk
+ generate_chunks messages, chunks, current_chunk
+ end
+ defp generate_chunks([chunk | chunks], chunks, current_chunk) do
+ oversized_chunk = current_chunk <> chunk
+ {first, rest} = binary_part oversized_chunk, 0, @max_chunk_size
+ first_size = byte_size first
+ rest_size = byte_size rest
+ current_chunk = current_chunk <> << first_size :: 16 >> <> first
+ new_chunk = << rest_size :: 16 >> <> rest
+ generate_chunks chunks, [current_chunk | chunks], new_chunk
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Runs a statement (most like Cypher statement) and returns a list of the
+ records and a summary.
+ Records are represented using PackStream's record data type. Their Elixir
+ representation is a Keyword with the indexse `:sig` and `:fields`.
+ ## Examples
+ iex> Boltex.Bolt.run_statement("MATCH (n) RETURN n")
+ [
+ {:record, [sig: 1, fields: [1, "Exmaple", "Labels", %{"some_attribute" => "some_value"},
+ {:success, %{"type" => "r"}}
+ ]
+ """
+ def run_statement(transport, port, statement, params \\ %{}) do
+ send_messages transport, port, [
+ {[statement, params], @sig_run},
+ {[nil], @sig_pull_all}
+ ]
+ with {:success, %{}} <- receive_data(transport, port),
+ do: receive_data transport, port
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Receives data.
+ This function is supposed to be called after a request to the server has been
+ made. It receives data chunks, mends them (if they were split between frames)
+ and decodes them using PackStream.
+ When just a single message is received (i.e. to acknowledge a command), this
+ function returns a tuple with two items, the first being the signature and the
+ second being the message(s) itself. If a list of messages is received it will
+ return a list of the former.
+ The same goes for the messages: If there was a single data point in a message
+ said data point will be returned by itself. If there were multiple data points,
+ the list will be returned.
+ The signature is represented as one of the following:
+ * `:success`
+ * `:record`
+ * `:ignored`
+ * `:failure`
+ """
+ def receive_data(transport, port, previous \\ []) do
+ case do_receive_data(transport, port) |> unpack do
+ {:record, _} = data ->
+ receive_data transport, port, [data | previous]
+ {status, _} = data when status in @summary and previous == [] ->
+ data
+ {status, _} = data when status in @summary ->
+ Enum.reverse [data | previous]
+ end
+ end
+ defp do_receive_data(transport, port) do
+ with {:ok, <<chunk_size :: 16>>} <- transport.recv(port, 2, @recv_timeout),
+ do: do_receive_data(transport, port, chunk_size)
+ end
+ defp do_receive_data(transport, port, chunk_size) do
+ with {:ok, data} <- transport.recv(port, chunk_size, @recv_timeout)
+ do
+ case transport.recv(port, 2, @recv_timeout) do
+ {:ok, @zero_chunk} ->
+ data
+ {:ok, <<chunk_size :: 16>>} ->
+ data <> do_receive_data(transport, port, chunk_size)
+ end
+ else
+ {:error, :timeout} ->
+ {:error, :no_more_data_received}
+ other ->
+ IO.inspect Utils.hex_encode other
+ raise "receive failed"
+ end
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Unpacks (or in other words parses) a message.
+ """
+ def unpack(<< 0x0B :: 4, packages :: 4, status, message :: binary >>) do
+ response = PackStream.decode(message)
+ response = if packages == 1, do: List.first(response), else: response
+ case status do
+ @sig_success -> {:success, response}
+ @sig_record -> {:record, response}
+ @sig_ignored -> {:ignored, response}
+ @sig_failure -> {:failure, response}
+ other -> raise "Couldn't decode #{Utils.hex_encode << other >>}"
+ end
+ end