path: root/lib/zendex/user.ex
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/zendex/user.ex')
1 files changed, 6 insertions, 107 deletions
diff --git a/lib/zendex/user.ex b/lib/zendex/user.ex
index 9112b7f..719d2ab 100644
--- a/lib/zendex/user.ex
+++ b/lib/zendex/user.ex
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ defmodule Zendex.User do
alias Zendex.CommonHelpers
@url "/api/v2/users"
- @http_client Application.get_env(:zendex, :http_client)
@doc """
List all users.
@@ -14,58 +13,17 @@ defmodule Zendex.User do
@spec list(Zendex.Connection.t) :: map
def list(connection) do
- |> @http_client.get!(CommonHelpers.get_headers(connection.authentication))
+ |> HTTPoison.get!(CommonHelpers.get_headers(connection.authentication))
|> CommonHelpers.decode_response
@doc """
Show a specific user, given their id.
- ## Examples
- iex> conn = Zendex.Connection.setup("http://test.zendesk.com", "ZendeskUser", "Password1")
- %{authentication: "WmVuZGVza1VzZXI6UGFzc3dvcmQx", base_url: "http://test.zendesk.com"}
- iex> Zendex.User.show(conn, 295204)
- %{"user" => %{"ticket_restriction" => nil,
- "chat_only" => false,
- "shared_phone_number" => nil,
- "notes" => "",
- "phone" => nil,
- "organization_id" => 11129520411,
- "last_login_at" => "2016-10-28T21:08:23Z",
- "moderator" => true,
- "shared" => false,
- "id" => 295204,
- "role" => "admin",
- "external_id" => nil,
- "shared_agent" => false,
- "photo" => nil,
- "verified" => true,
- "active" => true,
- "locale_id" => 1,
- "suspended" => false,
- "created_at" => "2015-05-28T09:12:45Z",
- "name" => "Nikolao Aikema",
- "restricted_agent" => false,
- "locale" => "en-US",
- "details" => "",
- "alias" => nil,
- "url" => "https://test.zendesk.com/api/v2/users/295204.json",
- "custom_role_id" => nil,
- "email" => "nikolao.aikema@test.com",
- "signature" => nil,
- "two_factor_auth_enabled" => nil,
- "time_zone" => "London",
- "only_private_comments" => false,
- "user_fields" => %{"customer_complaint" => nil},
- "tags" => [],
- "updated_at" => "2016-10-28T21:08:23Z"}}
@spec show(Zendex.Connection.t, integer) :: map
def show(connection, id) do
- |> @http_client.get!(CommonHelpers.get_headers(connection.authentication))
+ |> HTTPoison.get!(CommonHelpers.get_headers(connection.authentication))
|> CommonHelpers.decode_response
@@ -77,34 +35,17 @@ defmodule Zendex.User do
ids = Enum.join(ids, ",")
- |> @http_client.get!(CommonHelpers.get_headers(connection.authentication))
+ |> HTTPoison.get!(CommonHelpers.get_headers(connection.authentication))
|> CommonHelpers.decode_response
@doc """
Show information relating to the user, example: number of assigned tickets.
- ## Examples
- iex> conn = Zendex.Connection.setup("http://test.zendesk.com", "ZendeskUser", "Password1")
- %{authentication: "WmVuZGVza1VzZXI6UGFzc3dvcmQx", base_url: "http://test.zendesk.com"}
- iex> Zendex.User.related_information(conn, 649267)
- %{"user_related" => %{"assigned_tickets" => 12,
- "ccd_tickets" => 5,
- "entry_subscriptions" => 1,
- "forum_subscriptions" => 3,
- "organization_subscriptions" => 1,
- "requested_tickets" => 7,
- "subscriptions" => 6,
- "topic_comments" => 116,
- "topics" => 5,
- "votes" => 2001}}
@spec related_information(Zendex.Connection.t, integer) :: map
def related_information(connection, id) do
- |> @http_client.get!(CommonHelpers.get_headers(connection.authentication))
+ |> HTTPoison.get!(CommonHelpers.get_headers(connection.authentication))
|> CommonHelpers.decode_response
@@ -114,7 +55,7 @@ defmodule Zendex.User do
@spec create(Zendex.Connection.t, map) :: map
def create(connection, user) do
- |> @http_client.post!(Poison.encode!(user),
+ |> HTTPoison.post!(Poison.encode!(user),
%{content_type: :json}))
|> CommonHelpers.decode_response
@@ -122,53 +63,11 @@ defmodule Zendex.User do
@doc """
Delete a user.
- ## Examples
- iex> conn = Zendex.Connection.setup("http://test.zendesk.com", "ZendeskUser", "Password1")
- %{authentication: "WmVuZGVza1VzZXI6UGFzc3dvcmQx", base_url: "http://test.zendesk.com"}
- iex> Zendex.User.delete(conn, 49043)
- %{"user" => %{"ticket_restriction" => nil,
- "chat_only" => false,
- "shared_phone_number" => nil,
- "notes" => "",
- "phone" => nil,
- "organization_id" => 149043,
- "last_login_at" => "2016-10-28T21:08:23Z",
- "moderator" => true,
- "shared" => false,
- "id" => 49043,
- "role" => "admin",
- "external_id" => nil,
- "shared_agent" => false,
- "photo" => nil,
- "verified" => true,
- "active" => false,
- "locale_id" => 1,
- "suspended" => false,
- "created_at" => "2015-05-28T09:12:45Z",
- "name" => "Rian Hawkins",
- "restricted_agent" => false,
- "locale" => "en-US",
- "details" => "",
- "alias" => nil,
- "url" => "https://test.zendesk.com/api/v2/users/49043.json",
- "custom_role_id" => nil,
- "email" => "rian.hawkins@test.com",
- "signature" => nil,
- "two_factor_auth_enabled" => nil,
- "time_zone" => "London",
- "only_private_comments" => false,
- "user_fields" => %{"customer_complaint" => nil},
- "tags" => [],
- "updated_at" => "2016-10-28T21:08:23Z"}}
@spec show(Zendex.Connection.t, integer) :: map
def delete(connection, id) do
- |> @http_client.delete!(CommonHelpers.get_headers(connection.authentication))
+ |> HTTPoison.delete!(CommonHelpers.get_headers(connection.authentication))
|> CommonHelpers.decode_response